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FCC Republicans vow to gut net neutrality rules “as soon as possible”

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The Federal Communications Commission's two Republican members told ISPs yesterday that they will get to work on gutting net neutrality rules "as soon as possible."

FCC Republicans Ajit Pai and Michael O'Rielly sent a letter to five lobby groups representing wireless carriers and small ISPs; while the letter is mostly about plans to extend an exemption for small providers from certain disclosure requirements, the commissioners also said they will tackle the entire net neutrality order shortly after President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20.

"[W]e will seek to revisit [the disclosure] requirements, and the Title II Net Neutrality proceeding more broadly, as soon as possible," they wrote, referring to the order that imposed net neutrality rules and reclassified ISPs as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act. Pai and O'Rielly noted that they "dissented from the Commission's February 2015 Net Neutrality decision, including the Order's imposition of unnecessary and unjustified burdens on providers."

Pai and O'Rielly will have a 2-1 Republican majority on the FCC after the departure of Democratic Chairman Tom Wheeler on January 20. Pai previously said that the Title II net neutrality order's "days are numbered" under Trump, while O'Rielly said he intends to "undo harmful policies" such as the Title II reclassification.



This is what America wanted, this is what America is going to fucking get.

Yup. After so many threads of me talking to Bernie supporters or random democrats that refused to vote Clinton, I'm pretty much burned out. It wasn't just republicans that wanted this, but many liberals too. Many on this forum even

I'm actually glad the republicans aren't hesitating. People need to see the consequences Immediately


But both parties are the same.......

Yup. After so many threads of me talking to Bernie supporters or random democrats that refused to vote Clinton, I'm pretty much burned out. It wasn't just republicans that wanted this, but many liberals too. Many on this forum even

I'm actually glad the republicans aren't hesitating. People need to see the consequences Immediately

I hope they go through with it. There are lots of people out there who need to learn a lesson.
When people say "Hilary would've done this anyway" as an excuse for their idiocy, they need to be fucking talked down too like they are the biggest morons on earth. Believing the democrats were just gonna gut net neutrality is like believing republicans will suddenly support abortion.

Only the seriously ignorant would believe otherwise.


So they can charge you based on where you browse

Because the internet providers want this.

Because republicans are there for big business. I hope you weren't thinking republicans were a party there to serve their constituents interests, because it hasn't been that way in a long time.

Yeah I just fail to understand why this is important. To save giant companies like Comcast? This has nothing to do with small business. In fact it will hurt businesses if they have to pay even more for internet for their workers
Why do republicans want this actually.

look how powerful cable companies are with their model.

they want to apply that to the internet.

its not about saving small businsess, OR saving big ones like comcast. its giving ISPs more control and more options to charge people. plain and simple.
Get your online multiplayer gaming done now.
Stream your Netflix movies now.
Download as much porn as possible now.

Because starting Jan 20, we all fucked.

I wonder what Mom n Pop Dumbass in middle America is going to say when little Timmy has been accessing porn non-stop while they were out and their bill is $400.
Yeah I just fail to understand why this is important. To save giant companies like Comcast? This has nothing to do with small business. In fact it will hurt businesses if they have to pay even more for internet for their workers
It's to save small businesses like their pockets, because Comcast pays them to do this shit.

It's not hard to understand.

Get your online multiplayer gaming done now.
Stream your Netflix movies now.
Download as much porn as possible now.

Because starting Jan 20, we all fucked.

I wonder what Mom n Pop Dumbass in middle America is going to say when little Timmy has been accessing porn non-stop while they were out and their bill is $400.
"Time to ban porn"


Yeah I just fail to understand why this is important. To save giant companies like Comcast? This has nothing to do with small business. In fact it will hurt businesses if they have to pay even more for internet for their workers
Nobody cares because Comcast and co are lining their pockets


Beat EviLore at pool.
Worse thing about this is sites like reddit and forums like this will take a huge hit. They will silence people just by doing this.
Yeah I just fail to understand why this is important. To save giant companies like Comcast? This has nothing to do with small business. In fact it will hurt businesses if they have to pay even more for internet for their workers

its blatently anti-consumer but will be pushed as "giving customers more choice"


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Can't they also influence where people get news from through this? Democratic/liberal sites not included with a basic plan, or loading slower
All facebook, google, and twitter need to do is shut off for a week. Have a sign saying "due to republicans wanting to gut net neutrality, we're showing you what will happen once they do."

I mean they wont. But that would be damned effective.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man

has an election ever represented such a stark change for the negative in literally everything?


Yeah I just fail to understand why this is important. To save giant companies like Comcast? This has nothing to do with small business. In fact it will hurt businesses if they have to pay even more for internet for their workers

Yes, precisely. This benefits no one but the huge ISPs, and they're the ones lobbying hard to get GOP support.

The GOP isn't here to actually govern. They're here to destabilize the system and create more animosity between the populace and the government so that they can continue to parrot their "the government doesn't work and we need to slash it to ribbons!" BS and get into power so that they can, surprise surprise, make it easier for big business to scam you out of your already-low wages and line their pockets.

The racism, sexism, etc. isn't even their main goal. It's just about keeping people distracted so they can continue to fuck your wallet.

They're not the party of small government. They're the party of deliberately-shitty government.
So does this mean you will start seeing Internet packages starting at $39.99 for example, but that doesn't include YouTube, Spotify, and reddit for example? And you can add those on for an extra $5 or whatever? Can anyone explain like I'm five what this means for the average consumer.
Yeah I just fail to understand why this is important. To save giant companies like Comcast? This has nothing to do with small business. In fact it will hurt businesses if they have to pay even more for internet for their workers

It's the principle of free-market capitalism. As a party philosophy, they believe it should apply to everything, and that it is superior to artificial regulation in almost all cases. It's as simple as that, really.
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