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Ghost Recon : Wildlands Open Beta Impressions.


Well, I tried a little of it out on PC, but quickly uninstalled it after a few missions.

And the reason is fairly simply, nothing here makes me feel that this won't be just another typical open world game. If anything, this may well be a great vertical slice of all that is wrong with Ubi open world games.

Now I may very well be mistaken here, but from the set up introduced right at the start of the beta I can quickly see that the broad set up for the game will be something akin to:

-gathering collectibles to unlock (at least some of) the story missions
-complete story missions that culminate in you killing a target of some interest
-keep doing this to kill more of these targets of interest to allow you to then kill another 2 targets of higher interest up the chain. This then completes a particular "branch" of this drug cartel which you're combatting
-do this for all 4 branches to then face the final boss and win the game

All I can see in that picture is grind, something reminiscent of what many hated in Mafia 3, (although I didn't personally play that so I can't say with full certainty).
The game may well live or die on the quality of it's story missions, cos it seems another checklist simulator otherwise.

It's a shame cos I thought it held a good first impression with Far Cry-esque tactically taking out enemies but as a cover shooter.

EDIT: oh, and yeah, I must echo the comments regarding just how painfully serious the writing is, as well as the vehicle handling (but I'd argue the cars are even worse the helicopter!)


Gold Member
I found the enemy AI pathing way worse.

When one enemy spots you, he/she telepathically informs half the globe as to where you exactly are. Every other enemy will then fire directly at you. That's just bullshit. You can handle it with regular enemies, but those purple fucks will wreck you mercilessly. They also follow you for miles.

doesn't watch dogs 2 also feature telepathic enemy ai? is this the new ubisoft standard? :) ...


Yeah I'm definitely not buying this after having played this beta. Vehicles handle like trash and the lack of a decent cover system just makes this game seem half arsed.
Played 3 hours with a friend. A little clunkier then I thought but had fun. Definitely cannot play on realistic mode like I did with ghost recon on ps3


what a shame man...i wanted an open world division like game...sucks. i will wait for patches and for the game to be ironed out completely like the division is now in order to play. funny thing is i love the division even in version 1.0, its just a fun game. The animation in this, the bad performance, the bad ai, the mission structure, the out of nowhere vehicles.etctoo many things
So I was really hyped about playing this but unfortunately the game is just boring and tiresome. It isn't a bad game per se, it's a tried and true formula that is very uninspiring and special at this point. The character customisation sucks outside of clothes/weapon colours, but the gunsmith is pretty cool. Unfortunately this game still suffers from the Ubisoft open world mentality of having to collect random crap dotted all over the world to unlock stuff, it's more of a checklist than an incentive to explore. The game is still too easy even on extreme difficulty and it's incredibly dumb how your AI will run super fast to you when you're downed, kill everybody in the area, then revive you all in the space of 10 seconds. I think it was a mistake to force AI teammates with you because they can somehow spot enemies behind walls and buildings half a mile away, whilst the game hasn't even loaded them in for you yet. This game would have been more fun and immersive if I was the lone soldier.

And again, it's an open world Ubisoft game, so the story isn't great, the characters are boring, gameplay is so-so, you'll spend most of your time checking off numbers and unlocking gear you'll never use. MGS5 was much more entertaining because it was just you and your wits and the melee combat is better with the CQC system, as opposed to just pressing right stick and insta killing the enemy. It's also tiresome how often the shoulder camera is moved I have to keep pressing RB to realign it and it's just annoying that I'm trying to look around a corner but the camera moves whenever it seems to get close to a wall or something.

It's also dumb how you're given night vision without any night vision goggles, helicopter handling is fucking ABYSMAL, the worst I've ever experienced in a video game. Gun and car handling is much better, the world itself is really large and looks cool, graphics are great and sound design is top notch and is up there with MGS5.

I could go on and on but I don't have all day to sit here, so overall it isn't a bad or terrible game it's just boring and repetitive, doing lots of meaningless crap in between story missions which are essentially the same except with an interrogation at the end of it. I'll be skipping this game, despite being really hyped for it because I'd rather go back to MGS5 or an Assassin's Creed game as I find them more fun, MGS5 especially.


Yeah I'm definitely not buying this after having played this beta. Vehicles handle like trash and the lack of a decent cover system just makes this game seem half arsed.

I'm still struggling to understand why, after the brilliant cover system in The Division, we went to nothing in a Ghost Recon game. WTF?


Well, I am enjoying it. I am not crazy about the story or dialogue, but I love having a squad that I can issue orders to and an open world to tackle missions in. This is what I wish The Division was.

On a side note, I have zero issues with the vehicles. Just don't floor it and the controls are fine.


Formerly Gizmowned
Bah I enjoyed my closed beta guy and the unlocks I got with him.

So I know this has a new area of the map and missions but does it include the previous bits of the map?

I'm still struggling to understand why, after the brilliant cover system in The Division, we went to nothing in a Ghost Recon game. WTF?

Different devs have different ideas but I am amazed at how shitty the stealth is.


Another Ubisoft game where vehicles control like shit.

Gun customization seems seems cool

Overall, incredibly boring. Even with a friend.
I Totally understand what you are saying!! but still its not the Final (Gold) build unless stated by the Publisher. There are cases where betas are released of the older version of then games even though they are about to get release.
This is probably right, I still don't understand why a publisher would do that. A) the feedback for an out of date version is not that useful, and b) you show your game in a worse light than necessary. B is especially weird when you use betas as promotional tools, as I suspect Ubi is doing here.
But reading the comments one can only hope that the final version is way more polished than the beta.


Yeah tried it again after the crappy closed beta. Jup big skip this one.
The game doesnt know what it wants to be really. Is just a mix from what Ubi has to offer and thrown into one game and see what comes out.


I wanted this game to be pretty much ARMA lite, but it's not even Ghost Recon. Just random missions scattered across random locations with more than half of the time spent travelling using vehicles with shit controls.
This is probably right, I still don't understand why a publisher would do that. A) the feedback for an out of date version is not that useful, and b) you show your game in a worse light than necessary. B is especially weird when you use betas as promotional tools, as I suspect Ubi is doing here.
But reading the comments one can only hope that the final version is way more polished than the beta.

A Community Manager said similar things about the previous Closed Beta build not being a final representation of the game nor it being a demo of a completed portion but at this point Wildlands is on a wait and see approach for me as I doubt the final version will play much different than what we're seeing here and in the previous Closed Beta.

The game just seems to be fighting itself in what it wants to be which is ultimately somewhere between Mercenaries and a Ghost Recon title.

I want an open-world co-op tactical shooter similar to this but there's a lot here I don't want/expect from a Ghost Recon title if that makes sense.

Oh well, there are a ton of new and upcoming releases to take a wait and see approach on this one.
Game looks incredible on PC, was fun to play although cover system could be better

Needs a powerful PC though on ultra

GMG has it for $49.29 so probably buy that one


Gold Member
I'm still struggling to understand why, after the brilliant cover system in The Division, we went to nothing in a Ghost Recon game. WTF?

played a bit, & i'm struggling to understand how the same developer that made the division made this game. huge step down, in multiple ways (both technical & afa gameplay)...


Im a little surprised by all the negative impressions in here. The game is basically watch dogs meets far cry. I thought it was fun enough, graphics are good I don't understand the arguments there. Vehicle controls suck I'll agree and the lack of a cover system is baffling, but if you have a friend and want a fun coop shooter you could do a lot worse.


Im a little surprised by all the negative impressions in here. The game is basically watch dogs meets far cry. I thought it was fun enough, graphics are good I don't understand the arguments there. Vehicle controls suck I'll agree and the lack of a cover system is baffling, but if you have a friend and want a fun coop shooter you could do a lot worse.

Not feeling the Far Cry or Watch Dogs vibes, but yeah, it is a good time for sure. A squad-based open world with great customization. It's pretty much what I wanted.
Weirdly on the PC I was locked to 60 fps when the FPS video "FPS locked" option was set to off, but I could change that to 144 (gsync monitor) and then it went up above 120 fps (on a 1080 at max settings).

Have the PC version running right next to a PS4 Pro @ 4k and while the PC version is obviously better looking, its not a huge difference for me. The Ps4 version looks gorgeous too.

Still game itself is just not something I feel i need to play right now. Its decent, but yeah the comments of "this is like a f2p survival game with some tweaks" rings very true to me.


The car physics are so messed up that I managed more spins driving to the mission than the James Corden insurance advert & then had no issues sprinting full speed through an outpost meleeing every single enemy without resistance. This wasn't on the hardest difficulty but it was above normal.

Open world looks great, but the gameplay mechanics are serviceable at best, like every Ubisoft game. It doesn't have the fun factor of Just Cause, the polish of MGSV or the tactical elements of the older Ghost Recons or an Arma game. It's not a bad game though, just the usual type of product everyone will rave about for the launch weeks before forgetting entirely about it.

This was my opinion from the closed beta. It's pretty, but mostly mediocre. I'll be trying the open beta with friends when I get home from work, but my expectations are pretty much flatlining at this point.

Although I would disagree with the Ubi slight. I love their open world games. This one just feels meh though.
played a bit, & i'm struggling to understand how the same developer that made the division made this game. huge step down, in multiple ways (both technical & afa gameplay)...

The Division is made by Massive. GR: Wildlands is made by Ubisoft Paris (Watch Dogs 1, a slew of Just Dance games, and GR:AW).


4. Difficulty

The difficulty has been tweaked and improved to offer players a real challenge, especially at the highest difficulty levels.
- Removed “enemies areas” in mini-map in Extreme difficulty mode.
- Improved difficulty balancing for AI and missions.
- Improved stealth break situations.

Yes! That alone is a massive improvement.


Neo Member
I played an hour before work this morning, and it honestly feels exactly the same as the closed beta. Same horrible vehicle controls (helicopter and car) still a slight input lag, cars still randomly hopping while driving on the roads, and i still can't hand the horrible VO. Still, i am getting this game because it can be a lot of fun with friends, and i like the customization of weapons.


If I had to point out negatives so far it would be the cheesy dialogue and the visuals, which are not particularly pretty up close. Other than that, I think I am going to have a blast. Glad I have it pre-ordered.


this is my impression from the open beta thread

Tbh, I've never played the game but judging from the gameplay videos I've had the same feelings as you. The fact that you actually confirmed them makes me not wanna bother to check the beta.


Just played the PS4 Open Beta for a while. It was OK but the controls are kinda wonky and I didn't find the game looked that great. Watching streams of the game on PC make it look ok but on PS4 it looks kinda like a remastered PS3 game. The only two games I've been playing the last month or so is Battlefield 1 and The Division. This beta looks nothing like them. I know "It's a beta" but doubt much will change between now and release.


Just played the PS4 Open Beta for a while. It was OK but the controls are kinda wonky and I didn't find the game looked that great. Watching streams of the game on PC make it look ok but on PS4 it looks kinda like a remastered PS3 game. The only two games I've been playing the last month or so is Battlefield 1 and The Division. This beta looks nothing like them. I know "It's a beta" but doubt much will change between now and release.

I am playing the beta on PS4 as well and find the visuals to be about on par with The Crew. But it is a huge world and it is fun to play. I'll get my money's worth, no doubt.


Im a little surprised by all the negative impressions in here. The game is basically watch dogs meets far cry. I thought it was fun enough, graphics are good I don't understand the arguments there. Vehicle controls suck I'll agree and the lack of a cover system is baffling, but if you have a friend and want a fun coop shooter you could do a lot worse.

I mean, I don't know about others but telling me it's Watch Dogs meets Far Cry isn't selling me very well on a Ghost Recon game.


I must be strange, have great fun playing this game, perhaps in spite of various "issues".

You are not strange at all. It's a fun squad-based shooter in a huge open world. I am playing solo and everything works as it should and the squad follows every command. But beings it is open world, I expect a few funny bugs here and there. None yet for me, though.


I will play it offline later, tried online and while I and another guy were stealthy approaching the enemies and even using sync shots... this other guy appears riding a fucking motorcycle and throwing granades. seriously -.-

But yeah, playing with friends is probably great.


I mean, I don't know about others but telling me it's Watch Dogs meets Far Cry isn't selling me very well on a Ghost Recon game.

I am not getting those vibes at all. I never commanded a squad with a tactical wheel in Watch Dogs or Far Cry. This feels nothing like either of those games. It actually puts me in mind of old GR and Rainbow six as far as that goes. Only it's in a huge open world with a lot more toys and killer customization.


Im a little surprised by all the negative impressions in here. The game is basically watch dogs meets far cry. I thought it was fun enough, graphics are good I don't understand the arguments there. Vehicle controls suck I'll agree and the lack of a cover system is baffling, but if you have a friend and want a fun coop shooter you could do a lot worse.

Just to point this out - but I'm 95% sure there is a cover system in the game. The catch is it's a soft cover system.

Most if not all of the basic mechanics for your template 3rd person shooter are here :

Soft Cover system (press up against the wall using stick, UI gives a prompt when you can pop up or lean around the corner to shoot.

Shoulder Switch
Climbing walls/short cliffs
Mantling over fences.

Iron Sights/Third Person aiming toggle (set default in menu).

That being said, the game didn't exactly blow me away with innovative game mechanics. The game feels a lot like it's done by the book - only with a fresh coat of paint over everything.
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