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Clinton aides blame loss on FBI, media, sexism, Bernie, everything but themselves

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He's not neccesarily the most interesting (nor is he my first pick) but he's a compassionate person with a strong record and no scandals. He can beat Trump.

Even if Trump has the worst 4 years imaginable I don't believe someone like Tim Kaine is the right choice, I'm not sure who is but he definitely isn't, I don't think he'd ever win against Trump.


It surely did. The problem is that it should never have come to a point where edging towards Trump made a difference. It was Clinton's race to lose.

harsh, but fair

And that approach to trying to convince people it's worth voting against people like Trump is why the UK is leaving the EU despite all logical sense and the US has a moronic, sexist, racist oompa loompa for president.The moment you start out your approach by calling them a racist, xenophobe or whatever, they're immediately going to stop listening to you.

But no, continuing to do the same thing will definitely give different results in the future.

yes, let's vastly oversimplify a complicated issue with tone policing - clearly, not acknowledging bigotry/xenophobia etc as we've done literally for ages now will, as you said, definitely give different results in the future.

Even if Trump has the worst 4 years imaginable I don't believe someone like Tim Kaine is the right choice, I'm not sure who is but he definitely isn't, I don't think he'd ever win against Trump.

yeah, i know we're years out from where we're at now, it's not hard to picture an '04 setting of "anybody but bush" & watching an uninspiring candidate crash & burn against an unpopular incumbent


Can those people be summarily dismissed? That's not a reasonable statement in any context.

Especially in light of what a kids glove primary it was on the democratic side. I mean the shit the republicans said about each other should have created much deeper fallout.


They're going to fuck this up again aren't they. Even this thread is full of excuses for them.

She was a remarkably bad candidate. Romney would have beaten her. McCain/Palin would have beaten her. Jeb would have beaten her. And basically the worst Republican ticket possible, with severely restrained support from the Republican machine, just easily beat them.

Team Clinton ran truly one of the worst campaigns run in modern history. Trump was so lucky to run against them, almost anyone else would have crushed him.

Several candidates can't beat him when the votes are split and there are winner take all states. Hillary Clinton had 0 events in Wisconsin and very few events in Michigan, while Obama visited both many times in 2008. She spent 15 days of September in New York. She only had 2 battleground state events in Nevada and Ohio in the last half of August.

This was Clinton's schedule in late August:
August 18 - New York, NY
August 19 - Martha's Vineyard, MA
August 20 - Nantucket, MA, Martha's Vineyard, MA
August 21 - Provincetown, MA, Osterville, MA
August 22 - Beverly Hills, CA
August 23 - Los Angeles, CA, Laguna Beach, CA, Piedmont, CA
August 24 - Redwood City, CA, Los Altos, CA, Woodside, CA
August 25 - Reno, NV
August 26 - None
August 27 - White Plains, NY
August 28 - Sag Harbor, NY, Southampton, NY, Bridgehampton, NY
August 29 - East Hampton, NY, Quogue, NY
August 30 - Sagaponack, NY, North Haven, NY
August 31 - Cincinnati, OH

1 Ohio event, 0 Michigan events, 1 Pennsylvania event, 0 Wisconsin events, 15-16 days in New York
September 1 - None
September 2 - None
September 3 - None
September 4 - None
September 5 - Cleveland, OH, Hampton, IL
September 6 - Tampa, FL
September 7 - New York, NY
September 8 - Charlotte, NC, Kansas City, MO
September 9 - New York, NY
September 10 - None
September 11 - New York, NY, Chappaqua, NY
September 12 - Chappaqua, NY
September 13 - Chappaqua, NY
September 14 - Chappaqua, NY
September 15 - Greensboro, NC, Washington, DC
September 16 - Washington, DC, New York, NY
September 17 - Washington, DC
September 18 - None
September 19 - Philadelphia, PA, New York, NY
September 20 - None
September 21 - Orlando, FL
September 22 - Chappaqua, NY
September 23 - Rye Brook, NY
September 24 - Rye Brook, NY
September 25 - New York, NY, Rye Brook, NY
September 26 - Hempstead, NY
September 27 - Raleigh, NC
September 28 - Durham, NH, Boston, MA
September 29 - Des Moines, IA, Chicago, IL
September 30 - Fort Pierce, FL, Coral Springs, FL, Miami Beach, FL
It's just mind boggling. Mostly just sitting around in NY. Events in Beverly Hills, Martha's Vineyard, East Hampton. EAST FUCKING HAMPTON.

Jeb wasn't the lowest energy candidate.
One of the few very small silver linings for how the loss happened is that everyone on the left is accountable, even if you think you did all you could to get Clinton elected, you're still part of a demographic that underperformed and that deserves reflection. No finger pointing, no self righteousness, just reflection on how wrong it went for people like you and if everyone on the left does that, you might get somewhere.
Hillary had been prepping for the Primary for four years and all the party infrastructural, relationships and money. Bernie decided to run last minute because there were no progressive candidates to challenge her. His campaign weren't even fully staffed until December because it was a message campaign until it was apparent that there was a real chance to run away with the whole thing. The level of support Bernie got shocked the campaign and it simply didn't have the time to properly capitalize on the support quick enough or the time to execute on plans to court more demographics within the party, specifically blacks in the southern states.

And that doesn't even touch the fact that the Clinton campaign and the DNC were actively colluding to smear Bernie and drive him out of the race. The DNC was actively working with Clinton surrogates and the media to smear Bernie and stifle coverage. It's not an accident that the debates were place in ways to minimize viewership to. The DNC did that to put a stasis on Clinton's front runner status.

It's not a coincidence that Google, CNN, and NBC would always put superdelegates in the delegate totals. Every Primary, even the ones Bernie won would get reported as "Looks like Clinton is walking away tonight with 150 delegates, sanders with 50" even though Sanders would be walking away with most of the pledged delegates. The DNC wanted their friends in the media to report it that way because they knew it would confuse and discourge Bernie voters. They made sure results were not reported that way in 2008's primary.

And having volunteer and worked for his campaign it did exactly that. Every single election I had to deal with a lot of Bernie voters who voted, and despite Bernie winning didn't understand why he walked away he walked away with barely any delegates and having to explain that superdelegates don't vote until the convention and that they don't really count. And people would always walk away feeling confused, upset and cheated. Even after our victories. When you see Bernie supporters saying the primary was rigged and that the DNC cheated, keep in mind that the DNC and Clinton campaigns, and mainstream news organizations allied with Clinton, deliberately distorted the perception of the primary results to cultivate that feeling.

It is absolutely insane. INSANE that the DNC let a candidate at unlikable as Hillary, who had an active FBI criminal investigation ongoing to even run in the race. The DNC new Hillary was going to have trouble in the GE and that she was an extremely risky, toxic candidate. It was absolutely in their right to put constant pressure on Hillary to leave the race when she was consistently pulling statistically tied to Trump in head to head match ups. And if they actually cared about protecting the country from a clown fascist they would have done exactly that.

Bernie walked away from the primary the most well liked and popular sitting senator with highs of 68% approval rating. And the convention wasn't even about him. Clinton consistently had a 35% approval rating and she peaked at a whopping 50% after the convention. And it quickly when back to her average 35% approval rating. That difference in likability alone would have made the difference. Yeah, Bernie's approval never suffered the full brunt of the Republican smear machine, but 60%+ approval is a much better place to start from than 35%.

And every Republican has painted every democrat as a communist socialist. Literally every election. They called Hillary Clinton a corrupt commie socialist every single day. Things work much better when your candidate isn't mealy mouthed and scared of their own shadow who runs scared over the nasty names your opponents call you. It's why Trump's scandals had a hard time doing any real damage to him. Because he didn't run scared and go on an apology tour on all the news shows crying and saying he'll do better and how he let everyone down. Being called a socialist didn't hurt Bernie in the primary and it wouldn't have hurt him in the general because he didn't run away from it.
Great post.

I think the two bolded lines are particularly important. On the one hand, any nominee from one of the two major parties is going to get very typical names thrown at them. For liberals, it tends to be something about socialism or whatever. But you know that's going to happen.

A smart person would not compound the name-calling issue by giving the other side a target with like 30 years of being called names. Whether those names and accusations were fair or not is irrelevant. That history was there, and it was just so silly to run a candidate with that history.


By what metric did she spend "plenty of time" in those states?

Even if she did spent enough time there, which is debatable, what does it matter if the time wasn't even spent in the areas outside of blue metros like Pittsburgh or Philly?

She and her surrogates spent, by my quick count of her event schedule, more time in Ohio and Michigan than just about any other states in the Union during the Fall (I was wrong about PA checking the numbers; chalk that up to recency bias with the final Philly event) and it was pretty much all over both states. She did largely neglect Wisconsin however.
Unions investigate their poor showing for Clinton


Worst since Mondale but sure the Socialist has no chance of performing better with union members.
How many unions endorsed Clinton again? How did she win Nevada primary again? Why didn't the people in the unions show up in the actual election?
Oh yes no tipping the scales... no sir..

How is this in any way in response to what I posted? Are you suggesting that Bernie only lost the primary due to unfair practices?
They're going to fuck this up again aren't they. Even this thread is full of excuses for them.

She was a remarkably bad candidate. Romney would have beaten her. McCain/Palin would have beaten her. Jeb would have beaten her. And basically the worst Republican ticket possible, with severely restrained support from the Republican machine, just easily beat them.

Team Clinton ran truly one of the worst campaigns run in modern history. Trump was so lucky to run against them, almost anyone else would have crushed him.

It's just mind boggling. Mostly just sitting around in NY. Events in Beverly Hills, Martha's Vineyard, East Hampton. EAST FUCKING HAMPTON.

Jeb wasn't the lowest energy candidate.

Nantucket is a tiny island that has a population of 10,000. Mostly liberal. Pretty important campaign stop. She probably picked up 5, maybe even a half dozen votes that day.
I'm not happy at all with the outcome, and I was rooting for her, but she has to get a grip if she ever wants to run this country. This is not the right attitude.


One of the few very small silver linings for how the loss happened is that everyone on the left is accountable, even if you think you did all you could to get Clinton elected, you're still part of a demographic that underperformed and that deserves reflection. No finger pointing, no self righteousness, just reflection on how wrong it went for people like you and if everyone on the left does that, you might get somewhere.

I'm part of the left. I voted and advocated and donated for Bernie. I did the same for her but without authentic vigor. I like so many recognized she was a poor candidate was dismayed as she ran her 2nd disastrous campaign.

I don't own an ounce of this loss. I sympathize with well meaning people who did their best, and I mostly respect the people who mismanaged this whole affair. But I did more than most, and as much as I could. I don't accept any blame for this debacle.

This is on the DNC, and her campaign. Full stop.
One of the few very small silver linings for how the loss happened is that everyone on the left is accountable, even if you think you did all you could to get Clinton elected, you're still part of a demographic that underperformed and that deserves reflection. No finger pointing, no self righteousness, just reflection on how wrong it went for people like you and if everyone on the left does that, you might get somewhere.

funny stuff
yes, let's vastly oversimplify a complicated issue with tone policing - clearly, not acknowledging bigotry/xenophobia etc as we've done literally for ages now will, as you said, definitely give different results in the future.

If you can't tell the difference between dealing with the problem through changing peoples views and starting the conversation with "You can vote/do for X...if you're a racist" which loses the chance of changing what the person thinks immediately, then you're not helping the situation, no. A major part of the problem is the people you see in media are the extremists on both sides, which this year has turned out to be the people actively being racist pricks, and the people retorting about how they're racist back, causing both sides to tar most everyone with the respective brush. Internet trench warfare isn't helpful to anyone.
I read that as: "We learned nothing"

Get fucked.

This honestly just shows how they fucking believe the world revolves around them. Insane.


It's just mind boggling. Mostly just sitting around in NY. Events in Beverly Hills, Martha's Vineyard, East Hampton. EAST FUCKING HAMPTON.

Jeb wasn't the lowest energy candidate.

What an awful campaign and candidate. Does anyone want to defend that shit?


The most frustrating thing about this is that Hilary learned NOTHING from her defeat in 2008 and Sander's strong, dark horse run.

Taking shit for granted
Being tone deaf

These were the same damn mistakes she made in 2008, and she fell into the same trap. It is even worse this time around because Sander's dark horse run and her collapse in support in Michigan should have raise a massive warning flag in her head that something's amiss about her campaign.

I've been told for the past 18 months from Hilary diehards that Hilary Clinton was this super smart, experienced person that will get shit done. The news about her tone deafness, ignoring advice, and streaks of arrogance sure as hell betrays that image as far as I can see.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
This article doesn't surprise me one bit, so many things were unfair to her but she also fucked up. She was a horrible candidate, if she has any self awareness she will disappear from politics altogether, she would have to be crazy to try another run, the Clinton brand is dead.

guys, stop throwing Hillary under the bus. Have a bit of respect

If she's not willing to accept that she made some mistakes then she deserves every bit of criticism.


PoliGAF is already back to old strength
Though I've seen people like Crab standing up against the hard headed consensus in their echo chamber. Hopefully we will remember what PoliGAF did the past year and stand up more firmly against them when they try to muddy the water again in three years.

So Hilary is done right? Not likely to see her run for president in 4 years.
She's absolutely done. This is the second time she lost while holding the advantage. And this time not even against a charismatic leader who excited America in storm, but a racist idiot that was hated around the world. She was expected to win in a landslide, but ended up losing. She got a 0,1% popular vote edge. Against Trump. Against Donald Trump.

She's done.


One of the few very small silver linings for how the loss happened is that everyone on the left is accountable, even if you think you did all you could to get Clinton elected, you're still part of a demographic that underperformed and that deserves reflection. No finger pointing, no self righteousness, just reflection on how wrong it went for people like you and if everyone on the left does that, you might get somewhere.

The American left now has a racist crypto-fascist in the White House who will almost certainly roll back eight years of legislation and might pose an existential threat to American democracy. But if cooler heads don't prevail we might spend the next few years re-litigating the 2016 Democratic primary which wasn't even particularly close. Hillary supporters need to take the L and learn from it, but so do Bernie supporters. There are bigger things at stake and the most vulnerable among us aren't going to benefit from intramural dick-waving contests. We need to (a) not compromise on bedrock principles but (b) figure out why we lost despite a seemingly favorable national electorate and strategize from there.


I'm not happy at all with the outcome, and I was rooting for her, but she has to get a grip if she ever wants to run this country. This is not the right attitude.

She should not run this country.

I agree with her on policy, but she is not the flag we need as our banner.

Perhaps we need a true liberal and not this centrist shit. Perhaps why millennials leaned Sanders: maybe they truly do want a social democracy.


If you can't tell the difference between dealing with the problem through changing peoples views and starting the conversation with "You can vote/do for X...if you're a racist" which loses the chance of changing what the person thinks immediately, then you're not helping the situation, no. A major part of the problem is the people you see in media are the extremists on both sides, which this year has turned out to be the people actively being racist pricks, and the people retorting about how they're racist back, causing both sides to tar most everyone with the respective brush. Internet trench warfare isn't helpful to anyone.

sugarcoating a platform of white supremacy literally helps no one, acknowledging this one time in one's entire campaign is not the death knell some of you wish to frame it as

not overly interested in equating bigotry with those firmly against it, either - moreover, internet trench warfare certainly didn't hurt trump this time

let's move back to your original statement though: are you positing that brexit wouldn't have happened if everyone was scared to point out just how xenophobic the motion was?

If you really want an answer for your question.

PoliGAF is already back to old strength

I didn't want to say anything, but going in there has me worried for some of us.

in one breath, it's about unity & whatever, then the poliGAF pile-on continues


If her unfavorability rating was bad before, I'm not sure what it would be right now. It's probably even worse, if that's even possible. They better not try to run her again. She is DONE.

She was an egomaniac that wanted the presidency, convinced minorities to support her, and then got arrogant and dropped the ball. Now that she lost, she's going to blame others and walk off to her mansion. Everyone is fucked, so good job. Shows what she was in it for the whole time.
Unions investigate their poor showing for Clinton


Worst since Mondale but sure the Socialist has no chance of performing better with union members.
How many unions endorsed Clinton again? How did she win Nevada primary again? Why didn't the people in the unions show up in the actual election?
Oh yes no tipping the scales... no sir..

Funniest thing about this is that the Unions that backed her were the ones that didn't allow it up for vote with their member and was all down to leadership choosing.



Am I doing it right?


Though I've seen people like Crab standing up against the hard headed consensus in their echo chamber. Hopefully we will remember what PoliGAF did the past year and stand up more firmly against them when they try to muddy the water again in three years.

She's absolutely done. This is the second time she lost while holding the advantage. And this time not even against a charismatic leader who excited America in storm, but a racist idiot that was hated around the world. She was expected to win in a landslide, but ended up losing. She got a 0,1% popular vote edge. Against Trump. Against Donald Trump.

She's done.

Poligaf was arrogant but demonizing them as some bullying entity is not going to help at all, we should be in a time for unity. I want to heal together not fling stupid shit and blame it on us. We recognized Clinton is a bad candidate in the long run though some still have some soft spots for her.

Crab at least the decency not to paint them as scum, he actually engages us and talks with us. Many from Poligaf respect him because of it. I do too.


in one breath, it's about unity & whatever, then the poliGAF pile-on continues
It's partly venting, but also a reminder. PoliGAF systematically put down diverging thoughts and is seemingly retreated into their thread and will probably repeat this. PoliGAF's toxic attitude divided left leaning people, when we want to unite, we can't let their group dynamic get to the point again where people are bullied off the board.

Poligaf was arrogant but demonizing them as some bullying entity is not going to help at all, we should be in a time for unity. I want to heal together not fling stupid shit and blame it on us. We recognized Clinton is a bad candidate in the long run though some still have some soft spots for her.

Crab at least the decency not to paint them as scum, he actually engages us and talks with us. Many from Poligaf respect him because of it. I do too.
I engaged with PoliGAF members on topical threads in OT. And My experience was that I was being dog piled on and told that I should bend already. I saw that happen to others too. Look at this. This is what I got while trying to get people to work together.


What an awful campaign and candidate. Does anyone want to defend that shit?
What some do is not address criticisms and say that none of them matter because:

  • Trump voters are bad and it's their fault
  • People said nasty things about her
  • Some people in society are sexists or racsist
  • It was the media's fault for talking about emails (which even if not criminal she clearly did some super stupid shit there)
  • Millennials/Hispanics/other democrats should have turned out anyway because of Trump
  • Bernie ruined her reputation with millenials
  • Bernie would not have done better
  • The election was close anyway

This thread alone is full of redirections like the above.

Of course some people will agree with the problems and also list other excuses, which is more reasonable.


The American left now has a racist crypto-fascist in the White House who will almost certainly roll back eight years of legislation and might pose an existential threat to American democracy. But if cooler heads don't prevail we might spend the next few years re-litigating the 2016 Democratic primary which wasn't even particularly close. Hillary supporters need to take the L and learn from it, but so do Bernie supporters. There are bigger things at stake and the most vulnerable among us aren't going to benefit from intramural dick-waving contests. We need to (a) not compromise on bedrock principles but (b) figure out why we lost despite a seemingly favorable national electorate and strategize from there.

I think you're overestimating the long term divide. Trump's first act of evil in the Oval will bring us back together. The concern isn't if we coalesce, it's where the energy and focus is put after that happens. If it slides back to the people running this recent shitshow then there's reason for alarm.


Poligaf needs to be nuked from the forums. I mean Gaf took a hardline stance on the Video Game side of things about how threads would be echo chambers and create negative community response when its just an echo chamber of like minded gamers.

Poligaf has evolved into nothing more than a Negative community of likeminded supposed political experts keen on destroying dissenting voices.


Man if you all don't get grip and stop acting like PoliGAF is some humongous country wide organization that wields the power to swing entire elections, Im gonna lose my mind
. Jesus Christ, never has a community thread been so overhyped.
It's partly venting, but also a reminder. PoliGAF systematically put down diverging thoughts and is seemingly retreated into their thread and will probably repeat this. PoliGAF's toxic attitude divided left leaning people, when we want to unite, we can't let their group dynamic get to the point again where people are bullied off the board.


"We're nothing like that Tea Party that wants to crush all dissent! We just want to crush all dissent!"


Admittedly, a lot of my posts are venting. I've waited here for like a year here before posting any sort of comment on politics. I've wanted to talk about the election, about my experiences volunteering for the Bernie campaign and the Clinton GE campaign the entire time. And my thoughts and concerns as the election approached. But I saw how anyone who wasn't a "YAAAS QUEEN" screaming true believer got shat on.

My frustrations with everything that's happened with the Clinton campaign have been boiling up for over a year.

Oni Jazar

I think there is absolutely an argument for having the election taken from her by outside factors. She was attacked by both the FBI as well as the Russians / Wikileaks. Having said that it is also her fault. The minute her deplorables speech was released I knew she irrevocably fucked up. The message was not about unity but us v them.
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