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Phil Spencer: "I know we have to take risks [after Scalebound cancellation],"


Go Go Neo Rangers!
*Shrugs* they've really fallen from grace, even the PS3 was able to turn things around, the Xbox brand seems to continually lose momentum this gen.

It took ps3 about 4 years to finally get back. Phill hasn't even had the head Xbox position for 3.


Watching Microsoft's E3 conference this year is going to be a slightly awkward affair. New games will be announced and I'll be wondering if what is shown will actually ever see the light of day or not.
Honestly, after their track record this generation, I'm just going to assume that any new big exclusive game they reveal that doesn't have Halo, Gears or Forza in the title, or hasn't had an entry already in this generation, is simply not getting made. And it's put me off from getting a Scorpio now as well, whereas I had plans to do an upgrade (partly, in wanting to play this game at a higher fidelity). The other exclusives have been disappointing to me so far, and the only other thing I care about is EA access. And if that's what I own an xbox for, it's not enough to get me to upgrade to Scorpio.


I love all the people busting Spencer's balls...lol. You do realize he could just say nothing...right? He has no obligation to talk to fans on Twitter. He could just leave that to Larry & Greenburg. I give him props for responding to people.

He's going to be shit on here from now until there's something of worth to show. By some people even after that. By a lot of people before this. Hell, if a poster was an Xbox fan this generation would probably drive them insane. MS has given detractors ammo since the reveal.

Perfect response.

"I won't abandon signing independent studio projects but I agree first-party internal studios are critical," he said.

You may want to sign them but they may not want to sign with you...

It took ps3 about 4 years to finally get back. Phill hasn't even had the head Xbox position for 3.

And momentum isn't going his way. He has an incredibly tough road ahead.


Boy, the honeymoon for Spencer at the head of Xbox really is over.

I think people are just pissed Scalebound got cancelled. I seriously doubt Spencer was ultimately responsible, someone else probably pressured him to do it.

I don't agree with many of the decisions MS has made this gen, but I'm not gonna put them all at Spencer's feet.
I get the backlash against Phil and MS, but why aren't people blaming platinum? They seemed to get enough time to work on it, maybe the game just sucked and was a mess. I'm sure the last thing Phil wanted to do was to cancel it. It must have been in a pretty sorry state to force his hand.

I keep reading responses here that sound like he cancelled it out of spite or something. Just realize that he probably literally agonized over it, and I'm sure gave platinum numerous chances to right the ship.

They took a "risk" on scalebound, and ended up losing. That's the nature of a risk, sometimes it turns out shitty.
The underlying narrative appears to be that Microsoft kept forcing changes onto Scalebound's development thus creating problems for Platinum.

Obviously, we don't know have all the facts but given Platinum's track record, I have my doubts that they are to blame for this.

And just to clear, I am not bashing Microsoft. I'm sure they had their reasons. Videogames are highly competitive and something about Scalebound didn't fit their strategy.

I do question their strategy but I'm not invested so I can just shrug.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
XBOX 2017-2019

Forza, Halo, Gears

XBOX 2020-2022

Forza VR, Halo VR, Gears VR

Risky business yo



Sorry Spencer, but nope.

Scalebound was the risk, you choked it after 4 years of development.

There's nothing refreshing coming except SoT and maybe Crackdown, to me it's just a Rare Replay, Halo and Sunset Overdrive machine, since I play KI on PC.


WOw, defensive, i was giving my opinion on what I think they should do as a division. And why can't I compare xbox to playstation?

Your outlook is Xbox as a platform but to have that they have to actually make a store front that's not hot garbage and works, which currently they've done nothing with.

And to see Sony do well, and soon I believe Nintendo do well in the same console space says that they could do well as well if they restructure and have the principles that Nintendo and Sony have for why they actually got into this industry.
I'm not defending anything. I'm saying comparing different companies isn't as easy as you might think. The end results can be compared of course.

Well Killzone isn't really in Halo's orbit
I agree.
It took ps3 about 4 years to finally get back. Phill hasn't even had the head Xbox position for 3.

This is so wrong.....PS3 was outselling 360 day 1 launch aligned and it launched a year layer, 16 months in europe......

Not sure why this narrative that PS3 took years to turn around comes from. It had a bad launch PR wise sure, but sales wise it had global presense MS never had.


The biggest mistake MS made was not cultivating new IP.

Seriously there should have been a Sunset Overdrive 2. Now they kinda have to double down on their key franchises. IT just sucks because the constant cancelling of games just doesn't inspire confidence.

From a first party perspective, yes.

Second party is another story. There are several new IP's they've funded, the thing is, it's almost the opposite for first party. I've argued that they need to change things up, but I guess Microsoft feels like they can keep funding Halo, Gears, and Forza with no problem.
The biggest mistake MS made was not cultivating new IP.

Seriously there should have been a Sunset Overdrive 2. Now they kinda have to double down on their key franchises. IT just sucks because the constant cancelling of games just doesn't inspire confidence.

To be fair they kinda tried. Sunset Overdrive is such a criminally underrated game and it didn't sell. Ryse, Quantum Break (fuck what ya'll say I liked that game) Ori etc. The Xbox demographic aren't into these types of games, which why I think they didn't sell (obviously the number of boxes sold in didn't help).

MS should have doubled down on new IP this gen like Sony did last gen.
Sure, buddy. I'm sure Microsoft doesn't get tons of pitches every years...

Some of you people are really out of touch.

Nothing about what I said is out of touch. They've had some high profile cancellations, that's not going to stop people from proposing games to them, but it will make them more hesitant and want more money and more guarantees from Microsoft.

edit: And the ones they had falling outs with...yeah.


People who's business it is to publish games decided to axe the project. Troubled development, which would probably mean pushing it back. Large expenses from marketing, production for retail etc. A smaller market in the West for this kind of title, and a non-existent one in the east essentially given Xbox and PC don't sell. It's a recipe for a game that would have at best probably made a very mediocre profit or maybe even lost money when all was said and done, hard to say. When instead they can allocate those funds towards a new IP.

I mean I'm saddened to see they wouldn't just finish and then forgo the marketing portion, but it just never really felt like a good fit anyway IMO.

It could have fit if Xbox wasn't a Halo, Gears, Forza machine and seen that way by many people. If they had continued varied output during 360 days into xbox one and allowed developers to take breaks from franchises and create something new.

They would be in a good place with gamers and developers. Issue is xbox division is basically run by MS. People in power at xbox still have to pass things through the larger part and that means ego's and agenda's can influence the decisions and direction of that division.

Which is where we are now.


Has a voluptuous plastic labia
Phil probably fights his corner then the Windows bosses nod their heads and do what the hell they like and Phil gets the flak. Windows Store is the priority, likely hope they do something good for Xbox and games while not screwing it up. I can see the Xbox team calling Microsoft customer support instead of having any serious collaboration and say. Nadella lives in a bubble of massive return of investment, probably thinks why every game can't be a Minecraft success and doesn't see beyond Xbox Live subscriptions since subs is what he is basically turning Microsoft into and is mostly done.

Exactly this. There are a lot of people here blaming one man for many things. I guess that is what you get for being the "mouth" of a brand.


The problem is MS is trying to find a new IP to buy - not develop themselves. Their internal studios are busy with Forza and Halo...
To be fair they kinda tried. Sunset Overdrive is such a criminally underrated game and it didn't sell. Ryse, Quantum Break (fuck what ya'll say I liked that game) Ori etc. The Xbox demographic aren't into these types of games, which why I think they didn't sell (obviously the number of boxes sold in didn't help).

MS should have doubled down on new IP this gen like Sony did last gen.

You know it takes time sometimes for an ip to grow, Uncharted 1 did not sell well at first, but sony stuck with it...MS just doesn;t that's the big difference. Sony also had failures (The Order, Heavenly sword), but they keep trying. You can't succeed if you don't fail.

Ms would have canned Uncharted after 1.
I said this before I'll say it again. Talk is cheap Phil. Show or shush.
The things you say and the actions you take are so contradictory. Can't even take it seriously.

You said ''games, games and more games''. Under your leadership it's been ''less games, less games and lesser games''. You take little risks, your portfolio is anything but diverse and your portfolio is weak.

He talks a good talk. He's good at saying what people want to hear. But when it comes to actually delivering on those things, it's a swing and a miss every goddamn time so far.

People keep blaming stuff on Mattrick and saying Phil is still cleaning up his mess, well then here's a truth about Mattrick: most of the original games we've seen on Xbone so far must have been commissioned during his tenure as head of Xbox - Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, State of Decay, Scalebound, Crackdown 3, Quantum Break, and so on. Spencer must have commissioned Sea of Thieves, and what else? He's axed plenty of games and studios, but in the almost three years since he took control what new software has he been responsible for?
He's going to be shit on here from now until there's something of worth to show. By some people even after that. By a lot of people before this. Hell, if a poster was an Xbox fan this generation would probably drive them insane. MS has given detractors ammo since the reveal.

I'm a fan, passionate yes but there is a limit. I like the other two brands too . Things have irked me about them before the Xbox One but More important things in life.


Boy, the honeymoon for Spencer at the head of Xbox really is over.

You'll see Xbox fans still supportive of him and its those he really caters for, he's turned around the brand. Xbox One S has been doing well, the brand is in better place then when he received it, i feel Scorpio will be the step that allows him to make Xbox his own.


I'm not defending anything. I'm saying comparing different companies isn't as easy as you might think. The end results can be compared of course.

I agree.

Different companies yes, but both make games and consoles? So why not compare them? So when Sony fucked up during PS3 we couldn't compare what each company was doing? or how they should make changes?

That makes no fucking sense.

You'll see Xbox fans still supportive of him and its those he really caters for, he's turned around the brand. Xbox One S has been doing well, the brand is in better place then when he received it, i feel Scorpio will be the step that allows him to make Xbox his own.

With what software though?


You wouldn't know it from anything happening at Xbox.

Yep sounds about right. So sick and tired of Phil's empty words and constant reassurances.

Those of you saying "poor Phil" what the hell is wrong with you? The man has been lying to your faces whispering sweet nothings in your ears and you've been eating it up like maggots on a pile of feces. His words officially mean othing. He has consistently failed to deliver and follow up with the vast majority of the things he has said and promised. He has proven again and again that his words are hollow.

As far as the whole "not his fault" crowd goes, hes literally the head of Xbox. He is the face of the brand in good times and bad. You cant exalt him as "the boss" and the savior Xbox one day and then brush off complaints levied against him with "but he hasn't really taken charge yet" or "his hands are tied though" the next. Either he is a force for change in Xbox or hes a glorified PR man. Pick one.
This is so wrong.....PS3 was outselling 360 day 1 launch aligned and it launched a year layer, 16 months in europe......

Not sure why this narrative that PS3 took years to turn around comes from. It had a bad launch PR wise sure, but sales wise it had global presense MS never had.

Correct, although we don't have concrete sales data, PS3 hit the 10 million, 20 million, 30 million, 40 million, etc milestones faster than 360.
Get some 1st party studios to cover the genres missing from the line up.

All Microsoft seem to have is 1st person shooter (Halo), 3rd person shooter (Gears), Driving sim (Forza series).

No action brawler game like God of War (get Ninja Gaiden back or not), no series like Uncharted (renting Tomb Raider exclusivity didn't work) or Ratchet.

If you wanna take risks then let studios do their thing.
Bungie was a great success with Halo because for the most part they made the Halo games they wanted to not what Microsoft thought the fans wanted.

If you wanna get the hard-core fans back onside then we need to see Microsoft from the 360 era, we need exclusives like Lost Odyssey, Ninja Gaiden 2, PGR and Mass Effect 1 (it was console exclusive for so long it counts to me, hell Microsoft published it).

This gen I've just seen Xbox coasting and PS4 getting wonderful stuff like Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 with Last of Us 2, God of War and Horizon to look forward to.

I have Crackdown and Below.. That's it.
It sucks, it really does but hey at least I've got Halo right?
All I ever hear out of Phil is false promises and halfhearted apologies. He's done a wonderful job of confirming my decision to never buy an Xbox One.
He talks a good talk. He's good at saying what people want to hear. But when it comes to actually delivering on those things, it's a swing and a miss every goddamn time so far.

People keep blaming stuff on Mattrick and saying Phil is still cleaning up his mess, well then here's a truth about Mattrick: most of the original games we've seen on Xbone so far must have been commissioned during his tenure as head of Xbox - Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, State of Decay, Scalebound, Crackdown 3, Quantum Break, and so on. Spencer must have commissioned Sea of Thieves, and what else? He's axed plenty of games and studios, but in the almost three years since he took control what new software has he been responsible for?

I'm also pretty sure he commission scalebound, crackdown 3 and phantom dust, he was head 3 months before that E3 and we know those games at that show were fictional CG trailers that were mocked up because their was no gameplay..


Sorry Phil, Platinum worth talking risk for. Next time you want to talk bring a working game with you

Yea the fake outrage is hilarious, this game was being shit on at every turn and rightfully so because it looked bad. Suddenly now its as if the Last Guardian was cancelled

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
To be fair it sounds like Platinum shopped Scalebound all around town before settling for MS. Depending on the scope of the game Kickstarer might be a non starter.

A game like Scalebound could never be created off of Kickstarter. It would take Star Citizen level funding and I'm sorry but it would just never get it.

Yeah, sure, but then Scalebound probably wouldn't have had 4-player co-op nonsense which in all likelihood is what made dev incredibly difficult since it was already trying to do mad shit with scale.

I'd also argue a back to basics budget cut project would do Kamiya good after some of his games have been a bit too bloaty, and Saito's licensed razor thing time/budget punt outs have been some of Platinum's best games.

At this point though, there's such a storied history to Microsoft fucking mostly everyone through short-termism that anyone taking the bait is basically accepting its probably their last hurrah.
It took ps3 about 4 years to finally get back. Phill hasn't even had the head Xbox position for 3.

To get back what? By 2009 (three years after launch) the PS3 was already delivering a line-up of great exclusives like Uncharted 2, Wipeout HD, Ratchet and Clank: ACiT, Warhawk and so on, because Sony put a lot of effort into their first-party studios many years beforehand and by then it was paying dividends. This is exactly where Spencer and the Xbox brand is failing.


If you look back at 360, they had the time to make new IP with a high user base to sell to and build on with Xbox One sequels while hyping up the return of the old IP on Xbox One after a longer time gap and maybe not needed again, perhaps Gears.

Two examples, they shouldn't have made

Gears of Wars Judgement
Halo 4

That time was ripe for new IP instead. Give the old IP a rest.
This is so wrong.....PS3 was outselling 360 day 1 launch aligned and it launched a year layer, 16 months in europe......
I can't speak for others but when I read the "PS3 turned it around" I do think people mean in terms of "in the eyes of the public". Like, Xbox 360 had the best exclusives, best version of multiplatforms, word of mouth, etc for the first few years. Then things changed and developers stopped complaining (for the most part) about how PS3 was so hard to develop for, etc, and in some cases it was even the lead version for multiplats.

I understand what you're saying about sales, but I don't think it can be denied that public perception of the PS3 initially was not as good as X360's: 600 USD, get a second job, hard to program for, less than ideal PSN infrastructure, etc.
To get back what? By 2009 (three years after launch) the PS3 was already delivering a line-up of great exclusives like Uncharted 2, Wipeout HD, Ratchet and Clank: ACiT, Warhawk and so on, because Sony put a lot of effort into their first-party studios many years beforehand and by then it was paying dividends. This is exactly where Spencer and the Xbox brand is failing.
This is fair.


The sad thing is MS is sitting on a treasure trove of IP's that aren't even that risky. All of Rare's IP's come to mind.
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