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Jeff Kaplan acknowledging loot box feedback in Overwatch


Come on dude, it's not that hard to admit you were wrong if even Blizzard are looking to make changes.

I welcome changes, but I personally have never had a problem getting what I want from events. Changes would just mean it'd be easier for me to get what I want


It's been a weird feeling playing Injustice 2 and actually enjoying the act of opening a loot box.

Hopefully a meaningful change comes from this.
Ever since they updated the game to let you get more loot boxes for free i realized that they were handing out fresh piles of junk in each box. Kinda killed my interest in the loot boxes to be honest.


What time is it?
I think the bigger issue is having every skin listed as legendary. The past events had different tiers of skins. Purchasing everything with Gold is well over 50,000 coins this event. I'm guess past events were half of that. Between my regular accumulation of coins through playing the game and buying 50 loot boxes per event, acquiring everything didn't cost more than that. This event would probably require buying 150 loot boxes to get get everything.

The good thing is that Blizzard do listen and make changes based on feedback. If you recall, Summer Event items couldn't be purchased and Blizzard changed this for subsequent events based on feedback.
Jeff 's job is to maximize profits, once the curve goes down he will lax the RNG and restrictions accordingly, he won't do it now that the whales are buying loot crates like there is no tomorrow.
I think the bigger issue is having every skin listed as legendary. The past events had different tiers of skins. Purchasing everything with Gold is well over 50,000 coins this event. I'm guess past events were half of that. Between my regular accumulation of coins through playing the game and buying 50 loot boxes per event, acquiring everything didn't cost more than that. This event would probably require buying 150 loot boxes to get get everything.

The good thing is that Blizzard do listen and make changes based on feedback. If you recall, Summer Event items couldn't be purchased and Blizzard changed this for subsequent events based on feedback.
To be fair they're all legendaries because they change the silhouette of the characters. There's no recolor skins so there's no rares.

But yeah it is a problem.
The fact that you can get dupes period is a complete con. There's no way that is excusable unless they have some kind of gameplay effect. Example being Mass Effect MP. If you get a duplicate gun card, it powers up said card. Duplicate character cards boost XP and add color options.


I think the bigger issue is having every skin listed as legendary. The past events had different tiers of skins. Purchasing everything with Gold is well over 50,000 coins this event. I'm guess past events were half of that. Between my regular accumulation of coins through playing the game and buying 50 loot boxes per event, acquiring everything didn't cost more than that. This event would probably require buying 150 loot boxes to get get everything.

The good thing is that Blizzard do listen and make changes based on feedback. If you recall, Summer Event items couldn't be purchased and Blizzard changed this for subsequent events based on feedback.
someone made a video saying it's like 58k and previous events were around 35k.

I feel like they took the summer games event to heart because 1) it was the first event and 2) the game was still "new". They hadn't built up the cache to be like "fuck you, pay me"
Just like how he acknowledged Zarya skins right😒

I don't expect any sort of preferable solution to lootboxes and coins as long as people are dropping ridiculous amounts of money on boxes every event.


I wonder how much more people would play (and even spend) if loot boxes were more rewarding, more gold for dupes, etc.

If they are worried that people would suddenly stop playing when they got all cosmetic items, then clearly they are the only reason we are playing the game... and not for the joy of the game itself.


Really, the change that would make me happy would be to force epics and legendaries that pop up in event loot boxes to only be for that event. At that point, I'd even be fine with them potentially being dupes. It's simply the worst feeling to see a legendary finally show up during an event, only to have it be one of the items that's now been around for a year.

I'd also love to see repeat event items give more credits, but give me that first thing, and I wouldn't complain.


Gold Member
Yeah it is. I've been saving up gold coins since March and I just passed 3500.

Hooray, I can buy one skin. :/

Hey, me too! I'm currently sitting here in a state of decision-lock because I have to make the choice between D.VA's Cruiser and Symmetra's Oasis skin, the two I like the most. I can't decide because I know I likely won't see the other nor will I earn enough coin through nightly playing over the next 2.5 weeks to buy it so it feels like no matter which I choose, I'm still losing out.

Such a rewarding system. /s


The fact that you can get dupes period is a complete con. There's no way that is excusable unless they have some kind of gameplay effect. Example being Mass Effect MP. If you get a duplicate gun card, it powers up said card. Duplicate character cards boost XP and add color options.
Dupes suck but they serve a purpose both to the consumer and blizzard. It allows the consumer to obtain currency (payouts are too low though) Dupes also benefit blizzard because without dupes it means there's a finite number of boxes that would guarantee you every item and if your spending money on lootboxes, there'd be no reason to ever purchase more than this finite amount.

It also means that it greatly increases the odds of everyone having the same skins and items which they've been adamant about not wanting to facilitate and numerous people here have agreed with them


I'm sorry but this is a nonsense response.

They've been receiving this feedback for multiple events. They should have had an "action item" by now, especially by this event, considering the size of it and the number of items.

I've opened about 15 crates so far this week, all earned in game. Not a single one of the 11 new skins and only one of the 24 emotes. Even then, I got about 7 of the other 100+ other less important event items that don't include skins or emotes. And considering all 11 skins are Legendary this time, that's a crazy amount of gold you would need to buy them all.

I don't want to hear about RNG. That's just crap.

I'm not looking for a complete overhaul. The drop rate just needs to be better, that's all.


Never had an issue getting event items if you play consistently..

Sounds like most of you just decide to hop on OW only when events are going on or want every single event item.
I played the last event for 3 weeks straight. All I wanted were blackwatch genji and Mcree. I had 1500 gold when I started. 3 weeks later I had 2500 gold do to all the dupes and chests I got. Still neither of the skins I wanted. I had to purchase 10 loot boxes on the last day. Still no skins. But 600 gold. So I spent 3 whole weeks farming and buying 10 loot boxes just to get 3000 credits. Yeah I didn't play consistently enough
There's a series of easy fixes that can be applied to this, IMO, but the two most obvious fixes would be:
  1. Dupes should give half of the item's current value as gold. That means event legendaries should give 1500, and regular legendaries should give 500.
  2. Provide an EXP boost weekend of some sort at least once during each event.


Junior Member
The main issue in all of this imo is the amount of gold you get for dupes. Like only 250 for a duplicate Legendary skin is ridiculous. I get they need to monetize and make money so getting the full 1000 gold is unrealistic, but you should at least get half of the items value
Yeah making gold credit in this game is a absolute joke. So little and so less time of it recieved


The amount of duplicates I've gotten after the Chinese New Year Event is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

In 28 loot boxes I've only gotten Tracer's anniversary skin so far and I don't even play her much.
They need to increase the amount of currency earned and also provide the option to re-roll boxes for better loot for a small gold premium. Quests could be a good step towards earning currency for the players, too. Also, most obviously, don't add all legendary skins in the events.

The Heroes team legit just came in and shit on the way OW does loot boxes, imo. Judging by Kaplan's non-answer I'm assuming none of the above will be implemented though.
Never had an issue getting event items if you play consistently..

Sounds like most of you just decide to hop on OW only when events are going on or want every single event item.
Well that's the only time to get new stuff since they don't want to add stuff to the permanent boxes.

Also event lootboxes need to be 3 items guaranteed from the event or do two separate boxes and allow the user to choose which box they want to unlock (event or regular) and have the contents be locked to which box you open.


"We hear you and we don't give a shit!"

I wondered in another thread how far they will push it, so maybe that means they at least scrap the next level of bullshit they prepared.


Hopefully they'll either:

Make the event items cheaper, get rid of the 3x cost.

Award the 3x cost in coins for duplicates.

In addition they could roll some event rewards into the main pool.


And thats a problem because...??

You cant expect to only log on during events and grab multiple legendary skins with solely coins. If you don't play Overwatch normally, then why would you care about logging in for cosmetic items? While the loot system does have some problems, 0 problems here playing consistently because you usually have a stack of credits saved up to get what you want.
Lol, I love Jeff as a designer but this is just nonsense. They know very well how loot boxes work, this "feedback" isn't anything new to them.

Expect nothing to change.


You cant expect to only log on during events and grab multiple legendary skins with solely coins. If you don't play Overwatch normally, then why would you care about logging in for cosmetic items? While the loot system does have some problems, 0 problems here playing consistently because you usually have a stack of credits saved up to get what you want.

You're doing more work to defend this than Blizzard is. Think about that.


You're doing more work to defend this than Blizzard is. Think about that.

Maybe you have reading comprehension but I even said "While the loot system has problems, I PERSONALLY have 0 trouble getting what I want". Think about that.
I've purchased loot boxes twice in the entire time I've owned Overwatch. Today I got 50, and I got 76 duplicates. Out of 200 items possible I got 76 duplicates. That's INSANE. I got the tracer skin 4 times. That netted me 800 coins total. Don't think I'll be buying any other loot boxes. I want to support blizzard as continuing to update this game with new characters and maps and all that costs money, but there really needs to be some consideration given to their customers. Basically damn near half of the items from the boxes I purchased were dupes. That's fucking insane, Blizz.


Remove dupes for event items at the very least would be nice
Dupes are literally the only thing that's stopping people from "playing enough" until they eventually get all the items

They've been explicit about wanting these items to feel "special" by not having everyone have everything.


double lootboxes earned, not double XP. increase value of currency for duplicates. lower the cost of event items to be double instead of triple the cost.

If they did two of these I'd be happy.


You cant expect to only log on during events and grab multiple legendary skins with solely coins. If you don't play Overwatch normally, then why would you care about logging in for cosmetic items? While the loot system does have some problems, 0 problems here playing consistently because you usually have a stack of credits saved up to get what you want.

Why do you think they do these events? For people to return to the game, and keep things fresh. Also as it stands, dumping tons of hours to prepare for events do jackshit to increase credits, or guarantee that I'm getting a legendary.


Vote with your wallets.

I couldn't care less if I get a particular skin, and I've never bought boxes either, it's whatever. But as long as people buy ludicrous amounts of boxes, nothing will change, lol.
Aside from Dupes giving more way too little gold I don't have a problem with the system. The fact that you don't need to buy a key and get a lot of free ones puts it far ahead systems ​in other games.


I've opened two legendary skins so far and both of them are not from the event. This is the worst feeling ever. The very least they could do is to remove those from the pool during an event. There is enough blues and dupes in the pool already, do they really want to lower event drop rate even more? The more leg skins and items in general they add to the game overall it brings event drop rates lower and lower. Back in summer games like everyone opened everything, it doesn't happen anymore.

The other thing is the dance emotes. Those are what you want people to be using for like every hero too, this way most of them will never see any use. I think they made a big mistake here that hurts themselves, not players. Players probably normally don't care but seeing those add to the game and it's fun.
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