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NYT: In Interview, Trump Expresses Anger at Sessions and Comey, and Warns Mueller


Homeland Security Fail

You guys don't talk adoptions with your bros all the time?


Is 'adoptions' code-word for something else? o___O
This is the second Russian based meeting we know of where a Trump was involved that talked about this.

Maybe it's code for a child sex trafficking ring. PutizzaGate. We must storm the Kremlin and save the children!



And this line

Leads me to believe he has done other illegal shit not related to Russia.

I've been saying for a while, they are going to find the money laundering from the AC casinos. This isn't the Jersey/NYPD getting hush hush money anymore. He should be very nervous, no amount of hush hush money is going to work with the might of Muellers investigative team tearing through his history.
Okay, but these are still serious charges if he does them with Russians or Canadians or other Americans. You make it sound like it won't matter unless it's Russia because you've burned a narrative into your mind.

You might actually have a point of the last three plus months of Trump going apeshit because of the Russian investigation never happened.
so he literally just admitted he appointed sessions under the assumption that sessions would stop any and all investigations into russia, trumps family or business...'

impeach him NOW


lacks enthusiasm.
Short of saying "I did all of it!" I don't know how he could sound more guilty... every passing day his stupidity continues to impress me.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Disappointed there are no badass Mueller pics in this thread.
Get fucked you orange piece of shit.

I'm not a praying man, if I pray that your entire legacy be fucking wiped ot and given to the American people.

I want your name so tarnished that your family changes their name.
No it wouldn't, unless Democrats control both houses of congress.

Republican senators have actually been pretty clear that they wouldn't support Trump if he fired Mueller (a man most of them respect and have worked with in the past) without a clear and good cause. Only 25 need to be swayed in the House and many of them would probably rather have Pence as president, especially if Russia and other scandals keeps hanging over them like a dark cloud.

Here's a pretty good article on how republicans view Muellert and a potential firing:
Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dear God, mate. Get a hold of yourself and stop acting like a nihilistic child in every single thread.

He can't even keep track of what his character is supposed to say. At least Bruce Springsteen is consistent on his vacillating.
God, some of you are straight up delusional. Trump's not getting impeached. Not now, not ever.

You're the only one delusional here.

This presidency has warped your mind into a mindless bot that can only repeat the same things over and over again.

Just stop. Your posts in these threads are nothing more than spam now.


God, some of you are straight up delusional. Trump's not getting impeached. Not now, not ever.

Democrats only need a bare majority in the lower house after 2018 to do this, even if he doesn’t get convicted in a paper-thin majority Senate. And activists in the Democratic party really do want it to happen. Never say never.


Yeah. I'd take bets on Trump getting impeached. Him getting removed on the other hand.....

IMO, the Senate is far more likely to convict him than the current house is to impeach him.

The average GOP senator is not as Magafied as the average representative. And I think there are several that would like to see him gone.
IMO, the Senate is far more likely to convict him than the current house is to impeach him.

The average GOP senator is not as Magafied as the average representative. And I think there are several that would like to see him gone.

True about the House being more loyal to him, but it's much easier numerically to impeach than to remove.

Impeachment requires a simple majority in the House, or 218 votes. We have 194 Democrats. Therefore, they only need 24 scared Republicans out of 241 Republicans to co-sign.

Flipping 19 of 52 Republican senators to get to 67 votes would be eminently more difficult.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Dumbass Donnie makes more dumbass statement in shocked.

It makes me physically ill that Republicans are still willing to eat the bullshit that keeps flowing from his mouth. They are doing it for no good reason also. They hold all branches of government and still can't pass a bill.

These fuckers have been the party of "no" and obstruction so long they have no idea how to govern. It's pathetic and people that continue to vote for these turds are a special kind of stupid.


Republican senators have actually been pretty clear that they wouldn't support Trump if he fired Mueller (a man most of them respect and have worked with in the past) without a clear and good cause. Only 25 need to be swayed in the House and many of them would probably rather have Pence as president, especially if Russia and other scandals keeps hanging over them like a dark cloud.

Here's a pretty good article on how republicans view Muellert and a potential firing:
Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller.
Do you really think the empty platitudes in that article mean that Republicans will actually impeach and convict their own President? It has absolutely zero chance of happening.
Is 'adoptions' code-word for something else? o___O
This is the second Russian based meeting we know of where a Trump was involved that talked about this.

It's really about the Magnitsky Act. Russia retaliated to that law by banning adoptions from Russia to the US.

It's impossible to talk about adoptions without talking about the Magnitsky Act which Russia is desperate to remove.

When people talk about Trump lifting sanctions with Russia, this is one of those sanctions.
Sessions should just come out and flip on him now. What the fuck is the point of loyalty to this president when he literally is hanging you out to dry and publicly acknowledging he doesn't want your *integrity

*even if Sessions only has .001% of it.

He won't cuz he's fucked too. That may be the only thing keeping the WH together right now, they're potentially safer with a narcisisstic manchild boss and a "former" KGB boss-of-bosses who wins by 45 winning but also wins by immolating his little experiment as well.

Besides, the KKKeebler Elf gets to piss on the 5th amendment and play cops 'n robbers wtih real people's lives.

He's going to fire Mueller.

Bingo. He'd at least burn thru half the the DoJ in the attempt.

Mueller, like Comey, is smart. He knows to put in a reverse deadman's switch to keep the prosecution (note that word, not investigation), rolling.

And it would also be met with the same fusillade of damning leaks we saw back in May.

And congressional GOP are less enamored with his poo-flinging antics by the day.

These are some of our hope spots. We need them now, as he's still got his hands on some powerful switches and is clearly growing more desperate to accomplish something on his agenda (and no, not that one).
I kind of want him to try to fire Mueller directly instead of through Rosenstein and have Mueller refuse and it ends up in court. That would be fucking amazing.


This interview is bonkers. I'm barely able to process it his train of thought.
If Trump had a modicum of cunning or intelligence, I would think he was laying bait or traps but no, he's just an idiot saying what he thinks because he never learned any different.

Fucking astonishing.


Republican senators have actually been pretty clear that they wouldn't support Trump if he fired Mueller (a man most of them respect and have worked with in the past) without a clear and good cause. Only 25 need to be swayed in the House and many of them would probably rather have Pence as president, especially if Russia and other scandals keeps hanging over them like a dark cloud.

Here's a pretty good article on how republicans view Muellert and a potential firing:
Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller.

But will they actually stick to that when he pulls the trigger, though? Do you really trust this party to do that?


He wants to be caught. Maybe not consciously, but he wants to be punished.

And Russia has the videos. ;-)

This man couldn't sound more guilty if he tried. He's like if Nixon had no filter and dementia.

Saying that looking into his personal finances is a red line is insane.... because why would THAT be a red line unless he did some illegal shit?
Do you really think the empty platitudes in that article mean that Republicans will actually impeach and convict their own President? It has absolutely zero chance of happening.

If they see a better future for the party with Pence as the president, absolutely. The republican party as a whole will collapse if they keep not giving a shit about moderates and old garde republicans. In the end the only supporters they'll have left are the die hard trumpist, but they actually hate most republican politicians and will leave/support the next alt-right douchebag as soon as Trump does.
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