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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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People need to relax. The more you put a stinkeye on something, the more it will stink. That doesnt mean to ignore the problem, but you cant make everything into a problem. I feel like people are making things worst lately rather than better.

Yeah man a turd doesn't smell like shit, it's US who make it smell like shit!

Stop making shit smell bad, people!
You know who allied with the Nazi? The Japanese. I have a friend who seriously debates with me that anime character are actually white.

Haha it would be pretty sad but hilarious at the same time if this was their thought process. Somehow I doubt it though... I think they just like their Naruto and shit.


I'm willing to make the gamble that the amount of people who would actually revoke a purchase because of JonTron is negligible at worst. People consume all forms of media regardless of who is involved on a daily basis. I don't see why video games are so special.

Is anything he contributed to the game racist? Probably not. Most people probably either won't know or won't care about a random VA's opinion outside of the game.

Do you honestly think that sales would've been noticeably impacted by them having JonTron in the game?

Something has been taken away from this game because people are screaming racist Nazi about a guy and the company wants to save face despite it not actually being something they realistically need to worry about. Of course it's their game. That doesn't mean I support the decision to cave to nonsense.

maybe they also don't want him in their game anymore
Not really. It was a problem and they solved it. This thread is just the aftermath that won't mean much in a week.

Probably not, but im talking about america in general right now. Seems everybody is freaking out right now. I think people really do need to relax. There is bad in this world whether that be America, Iraq, China, Japan, etc The list goes on. There is bad people in every culture. No race is perfect, but people are dividing themselves so much lately.

I think we need to stop looking at ourselves as white, black, hispanic, etc. We shouldnt be fighting for only one group. We should be fighting together as nation. We are amarican, regardless of skin color. As for immigrants, I think we should welcome them. There can be screening, and precautions, sure, but America is built off immigration. I see no reason to not include it our future as well.

But right now, it seems everybody is putting a stinkeye on things, and its making thigns worst. People are up in arms over it seems almost anything right now. As for JonTron, I understand why, but im not really speaking about him.


maybe they also don't want him in their game anymore

Nah man it was the got danged (((see jay doubleyous))) who secretly wield all the power in video games and also in other things like soup and cereal!!!!!

They kidnapped Grant Kirkhope's dog and are holding it ransom until JonTron is chemically castrated!


It's stuff like this I really don't get:


The only person who politicized this entire situation was JonTron. He was the one who went on Twitter and wrote those things. Nobody was asking for his hot take on the issues at hand, the grand majority of people weren't even thinking about it. But he put himself out there, he made those statements, and now he has to deal with the consequences of having voiced those opinions.

You can still just play video games, also. Nobody is forcing you to have these discussions, just like nobody forced Jon.

I'm so confused by this response


I'm willing to make the gamble that the amount of people who would actually revoke a purchase because of JonTron is negligible at worst. People consume all forms of media regardless of who is involved on a daily basis. I don't see why video games are so special.

Is anything he contributed to the game racist? Probably not. Most people probably either won't know or won't care about a random VA's opinion outside of the game.

Do you honestly think that sales would've been noticeably impacted by them having JonTron in the game?

Something has been taken away from this game because people are screaming racist Nazi about a guy and the company wants to save face despite it not actually being something they realistically need to worry about. Of course it's their game. That doesn't mean I support the decision to cave to nonsense.

Something has been taken away from the game ? You said yourself most people won't notice ...

Nothing of value was lost
Is anything he contributed to the game racist? Probably not. Most people probably either won't know or won't care about a random VA's opinion outside of the game.

The decision is Playtonic's. Playtonic has been working on this game for years, it's their vision, their product, and they're not comfortable with a known white supremacist being in the game in any capacity.

All these arguments about Jon's "true contribution" to the project are pointless. The people making the game are uncomfortable with having him in it, they have every right to choose who to include and not to include.

You also can't simultaneously argue that "something has been taken away" if in the same post you say "most people either won't know or won't care".


It's stuff like this I really don't get:

The only person who politicized this entire situation was JonTron. He was the one who went on Twitter and wrote those things. Nobody was asking for his hot take on the issues at hand, the grand majority of people weren't even thinking about it. But he put himself out there, he made those statements, and now he has to deal with the consequences of having voiced those opinions.

You can still just play video games, also. Nobody is forcing you to have these discussions, just like nobody forced Jon.

I'm so confused by this response

Yo lets not put up dumbasses from Twitter even if it is easy to knock them down.
Is anything he contributed to the game racist? Probably not. Most people probably either won't know or won't care about a random VA's opinion outside of the game.
Playtonic themselves care, and apparently doesn't want to associate with racists. That's enough, and is their right and choice. Doesn't matter if anything he contributed to the game itself is racist or not--it's their choice to not associate with a racist.

Something has been taken away from this game because people are screaming racist Nazi about a guy and the company wants to save face despite it not actually being something they realistically need to worry about. Of course it's their game. That doesn't mean I support the decision to cave to nonsense.
Who says they're "caving" to anything? Why can't it just be their choice, and that they themselves, as in the staff at Playtonic, doesn't want anything to do with racists? 'Cause that's all this seems like to me: a choice, that they made of their own free will.

They could have easily just waited for this whole thing to blow over, and just tried to ignore it. That's what any number of game companies did with GamerGate, after all--just tried to pretend it didn't exist and either say nothing or only deliver the most milquetoast of statements. And indeed, according to your own argument, nobody cares about that, so it should have been quite easy for Playtonic to do the same here, so according to your own argument the whole "caving" thing makes sense since there's no one to cave to and it would be so much easier to just wait for this all to blow over.

But they didn't. Because this isn't about "caving" to anything. It's a choice they made of their own free will, because they don't want the product they worked so hard on to be associated with a known racist in any way.

Unless you have evidence to support the notion that they just caved to people complaining on the Internet (which, according to you, are a small minority that don't even impact sales either way, a really odd thing to "cave" to anyway--that's what happens when you try to have both sides of an argument!), instead of it being a choice they made on their own, please drop this.
Something has been taken away from this game because people are screaming racist Nazi about a guy and the company wants to save face despite it not actually being something they realistically need to worry about. Of course it's their game. That doesn't mean I support the decision to cave to nonsense.

"Screaming racist nazi about a guy"

"Cave to nonsense"

Pretty obvious what your real stance is. Don't be a coward and pussyfooy around man. Just say what you want to say.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Haha it would be pretty sad but hilarious at the same time if this was their thought process. Somehow I doubt it though... I think they just like their Naruto and shit.

Obviously those characters are meant to be Japanese (if they're not, they tend to be caricatures), but given they often have realistic traits that tend to appear only in European populations, not too hard to see how someone would make that mistake.

But then they ignore stuff like green hair and yellow eyes.

Neither here nor there, though.


Playtonic is British lol

Pretty sure it's not called the 1st Amendment there

Well aside from that, he probably was already paid for his recording and the company doesn't have to use his recording if they don't want to, let alone the fact that no one is going against his first amendment, no one is stopping him from saying his stupid racist shit, people and business are reacting to it.


Sorry, wasn't meaning to call anyone out, I've just seen these comments appearing. I'll edit out the names

It's just that it encourages others to post tweets and the thread devolves into us laughing at idiots on Twitter, which is fun for sure, but lets keep that to Twitter.
Thank you, Playtonic.

It was going to be uncomfortable knowing he's in the game after his views became quite widely known and before the game released.

That was the issue for me. Especially considering the style of the game.

Learning from the other thread that Jontron was a big fan of their games and made popular videos about them and Playtonic still coming through like this is really awesome of them.

I'm looking forward to the game even more now because of this tbh and am extra proud to have kickstarted.


I apply a similar principle to Oculus. It's what's keeping me from the Rift (that and the whole cameras + facebook thing).


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I'm willing to make the gamble that the amount of people who would actually revoke a purchase because of JonTron is negligible at worst. People consume all forms of media regardless of who is involved on a daily basis. I don't see why video games are so special.
Is anything he contributed to the game racist? Probably not. Most people probably either won't know or won't care about a random VA's opinion outside of the game..

Maybe, just maybe, the developers of YL simply don't want their game to feature a racist shitbag. Not because of sales or perception but because they don't like racist shitbags?
I believe youre taking what I said out of context. I believe people are dividing themselves too much, and it makes things worst.

No, it's pretty cleanly in context. I don't "choose" to divide people if I'm reacting negatively toward a person who is actively espousing white supremacist views. You're advocating for tolerating intolerants or else WE'RE at fault for "being divisive", even though we're reacting to people who are actually being divisive in the first place.


Isn't it just a little ironic that these Republicans are against government regulations but now all of a sudden don't want a company to act in what way they feel best? When was the last time a republican tabled a resolution to add to employment standards and worker protections?

Some of the responses are hilarious. This is how the free market works .

" Hi there Jon , we've decided to fire you "

" But why "

" We feel like it "

" Can I get a reference?"

" Get out "


It's just that it encourages others to post tweets and the thread devolves into us laughing at idiots on Twitter, which is fun for sure, but lets keep that to Twitter.

Good point, I'll refrain from that to keep discussion moving!


"Screaming racist nazi about a guy"

"Cave to nonsense"

Pretty obvious what your real stance is. Don't be a coward and pussyfooy around man. Just say what you want to say.

Seriously, the responses are very telling. From Playtronics' end, this is probably the easiet decision they've had to make about their game since they started, lol.


Isn't it just a little ironic that these Republicans are against government regulations but now all of a sudden don't want a company to act in what way they feel best? When was the last time a republican tabled a resolution to add to employment standards and worker protections?

Some of the responses are hilarious. This is how the free market works .

" Hi there Jon , we've decided to fire you "

" But why "

" We feel like it "

" Can I get a reference?"

" Get out "

And Jontron screeches about censorship on his way out of the building, while also kicking a couple who are kissing because he thinks one of them is of mixed race.


I was hoping they would drop him but I fully expected them to not even say anything at all.

Good on you, Playtonic!


The only person who politicized this entire situation was JonTron. He was the one who went on Twitter and wrote those things. Nobody was asking for his hot take on the issues at hand, the grand majority of people weren't even thinking about it. But he put himself out there, he made those statements, and now he has to deal with the consequences of having voiced those opinions.

You can still just play video games, also. Nobody is forcing you to have these discussions, just like nobody forced Jon.

Right? I'm sure Playtonic never wanted to deal with any of this. I have nothing but admiration for how well they handled their kickstarter, and now they've been forcibly roped into a controversy because a cameo voice actor said some shit they don't want to be associated with.

They're the victims here, not Jon. It'll be a real shame if Yooka Laylee is forever associated with the "SJW CUCKS" brand of comments that are bring thrown at them right now.
It's stuff like this I really don't get:

The only person who politicized this entire situation was JonTron. He was the one who went on Twitter and wrote those things. Nobody was asking for his hot take on the issues at hand, the grand majority of people weren't even thinking about it. But he put himself out there, he made those statements, and now he has to deal with the consequences of having voiced those opinions.

You can still just play video games, also. Nobody is forcing you to have these discussions, just like nobody forced Jon.

I'm so confused by this response

Thiiiiiiis. Jontron mouths off and people trip over themselves to defend him but finger waggle people for responding, because when you respond suddenly it is political? And not the dude who started the situation by letting us know how he feels about the racial superiority of whites. "I just want it to stop" yeah and people have just wanted persecution and hatred to stop for as long as there have been differences in skin color. Play games and stay off social media if you don't want to hear opinions that make you think or that you don't agree with.
I would seriously like to see anyone bitching about playtonic go up to their boss or one of their coworkers and start saying that minorities taint the gene pool, rich black people are genetically predisposed to committing more crime than poor whites, and the colonization of Africa was a good thing

See how long you last. It doesn't matter where you work. Starbucks, Walmart, an auto shop. Literally EVERY job would fire the person saying this stuff

Everyone. Not a single person bitching about playtonic would have the guts to regurgitate that stuff in their work place. This isn't a video game industry exclusive SJW take over. It's how work environments and companies operate.
His twitter consistently gives out hateful shit. I don't even know who he is and I've seen enough images of his shitty tweets to know the guy's a fucking idiot.

Yeeeep. He JUST tweeted this


I'm assuming in reference to the "wealthy black people do more crime than poor whites."

EDIT: One more dumb tweet for good measure

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