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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


How far did you get? My record is 40 minutes on the distance from ship timer.

I'm going back to that planet today to find the last species I am still missing. Found both birds and both fish. I have no idea what's missing :\

I found a planet that had three species of fish.
Is anyone having issues with their discoveries page? Mine has completely reset to a fresh state where everything I've discovered before is gone, which sucks because I've traveled and scanned a ton.

Eww, never seen that bug before. I'm dealing with a situation with all animal boxes checked but it still showing 93% and unable to turn it in.

Do all your discoveries go away, plants, rocks, and waypoints included?


I've been searching merchants for days and nobody seems to sell Omegon. Creatures only poop out a little bit on a super rare frequency so that's not a good answer either. Where can I get some Omegon?
I have only found it in space stations and I think I picked some up from a pirate ship once.


I'm at that point where I never get new blueprints anymore. :(

Do I have to go to the red or blue star systems for rarer blueprints?


Eww, never seen that bug before. I'm dealing with a situation with all animal boxes checked but it still showing 93% and unable to turn it in.

Do all your discoveries go away, plants, rocks, and waypoints included?
Every single thing is gone. Even the planet I'm currently on that had only one discovery left has reset. It's a blank slate.
Did the planet actually look any different from all the others or did you actually just stumble on a story that you could probably find on any planet as long as you keep visiting those research pods?
Y'know I'm not sure. It could totally be just a random story for any planet but some of it (something about being able to see its veins) matched up perfectly. It had those weird twisty "root" formations and when you zoom way out when searching for signals the ground did look like it was covered in veins. I didn't stick around long enough to look for blood lakes though.


I've ignored all those guides and cheats; I'm just taking things slow and upgrading my gear as I come across stuff. I'm not asking about what I need to do to finish the narrative. I'm still using the pre-order ship. I'm playing knowing that Sean is committed to updating the game with new content and features. I know that if I rushed through the game and felt done with it, I wouldn't come back just for that new content.

Yeah, I learned decades ago that cheats are a sure way to ruin a game for yourself. Looking forward to the updates though, really they can add anything they want to this universe now, more 'quests', gameplay mechanics, things to find and do.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Is there any point in any version of Atlas Pass? You get max inventory from plentiful drop pods and resources are very plentiful on planets.
While I have found the drop pods welcome, the free, readily available hyperdrive fuel materials are the main draw. Getting an AtlasPass V1 is the point at which you can just start making system jumps willy nilly and start profiting regularly because you don't need to spend units to get warp cells.
Every single thing is gone. Even the planet I'm currently on that had only one discovery left has reset. It's a blank slate.

And after you discovered things, did you "upload" to the database, or hit up a save beacon at a waypoint? I assume you did since you said that you had discovered a ton of things, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

Is this your starter planet? If it is maybe wipe your save and start over? If it isn't I'd say blast off for something new. I know that's shitty because you've already put time into things.
How far did you get? My record is 40 minutes on the distance from ship timer.

I'm going back to that planet today to find the last species I am still missing. Found both birds and both fish. I have no idea what's missing :\

Only about 20 minutes from the ship, I wanted to go further but my slot situation is still pretty low (I'm only 3 systems in). It was a beautiful planet, though, one of the few times I've ever taken screenshots in a game.


I'd like to try the Gek crashed ship glitch but I think I've only been on a "Gek planet" once or twice. Everything is Vykeen or Korvax here.

Is there any way to know what type you are on other than the stones you learn words from (assuming that is correct)?


The fact I can name a creature this and then have the possibility of someone scanning him down the line kinda makes this game worth it.

So a couple fun things I've found: A planet with 'passive' sentianls filled with sac-venom everywhere and trading posts.
A radioactive hellhole filled with extremely hostile creatures and sentianls that also had gravitation orbs.
A barren wasteland with massive deposits of emeril as giant bulbous forms. Destroying one got me a few thousand pieces. Planet was also rich in other minerals and ore. But it was completely lifeless. Only a few scattered ruins.
And finally a planet with lots of dinosaurs, not as big as the trailer ones, but still pretty cool.

Oh and I started the game with Special Relationship with that warrior race, dunno how but it's pretty cool.

I'm really losing myself in this game, the exploration is a lot of fun.
Studying the trading system a bit more, I've come to the conclusion that each trader in the space station has their own prices for certain items, and sometimes their own "wanted" items (gold stars). But for those items in your inventory which they aren't trading in, they will offer the current price set by the station's trading terminal.


And after you discovered things, did you "upload" to the database, or hit up a save beacon at a waypoint? I assume you did since you said that you had discovered a ton of things, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

Is this your starter planet? If it is maybe wipe your save and start over? If it isn't I'd say blast off for something new. I know that's shitty because you've already put time into things.
I uploaded everything. I'm not on my starter planet, traveled and scanned a ton with all my equipment maxed out on this save.
I uploaded everything. I'm not on my starter planet, traveled and scanned a ton with all my equipment maxed out on this save.

Yeesh that's pretty bad then. Any other planets or moons in your system? Try flying to one and scanning/uploading there to see if the info sticks. If it doesn't then I'd contact HG's support to report a pretty egregious bug.


Yeah the ships really need a parking camera or some shit, I've missed a few parking spots at trading posts and then I gotta blow more fucking plutonium to lift off and miss it again. I dunno how they didn't find that annoying.

I had my first, real "emergent gameplay" moment last night, found my first lush planet (huuuuuuuge green motherfucker with tons of resources) and I just jumped out of my spacecraft and picked a direction and went off on my merry way.

I felt like an explorer.

I love this game.

I don't understand why it doesn't show up on your map inside your cockpit. I can't fly low enough to know where I'm actually going to land and always miss the landing pads.


Haven't had this much fun going spelunking in caves since Minecraft. Plasma Launcher for digging is a game changer in that regard.

This is THE game for people who loved exploring planets in Mass Effect 1. :D

Still want a more generous mod for inventory stacking (making objects stackable, and increasing the 250/500 resource limit).

E92 M3

Haven't had this much fun going spelunking in caves since Minecraft. Plasma Launcher for digging is a game changer in that regard.

This is THE game for people who loved exploring planets in Mass Effect 1. :D

Still want a more generous mod for inventory stacking (making objects stackable, and increasing the 250/500 resource limit).

I expect them to increase it further. My suit is 48, but still have a 20 slot ship. Just can't find something I like haha.


So just how much fo the game can be updated via patches by the devs?

There was talk in another thread of them working on a new renderer (maybe in the screenshot thread? I couldn't find it). If that's true then it could upgrade the look of the game pretty dramatically in terms of textures and lighting.

We also know that they removed or largely curtailed planetary rotation in the day one patch so it's certainly feasible that that feature could return. Niether of those changes would neccesetate changing the seed code that the Universe is built off of, so those things may be reasonable to expect.

I think that a bit more interactivity between ships and factions would also be possible on top of their current build, and we know that they are planning to add more ship types and base building. Base building would suggest the possibility of more items being added to the crafting system.

I think it's certainly possible that there would be tweaks to ship handling and space combat but I don't know how much of a priority that is for the developers.

When you get into larger system changes like adding in planetary orbits, more elements for the periodic template, or making planetary climate more dependant on proximity to the system's star then I get more sceptical that such things could be added without resetting everyone's progress. That would neccesetate changes to the seed code and would change the interactivity of systems within the game. I don't have much hope for things like that being added back in.
I noticed that someone is in/around the same path as I am last night. I went to my first
Atlas System
and named it
Atlas + 1 Planet
to aid any fellow travelers.

I land on the planet and the environment is harsh as fuck. I'm doing my SOL run on it currently. So I'm running around scanning things and uploading them and I quit the game to go about my day. Come back later and the fuckin dude that I'm in the neighborhood of came through my system, landed on my planet, and uploaded the default name and left.

So now I've discovered and named like everything in the system except for the planet itself. So pissed. If it was one of you in gonna hunt you down!!!

How is that even possible though? I discovered the system and planet, I named the system just hadn't gotten to naming the planet, but someone else was able to bogart my discovery? Or does it only count as "yours" if you're first to upload, not just discover? So if, and I know the chances of this happening are like ZERO, but if two people warped into the same system seconds apart would it literally just be a race to which one of them uploads the discovery first, and who actually got there first and found it makes no difference?

As far as I can tell they didn't scan or upload a single other thing, they may not have even set foot on the planet itself. Just named it and buggered off. ;___;
I have not been able to 100% any planet. I don't know how you guys manage to do that.

Sometimes you get really lucky. Its usually the very last animal that gives me trouble. Usually i'll fly off for about 30 seconds or so and land somewhere else, rinse and repeat.

Also, I haven't fully tested this, but you can kind of predict what kind of animal it is, whether its a ground, flying, or ocean animal. I believe they are always in a specific order in the menu. Ground animals are always first from the top left, and i think ocean or air animals are last. So for example if you're missing one, and in the menu its between two checked off animals that are both ocean, the one in between will be an ocean animal.

BTW, if we make it to OT3, it should be OT3: "Units Received"


Yeesh that's pretty bad then. Any other planets or moons in your system? Try flying to one and scanning/uploading there to see if the info sticks. If it doesn't then I'd contact HG's support to report a pretty egregious bug.
Nothing I do is fixing it, I did send them an email and hopefully get a response in the next 48 hours. I'll report back if I hear anything from them.
I got a response back from Hello Games regarding the issue I emailed them about - it's a copy/paste response, but it says that there's going to be a patch released this week for PS4 and PC which will address critical issues and then another patch next week that will improve the playing experience further.
Has anyone else noticed that the game kind of just doesn't care about accurately diplsaying temperatures?

I mean, I've seen storms drop temperatures to -150degC, or raise them to well over H2O Boiling point, but The animals keep running around like it was a balmy summer afternoon.

Also, Why the hell is it Freezing temp (0DegC) in space stations? Sure, if it was a Korvax station, they need to keep their processors chilled, but on Gek stations too? Aren't they cold-blooded?

Is it too much to ask for some consistency or thought to realism in my 70's Sci-fi Book Cover Simulator?


I got a response back from Hello Games regarding the issue I emailed them about - it's a copy/paste response, but it says that there's going to be a patch released this week for PS4 and PC which will address critical issues and then another patch next week that will improve the playing experience further.
Good stuff. Hopefully some good quality of life tweaks.


I was running low on plutonium and couldn't find it ANYWHERE on the planet I was on. I must have looked for 45 minutes with non in sight.

Finally, I started to panic as I didn't want to be stranded and I left the planet with almost non remaining. Thank the stars that the neighboring planet actually had plenty....

Weird.... I thought this stuff was supposed to be everywhere...


I got a response back from Hello Games regarding the issue I emailed them about - it's a copy/paste response, but it says that there's going to be a patch released this week for PS4 and PC which will address critical issues and then another patch next week that will improve the playing experience further.
sweet - any way you can post that?
I don't understand why it doesn't show up on your map inside your cockpit. I can't fly low enough to know where I'm actually going to land and always miss the landing pads.

That map is useless as hell and needs an overhaul. I also swear at one point last night, while trying to hit the landing pad, some kind of reticle came up over the pad while I was struggling to look down at it. I only saw it for a brief second before my vision wouldn't go down further, but if that would show up more often that would be swell.
That map is useless as hell and needs an overhaul. I also swear at one point last night, while trying to hit the landing pad, some kind of reticle came up over the pad while I was struggling to look down at it. I only saw it for a brief second before my vision wouldn't go down further, but if that would show up more often that would be swell.
Yeah, I wait to see that reticle before I hit the land button.


That map is useless as hell and needs an overhaul. I also swear at one point last night, while trying to hit the landing pad, some kind of reticle came up over the pad while I was struggling to look down at it. I only saw it for a brief second before my vision wouldn't go down further, but if that would show up more often that would be swell.

Yup, the dedicated landing areas such as the pads, and the ground next to the "call ship" beacons will have a kind of a triangle crosshair -thing pointing at the area when you're at a certain range and looking at it. Hit land when you see it and you'll land on the area. Such areas are always free to launch from.
That map is useless as hell and needs an overhaul. I also swear at one point last night, while trying to hit the landing pad, some kind of reticle came up over the pad while I was struggling to look down at it. I only saw it for a brief second before my vision wouldn't go down further, but if that would show up more often that would be swell.

It shows up every single time at landing pads or beacons as long as you're close enough. If it doesn't show up it means another ship is landing there.


That map is useless as hell and needs an overhaul. I also swear at one point last night, while trying to hit the landing pad, some kind of reticle came up over the pad while I was struggling to look down at it. I only saw it for a brief second before my vision wouldn't go down further, but if that would show up more often that would be swell.
that's why I typically do fly-by upon coming to a landing pad or looking for a good spot to set my ship down near a cliff or small area...just a simple circle around - tip your wing - and look out the window - then again I Love-Love flight sims
Haven't had a single issue with landing pads.... I thought it was automatic as long as you are roughly near it.

I've honestly missed more than I've hit, but apparently...

Yeah, I wait to see that reticle before I hit the land button.

Yup, the dedicated landing areas such as the pads, and the ground next to the "call ship" beacons will have a kind of a triangle crosshair -thing pointing at the area when you're at a certain range and looking at it. Hit land when you see it and you'll land on the area. Such areas are always free to launch from.

It shows up every single time at landing pads or beacons as long as you're close enough. If it doesn't show up it means another ship is landing there.

Apparently I'm an idiot. I'll have to be more observant! Dunno how I'm 11 hours in and only just saw that for the first time.
sweet - any way you can post that?

Here it is:

Hello Games said:
Hello !!

First of all, we are thankful for all your love, support and affection towards our dream project ‘No Man’s Sky’. At the same time, if you have mailed out support address, we are extremely sorry for any issues you are facing playing our game.

Please be assured that we are working literally around the clock to resolve the most critical issues for players. We are collating all the data and support requests you have sent, and it is helping us to develop fixes. Sincerely thank you for your help.

Many people have waited so long to play the game, and we know how frustrating it can be to have problems. We hear you, and we humbly request you to wait a bit longer as we try to get these fixes tested and rolled out soon.

A patch for both PC and PS4 will be released this week. These will fix the most urgent and critical issues for all our players. Then next week another patch for PS4 and PC will be released which will help to improve the experience further for players. We will keep you updated.

In the meantime, please find a list of the most common issues and workarounds here:

No Man’s Sky is a vast journey, we intend to continually update and improve this game and we look forward to working with you to provide the best gameplay experience we can.

Thank you for understanding,
Hello Games
edit: d'oh. never mind. xD

Got an email from HG earlier (apologies if old news):

A patch for both PC and PS4 will be released this week. These will fix the most urgent and critical issues for all our players. Then next week another patch for PS4 and PC will be released which will help to improve the experience further for players. We will keep you updated.


I just did the dumbest thing ever. I went walking away from my ship and found a crashed ship and forgot to transfer over my cargo before confirming and lost 9 atlas stones with no idea where I left my old ship to retrieve them. When I went to reload my save the game had saved twice in the same minute so I couldn't revert back.


That map is useless as hell and needs an overhaul. I also swear at one point last night, while trying to hit the landing pad, some kind of reticle came up over the pad while I was struggling to look down at it. I only saw it for a brief second before my vision wouldn't go down further, but if that would show up more often that would be swell.

you do get a reticule for landing pads and those little pylons that let you call your ship...but yeah, it's hard to line up to get them to appear. they need to tweak it a bit... save so much plutonium.

Venom Fox

I noticed that someone is in/around the same path as I am last night. I went to my first
Atlas System
and named it
Atlas + 1 Planet
to aid any fellow travelers.

I land on the planet and the environment is harsh as fuck. I'm doing my SOL run on it currently. So I'm running around scanning things and uploading them and I quit the game to go about my day. Come back later and the fuckin dude that I'm in the neighborhood of came through my system, landed on my planet, and uploaded the default name and left.

So now I've discovered and named like everything in the system except for the planet itself. So pissed. If it was one of you in gonna hunt you down!!!

How is that even possible though? I discovered the system and planet, I named the system just hadn't gotten to naming the planet, but someone else was able to bogart my discovery? Or does it only count as "yours" if you're first to upload, not just discover? So if, and I know the chances of this happening are like ZERO, but if two people warped into the same system seconds apart would it literally just be a race to which one of them uploads the discovery first, and who actually got there first and found it makes no difference?

As far as I can tell they didn't scan or upload a single other thing, they may not have even set foot on the planet itself. Just named it and buggered off. ;___;
What time last night? I literally found a planet last night where everything but the planet had been uploaded and just uploaded the default name. Your name isn't PhilD2001 is it?
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