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Mass Effect: Andromeda | Review Thread

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Hardcoregamer's review gave it a 6 but had this to say in the conclusion:

"Combat and the sense of exploration are the key components and thankfully, they’re done perfectly. You will be engrossed in the vast new beautiful worlds and immersed within the fully versatile combat system."

I mean, that's enough to sell me on the game, personally.


Places marking this down due to performance problems, yet still gave Zelda a 10. Wish they would be consistent with this sort of shit.

It's how much the positive aspects negate the negatives. Like, there's a couple of reviews giving this game a 9, and saying the story is good, so they are ignoring the janky animations because they like the story. Just like the Zelda reviews ignored the performance issues because everything else was so good.

The only difference is, with Zelda it happened across the board, and here it's one or two outliers.


I mean it sounds like the gameplay is amazing and reviews overall are still positive. It's no disaster just a disappointing mass effect game


After that EA Access trial I was still optimistic about game improving as the story unfolds. I guess it does not.
Fuck this.
This was supposed to be the triumphant return of the all time great sci-fi RPG trilogy.
Fuck this. Sorry guys but seriously, fuck this.
Can't believe Bioware fucked this up. This is one of the biggest gaming dissapointment for me for a very very long time.
Well it's a 77. Which only means it isn't as outstanding as Horizon or Zelda but still a good game.

Or Nioh, NieR and soon Persona. Generally I would gamble on this because I loved the original trilogy, but nostalgia can only take me so far when there are so many better competing products on the market right now.

Goddamn that's some brutal shit. Bioware must totally rethink their shit after the backlash from DA:I and now ME:A. And this goddamn "Media sources are paid off" shit is STILL going? Damn.

Inquisition scored an 89 and was a high quality game all around despite a few questionable design choices. Not comparable at all. This seems to be Inquisition minus the polish and writing.


This sucks. I really wish Bioware/EA had just left the series at 3 if the main crew was done with it rather than farming it out like this.


Well it's a 77. Which only means it isn't as outstanding as Horizon or Zelda but still a good game.

Didn't you know? Anything less than 85 is trash bruh.

Seriously, the game may be subpar and have issues but nothing about the overall score equates it to Armageddon.


In line with expectations and the positives that Phil Kollars review point out actually make me excited to play the game once patches have been released.


Honestly, even though I cancelled my pre order for the game around a month ago because

1) Too many games in a short period of time
2) Nier was a must
3) The characters (which is what I genuinely enjoy mass effect for) seemed so god damn weak and uninteresting compared to the original trilogy looking at preview material

I was kinda hoping my initial impressions from early footage was going to be wrong. What a shame.


I think I'm going to hold off on this game because there's so many things out and it sounds like it needs a lot of patches, but am I crazy for thinking "hey all the other mass effects were probably high 70 to low 80 games for me so this one is reviewing how the others should have"


For what it is worth, the game is much better than you see in the trial. You will be playing this for well over 60+ hours easily and still having fun. I enjoy it, as a sci-fi fan, Mass Effect fan.


I'm going to wait for a couple of months but I'm definitely going to play it, it sounds like from the reviews that they nailed the feeling of exploring vast and beautiful planets so that's good to me. Just a shame about the writing and the story, hopefully this is a lesson to Bioware. Actually have some competent writing. As I said before, the writing and dialogue seemed very juvenile.


it's yellow now
Mid 70's which is what i was expecting even before the stuff lastweek.

I was hoping this would be great. Then it kept taking hits when they showed more footage, that wasnt doing anything for me.

Im still hoping its enjoyable, but going in with low expectations. the MP stuff looks really fun from the streams on the weekend.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun's Wot I Think is up. No score.

I haven't read the full thing yet, but here's the opening blurb:
Mass Effect Andromeda feels like a game that exists because there needed to be a new Mass Effect game. It's hard, as deeply as you explore it, to find something that shows any other reason for it to be. Despite the extraordinary opportunity of a fresh start, fresh characters, and even a fresh galaxy to set it in, this feels like a lengthy rehash of what came before. It is bad in many ways, from its madcap AI, poor character faces, dated design and most of all, horrible writing, but its biggest crime is just how unavoidably, all-encompassingly dull it is for so, so many hours.

There is an odd phenomenon, however. I've played for something like 75 hours. I was being thorough, focusing on what to me seemed the most important tasks, but endlessly drawn into side quests and mini-adventures. And yet there is a wealth of game remaining, even after the official ending. It let me do that, play the way I picked (or, as the case really was, the most bearable way), and that's a huge achievement, something very rarely seen outside of Bethesda games. And in that time, I found what I enjoy in Mass Effect Andromeda, the aspects of an utterly enormous game that let me have some fun. Qualified fun, fun incessantly interrupted by bugs and irritations, mistakes and the unceasing misery that is its turgid, sophomoric writing. But some fun.

Veery long read.


Honestly, even though I cancelled my pre order for the game around a month ago because

1) Too many games in a short period of time
2) Nier was a must
3) The characters (which is what I genuinely enjoy mass effect for) seemed so god damn weak and uninteresting compared to the original trilogy looking at preview material

I was kinda hoping my initial impressions from early footage was going to be wrong. What a shame.

It's funny, before release I thought it was a mistake not to have Patrick Weekes on board.

Now I'm doubting if he could have saved it as a non-lead.



Hah. I was just about to post that Inquisition actually reviewed really well.

As far as I'm aware, it is. The Omega DLC was apparently their big final training round to show they were ready to make a full game.

Yeah. I'm still surprised that Bioware would hand over their most critically acclaimed/commercially successful series to a somewhat fledgling studio. :(

Hoping that Bioware Montreal can learn from this and go on to create a more polished sequel.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Fascinating how divisive this is, by definition. Beyond the scores, the actual substance in these reviews is so widely varied in preference. We have reviews praising the combat and moment-to-moment game design, lamenting the loss of an interesting plot and cast. And then we have similarly scored reviews praising the narrative, premise, and developing cast, while critiquing the game design and play. There's no consensus on whether this feels totally faithful to the franchise namesake, a spin-off, or a vast detraction from familiarity.

This is the most interesting take away for me. It's not just middling scores, of which I don't particularly care about. It's the absence of any consensus towards so many of the components that make up Andromeda as the next Mass Effect game. No matter how you feel about the trial, or the pre-release media and previews, or hype and excitement, or worries and fears; these reviews swing so far in so many directions that I feel fan reception will be equally inconsistent.

And honestly, that kinda makes me even more interested.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
My Review for ACG - Rated it a Wait for Deep Sale or Rent

Awww mannnn, I like your reviews :/

Too bad you don't seem to find the game good, huh? :(

Fascinating how divisive this is, by definition. Beyond the scores, the actual substance in these reviews is so widely varied in preference. We have reviews praising the combat and moment-to-moment game design, lamenting the loss of an interesting plot and cast. And then we have similarly scored reviews praising the narrative, premise, and developing cast, while critiquing the game design and play. There's no consensus on whether this feels totally faithful to the franchise namesake, a spin-off, or a vast detraction from familiarity.

This is the most interesting take away for me. It's not just middling scores, of which I don't particularly care about. It's the absence of any consensus towards so many of the components that make up Andromeda as the next Mass Effect game. No matter how you feel about the trial, or the pre-release media and previews, or hype and excitement, or worries and fears; these reviews swing so far in so many directions that I feel fan reception will be equally inconsistent.

And honestly, that kinda makes me even more interested.

You're a reviewer, right? What do you think?


Handing a top IP over to a bunch of rookies is always going to be a roll of the dice. But I still think that there will be some bright spots. I have seen enough evidence of that in footage I have watched. It's just going to be a mixed bag with a lot of lows as well.


Hardcoregamer's review gave it a 6 but had this to say in the conclusion:

"Combat and the sense of exploration are the key components and thankfully, they’re done perfectly. You will be engrossed in the vast new beautiful worlds and immersed within the fully versatile combat system."

I mean, that's enough to sell me on the game, personally.

Me too, this is why I loved the previous games.
Anybody here think that the string of amazing triple A games released this year made it harder for Mass Effect and its flaws, like a standard was raised in the last few weeks?

It reads like its a good game, but doesn't reach the standards of previous games which I feel is the reason the 70's range is disappointing.


I enjoyed my time on the trial, and I'm genuinely looking forward to release day. I don't think reviews were ever going to sway my opinion.

Five years in development and it's not polished though? What the fuck happened? Five years these days should be long enough to perfect a game, let alone polish it.

That was the nagging feeling in the back of my mind whilst playing the trial....yes, I can kinda overlook the jank, but why the fuck does it exist in the first place? Five years and that's what they ended up with?

Very much looking forward to playing more mind, but I pray this sells well, so they get an opportunity to remedy this with a sequel and put the series back at the top of the pile.
From the IGN review.

What’s bizarre is that BioWare went to the trouble of shipping us 2.5 million light years away to introduce only two new alien races (plus some robots) over more than 50 hours of campaign and major side missions, and only one local joins your crew.

After the trial, that just about sums things up for me.

After all this time, all that distance, leaving our old friends (and foes) behind, there is little new to see (in terms of races).

Damn Bioware/EA. Damn.


Anybody here think that the string of amazing triple A games released this year made it harder for Mass Effect and its flaws, like a standard was raised in the last few weeks?

It reads like its a good game, but doesn't reach the standards of previous games which I feel is the reason the 70's range is disappointing.

Absolutely. Releasing a good game surrounded by great games makes it feel worse than it probably is.
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