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PlayStation Meeting 2016 | Conference Thread [Over]

What is your reaction to the new PlayStation line-up?

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I have many questions...

Are games rendered natively at 4K?

What are the specs?

Does it have a 4K Blu-Ray drive?

Will games have an improved framerate?

Is there a list of supported games?


Hate the design of the system... not as sleek as the original.. but i'd be lying if i wasn't going to upgrade on day one. The games look amazing and i got the setup to support 4K / HDR so it's a no brainer... i'll just keep this console out of sight.

it's also noticeable that they didn't talk spec numbers.

a good bet that the Xbox Scorpio will be the gold standard in power.


Huh, so the PS4 Pro is pretty much between what the Xbox One S is and what we expected the Neo to be.

Seems like a really weird stop gap.. I'm sticking with my vanilla PS4.


Based on this conference I'll get a Pro when my current PS4 breaks down.

But will have to see straight comparisons between regular and pro games side by side first to make a better decision I guess.

Then again I would also need to upgrade my 1080p plasma to a 4k + HDR display.



Not exactly sure why they're making such a big deal out of HDR like it's a new thing when Half Life 2: Lost Coast had it in 2005 and source engine has had it since then.

Unless this is something more advanced than that?

Thats something completely different


WTF is with all this negativity? 4K PS4 for only $400 and every PS4 is getting HDR. What the hell else did people want? Were people thinking this was some E3 or PlayStation Experience thing?
Literally like the first thing they said when the conference started was that this stuff was geared and targeted at NON-current Playstation owners. It wasn't meant to give you guys reason to "upgrade". This is simply the new default PS4 model going forward, and the PS4 Slim is the budget model. Reactions to these conferences are always laughable.


That was soooo disappointing! I was expecting more specs reveals and games and whatever... so bad. I'll pick one up sometime next year.
Pretty much what I expected. PS4 Pro is even harder to show off to people than VR via streams. At least with VR you can show how people are playing it. When you're pushing HDR and 4K then you have a really hard sell showing people who are watching it compressed via the internet.

Might get one since I'm probably getting a 4k tv soon and will need to be able to view content on it.



So am i wrong in thinking that plugging the PS4 Pro to a 1080p may be a better option in order to get better IQ with the downsampling on some titles?, because with 4K maybe the IQ won't be as good?

Still buying one, and its not like two PS4's duct taped together... it's like one and a half of another one. Like a PS4 sandwich.

The God

Didn't think we'd even get a glimpse of Spider-Man or Day's Gone, I was wrong about that for sure. I noticed they didn't talk about specs like some others predicted.


Yeah, I´ll pass. Too small a difference for me to invest after buying OG PS4, and I don´t like the idea of console upgrades. Boooring show too. Everyone looked and sounded depressed.

Juicy Bob

I love the concept. I think the graphics look amazing. I think gaming is amazing right now.

But as a PS4 owner who cannot even begin to justify investing in a 4K TV, let alone a new premium PS4, I really don't see myself getting one of these.

But if I had the disposable money available? All in.


In terms of presentation quality, that was amateur hour and truly awful. Bordering on unwatchable. Good price points though. The HDR differences were really only especially "noticeable" when they did it one after the other. Otherwise the actual difference itself is not super pronounced even though it might be evident.

As a launch owner, I will get the Pro most likely. Hopefully there is a trade-in that cuts it in half or close to it.


Gold Member
For now I'm sticking with my current PS4. Some games looked better for sure but it's not such a big leap that'll make me go pick one up in November.

The ball is in your court, MS. This is your chance to hit it out of the park.


Not in a rush to upgrade, especially with spending money on vr in October.....I really wanna see how big the difference is in a game like BF1 (on my non 4k tv). If its significant i'll upgrade.
I have many questions...

Are games rendered natively at 4K?

What are the specs?

Does it have a 4K Blu-Ray drive?

Will games have an improved framerate?

Is there a list of supported games?

4K is not native. They are using AA and the like.

Also every single game shown was 30fps except CoD.

Sigh. I'm out. Didn't expect this level of crushing disappointment.
WTF is with all this negativity? 4K PS4 for only $400 and every PS4 is getting HDR. What the hell else did people want? Were people thinking this was some E3 or PlayStation Experience thing?

Yes. That and most couldn't see the difference because they weren't viewing on a 4k screen


Total total shite.

It was a terrible conference to convince anyone besides the most hardcore. I consider myself someone that knows most of stuff considering videogames but they completely didn't talked to me during the conference.

It wasn't clear if developers are allowed to make exclusive features? What are the actual upgrades vs PS4 Poor for HDTV owners? Can developers make improvements to framerate? Everything was implied but never deliberately told, however they talked about HDR where 99% of the audience can't actually see it on their device...

I'm sure they will explain a lot of stuff in the interviews after the event but as a reveal of the new hardware they completely failed.
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