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Night in the Woods |OT| Come Home


From the one event I've spent with Gregg so far, he has more going on than just being into petty crimes.

Also, I became an instant fan just by his reaction to Mae being back. xD


That girl in the bunny hat
From the one event I've spent with Gregg so far, he has more going on than just being into petty crimes.

Also, I became an instant fan just by his reaction to Mae being back. xD

Gregg's arms are in the running for best character.


What sort of time investment am I looking at to play through this?
Something like 6 hours for a very barebones playthrough where you mostly just do the daily thing and don't do much extra exploration/discussions. Probably 9-10 if you take your time and maybe a couple of/few hours more if you try to do everything.


Junior Member
Just reached ACT 4


the fuck.

edit1: looks like night in the woods is the Hot fuzz official game


never left the stone age
Is this game as fucking comfy as it looks? Because it looks and sounds so damn comfy. Will 100% get regardless, I'd get it just for dat Alec Holowka soundtrack tbh.


As soon as I complete my homework, I am definitely advancing in the story! I think I'm on day 3? I'm definitely still in part one, I've just been playing through DemonTower and not playing the story, but now that that's over...
GameInformer has their review up. 8.75/10

Night in the Woods is a strange tale with an even stranger cast of characters, but it revels in its oddities. The excellent writing pulls off a realistic sense of cynicism, childlike wonder, and comradery between friends. With its careful balance between adult themes and youth, it captures a stage of life that is confusing, frightening, and thrilling. The sluggish pacing can drag, but players fill the time by building friendships and understanding the grim secrets of a town they once again call home.


Is this game as fucking comfy as it looks? Because it looks and sounds so damn comfy. Will 100% get regardless, I'd get it just for dat Alec Holowka soundtrack tbh.
Very comfy.

And sometimes too real. It goes back and forth between these two extremes
I was with Bea at the end (although Angus and Gregg joined us afterwards). Before going into the woods my talk was with her as well - Mae and Bea slept on the couch and Mae explained why she hit the kid in high school. Did you play as Bea or Gregg at the start of chapter 4?

Oh, okay. I either missed some or the achievement didn't pop - the PC achievements weren't added until I was halfway through playing anyway so there's a bunch of stuff I've missed out on.
This is what I got too, and honestly it feels like it makes the most sense.
Gregg already ditches you fairly often since he's in a relationship. Bea and Mae had a genuine relationship to rebuild and seemed to be fairly close before they stopped talking to each other


This is what I got too, and honestly it feels like it makes the most sense.
Gregg already ditches you fairly often since he's in a relationship. Bea and Mae had a genuine relationship to rebuild and seemed to be fairly close before they stopped talking to each other

Curious about one thing

Did you do the scene with Gregg and Angus at Donut Wolf? One of the main things is about how Mae being back and doing stuff with Gregg is creating strain on their relationship, making it awkward; especially with how they are trying to move forward with their lives.

Also I kind of thought I wanted to hang out with the person who was genuinely excited to see you and have you back in his life. But that's just a personal thought.
Curious about one thing

Did you do the scene with Gregg and Angus at Donut Wolf? One of the main things is about how Mae being back and doing stuff with Gregg is creating strain on their relationship, making it awkward; especially with how they are trying to move forward with their lives.

Also I kind of thought I wanted to hang out with the person who was genuinely excited to see you and have you back in his life. But that's just a personal thought.


All I got with Gregg was building the robot, smashing bulbs, and going to the spooky building. Makes sense that there's strain being caused with Mae back since Gregg apparently gets bad with her. But so often after hanging with Bea I'd try to hang with him and he'd say he has plans with Mr. Bear

As to hanging out with the friend who was excited to see you, I guess I'm just taking this from reality. There's the friend you're trying to reconnect vs the really good friend who is moving away with his boyfriend. He already has someone who he'd choose to be with over you, I preferred hanging with Bea and try to fix that relationship.

I think it's also sweet since if you hang with her you eventually get this event where (spoiler for Bea's final quest
you have a talk about how you likely are only friends because you were close to each other, but that it doesn't matter because proximity is good enough to have known each other and gone through what they have
. Then of course at the end she says
" you're the closest thing to a sister I have". Considering her family is in shambles, that's really sweet.


So I beat the game. I thought it was solid the entire way through; no problems with the fourth act/chapter whatsoever. Felt completely in place to me. Seems I missed a fair bit on the playthrough by my trophy list, although I'm not sure how much of that was related to choices you make throughout. Could also be due to the fact that I didn't climb
the power lines
until later in the game. I took the warning seriously!

One thing that did bug the shit out of me: In the epilogue
you can find three guys on the cliff near the church. Mae talks to them and makes it seem like she knows them, both me and my SO were tilting our heads because we had never encountered them before. Later, in the final scene, she makes mention of meeting them and talking about the pentagrams at the water tower! Again, not something we did... we did find two pentagrams, wonder if that bugged it out somehow??? Guess I'll be looking for that on the repeat playthrough. Maybe I should report it as a bug?

I'm not sure that the
cosmic horror stuff was meant to show that Mae actually had powers or anything. I took it as just depiction of some mental struggle she was having and possibly related to gases from the mines that show up in a news clip you can find in the library (although I'm not sure why she would be the only one seemingly affected; maybe predisposed or she inhaled some of the gas one day before she beat up the kid with the baseball bat?

But yeah, just a fantastic game. Look forward to doing another playthrough or two (probably another blind and then I'll use a walkthrough or something for anything remaining if I'm stumped). Would highly recommend it.

Edit: We never see
Aunt Mall Cop
during the Epilogue. Hell, we don't
see her when Mae is in the hospital either. Is it implied that she was part of the cult? The characters call them exclusively male but there is a possibility that they just didn't see/hear women right? It's a pretty safe bet that the commerce folks were a part of it, and two or three of them were female as well iirc.


Diegetic can refer to any element that's from the world itself. Dead Space's health being the light on Issac's back. Far Cry 2's GPS in vehicles. Ammo counters displayed on sides of weapons. And so on

Awesome. Thanks for clarifying and broadening the definition. Also dead spaces health and inventory HUD was amazing.
One thing that did bug the shit out of me: In the epilogue
you can find three guys on the cliff near the church. Mae talks to them and makes it seem like she knows them, both me and my SO were tilting our heads because we had never encountered them before. Later, in the final scene, she makes mention of meeting them and talking about the pentagrams at the water tower! Again, not something we did... we did find two pentagrams, wonder if that bugged it out somehow??? Guess I'll be looking for that on the repeat playthrough. Maybe I should report it as a bug?

Yeah same thing happened to me. Apparently
You're supposed to find them there on Harfest, but i never went and found them. I did find all three pentagrams though, so i thought it just happened if you found them all anyways

i really want to play this game again to get all the tophies and try out some stuff I didn't do (hangout with Germ, choose Gregg over Bae) but I know I'll never get the ones for the band parts. God I was terrible at those. Great game and I would recommend it to people that liked Oxenfree.


Neo Member
Strange question - is anyone having controller problems?
I've tried my xbox one for PC controller, as well as my older 360 for PC controllers, and nothing is working. It works in every other game, but night in the woods won't touch it.

After uninstalling, re-installing, restarting, verifying integrity of cache - nothing. Has anyone experienced the same thing?
Edit: We never see
Aunt Mall Cop
during the Epilogue. Hell, we don't
see her when Mae is in the hospital either. Is it implied that she was part of the cult? The characters call them exclusively male but there is a possibility that they just didn't see/hear women right? It's a pretty safe bet that the commerce folks were a part of it, and two or three of them were female as well iirc.

*Ending Spoilers*
I would assume she is only because the only way she would not notice the crazy cultists in a mine in the woods as a cop is if she was in on the plot or grossly incompetent. It would also explain the vaguely threatening warnings she gives Mae as well. I would also assume the one Smelters fan who hangs out outside the bar is also in the cult since he disappears from the epilogue while his friend is still there.
*Ending Spoilers*
I would assume she is only because the only way she would not notice the crazy cultists in a mine in the woods as a cop is if she was in on the plot or grossly incompetent. It would also explain the vaguely threatening warnings she gives Mae as well. I would also assume the one Smelters fan who hangs out outside the bar is also in the cult since he disappears from the epilogue while his friend is still there.

What about those four adults asking the homeless dude questions? I thought they were part of the cult but I didn't go looking for them in the epilogue.


Yeah same thing happened to me. Apparently
You're supposed to find them there on Harfest, but i never went and found them. I did find all three pentagrams though, so i thought it just happened if you found them all anyways

i really want to play this game again to get all the tophies and try out some stuff I didn't do (hangout with Germ, choose Gregg over Bae) but I know I'll never get the ones for the band parts. God I was terrible at those. Great game and I would recommend it to people that liked Oxenfree.

I wasn't able to jump, so it was actually impossible for me to go up the stairs towards the church? Weird.

Also have to laugh at misspelling Bea as Bae. She totally is tho and anyone who went with Gregg on their first playthrough is clearly unhinged.

*Ending Spoilers*
I would assume she is only because the only way she would not notice the crazy cultists in a mine in the woods as a cop is if she was in on the plot or grossly incompetent. It would also explain the vaguely threatening warnings she gives Mae as well. I would also assume the one Smelters fan who hangs out outside the bar is also in the cult since he disappears from the epilogue while his friend is still there.

If you talk to the
Smelters fan
you actually find out he gets a job and moves away with his family. Unless he was the one who fucked up and left the arm behind and was just trying to get out or predicting his impending demise ohgod.


Bought this a few days ago. Currently trying to mete out my time with it so I can savor the experience instead of beating the whole thing in one sitting. One thing's for sure though: I love these dumb animals.


What kind of game/story is this like? I like telltale games, Life is Strange for example

If you like the character interactions in Telltale games and Life is Strange, this has that. Probably a bit closer to Life is Strange (or an Oxenfree if you played that).

There's not too much of a big plot incentive to keep you going throughout, like a Telltale game or Life is Strange has. It's more about just hanging out with your friends. There is something going on, but the game doesn't make too much use of it until the second half.
Well, just beat the game. That was interesting to say the least. I did enjoy the game though. I'll most likely play through it again to pick different choices and what not.

A little OT but since I enjoyed this game, will I enjoy Oxenfree too? I've been debating on picking that up as well.


Well, just beat the game. That was interesting to say the least. I did enjoy the game though. I'll most likely play through it again to pick different choices and what not.

A little OT but since I enjoyed this game, will I enjoy Oxenfree too? I've been debating on picking that up as well.

100%. Oxenfree is great and wonderful. Awesome game.
Wrapped the game up today, not quite sure how I feel about it overall.
Nice visual design and some interesting thematic exploration but I personally didn't feel like it ever went anywhere of value thematically. The mental health plot is discussed a little bit but just kind of shrugged off and none of the grandiose statements characters made resonated with me. As someone that has struggled with clinical depression in the past, both should have been easy emotional hooks but it never actually succeeded in making me feel anything. I think I somewhat tarnished my experience by trying to be super methodical as the game felt like it overstayed it's welcome but somehow also managed to not conclude in a satisfied manner. I thought for sure that I'd love this game based on all the indie darling sources it was drawing from but, eh, I guess not. Purely personal in regards to this desire but I think the game would have been greatly improved by VO.

100%. Oxenfree is great and wonderful. Awesome game.

Never got around to finishing Oxenfree which is odd considering I usually devour these kinds of games. I've got enough time to hop back in and finish it before Horizon I think.


So I just finished this and wow, what a ride. The game does indeed get off rails in a way at some point, but I would definitely not dismiss it just for that, hell, I kinda liked that part too, although the rest was definitely much more enjoyable. I just think the majority of the game is so damn good that even if you end up not liking the latter part, it's still more than worth a shot.

It feels kind of like we enjoy so much of what's essentially a prologue, that we ignore that it's not the full game and it's mostly the way the game introduces us to the characters and the town. The problem is that the "core" plot feels like
it's trying to be dark for the sake of it,
but it was still interesting.

A good way to sum up the game, IMO, would be to call it a more mature Persona 4, but without combat. You're basically interacting day to day with this town and its people, getting to know them and their struggles, and maybe helping them out... It's very similar in other aspects but let's not talk about it. Let's just say that I could play a game about just interacting with this world forever.

Characters and writing can be pretty humorous but also feel pretty real, just like real life works, I guess.

One thing I definitely did not like was how
Mae's issues are kind of attributed to her contact with some cosmic horror thing in the end instead of... You know, just being real mental illness? There's definitely regular depression in there too, but I dunno.

Also holy shit her aunt was totally part of the cultists. Maybe the football guy too (I know he says he's moving, but who knows).

All in all this is one of the best things I've ever played and I'm glad I gave it a blind chance. Will probably replay it in the future and try out new choices.


Is it just me or is the audio mix on this game super botched? I have my setup at the regular volume I play for every other game, meanwhile this game sounds damn near silent. I have to turn up the volume to hear anything, and god help me if I forget and bounce back to the PS4 menu, because my theme's music will start blaring out my speakers. Tried on both 5.1, stereo, dolby digital out and PCM out. Game settings volume all the way up too.
Is it just me or is the audio mix on this game super botched? I have my setup at the regular volume I play for every other game, meanwhile this game sounds damn near silent. I have to turn up the volume to hear anything, and god help me if I forget and bounce back to the PS4 menu, because my theme's music will start blaring out my speakers. Tried on both 5.1, stereo, dolby digital out and PCM out. Game settings volume all the way up too.

Yeah, I had this problem too. I never have to have my TV volume past 12 in order to be able to hear it very clearly, and I had to turn it up double in order to hear the overtown song. It was pretty annoying.


Just finished the game. I liked the experience, tho I must agree with the major criticisms towards Part 4.
Honestly, I feel like the whole cosmic horror stuff was unnecessary and undermines the mental issues that are discussed, the cult could still work even without a grand eldritch being under the mines

The thing that makes this entire thing worth it are the characters. Bea just hits too close to home.

I'll probably go back to see what changes if I give more attention to Gregg
Super early act 1 finished impressions
Not really spoilers and more introspective but I don't wanna ruin anything.
I'm 25 and even though I'm graduating I feel like this is way to fucking close to me. I'm honestly scared to play it just because of how real that hit me. But like life, you don't really grow that way.


Finished this earlier.

I hate the ending. It doesn't even really have one.

Part 4 should have been where the game picks up but it gets there and then rushes through to a pretty copout finale and an entirely too short epilogue.
The cosmic horror stuff goes absolutely nowhere and the cult is found and resolved pretty much immediately.

Its a huge shame because the rest of the game is great: spent most of my time with Gregg in the end since I became enamoured with his arm flailing. Bea is also great and enjoyed getting back into a friendship with her. Angus would have been cool to hang out with more but I only had one chance to do so.
Germ was unusual and actually entirely missable on the far left of the map.

I just wish the game was more fleshed out with the otherworldly stuff preferably just cut.
Would also like to be able to pick a day to go back to so I can get through some missable stuff. (I didn't go on an "adventure" with Mum because I said no to her initial request and thought I could come back once I'd seen the other available choices)

So overall I just want more of the characters and world and for the ending to be more complete.

Gregg rulz ok


Is it just me or is the audio mix on this game super botched? I have my setup at the regular volume I play for every other game, meanwhile this game sounds damn near silent. I have to turn up the volume to hear anything, and god help me if I forget and bounce back to the PS4 menu, because my theme's music will start blaring out my speakers. Tried on both 5.1, stereo, dolby digital out and PCM out. Game settings volume all the way up too.

This was the first ps4 game i didn't have to set to 10% volume and move the party mix slider all the way to "party audio" to even hear a person over, the audio mix is fucking fantastic and a landmark everyone should aim for. I just threw on my headset not in a party and the volume was perfect.

The trophies are a hilarious joke though, with absolutely every nothing trophy being both a hidden description and then when you pop it with square it's still bullshit nonsense that doesn't give you a remote hint, i'm not remotely surprised there are a large number of trophies at 0% earned after several days of the game being out

Almost every minigame either has absurd timing requirements or zero button information making them feel obnoxious. The computer game I gave up on like level 7 after
the absurdly bad colilision, invincibility frames, attack frames, damage floors, being stuck in damage floors and fire, and warpy enemies made it not fun anymore. Was completely shocked that the Bear and you don't have a social link over it and you don't find out any hints or secrets to give you a reason to start over / make it more doable, and that it's not remotely related to either mystery or required to solve one of them.

The story end's been discussed in black bars to death but
I did like that I could completely ignore some of the plot elements like the religion except for a conversation or two with the weird eldritch god. The Aunt being in the cult is really subtle and I like how they make you waffle back and forth on it but its clearly her at the end talking to you and yelling at Eide who I couldn't be bothered to remember which character that was from their name. I guess whichever parent is related to her was also supposed to be in the cult but the grandpa locked their tooth away in the safe for whichever reason, though now the dad might end up in the cult if everyone lived / if there's some kind of alternate ending for that

I'm sorry if you thought it was going to come to a satisfying end but
by the third dream I could absolutely tell they had no idea where they were going, the first dream was really good and had the big scary bear monster and left you thoroughly creeped out, but every dream sequence after that was really protracted out and didn't make any sense and was just showing off animals that weren't the cosmic horror, or any of the constellations, or seemingly related to personal traumas or anything, I definitely think the dreams should have only come after big scenes like with greg or angus or bea (if you actually hung out with that jerk) or your mom or whatever.

Its really hard to recommend this game to other friends who also had mental health and depression issues and I'm not sure where all the tweets came from that caused me to buy the game (things like, if you've had depression or mental health or family issues you need to check this out) because those people tweeting must clearly have only played the first half of the game.

e: I'm firmly reminded of Firewatch which sets up
1. a really cool environment
2. a few really intriguing characters
3. very realistic human reactions and interaction
4. a few really cool mysteries some of which are red herrings
5. has a trailer that sets it up to be dark and scary mystery

and then completely flops its ending and pays off basically nothing, NITW was better on that regard because in Firewatch (firewatch)
the "Joke" is that omg u thought the thing was the anything oh u so silly that's crazy why would it be anything instead of nothing look how blase our non ending is isn't it rawwww? also absolutely 100% of all scary or mysterious content of the entire game of Firewatch is in the trailer and the trailer is composited almost 100% of that content basically making the trailer a massive lie
and at least the ending of NITW while tripping over everything it set up to raw drop does managed to resolve some stuff / its main plots


Oh god, it just hit me that
the town council people were definitely part of the cult and they were checking on Bruce just to decide if they should sacrifice him... And they clearly did. And based on the pastor's reaction to him disappearing and her worry about the meeting before that, she was probably a member as well...


This was the first ps4 game i didn't have to set to 10% volume and move the party mix slider all the way to "party audio" to even hear a person over, the audio mix is fucking fantastic and a landmark everyone should aim for. I just threw on my headset not in a party and the volume was perfect.

The trophies are a hilarious joke though, with absolutely every nothing trophy being both a hidden description and then when you pop it with square it's still bullshit nonsense that doesn't give you a remote hint, i'm not remotely surprised there are a large number of trophies at 0% earned after several days of the game being out

Almost every minigame either has absurd timing requirements or zero button information making them feel obnoxious. The computer game I gave up on like level 7 after
the absurdly bad colilision, invincibility frames, attack frames, damage floors, being stuck in damage floors and fire, and warpy enemies made it not fun anymore. Was completely shocked that the Bear and you don't have a social link over it and you don't find out any hints or secrets to give you a reason to start over / make it more doable, and that it's not remotely related to either mystery or required to solve one of them.

The story end's been discussed in black bars to death but
I did like that I could completely ignore some of the plot elements like the religion except for a conversation or two with the weird eldritch god. The Aunt being in the cult is really subtle and I like how they make you waffle back and forth on it but its clearly her at the end talking to you and yelling at Eide who I couldn't be bothered to remember which character that was from their name. I guess whichever parent is related to her was also supposed to be in the cult but the grandpa locked their tooth away in the safe for whichever reason, though now the dad might end up in the cult if everyone lived / if there's some kind of alternate ending for that

I'm sorry if you thought it was going to come to a satisfying end but
by the third dream I could absolutely tell they had no idea where they were going, the first dream was really good and had the big scary bear monster and left you thoroughly creeped out, but every dream sequence after that was really protracted out and didn't make any sense and was just showing off animals that weren't the cosmic horror, or any of the constellations, or seemingly related to personal traumas or anything, I definitely think the dreams should have only come after big scenes like with greg or angus or bea (if you actually hung out with that jerk) or your mom or whatever.

Its really hard to recommend this game to other friends who also had mental health and depression issues and I'm not sure where all the tweets came from that caused me to buy the game (things like, if you've had depression or mental health or family issues you need to check this out) because those people tweeting must clearly have only played the first half of the game.

e: I'm firmly reminded of Firewatch which sets up
1. a really cool environment
2. a few really intriguing characters
3. very realistic human reactions and interaction
4. a few really cool mysteries some of which are red herrings
5. has a trailer that sets it up to be dark and scary mystery

and then completely flops its ending and pays off basically nothing, NITW was better on that regard because in Firewatch (firewatch)
the "Joke" is that omg u thought the thing was the anything oh u so silly that's crazy why would it be anything instead of nothing look how blase our non ending is isn't it rawwww? also absolutely 100% of all scary or mysterious content of the entire game of Firewatch is in the trailer and the trailer is composited almost 100% of that content basically making the trailer a massive lie
and at least the ending of NITW while tripping over everything it set up to raw drop does managed to resolve some stuff / its main plots

Your comparison to Firewatch is dead on. Hated the ending to that too. It was the plot equivalent of itsfuckingnoting.gif
Oh god, it just hit me that
the town council people were definitely part of the cult and they were checking on Bruce just to decide if they should sacrifice him... And they clearly did. And based on the pastor's reaction to him disappearing and her worry about the meeting before that, she was probably a member as well...
Bruce told me he was going home to his kids, it seemed like a lie but Pastor Kate didn't seem too phased by it either...never thought he would have been sacrificed.
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