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Mass Effect: Andromeda | Review Thread

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It's not a subtext of the review that's going over your head, but actually the sites own description of the rating scale. Go check it out, all they describe a 4/5 as meaning is "liked".

That doesn't make sense though, but it's whatever it's not my site I don't write for them and it's an outlier as far as scoring.
Not gonna lie, even after the trial I was mostly interested in this game just for the multiplayer but thinking that this could be the last Mass Effect game because of how poorly it's reviewing and how poorly it might sell is really a bummer, especially considering how much I love the trilogy.

I really don't wanna see the words "we remain committed to the Mass Effect franchise."

Ugh, couldn't they just sell the multiplayer separately?

I'd be more than happy to spend my money on this. If it was really fleshed out it would be worth 60 bucks to me.


So its good, but probably not great, and definitely doesn't reach the brilliance of the first two games. Sounds like a solid $25-30 purchase when steam sale rolls around. I'm excited to play it, just not at full price I don't think.

You mean origin sale, it's not on steam.
Well, I preordered on PSN, so I'm invested. Sounds like the gameplay is tight, so I can deal with it. MP could be fun. I've liked games in the 70's before, so who knows. Hell, I really liked Alpha Protocol.


Gold Member
There's Star Ocean.. which is probably dead as well.

People love their fantasy/medieval RPGs.

The latest Star Ocean wasn't too well received I think.Even the fans of the series wasn't feeling it. But I hear it was also partly due to budget constraints.


Was expecting it to be a 6.8 game after the Origin trial
seem to be in that ballpark

ME1 is one of my all time favorite games and the series has gone downhill since EA took over.
EA has kill any magic Bioware games had and focused on technical perfection and they can't even achieve that now.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply us older guys and gals can't love it as well. Just that when you grow up with an IP, it tends to feel more special than most others.

Nah all good and I totally get what you mean :)

Zelda and The Witcher are my 2nd loves in gaming: I'm sure based on the trial I'll very much enjoy this too: kind of wish the MP was factored into scores though...it's so polished and was my favourite part of the trial easy.

They seam to have put a big amount of effort into it too compared to ME3MP, it's odd how it wasn't considered 'important enough' to make a difference to any (so far) review scores. I see it as just as important as say, COD MP - where reviewers would never leave out the MP when making a final score IMO.


That doesn't make sense though, but it's whatever it's not my site I don't write for them and it's an outlier as far as scoring.

I've never visited that site before but it looks like 3/5 is considered "Meh", checking some of their other reveiws, so they seem like a site that has just embraced the unfortunate reality of the video game rating scale not using numbers below 60%


Very disappointing reviews for an entry in a series that I regard highly and a game that had a long development time. This was my most anticipated title of this gen as well (along with FFXV, another huge disappointment). I think I'm going to wait for a 25-30€ price point now. I have a feeling that shouldn't even take that long.

This generation has really sucked for my gaming tastes. Worst gen by far. Well at least Persona is close.


So its good, but probably not great, and definitely doesn't reach the brilliance of the first two games. Sounds like a solid $25-30 purchase when steam sale rolls around. I'm excited to play it, just not at full price I don't think.
It's Origin lol.
I'm out, baby. There was a time when I never thought I could have skipped a Mass Effect game. I still own all the novels and comics, for God's sake. But this game just looks like such a shitshow, and I have more than enough great games to play right now.
Aloy, from childhood, is using a technology that is so advanded it basically gives her super powers relative to the people around her. I wouldn't exactly call her a primitive.

Maybe I worded it wrong. I'm talking about the gameplay, not the background. Aloy uses her bow and spear most of the time, and it's on earth.

My point is, there's nothing like Mass Effect & Star Ocean anymore in the near future.
I love both, which is why I'm bummed tf out that Berseria and Dragon Age both got stellar reviews while Star Ocean and Mass Effect are apparently just going to be perceived as/reviewed as weak trash. Though at least in tri-ace's case there are clear budgetary issues. There's no excuse for Mass Effect being trash except BW screwed the pooch.

In fairness, Berseria and DAI are both really good games


Unconfirmed Member
From the IGN review.

After the trial, that just about sums things up for me.

After all this time, all that distance, leaving our old friends (and foes) behind, there is little new to see (in terms of races).

Damn Bioware/EA. Damn.

wow.... I expected new races with their own lore and stuff.. ;_;


Now it's even more obvious why they hid the game for so long. Very much unlike EA, especially for this franchise.


I'm pretty confident there would be a continuation of Mass Effect.

There was a huge backlash against Dragon Age 2, and they still made a sequel.

But who will be in charge of it? Certainly not Montreal with the way they utterly fumbled the baton. And not sure EA/Bioware want to spend their developer bandwidth on something that has suffered a backlash twice.
I was going to pass on this game anyway but this makes it a little easier to accept that. ...scores are not bad, but from what I've read in these reviews here and there I really don't need it.


The more I read these reviews the more I sure am glad that everyone threw a collective tantrum over the 15 minutes that concluded the third game and killed the drive and love of Casey Hudson and a lot of other people to continue on with the series.

Seems like the people who commandeered the original series and understood what made Mass Effect, Mass Effect are mostly missing.

Still will find out for myself but man the general tone of these, especially concerning the main plot, is a bummer.

The people that "understood what made Mass Effect Mass Effect" left long before people raged over the ending of the third game. Drew Karpyshyn in particular left Bioware before Mass Effect 3.


And presumably they switched to that after DA:I ( a game I dislike greatly).

Unless that was the B team and the A Team was actually working on this new IP for more than 5 years now.

Two different a-teams.

A-team 1 (Mass Effect vets + others) working on new IP

A-team 2 (Patrick Weekes + main Dragon Age team) did Inquisition


It'll sell well because lots of people don't read reviews. A really decent follow up will be made, sell poorly based on past memories (and because lots of people don't read reviews), then it dies.

I honestly think PewdiePie cost the game half its sales already.

Not kidding.


I've had a bad feeling about this game since day 1. These scores don't shock me, especially after playing the EA Access trial.


Maybe I worded it wrong. I'm talking about the gameplay, not the background. Aloy uses her bow and spear most of the time, and it's on earth.

My point is, there's nothing like Mass Effect & Star Ocean anymore in the near future.

Yeah, it's completely fair to say Horizon isn't giving you the kind of sci fi experience you are looking for, it's definitely a very different thing.


When ever I see a AAA game get bad scores I get this need to play it, just to see where it goes wrong
I've never played a mass effect and this game is very appealing to me for all the wrong, ironic reasons.
Can't wait for the Codex to rip this game a new asshole in their review


Two different a-teams.

A-team 1 (Mass Effect vets + others) working on new IP

A-team 2 (Patrick Weekes + main Dragon Age team) did Inquisition

If that's correct, they must have been working on the unnamed thing for a looong time without showing a peep. Here's hoping its reveal to release is Fallout 4 quick rather than... ME:A showing up at 2 e3's with more or less nothing and showing up to the party like this.


So the combat is good, but writing and story aren't...

I wonder if EA will use this to push BioWare Edmonton into a Third-Person shooter studio? I mean, as long as the technical aspects are developed, and you don't have to worry about voice-actors reading crappy lines, something like a new Dead Space game might work for them?
Hmm...disappointing. I think I may cancel my preorder and go with Nier instead (which I was going to get anyway). May pick it up down the road...
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