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Ghost Recon : Wildlands Open Beta Impressions.

I'm waiting for my download to finish and I'll be firing it up. I have read some of the concerns in this thread, but I think I'll be able to look past many issues if the 4 player co-op is really fun.

I definitely wouldn't be picking this up if I was going to play solo.


I am playing solo and it works great. I have been wanting a good old squad-based game like this and Wildlands fits the bill.
I feel the same. Playing alone has its own unique feel. Like, what direction do you assault from. When to sync shoot. When to CQC , call your squad in ect.

I get that some people don't like to micro manage with the AI squad, but I enjoyed it.


I feel the same. Playing alone has its own unique feel. Like, what direction do you assault from. When to sync shoot. When to CQC , call your squad in ect.

I get that some people don't like to micro manage with the AI squad, but I enjoyed it.

Hell, it is like the old GR games or Rainbow Six in this regard. I loved playing those solo with a squad and that is what this is. Only in a huge world and with far more toys, options and some fantastic customization.


I've finally played with 4 friends and it is a BLAST. Pulling off perfect sync-shots with friends at night during a heavy rain is a sublime feeling.

The lightning and weather system easily make up for weaker textures, the draw distance is amazing, nights look gorgeous, there are some nice particle effects, so overall I can't really say the graphics suck and I definitely don't agree with anybody saying that it is, especially considering the scope of this world.

It lacks a bit in polish, but despite that I like it, military atmosphere, the world, complete freedom of approach, lots of options, I'm definitely gonna pick it up day one.
I climbed a mountain with a Van at a 60 degree angle.

This is not the first time Ubisoft made a game with vehicles that has no physics.
I feel the same. Playing alone has its own unique feel. Like, what direction do you assault from. When to sync shoot. When to CQC , call your squad in ect.

I get that some people don't like to micro manage with the AI squad, but I enjoyed it.

The squad tactics in this is as bare-bones as it could possibly be.

It's absurd that this is a tactical game with squad commands and you cannot even give individual commands. Stay, Go, and Attack group commands is about the gist of it. I wish you could turn them off while playing solo as they'll ruin a lot of the stealth aspect of a Ghost Recon title.

Thank goodness they turn them off when playing with at least one other human player.


Hearing all of these negative impressions is a real bummer. The idea of what is essentially a third person far cry with a co op focus sounded really appealing to me.

Guess I'll try the beta anyway but I was really expecting more from this.


Hearing all of these negative impressions is a real bummer. The idea of what is essentially a third person far cry with a co op focus sounded really appealing to me.

Guess I'll try the beta anyway but I was really expecting more from this.

If that is what you are after then you will have a good time. Just try it for yourself, it is really not bad at all.


Yeah, I'm not massively impressed. The handling is spotty. Encounter variety and tactical depth is nonexistent. CQB options are very limited. The writing and the VA (for the female MC, because I'm playing as her) is pretty bad. The interactability of the open world is very Ubisoft. The NPC mechanics are awful, and there is something unintentionally hilarious about seeing 3 burly grown men hanging out of car windows and going guns blazing at everything around them. And vehicle handling, especially with helicopters, is just awful. Somehow that is true after GTAV (which is by no means perfect) has been out for years!

Also, it doesn't seem like you can lean around corners, which is bullshit in a "tactical" TPS released in the year of our Lord 2017.

On the plus side, the NPC squad banter ranges from "I'm showing off my graduate degree" (it would actually be good characterization that the badass Ghosts you lead around have fancy social sciences graduate degrees a la Jessica Chastain's mentor in Zero Dark Thirty) to "Actually pretty decent" (although I'm sure the juvenile cursing will pop up sooner or later). And I'm genuinely enjoying the visceral feeling I get as I pull the trigger on a sniper rifle and watch the bullet drop until it slams into some poor bastard's sternum.

I'm also feeling some immense liberal guilt over playing this story. I'd love to see what Bolivians think of this plot.


Server maintenance during a beta is standard...

We know all to well, how these always online launches go...
Anyways I haven't been impressed, looks OK but also kind of meh... plus performance hasn't improved, so yeah, I'm definitely in no rush.


Played about an hour or so earlier today.

Still enjoy it. Still like it. Just play it as a looser MGSV and truck from base to base stealthing fools. Use the rubbish NPC teammates as fodder/distractions so I can sneak better.

The VA and narrative stuff is awful though. Really disappointing.

this may well be a great vertical slice of all that is wrong with Ubi open world games.

-gathering collectibles to unlock (at least some of) the story missions
-complete story missions that culminate in you killing a target of some interest
-keep doing this to kill more of these targets of interest to allow you to then kill another 2 targets of higher interest up the chain. This then completes a particular "branch" of this drug cartel which you're combatting
-do this for all 4 branches to then face the final boss and win the game

The difference between this and other Ubi games is mainly the 4 player co-op thing. It's really a blast and makes that loop a lot more fun.


Also, why the fuck do assault rifle and submachine gun magazines default to 20 rounds when STANAG and the HK's MP5 hold a standard 30 rounds?

And as to a more gamey WTF, why does the 9x19mm Parabellum from the MP5, a pistol round, do more damage than the 5x56mm from the HK416, which is a rifle round?


From the beta that I played 2 weeks ago I remember the only way it was enjoyable was with a full group of players who collaborated together.

I'm still interested if the environmental variety is there. I just got a 1070 and this game or for honor free. Not sure what to choose.
Played the first mission...no thanks.
Ubi's been on a roll for me with Seige, Division and For Honor. This game feels like the B team was given the assignment. Everything feels loose, graphics suck, cheap looking neon blue/green hud and the fucking gun snaps the middle of the screen (MGS4 style).


At least they added visuals showing that your bullet wont hit where you aim
I always liked Ubisoft games despite how pretty average towards good, they are, however this one...is pretty terrible. The animations are really bad, the sounds/atmosphere especially when ure driving are annoyingly bad, the story is not really interesting..among other things I really dont wish to go on. It just feels extremely below average as a whole package. I literally went from surely buying to possibly never touching this.


So, having played this on the PS4, is it better on the PC? To elaborate, I was expecting a tactical shooter, with cover mechanics and nice AI - what I experienced was run and gub withh semi-fubctional cover mehanics. On top of that the AI partners were utterly horrible. Playing wih random players turned it into Quake.

So, does the mouse/keyboard controls turn it into an ok action game, as opposed to the tactical shooter I fialed to see it as.

And yes, these are my personal opinions etc.


Gold Member
Hopefully they can optimize this for the final release a bit more. Not even on ultra and can't really get locked 60. More like 48 - 54. Also the ghosting with Temporal AA is pretty bad.


Gold Member
Played about an hour, don't see myself playing any more. It felt very much like a Ubisoft open world game. In my hour I spent more time going from A to B and back to A again than I did doing anything else, and that's not rushing through missions, it's taking my time with stealth, tactics, evaluating the environment etc etc. The driving and flying mechanics are trash. I don't get it, does Rockstar hold a patent on driving and flying camera controls that I don't know about? Why is it so difficult to get this one thing right.

While driving I would occasionally notice ?'s on my minimap. At one point I saw 5 of them at once, normally I'd be interested since seeing a ? pop up would usually mean a point of interest so I could be wrong in saying the following, but I didn't bother because it's a Ubisoft game so I expect one to be an outpost, another to be a chest with cash randomly sitting in the open world/ammo crate, one to be a pick up of some crafting parts so I can increase the size of my gun clip, and the last two to be collectibles, one of which is probably up some radio tower you've got to climb.

The shooting, cover, climb, sprint mechanics are all decent at least and very similar to other Ubi games, WD, Div. Friendly AI seems rather useless. Played solo, might be better with friends.

The sound is meh, the lack of music while travelling is meh, their attempt at radio as usual is crap when comparing to other open world titles. At least try to entertain me while making me go from point to point Ubisoft.
If they don't make some meaningful changes before launch, this game is going to get slaughtered in reviews. Even in its current form it can be a bunch of fun with friends, but the game is constantly working against you. As it stands, you and your friends have to make the effort to make it cooler than it is.


As one who likes the Ubisoft open world formula against various backdrops I enjoy it. Also looks great (playing on PS4Pro @ 1080).

But... God damn are the vehicle physics and controls garbage. What the fuck.


I'm enjoying it more on extreme difficulty so far and being sneaky. Much more of a challenge and makes the game fun for me. Will keep playing it like this throughout the weekend and see if it holds up. Would love to get it but I wasn't having much fun on advanced, was pretty much a cakewalk with all the tools you have.
Controls seems fine to me..vehicles and helicopter control as one would expect. The only issue which has put me off is the 3 second delay when traversing the landscape - that is a pain.


Servers offline in Spain. :/

Are you sure? I tried launching it an hour or so ago here in the UK and it just took ages to connect. I alt-tabbed out and just waited after a few times of cancelling and relaunching it, and it eventually connected. You'll hear music when it does.
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