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Sony Playstation: First Party Studios & their Current Projects

Bloodborne sequel, when?!

Considering that Sony is throwing their weight behind Nioh, will that affect the likelihood of future Bloodborne installments?

I can't see Sony supporting/investing in two Souls-like franchises simultaneously, even though they don't own the Nioh IP.

No; I believe they will have two more games with From and at least one of those will be either a Bloodborne sequel or another Soulslike. Sony typically signs devs up for three game contracts, and I think they would have offered the same deal to From after realising what a mistake it was to not put their backing behind Demon's and Dark Souls blowing up to be a massive success.

You started out so well and ended so poorly.

Why? Crysis was great and I think the sequels squandered a lot of its potential. I'd pick up the IP and perhaps either re-hire some of the devs under a new studio in Frankfurt (keeping the Yerli brothers well away from it) or find another developer to take it on. Maybe Starbreeze. If they made another Crysis set on a tropical island with the same level of destruction and same dynamic combat options as the first I'd probably let out a little bit of wee in excitement.
Bloodborne sequel, when?!

Considering that Sony is throwing their weight behind Nioh, will that affect the likelihood of future Bloodborne installments?

I can't see Sony supporting/investing in two Souls-like franchises simultaneously, even though they don't own the Nioh IP.

Well, FROM seems to be working on three games and none of these are Bloodborne 2.
Why? Crysis was great and I think the sequels squandered a lot of its potential. I'd pick up the IP and perhaps either re-hire some of the devs under a new studio in Frankfurt (keeping the Yerli brothers well away from it) or find another developer to take it on. Maybe Starbreeze. If they made another Crysis set on a tropical island with the same level of destruction and same dynamic combat options as the first I'd probably let out a little bit of wee in excitement.

Hiring Human Head to make a Prey 2 clone is a cool pipe dream I can get behind but buying a dead, unpopular IP like Crysis and building a new studio around it? Sorry but that's cray cray. :p

I'd also avoid Starbreeze. Almost all of the people responsible for Chronicles of Riddick, The Darkness, Syndicate and Brothers are long gone, who knows what kind of shape they're in these days.
Hiring Human Head to make a Prey 2 clone is a cool pipe dream I can get behind but buying a dead, unpopular IP like Crysis and building a new studio around it? Sorry but that's cray cray. :p

I don't agree that it's necessarily unpopular, but okay.

I'd also avoid Starbreeze. Almost all of the people responsible for Chronicles of Riddick, The Darkness, Syndicate and Brothers are long gone, who knows what kind of shape they're in these days.

That's a fair point I suppose. I don't have any faith in Overkill and I don't know what kind of competent development contingent is left at Starbreeze these days. They seem more interested in publishing, or hardware shit like with their VR stuff (which is inevitably doomed).


If Sony were to buy one of Crytek IP's I'd prefer to be TimeSplitters

And if they were to make a FPS again, I'd like to see them partner with a up and coming FPS developer like Flying Wild Hog. Hard Reset and the Shadow Warrior reboot games were cool, they could reach the next level with a bigger publisher support
I mean, we're going to see a new console in either 2020 or 2025. So the PS5 will most likely release in 2020, but if it does hit in 2019, I think we'll see its successor in 2025.
Did anyone notice that the PS4 has no longer any exclusive FPS anymore? We got Killzone ShadowFall and that is it. No upcoming shooter from any of Sony studios.

Exclusive FPS is a pretty bad place to be, for a first party studio. Super crowded market, with big titles hitting pretty much every angle of the genre, from sci-fi competitive GaaS games to WWI shootbang through twitch-play sci-horror.

Sony better put their efforts elsewhere and let their marketing partners do their work in this area.
Did anyone notice that the PS4 has no longer any exclusive FPS anymore? We got Killzone ShadowFall and that is it. No upcoming shooter from any of Sony studios.

Doesn't Sony have marketing deals with the likes of Destiny and COD? With PS4 being "the place to play" those games specifically, I'm not sure if they really need to be spending resources on an exclusive FPS.
Since FPS is my least favorite genre, I can't complain about Sony avoiding it lol. It does make sense for them to invest in other areas though because the FPS field is very tough to crack.


Doesn't Sony have marketing deals with the likes of Destiny and COD? With PS4 being "the place to play" those games specifically, I'm not sure if they really need to be spending resources on an exclusive FPS.

And presumably marketing for Battlefront ''II'' too so yeah, they dont have to worry about FPS's right now.

They are making those for PSVR still (RIGS, StarBlood Arena, Farpoint) so its not like they dont have anything at all on that front


Since FPS is my least favorite genre, I can't complain about Sony avoiding it lol. It does make sense for them to invest in other areas though because the FPS field is very tough to crack.

You're right. The big ones are doint FPS (Bungie, CoD, BF/Battlefront etc.) I think there's no room for another FPS games or they could focus on Singleplayer-FPS games, which are designed to offer a great story experience. Just re-imagine Resistance and do another Killzone and I'd (many others, too) be very happy! Sony doesn't have to launch the game(s) in November :p


What are these actually??
Maybe not first party, but according to Shuhei Yoshida: '' We have numerous unannounced titles in production. Please look forward to their announcements.''


Since Yoshida is head of Sony Worldwide Studios, I think it may very well be first party or at least second party partnerships. I didn't follow the E3 rumors last year, so something like Spider-Man came out of nowhere for me.

Since FPS is my least favorite genre, I can't complain about Sony avoiding it lol. It does make sense for them to invest in other areas though because the FPS field is very tough to crack.

I feel the same way. I never bought Resistance or Killzone because first person doesn't do as much for me as other genres. To go outside of Sony first party, I really admired Titanfall 2, but I wasn't in love even though I knew what I was playing was very, very good. I loved Bioshock, but I think the atmosphere really helped that for me more than anything, plus the twists in both games.

I did really like Doom, though.

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FPS genre is my least favorite genre but I have played and completed six of them this generation and still have COD: IW and Killzone: SF in my backlog. Was really hoping that GG Cambridge was going to be taking over the Killzone IP while allowing the main GG studio to work on the Horizon franchise. Since that's not going to happen, I would like to see Sony get Bluepoint or another top tier studio that does re-masters and release a complete Resistance trilogy package including the PSP and Vita games. Five games for $60 wouldn't bother me at all.

Really surprised that Sony hasn't had a studio port over the Uncharted Golden Abyss Vita game to PS4. That seems like easy money to me but whatever.

What im really hoping for is The Order: 1887 damnit!!! I want to see a conclusion to the story and the characters. I for one enjoyed the game despite it's negatives and flaws. With the core already built and intact, Ready at Dawn would only have to eliminate the QTE's / wide screen aspect ratio / instant fail stealth sections / better boss fights and changing/eliminating the fights with the three werewolves at a time while adding in destructible environments, a longer campaign and multi-player since that would help the game.

Visually, technically, music/sound/voice acting and the core shooting gameplay and cover system was all excellent. Not much if anything to fix/improve in those areas. Just seems like one of the easiest quick solutions to an IP for it's sequel. At least it seems like that to me anyway.
Did anyone notice that the PS4 has no longer any exclusive FPS anymore? We got Killzone ShadowFall and that is it. No upcoming shooter from any of Sony studios.

FPS genre is my least favorite genre but I have played and completed six of them this generation and still have COD: IW and Killzone: SF in my backlog. Was really hoping that GG Cambridge was going to be taking over the Killzone IP while allowing the main GG studio to work on the Horizon franchise. Since that's not going to happen, I would like to see Sony get Bluepoint or another top tier studio that does re-masters and release a complete Resistance trilogy package including the PSP and Vita games. Five games for $60 wouldn't bother me at all.

Really surprised that Sony hasn't had a studio port over the Uncharted Golden Abyss Vita game to PS4. That seems like easy money to me but whatever.

What im really hoping for is The Order: 1887 damnit!!! I want to see a conclusion to the story and the characters. I for one enjoyed the game despite it's negatives and flaws. With the core already built and intact, Ready at Dawn would only have to eliminate the QTE's / wide screen aspect ratio / instant fail stealth sections / better boss fights and changing/eliminating the fights with the three werewolves at a time while adding in destructible environments, a longer campaign and multi-player since that would help the game.

Visually, technically, music/sound/voice acting and the core shooting gameplay and cover system was all excellent. Not much if anything to fix/improve in those areas. Just seems like one of the easiest quick solutions to an IP for it's sequel. At least it seems like that to me anyway.

I wish they'd look at the success Seige is having and see the potential in a competitive tactical shooter. Bring back SOCOM, unlike Resistance or Killzone it's not going to be an FPS that clashes with the COD/BF/Destiny market. It'll be more like Seige and have it's own little place.

The God

I wish they'd look at the success Seige is having and see the potential in a competitive tactical shooter. Bring back SOCOM, unlike Resistance or Killzone it's not going to be an FPS that clashes with the COD/BF/Destiny market. It'll be more like Seige and have it's own little place.

This makes way more sense than something like going back to the Order.

Socom could fill that "Games as a Service" void Sony has in their lineup. An addictive multiplayer game they could continually update with maps, cosmetics, etc


I doubt sony really cares about making there own fps, considering they have aligned themselves with the biggest FPS of all COD and Destiny. Saying that I would still want a 3rd person Resistance & Killzone game :(
Me too! The Order just needed multiplayer to have survived, if you ask me.

If by multiplayer you mean co-op then maybe but I don't think competitive multiplayer would've done a thing.

The big problem with The Order is the campaign it was selling itself on wasn't good enough, especially when it's drawing comparisons with Uncharted and TLOU. They created a really interesting world but the best they could do is tell a cliché ridden mess of a story in it (very similar to Killzone). That plus the campaign itself wasn't great. Combat was fun but there wasn't that much of it. Walking and stealth sequences were dull and absurdly restrictive. And the QTEs often seemed like they were used as a crutch, especially against the final boss.

I would've liked it if RaD had been given a chance to learn from their mistakes, because I do think they're a talented studio, but at this point I don't think there's any chance of it happening.
Did anyone notice that the PS4 has no longer any exclusive FPS anymore? We got Killzone ShadowFall and that is it. No upcoming shooter from any of Sony studios.

That you know of. :D

But for real - every 3rd party has an FPS in development of all shapes & sizes. Sony has marketing deals with several of them, including a yearly deal with CoD, Destiny, & Battlefront. Like, why make a shooter when some of the biggest 3rd party dollars are making shooters anyway?

IMO, Sony is outmaneuvering MS as a publisher specifically because they are crafting their portfolio to fill the voids left in the market by 3rd party, and are budgeting those projects appropriate to how big each niche audience may be. It's smart economics on their part - the portfolio remains diversified, which helps set the PS4 apart from its closest competitor, while also developing intellectual property they therefore own and can leverage in a myriad of other ways.

I think this is a lesson Sony learned harshly during the PS3 days, where they focused on crafting a ton of games that offered experiences similar to what the 360 was offering, just not as strong because their online social environment was ass compared to the 360. Meanwhile, the audience & games that thrived the most on PS3 were things that no one else was really offering, like Uncharted 2/3, TLoU, LBP, GoW3, inFamous 1/2, Demon's Souls - like these titles are some of the most fondly remembered of that generation on PS3, and none of them really had any market overlap at the time of their respective release, and they (& others) helped elevate the PS3 from a 2nd rate system to a 'you should check this out'.

Sure, it was nice getting Killzone 2/3, WarHawk/StarHawk, HAZE, MAG, & Socom on the PS3, but other than Warhawk (which I fucking loved), these titles aren't necessarily remembered as the 'must-owns' of the PS3 library, and outside of the Killzone's, none of them are known for being these huge financial success stories even though they were all being released in eras where FPS were selling really well.


Did anyone notice that the PS4 has no longer any exclusive FPS anymore? We got Killzone ShadowFall and that is it. No upcoming shooter from any of Sony studios.
No need when they have marketing deals with battlefield ,COD and others. This give sony studies to work on new IPs that's not FPS.


Sony is going to spend an enormous mount of money just marketing RDR2 and Destiny 2 aren't they?

also they have marketing deals with Battlefront and COD.

If they have that amount of cash to throw around then why not a big JRPG from the Japan studio. pretty please. 🙏

Sony is going to spend an enormous mount of money just marketing RDR2 and Destiny 2 aren't they?

also they have marketing deals with Battlefront and COD.

If they have that amount of cash to throw around then why not a big JRPG from the Japan studio. pretty please. ��

I don't think it is either/or. Both can feasibly be done.


Sony is going to spend an enormous mount of money just marketing RDR2 and Destiny 2 aren't they?
Oh yeah. I don't doubt that they're gonna do everything in their power to create the perception among the general public that those games are practically exclusive. Same as with Destiny 1.
That's not how budgeting works at multi-layered multinational companies.

I don't work in the games industry, but at a budget-level, people like Andrew House will decide on an allocation of money/investment to be given to different parts of the company.

Marketing will get a sum of money. First-party will get a sum of money. Operations will get a sum of money, etc. etc. It then comes down to individual business decision & portfolio review to decide how those money get spent accordingly.

Ultimately, all divisions are probably given reasonable amount of money to maintain a "competitive" portfolio of 3rd-party deals and first-party AAA/AA investments across the board.

But it's up to the portfolio to decide how to proceed because there is never enough money.


Just noticed that Sony has a very real chance of releasing an exclusive a month for all of 2017.

Jan - Gravity Rush 2
Feb - Horizon
Mar - MLB The Show
April - Drawn to Death, Starblood Arena (PSVR)
May - Farpoint (PSVR)
June - WipEout Omega Collection

With plenty of others left to be dated. Quite an impressive run.


Just noticed that Sony has a very real chance of releasing an exclusive a month for all of 2017.

Jan - Gravity Rush 2
Feb - Horizon
Mar - MLB The Show
April - Drawn to Death, Starblood Arena (PSVR)
May - Farpoint (PSVR)
June - WipEout Omega Collection

With plenty of others left to be dated. Quite an impressive run.

+ LocoRoco/Patapon/Parappa The Rapper remasters


Just noticed that Sony has a very real chance of releasing an exclusive a month for all of 2017.

Jan - Gravity Rush 2
Feb - Horizon
Mar - MLB The Show
April - Drawn to Death, Starblood Arena (PSVR)
May - Farpoint (PSVR)
June - WipEout Omega Collection

With plenty of others left to be dated. Quite an impressive run.

Don't forget FF XII for July
I think Sony Japan is still up.

I guess so, since they recently got out both Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2. I can't imagine the whole studio is on Knack 2.

From internal studios, it seems likely (though you can never truly know, I suppose). From external studios and developing partners, I wouldn't be too surprised if there were still a few 'big' games we haven't heard about.

Maybe not first party, but according to Shuhei Yoshida: '' We have numerous unannounced titles in production. Please look forward to their announcements.''


Yeah I guess there's always 2nd/3rd party partnerships, which was kind of what I was getting at. Maybe a few will be big, but I'm thinking most will be of smaller scale.

Don't forget FF XII for July

That's not Sony. That's Square-Enix.
This makes way more sense than something like going back to the Order.

Socom could fill that "Games as a Service" void Sony has in their lineup. An addictive multiplayer game they could continually update with maps, cosmetics, etc

Yeah, that's what i think makes sense too. There are so many classic maps that people loved too, so they could just keep releasing thoughs as DLC if they want to keep the money coming in the long run. I think games like Resistance/Killzone just aren't going to compete with all the great FPS 3rd party games. A game like socom (yes i'm biased) is different because its chasing that niche but profitable market like Seige is.
I think most of the exclusive PS4 games are known so far. The only studio whose project is unknown is Sucker Punch. Do you think Sony will focus on showing gameplay of the announced titles or they can still wow us with more unannounced projects?


I think most of the exclusive PS4 games are known so far. The only studio whose project is unknown is Sucker Punch. Do you think Sony will focus on showing gameplay of the announced titles or they can still wow us with more unannounced projects?
Wow us with Sucker Punch's game like they did with Horizon and unleash a barrage of footage and dates. Also a third party bomb of some sort (Devil May Cry).
I think most of the exclusive PS4 games are known so far. The only studio whose project is unknown is Sucker Punch. Do you think Sony will focus on showing gameplay of the announced titles or they can still wow us with more unannounced projects?

As far as first party is concerned, yes. Sony has pretty much showed what they have in store for the PS4 life cycle (aside from Sucker Punch).

But there is still plenty of reveals they can show, that dont really have to be exclusive. Some of the best moments of Sonys E3 conferences the last few years have been third party games. (FFXV, KH3, FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, etc).

Still plenty of japanese stuff they could probably show off that would be console exclusive at least though, Xbox hasn't been able to secure alot of the big japanese games.
I guess so, since they recently got out both Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2. I can't imagine the whole studio is on Knack 2.

TLG and GR2 only just came out though, so it's way too early for a new Japan Studio announcement.

In terms of first party announcements, this year should basically be about Sucker Punch and external studios like FromSoftware and maybe Arrowhead. Plus some remasters, of course.
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