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Eurogamer: NX = portable w/ carts, detachable controllers, Tegra, TV Out, no BC, Sept

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So, technically, since this has two screens in console mode it could be backward compatible with the wii U? Or at least Wii U games could easily be port-able(no pun intended).


Interesting. For me, a portable device is pretty much going to be mainly used as a portable. I guess it's nice that it could connect to a TV, but I don't see myself going back and forth between the two. I'd rather either just play one or the other, so depending on how good it works as a TV it's just going to stay fixed in one place, else it will become my 3DS/Vita-type system.


LOL why the fuck would Nintendo partner with Nvidia AND Amd?

10k is losing it.... what about Super Metal Dave? Our original leaker?

Metal Dave believes this is just one piece of a bigger thing. He still firmly backs the idea of an AMD/X86 system happening, and cites GAF insiders as why he believes that to be the case.


Neo Member
Imagine a controller with cartridge slot and a universal phone/tablet holder.

Connects wireless to phone or to dock connected to screen.

Phome console created by Nintendo 2016


I don't get the disappointment from alot of people here. Nintendo isn't catering to the GaF market or should I say "hardcore" as we make up a minority, this NX is for the casuals. Nintendo realizes that more casuals play portable gaming devices, as evidence from bus rides to work, train rides or plane rides. They're tapping into their atrength market with the NX, while at the same time appealing to people who may want to play the game on the TV. Nintendo has given up on the PC arms race since the Wii generation. If you couldn't see the writing on the wall then, doubt you'll see it now. I for one love the hybrid as I'm more of a portable gamer due due family commitments. I bet you if we did a survey on GAF the Under 30 crowd are probably the ones that play the most gaming on the TV, while the over 30 crowd with families, commute, kids, are the ones welcoming a poartable hybrid. I think Nintendo is smart playing to its strengths and now bringing some portable goodness to a HD TV is awesome too. Let MS and Sony continue to bleed money on R & D as gwtting into spec wars, somebody will eventually bow out.


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Game pricing could be weird. People are use to $40 for portable games on a dedicated handheld. Even with the graphical increase and hybrid factor I'm not sure how many people will want to pay $60 if their main use case is portable.

Mikey Jr.

Digital games with this console is going to be so nice. Truly getting the benefits of handheld and consoles together. No need carrying around multiple cartridges for games yet still portable AND still playable on the big screen???!! This console has the potential to be amazing....

Ohh yeah, that HDD is gonna be huge......

My first impression is that I want Nintendo to not sacrifice power for portability, but if they're truly going to be basically combining their handheld/console output on one system, that would be a game changer. Cautiously optimistic.


Tweet indicated two little controllers, ie a stick and 4 buttons (and probably a trigger). When attached to the main unit they makeup a normal layout.

Do you have the tweet handy? The only one I saw linked here was that there would be two controllers, but didn't specify what would be on them. I quite liked Jonneh's idea that the controllers are larger than they'd appear, sliding partially under the screen, rather than one teeny-tiny four button + stick little square of a controller....
Its too early for me to pass any kind of final judgement on what I think on this. I want to give Nintendo a chance to really lay this out and explain it first.

But first impression here is far from positive. I'm not a huge handheld gamer in general, and its going to be significantly weaker than I would have like it to be in terms of the home console portion.


You know what this means if it's true? That the next Monster Hunter will actually be HD and playable on a tv. MH5 for NX release please, thank you very much.

Not to sure how I totally feel about this rumor, but with the decreasing time I spent behind consoles and tv's and the increasing time behind pc and mobile this kind of console could be quite the ideal addition. Hopefully they can stay close to the X1/PS4 power just for the sake of easy 3rd party ports.


This will be great for small local tournaments.

No place to rent, no TVs or additional cables.

10 devices and you are set for 20 people.


Where is the gimmick or new experience?

Right, there isn't. You have an handheld that you can plug into your tv and play games on tv. Just like ipad or iphone. I believe vita did it too.

Why would we need to believe Nintendo that they don't come with new gimmicks or experience?

How many time did eurogamer hit the jackpot?

I whipped this up pretty quick. My best guess atm. I'm thinking Wii Remote-style rotation.

Exactly what I was thinking.


With the supplemental computing device stuff, what if the dock can get it to go as powerful as a PS4 or even Scorpio and Neo. Which could be why the power rumors have been all over the place

Then all companies will be in the same boat with power on all different levels, from low power NX to XB1 to PS4 and High power NX, Neo and Scorpio

Everybody is happy

This is just my baseless speculation, but what I'd see as more likely is having a base that doesn't add processing power, but instead provides power (electricity) and cooling capability to the "handheld". So you could have a situation where the clock rates double or triple while docked (allowing for 1080p, increased effects, etc) output to the TV. Running at those settings standalone would destroy battery life, and put stress on a passively cooled system.

But with the "base" providing the power supply and perhaps some kind of active cooling depending on how its designed, maybe something like this would be doable. And this allows for the base to be very inexpensive, as apposed to something that has active coprocessing power.


In the same answer where Iwata said it's not a hybrid, he did say multiple form factors were an option.

But, again...it's where he said it wasn't a hybrid.

His quote and today's reveal has me questioning the whole idea of a hybrid.

What defines a hybrid?

Is it a handheld with TV out?

Is it a handheld with controller support?

Is it a handheld that plays console games?

Is it a handheld that can become a console once docked?

How do you define HYBRID? What was Iwata's definition of a hybrid? What is ours?

Aaron D.

I'm confused, do people think digital downloads won't also be an option or something?

No your confused because you didn't read the context of the post I responded to, suggesting that those questioning physical media coupled with portable devices in 2016 "didn't know shit".

Stop the lies.

I have my 3DS in my old school Gameboy Advance carrying thingie with all my physical games. It's not a hassle to carry around. My Vita and it's physical games are in my Persona Q 3DS case.

I don't make the news, I just report it.

Look around you next time you're in public and try to spot the number of people actually using physical media with their portable devices. I'll be over here waiting.

Point is, that's fine if you've no issue with carts/sd cards or whatever for a new electronic device in 2016. There are likely many others like you as well.

However, if you're not cognizant that ALL forms of physical media are a dead or dying phenomena, then you're the one who is blind. There's a reason why there are no more CD/Record Stores anymore. Why Blockbuster and such have all gone bankrupt. Why new cars don't ship with CD players standard anymore.

People are simply accustomed to carrying a single device that has all their media digitally stored for instant access, be it music, movies, tv shows, Netflix, YouTube, games, podcasts, books or whatever.

So introducing a cart/sd cart format in the modern age is going to come off as dated to modern consumers no matter how unruffled you may be about it. It's just where we're at on this particular technological timeline.


We're getting a massive, massive upgrade to the best current system on the market, the 3DS, and it will be getting the support of the 3DS plus Wii U.

This system is basically my dream system.

I'm sorry for those of you who are disappointed, but this system is basically perfect for me.


This sounds awesome. Exactly what I wanted to hear from Nintendo. Only downside is the bookend detachable controllers. They seem like they wouldn't be that great to handle while playing at home. I hope they will bring back the classic controller again. But other than that, this is great news imo. Can't wait to see it when it's actually unveiled, much more hyped about it now than I was.

Obviously there's no chance for backward compatibility for Wii U games though unless you download them. I wonder how much space will be on the hard drive. They could include some sort of external storage capability in the dock for at home play. Wonder where the tumors about being able to play the NX through your XBone and PS4 came from.


His quote and today's reveal has me questioning the whole idea of a hybrid.

What defines a hybrid?

Is it a handheld with TV out?

Is it a handheld with controller support?

Is it a handheld that plays console games?

Is it a handheld that can become a console once docked?

How do you define HYBRID? What was Iwata's definition of a hybrid? What is ours?

What is life? Seriously though things change.


Wow this sounds terrible to me, I've got zero interest in mobile gaming and the power level of this seems pretty low. Might be the first Nintendo console I don't buy.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Where is the gimmick or new experience?

Right, there isn't. You have an handheld that you can plug into your tv and play games on tv. Just like ipad or iphone. I believe vita did it too.

Why would we need to believe Nintendo that they don't come with new gimmicks or experience?

How many time did eurogamer hit the jackpot?

If I was Nintendo/Reggie I would say this- "The gimmick is the games"
Metal Dave believes this is just one piece of a bigger thing. He still firmly backs the idea of an AMD/X86 system happening, and cites GAF insiders as why he believes that to be the case.

Its weird and unprecedented but we honestly cant rule out the multiple SKU approach just yet can we?


On a side note, it'll be wonderful and glorious on how Nvidia will spin that consoles suddenly start making sense for them.
I get the no BC with Wii U, but if there's no compatability with the Virtual Console I'd consider that a huge missed opportunity and would be a big detractor in my purchase of the system.


Where is the gimmick or new experience?

Right, there isn't. You have an handheld that you can plug into your tv and play games on tv. Just like ipad or iphone. I believe vita did it too.

Why would we need to believe Nintendo that they don't come with new gimmicks or experience?

How right was eurogamer in the past?

The gimmick is almost the same as Wii U but evolved. Off screen play and actual pure tablet functionality without the controller ears. Also it's a handheld console hybrid

Definitely no lack of gimmick
The revolutionary thing here isn't the hardware. It's the fact that Nintendo is uniting their handheld / console studios into one thing. Not having enough appealing software was the main reason why the 3DS didn't take off for 2 years and it's still the main reason why the WiiU hasn't ever taken off. The question still remains whether Nintendo will be productive enough to support the platform themselves (First Party) with enough quality titles, since almost nobody will make games for their device unless Nintendo sells a shit ton of these units.
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