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John McCain to return to the United States Senate Tomorrow for Healthcare Vote

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And yet the majority of Trump voters would still vote for him again. Funny how that works. Unpopular perhaps, but more like a passable sacrifice so that women can't have abortions no more.

Something like three-quarters of people who voted for Hoover in 1928 voted to re-elect him in 1932. Here's how that worked out for him.

I'm not predicting anything about 2020 mind you, just saying that getting the majority of his voters to vote for him again doesn't mean all that much.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
The story being written right now if this "American Hero" comes back fresh from the hospital after revealing that he has a brain tumor and still votes for the GOP's mystery healthcare plan.

Like holy hell. Future generations will look back at us like we were a Dark Ages sequel.
As a society we are sort of in decline due to radical conservatism

Pretty much.

I feel really foolish now for believing that there was ever any way the rich weren't going to get their tax cut. It's the only reason these Republicans were sent to Washington in the first place and I think after all this posturing they're going to repeal the ACA and take their chances in 2018 that their electorate is too gerrymandered and stupid (mostly the latter) to vote them out of power.


Or have they altered the bill to the point where they think they can ram it through maybe?

Make no mistake they 100% are going to try to ram something through as quickly as possible.

They realize that any debate will reduce their chances so they're going to throw a bunch of stuff together and make people vote on it ASAP with McCain as a prop.

They will try to get around any rule in their way...say it doesn't apply or try to come up a way around them. Whether or not they are successful is to be determined, but this is their plan at the moment.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Pretty much.

I feel really foolish now for believing that there was ever any way the rich weren't going to get their tax cut. It's the only reason these Republicans were sent to Washington in the first place and I think after all this posturing they're going to repeal the ACA and take their chances in 2018 that their electorate is too gerrymandered and stupid (mostly the latter) to vote them out of power.

I would be surprised if this happens. I feel like they will kick this down the road and maybe (and it's a big maybe) try to pick it up again if they keep their majority in 2018.......
I already said what I had to say about McCain in that last thread. I remember being scolded for calling him a monster and a terrorist and a mass murderer. "He deserves respect, he's a war hero, shouldn't be so callous to a cancer victim!", and so on.

I didn't care enough to make note of the plethora of names defending him but I wish I had to gauge their reaction to this news.

Get well soon, huh?


Like I said, check again after it passes. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

Hell, just look at their attitude toward Trump. No one falls in line quite like Republicans.

It's different when it directly affects you. There's a reason why there's stiff divisions between left and right in almost every issue, but not with healthcare. In the past, messing with Medicare and Social Security has been a death kiss.


McConnell is bringing him back solely so he can dangle a dying McCain in front of the moderates to try to convince them to vote for the bill.

Fuck the turtle and fuck McCain.

No its not, its a we dont even have enough votes so we certainly cant vote to proceed without McCain. They just want to get peoples no votes on record.
It seems like people don't understand what's going on here. This is Mitch's ultimatum, these votes are happening whether anything gets passed or not so that they claim closure and move on to the other stuff they want to pass. Secondly, it gives them his members the votes they want on the record, like Rand Paul's full repeal bill.

There's also a chance that a miracle happens and they pass something that is compatible with all the reconciliation rules and it goes to conference but that appears very unlikely.


The Autumn Wind
It's different when it directly affects you. There's a reason why there's stiff divisions between left and right in almost every issue, but not with healthcare. In the past, messing with Medicare and Social Security has been a death kiss.
We'll see. You have more faith in people than I do. Trump has shown us who these people really are.
That's just in the movies.

In real life, McCain made a deal with every devil he could find to take his shot at the Presidency, and even though it failed the stains would never wash off. He left the campaign trail bitter and broken, but too deeply compromised as a man to ever regain even a modicum of dignity. You can't whore yourself out that hard and rediscover your honor in the eleventh hour.

In real life, Scrooge dies miserly, old, and hated, having never seen the error of his ways because he's too bitter to care what anyone else thinks.

Oh, that I know.


We'll see. You have more faith in people than I do. Trump has shown us who these people really are.

No faith to it, you can see the poll numbers yourself and look back at history at how messing with healthcare has blown back to both parties hard. It's self-preservation at its finest.

No its not, its a we dont even have enough votes so we certainly cant vote to proceed without McCain. They just want to get peoples no votes on record.

What does that really accomplish though?
How about we wait and see what the man votes for before we curse him to hell?

This is what's even more crazy. All he did was say he's coming back. His last statement regarding HC was that it's time to move on to a bipartisan effort to reform the current system.

I will literally bet you any amount of money he votes yes to proceed. If I could bet my soul, I would.

Vote to proceed is a lot different than voting for any bill.


How about we wait and see what the man votes for before we curse him to hell?


Has there been any concrete action(like a quote of him verbally saying no) that you can present us?

This is what's even more crazy. All he did was say he's coming back. His last statement regarding HC was that it's time to move on to a bipartisan effort to reform the current system.

He could literally end this by not showing up, an action that would also not risk his fucking life. Are you serious right now?


Looking for meaning in GAF
The guy is dying, and he wants one of his last acts to be about killing millions of Americans?



I'm hoping his cancer has made him reconsider but I don't believe they would even attempt to have this in the first place, if so.

I fully believed they'd have a vote as that gives some finality and both the yes and no sides ammo to use in the election. No votes could say they tried to/did kill it, Yeses can say they tried to repeal but it failed. McCain risking health to come back in is a surprise, though.

No faith to it, you can see the poll numbers yourself and look back at history at how messing with healthcare has blown back to both parties hard. It's self-preservation at its finest.

This bill did not see a similar rally around the flag boost when the House passed it. If anything, approval went down. I don't see why we would expect that to happen if it were to become law.


This one is pure 50/50. He's either taking one last spit in the eyes of the people he and his ilk have always stayed on code to fuck over, or he's going for that last minute "Get right with God" good deed before passing.

I can't wait to find out which one he chooses!!


How close are we to disaster on this? Like, could McCain swing this with near-death sympathy?
If anyone is worried about not getting re-elected and are voting against the bill for that reason, they aren't gonna give a shit what McCain says


I have no doubt he's voting yes but he could not vote from hospital

What they mean is that staying in the hospital would the same as (and much safer than) going to the senate to vote no. It also provides him a safe shield from political blowback. Which he shouldn't be caring so much about since he's . . . you know. . . dying.


I have no doubt he's voting yes but he could not vote from hospital

Unless I'm missing something, the problem is that Republicans are struggling to get enough yes votes to get this going. Voting no would be more symbolic than anything more meaningful since abstaining would serve the same purpose.


The guy is dying, and he wants one of his last acts to be about killing millions of Americans?

It would probably be the most republican thing I can think of.

"If I'm going out, I'm taking as many poor people with me as I can."
Holy smoes was this the biggest blowout in history?

Setting aside the uncontested races (1788, 1792, 1820)...

FDR's re-election in 1936 was an even bigger blowout and it set the record for percentage of Electoral College won in a contested race.

1964 set the record for percentage of the popular vote for the winning candidate in a contested race.

1972 and 1984 tied for the record of number of states carried by the winning candidate at 49.
How mavericky

How's the ol war hero saint workin out for y'all who called people saying he is a horrible person a monster in that last thread?

"Oh but he could have a change of heart!" They say, about the guy who votes lockstep with republicans for almost entirely every bill.
at least mccain is saving us the trouble of demolishing his already shitty legacy when hundreds of articles come out upon his death about what a great man he was


Dude has one of the worst prognoses possible. Might as well use the time he has remaining to give a big "fuck you" to trump and the scumbags in his party. But alas, I dream.
Wait, the Republicans are voting on the health care bill again? I haven't been following the news for the past few days, but the last thing I heard was that the bill was dead, as was the repeal and replace later option.
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