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Suicide Squad director: "Wish I had a time machine"; would make Joker villian

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Suicide Squad director David Ayer has come out and said he wants a “time machine” so he could go back and make the Joker the main villain of the film. Cause that’s exactly what the movie needed ... more excuses for Jared Leto to send people dead pigs.

Ayer, responding to a fan on Twitter, acknowledged that the film is “controversial” (spoilers: it’s a total mess), but continued to defend it as his attempts to make something unique. To be fair, he did, but probably not in the way he intended. Instead, Ayer released a movie that breaks a lot of the basic rules of filmmaking for basically no reason.

“I took inspiration from the insanity of the original comics,” Ayer wrote on Twitter. “If you set out to make a mass appeal movie, it’s easy to end up with vanilla. But I went for it. And I know Squad has its flaws. Hell, the world knows it ... Wish I had a time machine. I’d make Joker the main villain and engineer a more grounded story. I have to take the good and bad and learn from it.”

I will admit, Ayer does make a good point. Suicide Squad needed to be more grounded. The “Skwad” shouldn’t have been fighting an apocalyptic cloud of doom engineered by Enchantress’ hula hooping. It should’ve been a simple black-ops mission that the good guys were afraid to touch. Hell, even I’ll admit the Joker’s involvement would’ve fit better in that type of scenario. In theory, the Joker would’ve made a far superior villain in Suicide Squad. It’s just, guys I can’t, Leto’s performance infuriated me.


One of the main problems with the movie is a bunch of street level characters, besides Diablo, fighting some all powerful witch.

So yes Joker as the villain would have made the concept work better.


The film needed to have the Joker as the main villian... and also recast the Joker.



They should have just made a live-action remake of Batman: Assault on Arkham. They literally could have copy-pasted the storyline.


Nothing! I said nothing!
Saw it for the first time yesterday. Joker was the worst character among a bad bunch of them.

I felt like I could see him think about what he was doing whilst he was 'acting'. How can I make him more weird?


While this move might've lead to a more cohesive picture(but not necessarily a better one), Ayer himself was the number one problem with the film.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
I watched this movie the other day and it was fucking terrible.

And no, the main villain should not have been Jared Leto doing his Jim Carrey impression.


Movie wasn't that bad? Maybe cause I heard it was horrible and adjusted my expectations accordingly.

It had personality and charm that many of the lower tier MCU films lacked. Not saying much there lol.
Given how much they focused on Harley in the promo material, that would have created an obvious and more interesting conflict of interest than Rick being the Enchantress' boyfriend. Harley has an established history - and it's shown in the film - of being far too invested in the Joker for her own good, so you could put together a pretty easy betrayal as a plot point.

Plus, given the Joker they did go with - whether or not you like him - was established in the movie as more of a crime lord than pure anarchist, it wouldn't be especially difficult to craft a scenario where he does something that the Squad could be called in for. Like say... stealing the plans or creators of some weapon that Waller was having put together, and so she needs that nipped in the bud before word leaks about it. Still gets the whole 'Maybe leave this stuff to the Justice League' angle they had in the stinger, while having an event where it makes sense for any supers not to be involved.


Rodent Whores
The power level imbalance was a pretty stupid aspect of the film. One of many. The villain's powers should have been more on par with the Squad's.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
And yet we are forced to persevere with this hideous universe.

Just scrap everything and start over, it's literally impossible for me to care about this Batman world when they so utterly fucked up the Joker. If Ayer himself wants to undo the movie then just do it.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Going so far out of their way to not imitate Heath Ledger's or Jack Nicholson's Joker (I assume this is what happened?) gave us the worst possible incarnation of the Joker.

I hope we never see it again


I can see some of the complaints people had with Suicide Squad and I think as fair few are valid, however I didn't think it was that bad.
I actually thought the villain was the Joker before the movie came out.
Marketing knew ahead of time people would have went "Who?" in regards to the main villain, then eventually "who cares."

Suicide Squad has such a simple, straight forward premise, and definitely could've used a goal that was simple and iconic, and not some relatively obscure jobber to someone who doesn't know comics.


I honestly think it wasn't a good movie. It was... sort of there.

But I also think that BvS was far, far worse. It's something I guess?


Movie wasn't that bad? Maybe cause I heard it was horrible and adjusted my expectations accordingly.

I had personality and charm that many of the lower tier MCU films lacked. Not saying much there lol.

My wife and I really enjoyed it when we saw it in the theater. The audience seemed to be enjoying it as well. The movie is flawed but parts of it work really well even though the ending is trash.


I thought the Enchantress plot had a lot of potential actually. They just didn't make anything useful out of it.


One of my main gripes with the movie was how ridiculously I needed to suspend my disbelief for Harley's fighting prowess. Psychiatrist turned insane becomes a badass when given a baseball bat? That wasn't explained well or at all. Couldn't stand her character.


Have the Suicide Squad go after the Joker because he is causing too much trouble. They use Harley as bait, and the tension is on when the shoe will drop and Joker and Harley turn it around on them. Cause moral dilemma for Harley as she befriended them along the way. Add action scenes.

Check, please.
Main problem I had with the film was that it was a film about sympathetic antiheroes, not scumbag villains of whom some had potential for redemption.

Jared Leto was totally wasted and his Joker maligned by some bullshit notions of genuine romance - his relationship with Harley is meant to be revolting, an abject rejection of abusive relationships that should be avoided, not glamourised into nonsense of unequivocal love of whatever the fuck it was the film tried to to do by once again pulling its punches.

Speaking of Harley, the film really leaned in way too hard on the HQ fandom and mischaracterised her throughout the entire film at the cost of everyone and everything else to make her as likeable as possible when audiences are supposed to be torn between despising her and pitying her.

Deadshot makes sense to use as a focal character since he's one of the few that has potential for redemption, but again, the film pulled punches and never showed him to be a bad guy. Yeah, he killed people, but only other criminals and according to his code he never killed women or children, so I guess they really wanted him to be somewhat honourable from the jump.

Let's not talk about Diablo's line about not wanting to lose "another family" - referring to a group of stone cold killers he barely knows.

Suicide Squad was ass.
One of the main problems with the movie is a bunch of street level characters, besides Diablo, fighting some all powerful witch.

So yes Joker as the villain would have made the concept work better.

Well, that is the original concept of Suicide Squad :D i have no idea why they changed it from a streetlevel blackops assassination gig to saving the world.


Have the Suicide Squad go after the Joker because he is causing too much trouble. They use Harley as bait, and the tension is on when the shoe will drop and Joker and Harley turn it around on them. Cause moral dilemma for Harley as she befriended them along the way. Add action scenes.

Check, please.

Isn't this the exact plot of Assault on Arkham?


Un Rama
I'm sure I've said in another thread but I thought Joker was going to be the bad from the start. It'd make way more sense than the end of the world scenario we got. Waller creates Suicide Squad for deniable missions and believes The Joker is too dangerous to be kept alive. If they kill him or get killed it's just one group of super criminals killing the other. The audience knows how dangerous the joker is without him being world ending. It gives Harley an arc and the rest of the team don't look outclassed too badly.

Just cast another Joker and we are golden.
If they changed the plot, the editing, the score, the villain, the actors, etc. etc.

It's not like there is a gem there that just needs a little dusting off. As they say, you can polish a turd all you want...
My issue with the movie was that the Joker was in it at all. They should have limited him to Harley's back story and that's it.


Yup it was so easy to make this a good movie and they messed it up. I could have written the characters in this movie better with the story they had
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