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A perfect example of the type of person who shouldn't be a cop.

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I bet that most of the jurors were thinking along the lines of "He wasn't shot. Cops can do anything if he isn't killed."

They can also kill people and get away with it at trial if the person killed is a minority (sometimes even if Caucasian, but that is very rare as usually those criminals are taken into custody not summarily executed).
The gaggle of officers that all do nothing to deescalate the situation but rather work together to corroborate fake charges shouldn't go ignored.

Nor should the black sergeant taking his time telling a report to holster his weapon... that blue shield.


I won't pretend to know how on edge you have to be as a cop. They would run into a lot of shit situations

But it's these cops who have terrible ability to assess a threat and are visibly walking around as a pile of nerves resulting in so many issues.

Re-watch the video, that wasn't nervousness that was anger.
He was clenching his jaw the entire encounter, he was shaking because he was livid.
Which is far worse. He didn't like being told what to do and Mr. Sheppard lifting his hand gave him a reason to try and intimidate him .

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Same here. No idea why I thought it would be an easy win in Sheppard's favor.


Is it bad that I would be far more comfortable with America's police forces being replaced by the military?

I think a very large percentage of police officers are already ex military. Might actually be part of the problem since if they're combat veterans, they might be overly accustomed to treating people poorly or they have PTSD. They can also get PTSD on the job which....might? explain this guy. Or he's just straight up power tripping and/or racist.

I don't know what the solution is other than hiring exclusively psychology majors or something.


this is why the future is gonna be: body cams for everyone. citizens and cops.

and probably a spare once they break the obvious one. russian dash cams were just the beginning.

This guy recorded it all and it didn't mean a damn thing. Fucking bootlicking cop worshippers.


Every brown and black person I know has a story like this. I'd say half of them have the story end with them beaten and bloody
Lol, this is why I don't trust the police. It's hilarious. "I asked you to step out". "Uh no you didn't, do you want me to step out now?" "No not now"

Fuck outta here.
Why did I read all this shit thinking "haha, these fucks are going to get NAILED."

I know better.
Fell into the exact same trap there. Knew what this was leading up to, knew how it most likely ended, and still couldn't believe just how unbearably stupid the result was. Can't say it was surprising unfortunately... Which is probably the worst part of it.

As I'm no law expert, just how far does something like this need to be taken in terms of appeals before it reaches a court that can actually do something about it? One that actually looks at the evidence and comes to a logical conclusion based on said evidence?
Maybe that cop had a neurological disorder? Seems he was just asking questions. At least nobody got shot. No harm no foul, right? And since when is it ok for strange, black men to be sitting in cars watching white people from afar? Sounds shady to me. We need more information, IMO.

i'm assuming sarcasm, but nothing surprises me at this point


I have to think that a department that would try to trump up some fake charges on this guy would also probably reach out to jury members and coerce them.
Wow, really thought these keystone cops were dead to rights. Never underestimate how brain dead your average boot-licking jury can be.

Stuff like this is why I'm baffled that we have a jury system. Depending on a jury of idiots/morons/dumbasses/what have you to come to a conclusion about someone and their crime(s) is never a good thing. I'd rather have people who know the law forwards and backwards to come to a conclusion.

Juries are absolute worthless garbage, and should not exist in a legal system where the idea is to look at the evidence and reach a logical conclusion.


Americans are taught that police are heroes, and to never question they are doing what is best. White America usually never does either because usually they are to them.

There is a problem here. It prevents critical thinking and thus they always get away with it. I will be teaching my kids differently. They may be the good guys, but, they may not be. Never assume anything. In the end, they are there to arrest people before all else.


This is mind boggling. Detained and extreme use of violence, false charges, search without warrant, threats of violence.

What the fuck is wrong with these jurors.

Wow, really thought these keystone cops were dead to rights. Never underestimate how brain dead your average boot-licking jury can be.

The jurors aren't dumb. They're fully cognizant of the fact they're protecting the cops. In a town of 20,000, the jurors and officers all probably know each other as friends or acquaintances. At the very least, jury selection can be rigged to have a desirable outcome.


The jurors aren't dumb. They're fully cognizant of the fact they're protecting the cops. In a town of 20,000, the jurors and officers all probably know each other as friends or acquaintances. At the very least, jury selection can be rigged to have a desirable outcome.
I guess the other side of that is if everyone knows everyone else in that town, how do you send a bunch of cops to prison knowing they're more than happy to invent charges against someone just sitting in their car? Will the jury think the other cops will be perfectly okay with their decision?


The gaggle of officers that all do nothing to deescalate the situation but rather work together to corroborate fake charges shouldn't go ignored.

Nor should the black sergeant taking his time telling a report to bolster his weapon... that blue shield.

This makes me angry as hell, especially thinking about how helpless the guy must have felt the whole damn time. What a load of shit.

Oh but don't forget, not all cops etc etc...

This is fucking infuriating. How come I'm not seeing this in LA area newspapers? How come it's only showing up on random blogs? Who do you write to at a newspaper to get them to cover shit like this, the ombudsman or something?


Man what is wrong with this cop. Jesus. he cocked the gun too. OMG

The trial took place last week in Los Angeles September 13 through September 15 before the Honorable S. James Otero. After hearing the evidence and viewing a small portion of the video evidence provided by Mr. Sheppard, a jury of 8 persons found in favor of the sheriff’s department.
Wow. That's insane.

How is this guy still have a job?

This is why people dont like cops.
I don't blame the sheriff for pulling his gun on him, for all he knows the guy could have been an amazing magician and pull a gun out from behind his ear.


Jesus what a bunch of crooked ass cops.

Question: why the fuck was she carrying the camera around? Did it look like his wallet or something? Or was she trying to delete footage or something?


Jesus what a bunch of crooked ass cops.

Question: why the fuck was she carrying the camera around? Did it look like his wallet or something? Or was she trying to delete footage or something?

I think they were messing with it. Its funny them messing with let you hear everything that was going on.


Tagged as I see fit
this is why the future is gonna be: body cams for everyone. citizens and cops.

and probably a spare once they break the obvious one. russian dash cams were just the beginning.

Google Glasses needs to make a comeback asap.

What the fuck.

Straight up walking around with gun drawn to a dude just sitting in a car. Then the jackass points the weapon at the guy at point blank for... ???

Holy shit.


Im still trying to understand something here:

EIGHT members in a jury? And they all didnt see anything wrong with this jesus fucking christ


To protect and to serve.

Really terrible that incompetent and corrupt cops are being enabled and reinforced by the system like this.


I WOULD say something like "UN-FUCKING BELIEVABLE," however...it's come to the point that I'm just not surprised anymore. Goddamnit we have problems in this country.

Trojan X

a jury of 8 persons found in favor of the sheriff’s department


US, you are fucked. If you ever had or are prone to have any issues with the police you are royally fucked. EVERY DAMN WEEK WE HEAR SOME NEW MADNESS INVOLVING THE US POLICE. Your Police are fucked and your system is 100% broken in favour of the Police regardless of ANYTHING (do you remember the case where the police killed a completely naked man who had his hands up and the system said that the police were justified for the killing?) You are fucked and i will never move there. I will stick with Japan.


The gaggle of officers that all do nothing to deescalate the situation but rather work together to corroborate fake charges shouldn't go ignored.

Nor should the black sergeant taking his time telling a report to bolster his weapon... that blue shield.

Bad apple ruining the bunch, in real time.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Im tired of these.

And I dont mean im tired of these threads, im tired of these things continuing to happen on a day by day basis like its nothing. Its common, its blasé.

I assume nothing happened to the cop so...yeah I got nothing.
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