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Marvel's Inhumass - Official Trailer #1


I love Jae Lee's art but man...couldn't get the faces to look anything like the actors? Then again maybe its for the best considering how bad the actual show looks.


Wtf happened to black bolt?

He is a beast, his voice can destroy planets, he can fly, he's telepathic.

This mother fucker looks like a mid season interstitial story from fringe.

No. No.

And to think The Sentry was afraid to fight this guy. If only they had known of his weakness to batons.
But we've already seen this...


Shit, a schlocky ITV drama I used watch (and love as a guilty pleasure) has better CGI than both of these, and it was from 2006 (and I say this as someone who loves Lost)!



And [showrunner] Scott Buck is not a dumb writer. Scott Buck is a very, very good writer. I was just saying to the other group, one of his biggest jobs as an adapter of material from the graphic novels to a live-action performance is to ground this in a way that it has more accessibility to a viewer rather than a reader, to a general public rather than a strictly comic book audience. I think he’s doing a great job.

Do you get the full mask?
I will say this. When you’re adapting something from a different medium, even if it’s a visual medium like a graphic novel, to live-action, you have to ground it so that it’s more accessible to the viewer because it’s a colder medium. They’re not going to be leaning as far forward. I’m a fan of, like every theater geek who went to graduate school I did my time doing mask work. I’m not sure TV is the space for masks.
The Black Bolt Getting Wrecked Off Nightsticks & Coughing Cars to Death said:
When you’re adapting something from a different medium, even if it’s a visual medium like a graphic novel, to live-action, you have to ground it so that it’s more accessible to the viewer



Man, these comments are like straight out of pre 2008 MCU ideas of the public thinks superheroes are dumb as shit and we have to ground it to make them watch.


Wow, just watched those trailers. This looks bad. Like real bad you guys.

Inhumans has been the worst part of SHIELD since they were introduced, and now this.

It looks like it was made with $5 and high school drama kids wearing leftovers from the costume department.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Well at least this might be a quick end for all the Inhumans crap on SHIELD and other Marvel stuff after it bombed spectacularly.
Wow, just watched those trailers. This looks bad. Like real bad you guys.

Inhumans has been the worst part of SHIELD since they were introduced, and now this.

It looks like it was made with $5 and high school drama kids wearing leftovers from the costume department.

What? Inhumans stuff in SHIELD has been great



I mean, it's about a royal family made up by people who were experimented on by an ancient alien species that wanted to turn them into weapons of mass destruction against a rival alien species. A royal family including a mute guy who can destroy cities with his voice, a woman who can use her long hair as a weapon, a big dog with teleportation powers, a girl that can control the elements, a guy that looks like a merman and a batshit insane genius with a penchant for mindcontrolling people, and they live in a secret city that can move on Earth and travel in space.

Very grounded, you see.
Medusa does have her hair powers, which I know some here doubted after the first trailer. Dunno why they bothered releasing a trailer that showed so little of the FX work, though I can't imagine the final show will look that much better.


We definitely want to hear more about that awesome power of her remarkable hair and how it’s deployed in the show, and also in what ways that affects your performance and how it’s captured.

I didn’t go to acting school, but if I would’ve, I would hope there would be a day on head movements. Like, “You grab him by the neck, with your hair!”

Is that what it is on set?

It is. And you have to learn how to do it. So you use the hand movements that you would do. That’s what I do. I do it first how I would do it with my limbs and then from there, you mimic the same facial features that you would do because that’s basically what it is for her. It’s another appendage. So yes, there’s definitely days and moments where I see things and it’s like, “Oh, I do that with my hair. Oh, it does that too. OK.” So it’s really interesting, it shows everything from protection to moves. It picks things up. There’s all of that. So it’s just learning how to use another part of your imagination.

All your co-stars have described the show as very grounded. But having magical hair that can grab stuff, it’s one of the more comic book-y elements of it. So how do you translate that into a more grounded show to make it not seem bizarre?

That’s what you do, you literally use is as a hand. If I’m going to go pick this up, I’m going to pick this up. So if I’m going to pick it up, you just look at it and your hair picks it up and that’s how it goes. So it’s the exact same, she’s so used to that.

And that’s the same thing with Black Bolt and the language, is that they’ve become so used to it that it’s part of their everyday life and nature. So it takes it out of it. Because to us, it’s inhuman. But for them, they are human. So that’s what makes it grounded, because it’s normal.

With the hair, do you have any type of wig on?

I do. I have one that’s phenomenal.

How long? Does it move?

It is really long. When I first got it on it was like, “This is amazing!” Then I went outside in the wind. It was like, “I can’t! I’m claustrophobic, what’s happening?” But yes, they have done her justice, with what I have physically and also what we have done for CGI.

Have you seen any of the CGI?

I haven’t. But I’ve seen some CGI like Lockjaw. But I haven’t seen my hair yet.


Masks not accessible to the viewer.

Ok, better get Homecoming pulled out of theaters and re-edited immediately!
Why is Scott Buck employed?
Marvel has a habit of announcing things way ahead of time, and then when it's time to make some of them they realize "oh shit, we don't have any ideas or desire to actually make this thing. Who can we pawn this off to?" and then Scott Buck is there with open arms willing to do anything. That's a valuable skill sometimes.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Really? Someone is still trying to peddle the 'superheroes must be grounded' narrative? It's no longer the late 90s, early 00s.

Scott Buck just has the wrong sensibility for these projects. I don't want to straight up call him a bad writer (Iron Fist...good God), but he struggled with Dexter as well. I don't think he's the right fit for any show that needs to lean into it's ridiculousness while also holding onto the viewer.

Edit: Fuck it. He's a bad writer. Lol. My Iron Fist flashbacks are starting again
Really? Someone is still trying to peddle the 'superheroes must be grounded' narrative? It's no longer the late 90s, early 00s.

There's a place for grounded heroes. Jessica Jones was grounded and was great.

But the Inhumans is about the royal family of an ancient race of genetically altered superhumans that live on the moon.

That's not a property that should be grounded!
It's just as ill-conceived as "grounding" the Fantastic Four. Marvel is letting Buck do exactly what Trank did to the FF and we all saw how that turned out.
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