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Rumor: BG&E2: Odyssey is a Switch timed exclusive (12 months, then PS4/XB1/PC)

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Look, I'm all in on the Switch hype train and I'll definitely be picking one up on day one but, limiting the development of BGE2 to the specs and power of the Switch and then making it a 12 month exclusive...


Edit: Now I've thought about it more... As long as the game is still what Michel ancel and the team originally envisioned then I'm ok with this as Rayman Origins and Legends were both budget like titles and were still fantastic.


Well, unless they have a Metroid game close to launch(yeah right), I have no interest in the Switch. I guess I'll just wait for the PS4 version.


Man the reactions in this thread are really surprising to me. Haven't people wanted this game like for eternity?
Is Nintendo helping fund this? could easily be another Rayman, lol I remember that one and being hyped up but then bam, delayed until the week before GTA V lol


Time exclusives are anti-consumer!*

*unless it's for my system of choice.

Ahhhhhh I get it now. "The Switch is a weak console so I'm mad it's being developed with the Switch in mind rather than my PS4." I can understand that sentiment a bit I guess, but c'mon guys. We haven't even seen the game yet.
Like with Tomb Raider people will just wait the year. A waste of money from Nintendo's perspective and damaging to their reputation to foster the anti-consumer practice of buying timed exclusives.

Didn't that XBONE version of Tomb Raider do fine, though? Sold a million copies, and it wasn't like the PS4 version suddenly shot up the sales charts. Microsoft paid for it to happen, so they could bolster their lineup for 2015. It seemed to do the job.

TImed exclusives are fine, since typically they're only going to happen with games that otherwise might not make it to shelves. Clearly nobody at Ubisoft was chomping at the bit to make BG&E 2 - be glad Nintendo would take it this far.
Like with Tomb Raider people will just wait the year. A waste of money from Nintendo's perspective and damaging to their reputation to foster the anti-consumer practice of buying timed exclusives.

We don't know the full picture; this could be a SFV-like scenario where Nintendo's contribution has allowed for it's continued development.
Looks like we're going for a Zombi-U situation in terms of release, except it won't somehow be a gimped version on non-NIntendo consoles.
Is it just me or is it odd that the PS4/X1 version will reportedly be digital only upon release? Like I get that digital sales are solid in most cases, but is this Ubi being open that this is a relatively niche sequel, that no doubt has a high budget, or does this perhaps have something to do with the Switch timed exclusive period? Just seems like a peculiar move all together in my view.

If the info is actually true, then it might be that Ubi planned it to be digital in general, but what Nintendo wanted for the Switch launch period was a physical release that would be visible on shelving space - ie, to say that the Switch has games, to the average consumer. So Nintendo secured the exclusive period and a physical release, while Ubisoft will stick to its original plan once that period expires.


What's really weird is that it'll be digital only on PS4/Xbone.
Did something like that happen before?

Edit : ^ I see, the game would not be that ambitious if they planned digital only from the start.


Of all the reasons to potentially buy a Switch for most consumers, a time-exclusive sequel to a 14 year-old game that had limited sales success isn't going to be one of them.

Worse for Ubisoft, by the time the year is up and the other consoles get their versions, most formerly-interested parties will likely not bother.


I certainly hope so. I'm willing to wait for a PS4 version but it would be a bummer to miss out.


Look, I'm all in on the Switch hype train and I'll definitely be picking one up on day one but, limiting the development of BGE2 to the specs and power of the Switch and then making it a 12 month exclusive...


A BG&E2 made for the specs of full power PS4/XB1 might not even be greenlit, considering today's Ubisoft.
That's really shitty to leak this kind of deals at this point in time. Both for the devs and Nintendo.

oh no, all those people who would have bought Switch for a sequel to a game that bombed thirteen years ago

In any case, not her job to worry about that.


Something I find funny about folks being upset with the game being developed with the Switch in mind is that I really haven't played anything on my PS4 that couldn't have been done on a last gen console.

I don't mean in terms of visuals or frame rate mind you, just new gameplay systems and concepts enabled by enhanced hardware. I just haven't seen that this generation. Why would BGE2 be the game that changes that?

Not that Ubisoft would risk a full sized PS4 scale BGE2 in the first.
That's really shitty to leak this kind of deals at this point in time. Both for the devs and Nintendo.

Why? Assuming the leak is legitimate, they've got a trailer ready to run in nine days. If this was a deal in the earliest possible stages of negotiation, a leak would potentially compromise it. But this is already a done deal, just waiting for the announcement.

If you want to avoid breaking news about the games industry, perhaps don't frequent a message board about the games industry.
People are already complaining about the graphics without even seeing the damn game.

Seriously guys you should be fucking grateful that a game that would otherwise not happen is coming out.

But naw instead y'all complain its not on your favorite system......

True Fire

Is it just me or is it odd that the PS4/X1 version will reportedly be digital only upon release? Like I get that digital sales are solid in most cases, but is this Ubi being open that this is a relatively niche sequel, that no doubt has a high budget, or does this perhaps have something to do with the Switch timed exclusive period? Just seems like a peculiar move all together in my view.

Digital only on PS4XB1 implies that it's low budget actually. Sounds like Nintendo is taking a 20 dollar PSN game and propping it up as a AAA launch window title
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