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So... how is a Trump vs Hillary debate even going to work? (if he shows up)

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If you bait him in a tweet a actual debate will be easier. At least with a tweet he has a few minutes to mull it over but in front of people he will say the first thing that comes into his head.



She won't lose her cool, she made it through 11 hours of this crap

Truth. I've always maintained that Hillary's kryptonite is the hopey/changey/yes-we-can positive rhetoric, if you try and attack her directly, or bring out policy, she'll cut you down.


The problem for Trump is that the psychology of his campaign has changed. Whatever he says and does will be scrutinized and heavily criticized. For example, his economic speech was just standard Republican stuff but it was torn apart by many people. I think he has lost credibility and it will be hard for him to convince people that he is fit for the office. He really needs to perform well in the first debate to have a chance or it will be a massive landslide win for Hillary.


Trump will repeat himself a million times and not say anything at all then retort with something irrelevant to what was asked of him.


Trump will lose his composure, it's simply not the ideal situation for him.

Trump's entire focus is on his crowds, that's his measure for the election, without them he'll be lost.

50% - he doesn't show up.
20% - he does show, remains cool, but looks like a fool.
20% - first debate he loses his mind and babbles incoherently the whole time and passes on the other debates
10% - anything.
Debates need real time fact checkers so that alarms and red spotlights can go off when the lie is propogated.

Because Trump lies. Believe me.

NFL challenge rules. Each candidate is allowed two challenges per debate, with the possible option of a third challenge if the first two challenges successfully call the other person out for lying.

Either a button on the podium a la Family Feud, but that actually makes a lout noise to stop the other person from talking. Or an actual flag that is thrown in the moderator's direction will be good enough to entertain me.


She's the most honest candidate out of every other one in this election, she gets shit done. I'm so fucking ready to see her destroy Trump.
Heh. If it were anyone but Trump, I could see some situation where Hillary says "We spend $500 a month on X." and the rest of the debate was spent deriding her because we actually spend $510/month. But Trump doesn't have the memory to actually remember.... anything.

I still worry about these debates. People like one-liners from them. They used to like good ones. I have a feeling the highlights from this years will be somewhere along the lines of "You're a poopy head" and people will be convinced its a winning argument.


Heh. If it were anyone but Trump, I could see some situation where Hillary says "We spend $500 a month on X." and the rest of the debate was spent deriding her because we actually spend $510/month. But Trump doesn't have the memory to actually remember.... anything.

I still worry about these debates. People like one-liners from them. They used to like good ones. I have a feeling the highlights from this years will be somewhere along the lines of "You're a poopy head" and people will be convinced its a winning argument.

please, the phrase these days is 'That's a bunch of malarkey' - Joe Biden.
I don't recall, is it common practice for the two candidates to shake hands before/after the debate? Given how little respect both candidates have for each other, I'd imagine one of them will opt out of shaking hands.


NFL challenge rules. Each candidate is allowed two challenges per debate, with the possible option of a third challenge if the first two challenges successfully call the other person out for lying.

Either a button on the podium a la Family Feud, but that actually makes a lout noise to stop the other person from talking. Or an actual flag that is thrown in the moderator's direction will be good enough to entertain me.

We're gonna need more challenges...
1. Trump goes on stage pulls out a Ak47
2. ratatatata on Clinton
3.People cheer
4. Wins election

No shit this was the image I had a month ago or so.. Now with his assassination comments I feel I was not so far away

Sean C

Hillary's debate strategy will probably be to bait Trump into saying as much stupid crap as possible, while keeping her own cool.


He is going to make her lose her cool
He is going to bring up the emails and Benghazi
She will talk policy and he will keep bringing up emails and Benghazi
Both sides will pander, the thread itself will be amazing
Sound bytes and memes for days.

If she keeps her composure the whole time then he might as well not even bother showing up to the next few debates and just take that loss in november like a man.

The Benghazi hearing was 11 hours long and she didn't even look close to cracking. She only has to last 1 hour in a debate.

Trump can't last more than 140 characters.


I can't wait to see what Hillary does after Donald calls her "Crooked Hillary" to her face.


You know, I am reminded of that line at the end of the Social Network movie. I hope she uses it.

"I like standing next to you, Donald. Makes me look so tough."

I just really hope he shows up. There isn't going to be a stronger showing of how much better Hillary is for the country than that. But if he doesn't show, she can capitalize the shit out of that.


She just needs to press her advantage on basic competence and temperament.

1. Sound smart, composed, and dignified. Don't get mad, just stay above the fray.
2. Lure him into doing the opposite. Find opportunities to goad him into anger and pettiness and try to draw him into conversations that are over his head, so people can see him ramble.
3. Then just use the fact that millions are watching to remind people of all the things you already know people hate about Trump. Slam him on mocking the disabled and insulting Gold Star parents and Trump University and assassination threats and whatever else. A lot of people will be paying attention for the first time, so make sure they know.


The key to winning this is to bait him into making crazy, contradictory statements. He'll be so preoccupied with trying to get as many smears and hits in as possible that he'll just say anything and that will be his downfall.

He'll be shown up as a hypocrite liar that he is.


I think Clinton is so far ahead in the polls, she doesn't even need the debates.

Make Trump give something up to get the chance to debate. Demand his tax returns.

Trump needs the debates much more than Clinton does.


Isn't the DNC the one pushing for the debates to be across from NFL games to reduce the number of people watching?


Isn't the DNC the one pushing for the debates to be across from NFL games to reduce the number of people watching?
No, the debate schedule has been set by a bipartisan committee a year in advance.

If anything, the Trump campaign has shown signs of pulling out, with Trump implicating to make his participation dependent on the choice of moderators.

Which doesn't make any sense to me, the Republicans should be looking at the debates as one of their only chances to mount a comeback, they should be hyping them hard instead of signaling weakness and trepidation this early.


Quick question about his campaign...

How has trump responded when someone brought up that the USA can't just file for bankruptcy like his failed businesses?


I imagine it as Clinton asking a series of armor-piercing questions while Trump babbles increasingly incoherently until he cracks and starts cry-screaming.

I'm not even a Clinton supporter - I think we're choosing the lesser of two evils this election, but to pretend he's even in the same league as her in almost any sense is laughable.

He cries about the intellectual elite while being an intellectual atomweight.


semen stains the mountaintops
He'll insult her, twist the facts and just outright lie about everything. These things should have a fact checker, if they did, Trump would just try to defend his lies nonstop.


Isn't the DNC the one pushing for the debates to be across from NFL games to reduce the number of people watching?

The debates are set by an independent commission well before the dates for the NFL schedule are set. The NFL scheduled games during the debates, not vice versa. There's no way not to have some debates overlap with sporting events. They do every year, and the debates always beat the game in question in ratings. They can't schedule debates on Fridays or Saturday's, because those are low-ratings days for TV, and all the other days are likely to have either an NFL or MLB game on them.
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