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Sonic Mania - Pre-Order Trailer (out August 15th)

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The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
Now that we are finally getting the Sonic of our dreams in 2017, ladies and gentleman, the time to rest is not now.

We have to let it be known, with our wallets (because my parents bought me Sonic 1, 2, and 3 and I wasn't old enough to work then) that this is what we want.

Because the long game is that this team continues to be able to develop NEW sonic games. Sonic Mania is clearly a test run that has been a labor of love all the same. It has a mixture of old and new zones, and that is largely the only complaint I've seen lodged against it when speculating how great it will be. If Sonic Mania does well, we can see the opportunity for a Sonic Mania 2 (or Sonic 5) with ALL NEW ZONES and a bigger budget and everyone should want that.


Still getting Forces, though.


That was really cute. I think I might get this game.

Does this retcon Sonic 4?

Considering they never even got a chance to finish Sonic 4, I think they're content to just let it fade into obscurity and never refer to the numbers again.

I look forward to Sonic MegaManiaMix in 2020.


Junior Member
£13.49 on Steam but £14.99 everywhere else?

Yeah no not buying this now until it's on sale

Can't give no "physical retailer price equivalent" excuse since there isn't any

Guess Who

£13.49 on Steam but £14.99 everywhere else?

Yeah no not buying this now until it's on sale

Can't give no "physical retailer price equivalent" excuse since there isn't any

One, £13.49 is the sale price. Two, buddy, it's £13.49. If that's not a low enough price, I don't know what to tell you.


We have to let it be known, with our wallets (because my parents bought me Sonic 1, 2, and 3 and I wasn't old enough to work then) that this is what we want.

Well... I want a dynamic 3d generations type sonic, with multiple characters that can navigate levels differently, and through subsequently playthoughs can possible cause new ways to open up by how the previous character handled the level. An actual expansion 3d gameplay with elements from the classics brought it to coalesces into an experience that brings people together around sonic in 3d.

This is Super Dope though, i'm copping the shit out of mania.


£13.49 on Steam but £14.99 everywhere else?

Yeah no not buying this now until it's on sale

Can't give no "physical retailer price equivalent" excuse since there isn't any

How can anyone look at this game at that price-point and think they're getting ripped off...?
Now that we are finally getting the Sonic of our dreams in 2017, ladies and gentleman, the time to rest is not now.

We have to let it be known, with our wallets (because my parents bought me Sonic 1, 2, and 3 and I wasn't old enough to work then) that this is what we want.

Because the long game is that this team continues to be able to develop NEW sonic games. Sonic Mania is clearly a test run that has been a labor of love all the same. It has a mixture of old and new zones, and that is largely the only complaint I've seen lodged against it when speculating how great it will be. If Sonic Mania does well, we can see the opportunity for a Sonic Mania 2 (or Sonic 5) with ALL NEW ZONES and a bigger budget and everyone should want that.
Yep, I'm buying multiple copies, gifts for friends. This is when we make sure that we respond to Sega accordingly. I never fucking thought we'd get legitimate 2D Sonic again


£13.49 on Steam but £14.99 everywhere else?

Yeah no not buying this now until it's on sale

Can't give no "physical retailer price equivalent" excuse since there isn't any

I love how people can get so outraged about a £1.50 difference at different stores.

You're saving the world buddy. Truly the hero we deserve.
They should do a spiritual successor to Sonic Adventure 2 in the vein of Mania to 2D Sonic as a celebration of Dreamcast era Sega

I'm going both because this deserves all the money.

Completely agree. Getting this on Switch, Steam and PS4

I hope we get a whole series of game like Mania.

Agreed. I'd love it if a Mania sequel went more for a Sega Saturn level of 2D graphic quality. I know they wanted this game to feel like a lost 2D Saturn Sega title and it is absolutely gorgeous, but I feel it generally looks closer to 16-bit 2D than it does to 32-bit 2D

Now that we are finally getting the Sonic of our dreams in 2017, ladies and gentleman, the time to rest is not now.

We have to let it be known, with our wallets (because my parents bought me Sonic 1, 2, and 3 and I wasn't old enough to work then) that this is what we want.

Because the long game is that this team continues to be able to develop NEW sonic games. Sonic Mania is clearly a test run that has been a labor of love all the same. It has a mixture of old and new zones, and that is largely the only complaint I've seen lodged against it when speculating how great it will be. If Sonic Mania does well, we can see the opportunity for a Sonic Mania 2 (or Sonic 5) with ALL NEW ZONES and a bigger budget and everyone should want that.

You are absolutely right. I'm buying this on Switch, Steam and PS4. We have to make a statement of insane support with this game


Junior Member
How can anyone look at this game at that price-point and think they're getting ripped off...?
It's not about the price I know the difference isn't much but they're basically showing the middle finger to those not buying it on Steam.

They could've easily done the discount for other platforms too but nah

Guess Who

Agreed. I'd love it if a Mania sequel went more for a Sega Saturn level of 2D graphic quality. I know they wanted this game to feel like a lost 2D Saturn Sega title and it is absolutely gorgeous, but I feel it generally looks closer to 16-bit 2D than it does to 32-bit 2D

Disagree. The level of color and fluidity of animation is well above what the Genesis could do, not to mention the minor 3D effects like the shattering glass in Studiopolis or the fully-3D Special Stage rings.


It's not about the price I know the difference isn't much but they're basically showing the middle finger to those not buying it on Steam.

They could've easily done the discount for other platforms too but nah

Yes, clearly the intent of people working their ass off on this game is too throw a fuck you to people buying it anywhere else.

You're being very silly right now. Price differences at different retailers have been a thing for years and years. It's how the world works.


Junior Member
Yes, clearly the intent of people working their ass off on this game is too throw a fuck you to people buying it anywhere else.

You're being very silly right now. Prices differences at different retailers have been a thing for years and years. It's how the world works.
What's your post got to do with the discount only on one platform? Nothing, my point still stands


Disagree. The level of color and fluidity of animation is well above what the Genesis could do, not to mention the minor 3D effects like the shattering glass in Studiopolis or the fully-3D Special Stage rings.

More 32X than Saturn, which I think was mentioned by Whitehead in an interview.

Edit: Oh, Iizuka.

Would be cool for a sequel and a bigger budget to go full-Saturn.

Edit edit:
but then that'd still be 32-bit. :v

No denying that.


As far as I know yes. Sonic sells best on Nintendo (PC would likely be the exception now) so they make sure it gets there on time. Would not be surprised if it was delayed for that reason.

What? Since when does Sonic sell better on Nintendo platforms? (If you're including the exclusive games, that isn't fair.)

Completely OT, but every time I see this thread, I mis-read the title to say: (Sony) "Santa Monica" and I think it's a new PS4 game.

It *is* a new PS4 game. =)
Trailer of the year? That was some good stuff. The whole thing basically promotes that they "get it". They know what they are doing.


What's your post got to do with the discount only on one platform? Nothing, my point still stands

Yes, clearly the intent of people working their ass off on this game is too throw a fuck you to people buying it anywhere else.

You're being very silly right now. Price differences at different retailers have been a thing for years and years. It's how the world works.

There are only 4 sentences in my post. It's the third one.

Again, this is a total non-issue. It's £1.50, Steam made a deal for a (very) small discount (as they do very often), and it hardly makes a difference with the other storefronts. Nobody is showing anyone the middle finger. It's a commercial enterprise, there's no reason to take it personally. It's nothing to get indignant about.

If you don't think the product is worth the money, that's fine. But you already claimed it's not about the money for you, it's about the principle. Which is a very weird hill to die on. There are actual issues in the world worth that kind of energy. This is just having to pay less than 2 quid less if you buy it through a certain website. It's not the end of the world.
Disagree. The level of color and fluidity of animation is well above what the Genesis could do, not to mention the minor 3D effects like the shattering glass in Studiopolis or the fully-3D Special Stage rings.

Those are helpful points. I'm no expert on 2D so I'm probably wrong on my assessment from the other post

More 32X than Saturn, which I think was mentioned by Whitehead in an interview.

Edit: Oh, Iizuka.
'The general rule for the art of Sonic Mania was to be above the level of Genesis, but under the level of Saturn.'

They definitely nailed that. It's such a pretty game


I was already sold from the reveal months ago but that trailer put my hype through the ceiling. The only question I have come launch is which platform do I want to play it on??
Except critics. The DmC of the Sonic franchise.

Woah woah woah, let's not go too far. DmC was a bad DMC (although I'd put DmC DE up there with 1, 3 SE and 4 SE as the best in the series), but it did have redeeming features.
At least when Dante was walking vertically along a pipe it was an intentional part of the story, and not just wonky physics.
What's your post got to do with the discount only on one platform? Nothing, my point still stands

No. It doesn't. PC routinely ends up having cheaper games, even at launch, than just about every platform. The difference is $2 US anyway. As other posters have said, energy spent on the "principle" of the matter is better spent on actual issues worth more than $2. If you're that worried about the money, wait a couple of months for the inevitable Xbox or PlayStation sale. They'll knock the price down at least 10%. Take a deep breath and relax


Getting this on Switch and Steam.

I imagine this game is going to have some neat classic stages imported back into it with mods.
I would love some tracks from Spencer Nilsen but I'm guessing that kind of arrangement and to achieve the same level of recording quality would be too pricey for this project.
Man this trailer was so good. Gotta love the fuck you to Sonic 4.

I wonder if Present and Future will show up for Stardust Speedway.


This is a great take on this boss. As the trash compactor walls close in the trash is displaced upwards inching you closer to being able to hit the laser. I wonder if it fires lasers like it did in Sonic 2 and 3&K or if it's more like a magnet. You can briefly see a flicky flying away, so apparently there will be badniks to fight in the trash pit.


Stardust Speedway Past be borrowing this idea from Marble Garden.
Reminds me of Generations' stages borrowing elements from other zones, like the poles from Hydrocity appearing in Seaside Hill's underwater sections.


No. It doesn't. PC routinely ends up having cheaper games, even at launch, than just about every platform. The difference is $2 US anyway. As other posters have said, energy spent on the "principle" of the matter is better spent on actual issues worth more than $2. If you're that worried about the money, wait a couple of months for the inevitable Xbox or PlayStation sale. They'll knock the price down at least 10%. Take a deep breath and relax

It's actually pretty frustrating that there are people who think this way. I think Sonic Mania is way too cheap as it is without people getting angry that other platforms have it slightly cheaper. If the rest of the game's up to the standard we've seen so far and the "bigger than Generations" comment is accurate, £15 is a steal.


This is just...wow. Holy shit.

WHY ISN'T THIS GAME GETTING A PHYSICAL RELEASE!? I know it's been said more than a few times, but it makes no sense damn it! It would have such amazing boxart. :(

Also, we need an entire series with the animation present in this trailer. Great stuff.
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