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California takes Scotland's approach to election results, rejects Trump values

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Yeah, I'm cool with that Cascadia idea. We'd also have a huge gut of the commercial aerospace industry here too!


California's GDP ($2.5 trillion) is far bigger than Canada's ($1.67 trillion). We don't really need you.

Oh we'd definitely want them. Having the ports of Vancouver, Seattle, and Los Angeles all in one nation's pocket would be a pretty brutal bargaining chip.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Just wait until Trump deems California and Hollywood and everyone that is rightfully against his joke of a presidency be deemed Un-American. This country had a chance to come together, but get ready for more division and a shit show for the next 4 years.


Reading this statement from the lawmakers was one of the first things to make me feel better today. This, then the GAF confessions.
time for



Anyone who says they want succession. I can't even.

Just stop, turn the internet off and go read a book about trade and economy. Even discussing succeeding from the US is like voting for brexit.

Its stupid.

Putting Trade and Economic issues to the side for the moment - why not though?

As someone on the west coast, I feel no cultural connection with most of the country to the east of me. I have no love for "America" and much of it does not share the west coast's values at all. "The South" feels like a very alien place with a vastly different culture that I want no part of and have no connection to. I definitely cannot put myself in the mindset of Rural America and its values.

So if someone gave me a real chance to jump on board with splitting up the US and making the west coast its own region I'd gladly jump on it. I'm tired of all of this and the bitter reality that a ton of people are okay with wanting to shit all over civil rights and that Trump is somehow an even remotely sane choice. It sucks and I don't want to be from the same country and I have never been and will never be proud to be an American as long as the the mindsets that allowed this to happen continue to exist.

I'm glad that California is taking a stand and pushing back and I hope more states do the same. Compromising with the GoP and its base has not worked out and likely won't ever work out at this point. The previous administration trying to be "bi-partisan" was a horrible mistake.
We've may have had our differences, but we couldn't ask for better hats.

Westies are besties!!! BC, we love you too. Northern California is like southern Oregon, and northern Oregon is like southern Washington. Northern Washington kisses BC's southern lips (oh...okay, that doesn't sound right) and we are all happy West Coast peas in in oddly shaped pod!

Oregon barely cut it. Washington and California should get together and bounce.

Nah, Oregon could be a great place for other US folk looking for new places to settle! All those fearing Trumpentonia could move there from other parts of the former USA. Spice them forest lands up a bit!!!

"Give us your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

Send these, the homeless, wind-thrown, to us:


Westies are besties!!! BC, we love you too. Northern California is like southern Oregon, and northern Oregon is like southern Washington. Northern Washington kisses BC's southern lips and we are all happy West Coast peas in in oddly shaped pod!

Nah, Oregon could be a great place for other US folk looking for new places to settle! All those fearing Trumpentonia could move there from other parts of the former USA. Spice them forest lands up a bit!!!

"Give us your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

Send these, the homeless, wind-thrown, to us:

We'll definitely take Oregon too. We're not going to leave our deep blue west coast bros behind in a sea of red.

Yall are right, Sorry Oregon. Canada could be the greatest country in the world with the whole west coast.


Junior Member
Nah, Oregon could be a great place for other US folk looking for new places to settle! All those fearing Trumpentonia could move there from other parts of the former USA. Spice them forest lands up a bit!!!

"Give us your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

Send these, the homeless, wind-thrown, to us:
Oregon, excuse me, Portland, Oregon (because rural Oregon is filled with neo-Nazis, the largest population of them in any state) is only a liberal paradise if you're white.

Portland is racist. Oregon is racist as fuck.
Oregon, excuse me, Portland, Oregon (because rural Oregon is filled with neo-Nazis, the largest population of them in any state) is only a liberal paradise if you're white.

Portland is racist. Oregon is racist as fuck.
That's why it wouldn't hurt to spice Oregon(and parts of Washington) up with more liberal folk fleeing other parts of the USA. We got neo-Nazis(and the KKK) in California(even in SoCali), but we also got lots of diversity to drown that shit out. Time for some good old injections of diversity into heavily white areas. Same could be said for Maine over in the east coast. Not in a threatening way, but in a way where we could all teach each new things. Time to open some of these shut off worlds up.

The moment California wanted to leave all the neoNazis would leave and stay in the states with Trump as their leader.


Well, we can always deal with them their preferred way, round em up and put them in trains, then just send them into the USA, maybe somewhere in the South. They'd love it there (get to meet their heroes and such)!

That or just drown them out with more diverse groups of people(from all walks of life, liberal and progressives) sorta like SoCali(where, yeah, they still exist, as that Orange County demonstration proves, but they are a minority among the majority).


never left the stone age
Abolishing slavery and stopping secession were two different things, actually.

One person is an anomaly. There's no way to make that work for an entire electorate.

Minorities have been fighting against the white man's bigotry for a long time, and it has gotten them nowhere.

One person isn't an anomaly, he doesn't have to be the exception that proves the rule, we're all too quick to dismiss people and it causes rifts between us. Yeah there are obviously people who are too far gone, but should we condemn everyone else too, when there's proof of people actually changing? It won't be an overnight change, nothing ever is, but to just sit there and accept it is so defeatist. Minorities have been fighting for far too long, yeah, but do they just pack it up and give up? Not from what I've seen.

And it has gotten them somewhere. It's a slow grueling fight but change does happen, do you think you'd hold the same morals and beliefs if you were born in the 50s?


Reading this gives me a feeling of pride for my home state. Regardless of how I feel about the country right now, I am proud to be a Californian.

Calexit please (serious, not serious).


Honestly if the West Coast (and maybe NE Coast) could somehow split it would be amazing, taking a large swath of Americas economic strength away


I'll stick in MA thank you. Funny how you all forget us when we outliberal everyone. Even our Republican governor publicly left his presidential ballot blank over voting for trump.

And it's not just this election, were usually always at the forefront of good changes. Like the beginning of gay marriage, yeah we started that.


I'm originally from Florida. I moved here to CA seven years ago.

Today, I will begin saying I'm "from" California. This state represents who I am as a person. Fuck you, Florida.

Though yes kudos to all the other liberal states as well.
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