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Donald Trump: "Obama Founded ISIS" (Fact check: Not true)

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What's more scary than Trump as a person, is that over 40% of the country will probably end up voting for him. Whether or not he wins, we will still be living in a country where close to 50% of people agree with his statements


"Not only that, but he and Hillary teamed up to kill Jesus Christ! I can prove it, follow me!"


holy shit i am fucking dying


Historic landslide coming up.

Trump might be able to whip up America's dumbest, but I strongly believe the country hasn't fallen quite that far yet. Trump's path to 270 is getting narrower and narrower every time he opens his mouth.


I still can't get over the fact that Trump makes names like "Crooked Hillary" of his opponents and uses them with a straight face. I mean can you get more cartoon super villain than that?
What's more scary than Trump as a person, is that over 40% of the country will probably end up voting for him. Whether or not he wins, we will still be living in a country where close to 50% of people agree with his statements
I've seen this sentiment multiple times, and not just on just Neogaf. And I wholeheartedly disagree with it. One of the most perverse aspects of politics in America is realizing that a significant amount of the support that a republican or democratic supporter receives will be from people that just vote for the party line, regardless of what they actually believe in.

I'm not saying this is a good thing; all I'm saying is that relating the 40% of the vote Trump is guaranteed with saying 40% of the country agrees with everything he says is incorrect. And the same thing applies with Clinton.


I don't think he literally meant that Obama founded ISIS because I don't think the things Donald Trump says can be said to carry meaning. Meaning is an intention we assign to our words, while Trump's behavior is more or less intentionless, like a dog consuming its own excrement because an instinct tells him to do so.


I've seen this sentiment multiple times, and not just on just Neogaf. And I wholeheartedly disagree with it. One of the most perverse aspects of politics in America is realizing that a significant amount of the support that a republican or democratic supporter receives will be from people that just vote for the party line, regardless of what they actually believe in.

I'm not saying this is a good thing; all I'm saying is that relating the 40% of the vote Trump is guaranteed with saying 40% of the country agrees with everything he says is incorrect. And the same thing applies with Clinton.

At worst they agree with it, but at best they are ok with it and condone it enough to vote for him.


I don't think he literally meant that Obama founded ISIS because I don't think the things Donald Trump says can be said to carry meaning. Meaning is an intention we assign to our words, while Trump's behavior is more or less intentionless, like a dog consuming its own excrement because an instinct tells him to do so.

I'm pretty sure Trump has trained manatees pick out idea balls for him


If Obama/Hillary did not help create ISIS. Who helped create ISIS then? How was the Islamic State In Syria able to flourish?
If Obama/Hillary did not help create ISIS. Who helped create ISIS then? How was the Islamic State In Syria able to flourish?

The de-Baathification of Iraq and the dissolution of the Iraqi military created the circumstances that led directly to the formation of ISIS. It marginalized the Sunni population of Iraq, set thousands of Iraqi men adrift with no job and a gun, and put them into the perfect circumstances for radicalization.


There's also a great Frontline special on this.


The creation of ISIS is the natural progression after Obama let 9/11 happen on his watch and the resulting ground wars.

You forget the /s

Anyways, Trump is really hellbent on destroying his campaign. Saying stuff like this surely cater to his crazy followers but moderate republicans sure is having a hard time swallowing the loonie pills.


I crack up every time this is posted, but I have no earthly idea what it's referencing.

Well, I know about chaos emeralds.....I think. It's been a while since I've played sonic.

An emergency session was announced earlier in the day. By good fortune, most of the Security Council was still lingering in the U.S after deciding on Resolution 1917, which happened nine days ago. Holding the attention of the floor was a thin and balding African-American, who was wearing a light blue turtleneck and khaki chinos. He was Dr. Nathan Morgan, a member of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) and also a well respected physics researcher from Berkeley. He stood at a lectern that was set up in the center of the chambers, at the head of a table that was occupied by several key Security Council officials.

There was of course the Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. Sitting at his right was Susan Rice, the American ambassador to the United Nations. At his left was Sir Mark Lycall Grant, Rice's equivalent from the UK. At Grant's left, as a standard gesture to the Anglo-Franco relationship was Gerard Araud. Vitaly Churkin of Russia and **** Min of China were at Rice's right. Behind them, sitting at unoccupied seats in the first arch table were other representatives from UNSC member nations and also American president Barack Obama, UK prime minister David Cameron, German chancellor Angela Merkel, French president Nicholas Sarkozy and Russian president Dmitry Mevedev.

Looking at each familiar face made Morgan more nervous than when he had initially come in. Feeling everyone's gaze on him, he took a sip of water from a glass on his lectern, scratched at his head and began to speak.

“Yesterday as you all know, the Large Hadron Collider began its beam collisions at 1:06 PM, Central European Summer Time. In the public eye, it was an event of little consequence. However, it had all of us at CERN and the scientific community at large apprehensive but also excited.” He took a moment to scan the chambers before continuing.

“The media likes to make people think that we're going to cause the world to disappear into a black hole. For the most part, that theory is largely bunk. However,” Morgan wiped his forehead with a sleeve. “An unexpected event did happen during the first collision.”

“What kind of event, Dr. Morgan?” Rice interjected.

“The collider had opened up a fissure in the ground within the ring. It was completely hollowed out. But what we saw within it was even more incredible than the presence of the fissure itself!”

“What was within this fissure, Dr. Morgan?” Rice asked.

“Space, Ambassador Rice.”

“Space,” Rice maintained perfect control of her tone, while the rest of the Security Council seemed to deflate like a bicycle tire in surprise. “Intriguing.”

“Understatement of the century, Susan.” Obama leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table, linking his fingers together. “Was it populated space, Nathan?”

“From a visual inspection, we could see at least one planet which appears to be Earth-like in its composition. You must understand sir, that we could only see with our naked eyes. We didn't dare to leave the ring for safety reasons. We didn't know how this fissure operates. It could have simply been a window that couldn't be breached. Worst case scenario was that it really was a breach.”

Obama seemed to take the news as if it were just another day in the office. “What's the current status of this anomaly?”

“Gone. The collider has been completely shut down under the guise of maintenance, sir. We all agreed that it wasn't a good idea to leave such an anomaly in place without knowing how exactly it was created, or if it could even be controlled.”

“Do you have any theories at least?”

“There is one, but it's very thin.”

“Try me,” Obama thinly smiled. Morgan had the feeling that the president's eyes were boring through his skull. He had the complete attention of one of the most powerful people on the planet now, and it made Nathan's hands sweat.

“We were testing several artifacts that were seconded to us by the U.S. Air Force. We were told that their presence at CERN was to be considered classified, along with their origin.”

Obama chuckled. “You mean the Chaos Emeralds?”

“May I assume that the subject is now no longer classified, sir?”

“In the interest of science and my own curiosity, you certainly may.” Obama looked over at the Secretary General. “Mr. Secretary, I have a very interesting story to share with you all, if I may address the Council. I'm sure a lot of you've wanted to hear it.”

The elderly South Korean nodded. President Obama stood up in his seat and crossed around the table to stand beside Morgan. “My little story begins at Roswell in 1947.”

“Amusing,” Medvedev murmured. Obama fixed his gaze on the Russian president briefly.

“The official story has been that we recovered debris from an experimental aircraft. That kicked off the UFO craze and people have been trying to find out the truth about what we found ever since. The truth is, we didn't find the remains of a UFO. But the objects in question were extraterrestrial. Seven perfectly cut diamonds of various colors.” He made a fist and held it in the air. “About this size. We call them Chaos Emeralds because ever since we found them, there were UFO sightings all over, sightings that had no basis.”

“Your military however said that these UFOs did not exist,” David Cameron interjected. “Yet now you've sprung upon us the fact that you've found space diamonds. I'd say that they have a lot of basis now.”

Obama chuckled again. “I'm speaking the plain and honest truth, David. We found nothing physical in the air, but there was something. The Air Force figured that they were optical illusions being created by these gems. They were originally called emeralds by the way, because they were green when they were found.”

“And the military was picking at them ever since,” Morgan cocked his head. “They exhausted their capabilities for research, didn't they?”

“And their budget. I'm sorry to say that my predecessor's squandering of Mr. Clinton's surplus in the Middle East was the main cause of that.” Obama replied coolly.

Morgan swore lightly under his breath, shaking his head. “The man was scouring for oil while he had the key to infinite power locked away in Nevada.”

Obama patted Morgan's shoulder. “I'm glad I made the right decision to send them to CERN. This has to be the most monumental scientific discovery since the bomb.” Morgan could see that Obama was getting visibly excited, with his smile widening. He made a fist and smacked into the open palm of his other hand. “Do you understand what this means? This is a major opportunity for multi-discipline investment. It could trigger a global economic stimulus.”

The Russian ambassador harshly laughed. “And where would we get the capital in order to make these investments? In fact, how do you plan to fit this into the budget? Your Republican opposition says your administration is overspending as it is.”

“I intend to meet with several reputable investors in order to provoke interest in investment. In fact,” Obama looked over at one of the interns that accompanied him. “Blaine, please see to it that the following people are brought to the White House by the time that I get back to Washington.”

The intern pulled out his Blackberry smartphone and brought up a note application. “I'm ready when you are, sir.”

“Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, John Carmack, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt and of course, Mr. Buffett.” Obama flashed the intern his news conference smile. “But let's phase this in slowly. We'll start declassifying the military's records and research, make it accessible to the public.” Obama looked over at Morgan. “As for you, I'm going to put you in charge of a special advisory council.” He lowered his voice. “If I can secure the funding, we'll see about reproducing this anomaly in a safe zone.”

“With all due respect, sir.” Morgan leaned in close to the president's ear. “The only safe place would most likely be in space.”

Obama shrugged. “Let it be space, Nate.


The fact this is said with a straight face

And crowds cheer

And news pundits will defend and agree on this point

Makes me wonder about the intelligence of most people. Since I easily see through this ridiculous bullshit am I some kind of genius? Some bullshit filtering savant?

How can so many people be so fucking stupid!
I don't want to make Yet Another Donald Trump Thread, but I came across this article that talks about why Trump consistently fails to capitalize on unforced errors from the Hillary camp:


More specifically is this little gem:

"The problem is, it'll be big stories for about two minutes and then they're going to drop it because the media is so totally dishonest," Trump added.

But Trump himself only spent about two minutes on the issue before moving on.
The fact this is said with a straight face

And crowds cheer

And news pundits will defend and agree on this point

Makes me wonder about the intelligence of most people. Since I easily see through this ridiculous bullshit am I some kind of genius? Some bullshit filtering savant?

How can so many people be so fucking stupid!
Am I the only one who's a little intimidated by Future's intellect? Do we know where this mastermind was when ISIS was founded?


All this time Europe being scared that Africa will empty into their continent, when really they should be worried about a 100 million Americans arriving on boats after the Trump Ascension.


Trump was obviously aiming for a guest spot on Shark Tank but it went too far. He's upping the crazy to tank the numbers.
Did you know that Donald Trump:

Started the Vietnam War?
Is the co-founder of NAMBLA?
Invented Monopoly; both the board game, and the economics concept?
Was Vladimir Putin's bridesmaid?
May have been involved in the murder of John Lennon?

Of course you didn't, because Donald Trump is a complete fuck-up and couldn't even have successfully accomplished any of these things if he tried. People are talking, though, and you wouldn't believe the things they're saying. Believe me.
Yet, some conspiracy theory about ISIS funding are apparently socially acceptable and as baseless.

Like: it's saudi arabia, turkey, the baath party of iraq...

Funky Papa

Going hard after the RT-viewing crowd. Obama being a major ISIS supplier of funds and materiel is something that gets thrown around a lot among certain alt right and alt left circles. This is just the next "logical" step. The people who believe that love nothing more than a good conspiration.


If anything I want to see a documentary about people working in his campaign team. It must be hell trying to fix everything all the time because Trump's off his meds again.
It makes more sense to suggest that Bush founded ISIS by starting an illegal war.

More accurately, Bush founded ISIS by ignoring all advice from senior military officials, intelligence advisers, and non-partisan policy experts and disbanding the Iraqi Republican Guard with no reasonable plan in place for dealing with thousands upon thousands of soldiers suddenly put out of work.

Though, if you want to get really granular with your accuracy, Cheney founded ISIS by completely insulating Bush against conflicting views and somehow convincing him that masterstroke of stupidity was a good idea.
It's like Trump is getting progressively dumber as each day passes by. He's a step away from saying Obama and Hillary are apart of the Illuminati now.
I actually think he's getting smarter. Every crazy thing he says can always be interpreted in a non controversial way. See the 2nd ammendment people and this one. Obviously you have to stretch but it's possible and you see that even people who dont support him defend those interpretations.
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