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Transformers: The Last Knight review thread

Daffy Duck

Because they're terrible movies.

The "were people expecting Citizen Kane" thing is such a lazy retort. No one expects Citizen Kane from Marvel movies but they're usually good movies.

No one expects even just good movies from the Transformers movies.

It may well be a lazy retort but it's a brain off film and watch large robots fight each other...

I've loved every single one of them.

Yes, I do expect Unicron.

I'll give you that, it's my one disappointment
Can't wait to see this trash fire on blu-ray. I have a weird fascination for these films but I don't think my brain could process the bayhem on the big screen.



*in China

Cause this one is not going to do that well in North America. Particularly when compared to past Transformers films.

Ray Down

I don't get the hate for Transformers, are people who shit on it expecting Citizen Kane or something?

Because they are fucking garbage.

MetroidPrimeRib siad if they were fun like The Rock or something like Bab Boys that be one thing but they are not.


I honestly feel the Transformers critics are among the most snide and hipster-ish critics I've ever seen of anything online.

That's not to say I'm defending the movies. I'm aware of what they are, but I also enjoy them as one-and-done explosiomovies on weekends.

But every time a new one comes out there is this wave of reviews that read like college essays by wannabe film school critics trying desperately to gain attention by seeing how much they can shit out their thesaurus in detailing how awful the movies are and why Michael Bay is a war criminal.

Me, I'm planning to wait in line this weekend while wearing a Sword Art Online shirt and watching Family Guy episodes on my phone.

I am part of the problem!
Your part of the problem.

Is there an actual problem though? Kids love it and it sells toys which is the only goal of these movies. Why should they change something thats a financial success for them.

I'm a big Transformers fan and theres no way I can deny that the franchise has grown in other areas because of these movies.

But I'd also be lying if I said I didn't enjoy these movies for what they are. summer explosion-fest films with giant robots. Look no further and you won't be disappointed.


I honestly feel the Transformers critics are among the most snide and hipster-ish critics I've ever seen of anything online.

That's not to say I'm defending the movies. I'm aware of what they are, but I also enjoy them as one-and-done explosiomovies on weekends.

But every time a new one comes out there is this wave of reviews that read like college essays by wannabe film school critics trying desperately to gain attention by seeing how much they can shit out their thesaurus in detailing how awful the movies are and why Michael Bay is a war criminal.

Me, I'm planning to wait in line this weekend while wearing a Sword Art Online shirt and watching Family Guy episodes on my phone.

I am part of the problem!

This post got me confused as hell


I liked the action aspects of the first three enough to end up coming out of them with enough to like. The whole Chicago section of Dark of the Moon was incredible. But that fourth one was rough, it was relentless, it even broke my mind a little. I had the biggest headache walking out of it.


My fave part about these reviews is they always say so pretending these won't make millions at the box office regardless.
I honestly feel the Transformers critics are among the most snide and hipster-ish critics I've ever seen of anything online.

That's not to say I'm defending the movies. I'm aware of what they are, but I also enjoy them as one-and-done explosiomovies on weekends.

But every time a new one comes out there is this wave of reviews that read like college essays by wannabe film school critics trying desperately to gain attention by seeing how much they can shit out their thesaurus in detailing how awful the movies are and why Michael Bay is a war criminal.

Me, I'm planning to wait in line this weekend while wearing a Sword Art Online shirt and watching Family Guy episodes on my phone.

I am part of the problem!

Oh, come on. Even if you enjoy the movies you have to admit the reviews are always a good time.
Not content on absolutely desecrating the once great Transformers name, he has turned his attentions to fucking the shit out of the corpse and enjoying the hell out if it

Sick, sick freak


It may well be a lazy retort but it's a brain off film and watch large robots fight each other...
Most of the time it takes them 45 mins to an hour to even get to that. And when they do, it's the CGI equivalent to the Bourne franchise.

But yeah, no, Citizen Kane, you got it in one.


I honestly feel the Transformers critics are among the most snide and hipster-ish critics I've ever seen of anything online.

That's not to say I'm defending the movies. I'm aware of what they are, but I also enjoy them as one-and-done explosiomovies on weekends.

But every time a new one comes out there is this wave of reviews that read like college essays by wannabe film school critics trying desperately to gain attention by seeing how much they can shit out their thesaurus in detailing how awful the movies are and why Michael Bay is a war criminal.

Me, I'm planning to wait in line this weekend while wearing a Sword Art Online shirt and watching Family Guy episodes on my phone.

I am part of the problem!

These posts are so bizarre. Nearly every single mainstream critic like Kermode,Collins or Ebert slammed the films as dogshit of the lowest order. There is nothing hipsterish about criticising a film for its flaws of which the Transformers films have many. Your main argument seems to be people shouldn't apply critical analysis to these films because they have robots and explosions. Your not even claiming the films are good so why shouldn't critics do their job. There is an unspoken rule on here that particular blockbusters shouldn't be put under critical scrutiny. Usually because people can't put up a decent argument to defend them.


IBut I'd also be lying if I said I didn't enjoy these movies for what they are. summer explosion-fest films with giant robots. Look no further and you won't be disappointed.

But they aren't that, though

It's two hours and ten minutes of the worst humor ever written, and maybe twenty minutes of action. That's why they're fucking terrible.


Well I liked all except 2. I need to know how it ranks among that.

I mean it is what it is, but outside of being worse than 2 I would still go.


The implication that it gets a pass for being shit just because it's an action film with big robots is nonsensical. Where does it say because you have an action film that you need to be 5 hours long, with most of that being slo motion explosions and terrible humor? Where does it say to be an action film about giant robots you must make the film be primarily about some unlikable, uninteresting humans with a few minutes of robots as fodder here and there?

There is no actual reason you can't make a good action film about giant robots. Bay just doesn't want to, nor is he capable of it.
I honestly feel the Transformers critics are among the most snide and hipster-ish critics I've ever seen of anything online.

That's not to say I'm defending the movies. I'm aware of what they are, but I also enjoy them as one-and-done explosiomovies on weekends.

But every time a new one comes out there is this wave of reviews that read like college essays by wannabe film school critics trying desperately to gain attention by seeing how much they can shit out their thesaurus in detailing how awful the movies are and why Michael Bay is a war criminal.

Me, I'm planning to wait in line this weekend while wearing a Sword Art Online shirt and watching Family Guy episodes on my phone.

I am part of the problem!
You wanna point out these overly verbose and pretentious reviews of Transformers movies or you're too busy getting ready to see this on the weekend?


I honestly feel the Transformers critics are among the most snide and hipster-ish critics I've ever seen of anything online.

That's not to say I'm defending the movies. I'm aware of what they are, but I also enjoy them as one-and-done explosiomovies on weekends.

But every time a new one comes out there is this wave of reviews that read like college essays by wannabe film school critics trying desperately to gain attention by seeing how much they can shit out their thesaurus in detailing how awful the movies are and why Michael Bay is a war criminal.

Me, I'm planning to wait in line this weekend while wearing a Sword Art Online shirt and watching Family Guy episodes on my phone.

I am part of the problem!

There are plenty of well liked and reviewed "explosiomovies". The Transformers films do not fall into that category.

Daffy Duck

I'm sorry that your enjoyment is ruined by other people's opinions.

It's not, as I said after I've loved every one of the films so far, it's just it seems like the hate is almost done to be cool if you know what I mean. Like people rating them as something they are not.


Even with its own share of bullshit, I don't see how anyone can place TF3 over 2.

At least 2 has that great fight in the forest.

3 takes nearly two agonizing hours to get to it's only set piece battle, and even that last encounter is nothing impressive, aside from the falling building
I still explain these movies as if space aliens were fans of Earth summer blockbuster movies and attempted to make their own with human actors, but their lack of humanity makes everything the humans in the movies do and say seem foreign from actual human behavior, emotion and motivation.


It's not, as I said after I've loved every one of the films so far, it's just it seems like the hate is almost done to be cool if you know what I mean. Like people rating them as something they are not.

I don't see anyone rating them as good.


There are plenty of well liked and reviewed "explosiomovies". The Transformers films do not fall into that category.

How do they keep making money though? Each movie has a new audience?

Maybe it's just a dysfunctional relationship between viewer and the movie.
It's probably very possible. They just have Bay'd up all the films so far. There will never be a good one under his supervision, that's for sure.

I agree. We totally could have a great Live Action Transformers that reviewed well critically if they dove into what's making the current line of comics so fun and interesting with plenty of character for the robots, real conflict, social questions, political stuff, it'd probably be exactly what people here find so lacking about the current Bayformers: it'd be cerebral rather than bombastic.

I think though it extends beyond Bay himself. To this point their formula of explosions first, fantastical, barely sensical plot second, has worked. It'll only be after that starts to fail, and maybe that's this film, that they consider reworking their strategy.

That said, it's not like Bay isn't at least replicating what Transformers was on some scale. The cartoons often had the stupidest plots that barely made any sense and were far more focused on selling toys/providing dumb entertainment, rather than actually engaging children on any significant level. So in some ways I feel like Bayformers is a success when viewed that way. It's a form of what Transformers largely was. That's why I have fun with them at least. They're about as good as the worst episodes of the original cartoon.


That said, it's not like Bay isn't at least replicating what Transformers was on some scale. The cartoons often had the stupidest plots that barely made any sense and were far more focused on selling toys/providing dumb entertainment, rather than actually engaging children on any significant level. So in some ways I feel like Bayformers is a success when viewed that way. It's a form of what Transformers largely was. That's why I have fun with them at least. They're about as good as the worst episodes of the original cartoon.

The visuals and sounds effects are always A+. If you get anything out of it at all, it's in the theater.
So I keep going!


It's not, as I said after I've loved every one of the films so far, it's just it seems like the hate is almost done to be cool if you know what I mean. Like people rating them as something they are not.

They're rating the same way they'd rate other action films. These are just shit ones. It's like people are saying "we know they're shit but having big robots invalidates any criticism". It's weird.


A cancer of a movie franchise.

Which doesn't seem to be going away.

The worst thing is that it'll always get a pass. It's a regular thing that happens every couple of years.
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