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Eurogamer: NX = portable w/ carts, detachable controllers, Tegra, TV Out, no BC, Sept

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So no bc and no graphical party which will affect 3rd party support smh. I might just hold on my WiiU if so and play Nin old games. Also, what's the point behind cartilage? Does it really have any advantages nowadays as it used to?

- Disc drives take up a lot of space and they're fragile. Not something you'd want in a portable system
- Cartridge is much faster than cheap Blu-Ray disc drives or Nintendo's proprietary Optical Disc
- Cartridge is not anywhere near as limited by space or cost as it used to be

So in other words, there's so many advantages to using cartridges over optical media in a portable device that I don't even know why people ask the question. You'd think point #1 would be self-evident.


Now that the shared library seems almost 100% likely I'd like to speculate how's the game library could look. Also remember this is the only way to play many AAA games on the go which means if porting is easy it's going to see some kind of support if it's possible get the games run at least somewhat good. With 540p that should be possible.

Let's take a look of first party. I'll just look how many 1st party games 3DS and Wii U have combined. Let's make it simpler and also count those developed by 3rd party and published by Nintendo.

There's about 30 games on Wii U and 50 games on 3DS. And that doesn't include smaller downloadable titles.

So that's over 100 games developed, co-developed and published by Nintendo when counting all the smaller titles.

What about 3rd parties. Well Wii U has no support at all but 3DS has maybe 40-50 good bigger 3rd party games from the likes of Capcom, Atlus, Level 5, Square Enix, Namco Bandai, Sega and so on.

And then there's indie games. Can't throw number but the support should be plenty on NX if porting is easy because once again it would be the only way to play many of those games on the go.

I wouldn't count on Western 3rd party content too much but like I said there will be some because of the handheld factor. Let's say at least 5 AAA games but less than 10 in a year.

3DS*s and Wii U's combined lifespan is about 9 years. So let's say about 10 Nintendo released/published titles per year though some of those are smaller games a la Nes Remix. Then about 5-10 games made by Japanese 3rd party and 5-10 games made my Western 3rd party. Plus all the indies.

Would sound about right. Well I'm probably overestimating the numbers because modern games cost more and take more time to make.


Knowledge is power, guard it well

He also said:

IWATA: Last year we also started a project to integrate the architecture for our future platforms.

What we mean by integrating platforms is not integrating handhelds devices and home consoles to make only one machine.

What we are aiming at is to integrate the architecture to form a common basis for software development so that we can make software assets more transferrable, and operating systems and their build-in applications more portable, regardless of form factor or performance of each platform. They will also work to avoid software lineup shortages or software development delays which tend to happen just after the launch of new hardware.

Deleted member 752119

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No installs and improved load times. Not having to install every 50gb is a huge selling point for me.

And getting games to people with shitty internet speed, limited datacaps etc.

And uses less energy than some minidisc format that has to spin.


the ~20 million Nintendo faithful who will pay $60 a pop to play their latest 1st party titles on their $300 dollar handheld/tablet with controllers and TV port option. Hopefully they can keep them afloat alongside their mobile apps, theme parks, TV show licensing, Amiibos, etc
I don't think I've bought one single Nintendo game this generation that costs 60 bucks.


So no bc and no graphical party which will affect 3rd party support smh. I might just hold on my WiiU if so and play Nin old games. Also, what's the point behind cartilage? Does it really have any advantages nowadays as it used to?
Cartilage? :p

-Hardware lacks moving parts (smaller, durability)
-Smaller size too
-Can be up to 2-4 times the size if discs
-No forced installations
-You can save data on them

Cartridges... in 2016.
This sounds awful.
See above. :p


It's just the next phase of "console warz!"

My favorite are the people simply posting "Nintendo never learns", as if creating carbon copies of Sony and Microsoft's devices is the only option for making video games.

Exactly. It gets really tiring especially when it's followed by "Nintendo is dead", which doesn't help them at all.


They are having the same effect, that's my point. The wrong way to look at the success of Pokemon Go and the buzz behind the NES Mini is to say "how can we get these people to buy a $300 console" because they don't want it and probably never will. The smart way to look at it is to see that Nintendo's IPs still carry value with people even if they don't want to buy traditional consoles, so figure out another way to monotize that base (which they are doing). It's the reason I keep vbringing up Marvel. Marvel/Disney don't care if the person buying a ticket to Avengers or the kid buying a Hulk toy ever pick up a comic book, because by selling them a movie and a toy, they are still creating a consumer. In the same way Nintendo shouldn't care if the person playing Pokemon Go or visiting their theme park or buying an NES Mini gives a shit about the NX. They are curating a diversified audience that way. The fact that you keep bringing up MS "floundering" and that being Nintendo's "in" back in the home console market just solidifies that you have a very archaic and out of touch view of the market.

I agree to your first part, I think we are saying the same thing. But to call me archaic when that's how tech industries work is seriously insulting. Nvidia trumped AMD in the past, and it took AMD a long wise to finally make a product that people wanted. And it something that does compete price/performance wise with the other company.

So why can't Nintendo take their heads out of their ass make the company changes that other companies make over time when they fuck up, and make a splash in the console ring?

How is capitalizing on a failing brand such as Xbox being archaic? If anything chasing the mobile rush is something that has shown it's very short lived with 18% stock decline they had.

Building a long lasting audience is what they should be doing not chasing casual audiences who are not the same repeaters as core gamers. So they are making a device essentially that is competing in two/three different facets?

Mobile/Apple devices, home consoles, dedicated handhelds.

I guess if they want to just be like wii and sell the device and in a few years forget about meaningful long lasting software and services.
So no bc and no graphical party which will affect 3rd party support smh. I might just hold on my WiiU if so and play Nin old games. Also, what's the point behind cartilage? Does it really have any advantages nowadays as it used to?

Cartilage will add extra support to the system and help give it shape.
Cartridges... in 2016.
This sounds awful.

Would you care to explain why?

Bet ya can't.

Humor me, though. Explain to me how tiny fast cartridges aren't preferable to slow discs requiring large disc drives on a portable system. I'd love to hear your rationale*

but I'm sure I won't


Yea that whole pull this spring controller is very annoying I have the phonepad and its very frustrating to put on and take off sometimes you might almost cut your fingers off lol.
I think the best bet is attachable and detachable controllers on a tablet form but I hope its not huge so I can take it on the go.
I'm surprised they're going back to cartridges for a home console. Feels like the 90s again. Hopefully that doesn't mean the games are going to perform worse than if they were on a disc...

It'll actually perform better. Chips are better than discs. No moving parts, less power usage, smaller, much much faster data speeds.

"Cartridges" make sense. These will basically just be SD card like games. NAND chips are cheap to produce now and available in high capacities.


Seems like a smart way to enter the tablet market while also retaining the handheld market. That it can act as a console is a nice cherry on top of the whole thing.


The Surface costs like 500, the Pro costs around 900, and only the Surface Book costs that much.

Few claimed that the Surface tablet was a halfassed laptop. The Surface Pro was always shown as a souped up tablet. The claim that it's a half assed tablet and a half assed laptop is more associated with the Surface book.
Iwata also said it's not a hybrid.

If we're talking about the "brothers" comment, I almost feel like that was just a hypothetical comment and wasn't necessarily an indication of what NX would be. Hell, I could even say he said it to throw people off about what it is. It's not like he was going to say what their new system was right then and there.
So no bc and no graphical party which will affect 3rd party support smh. I might just hold on my WiiU if so and play Nin old games. Also, what's the point behind cartilage? Does it really have any advantages nowadays as it used to?

It's the connective tissue between bones. Flexible, yet strong. Pretty important stuff.


I can understand no Wii U backwards compatibility. But can it have 3DS compatibility at least? I guess it depends on the physical size of the cartridges.

As someone who is getting to the point where he just plugs everything into and around his monitor (PC, various USB chargers, Chromecast) then a console that I can pick up and move to another point in the house to stretch my legs has me interested. It feels like a natural step from the Wii U's evolution in couch gaming.


Well, it's a handheld, so it's not feasible to put a giant disc drive in it.

Scrolling through this thread, it seems like people hearing "cartridge" are thinking of Super Nintendo cartridges or something. It's really bizarre. "Cartridges in 2016, lololol" As opposed to a mini disk? I don't understand what's in people's heads.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
The Pascal chip other than potentially being that shit shown off in their Android Auto presentation at CES has yet to be unveiled.

I'd hold off on concrete arguing over stuff like heat and battery life until we know the final chip. The X1 has its own set of issues in this regard, but I don't want to project anything from that on the next chipset which is basically a full redesign on a new node.

I'd like to reiterate myself in this regard while this thread is in rampant speculation mode.
A $300 handheld would be DOA. Hopefully Nintendo isn't that dumb.

No, I don't think so. Especially if this is marketed as more of a Tablet.

To be completely honest, I think it's brilliant. Especially if the specs are somewhere between a WiiU and an Xbox One, that is a very powerful handheld, and a quality tablet. I just hope Nintendo opens this thing right up to developers, if it can replace a traditional tablet, I'm all in, especially if they have multi-touch support, and perhaps even quality stylus support.

It feels like this design could do all of these very well:

- Handheld
- Tablet
- Portable VR system with motion controls
- A Console
- A WiiU
- A Wii

I would love to also see Nintendo release more configurations for this down the line. Like, why not release a smaller one to target young kids or the traditional DS market? or even release a more powerful version down the line for the hardcore crowd?
Yes, a finally full HD and with decent graphics Pokemon RPG will be awesome

See, this is what ya'll dont understand. The same teams that made all the Pokemon games are gonna keep making Pokemon on the NX. Gamefreak is barely a 100 employees cranking these games out every couple of years.

The next "HD Pokemon" is gonna look a lot like this.. It will not look like the Witcher or Ni Ni Kuni or whatever fantasy "Mainline Console Pokemon" ya'll dreamed of


So do you guys think its going to be the X1 thats currently in the shield TV or do you think Nintendo grabbed the new design behind Parker?


Wait, what's this talk about the NX being a sandwich.

If they put tomatoes on this thing, I swear I'm fucking done with Nintendo.


May I have a cookie?
I did it for you quickly


Wuold be the size of a Vita when buttons out, smaller when slided in i guess.

Slided in where? Behind the screen? Then where is the actual board?


Can't the controllers separating have nothing to do with number of players?

In home console mode won't this support wireless controllers?

There's got to be something more to this.

I really think it's to change out the type of peripheral OR they act as two baby Vive controllers and the screen can be used in VR like current gen smart phones.

Yea, like somebody else said, the WIiU pro controllers prob works with this out the box, plus they will make NX pro controllers, no way they force you to use the separate parts for console gaming, it wont work for a lot of games.


Also, what's the point behind cartilage?

It stops the bones in your joints from rubbing together and causing damage.

If you mean "what's the point behind cartridges", then they are physically smaller, faster, infinitely more durable and don't require a huge, battery-sapping optical drive to operate.


I'm liking everything that I'm hearing. The only negative points I see is not full 3rd party support, but just thinking of the 3DS+Wii U size of catalogues into one system and it's probably enough for me. I could always buy another console or gaming PC if I need those 3rd parties.

And I really don't give a damn about all this graphic nonsense, I can play old NES/SNES games nowadays and enjoy them anyway, so I don't think I will have any problem with not Scorpio/Neo graphics. I'll take the shorter dev cycles and probably cheaper prices instead.


It does. It also sets them up for perpetual BC.

Even more than that, if they're using Aarch64 and Vulkan they would be set up for perpetual BC with the ability to switch SoC vendors almost at will (so long as the performance boost of the new SoC overcomes the loss from running code optimised for the old architecture).
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