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Hey Gaf, are you happy?


Junior Member
As someone who has gone through a lot in the past few years. (graduating super late due to mental illness, having a job that pays me very little for the work that I do, living with my parents until I can find a job that actually pays me while I work this one, not having any good fortune with the opposite sex, Trump being president, all the racism that I have to deal with on a daily basis as a black male, etc.), I was just seeing if there are others out there who are truly happy with their life. How many are you are out there?
No. I haven't been happy for a very long time.
I won't get too deep into why, but a lot of your problems overlap with mine.
Better than january-march, thats for sure

Theres bad days but I think things are getting better

I hope they are getting better.


Don't forget to enjoy the beauty of nature.

You don't live to work.

Remember there are friends and family. Try to put in some effort too.
These last few weeks, yes. Work is going extremely well since leaving management and going part time, and I went back to college after nearly 20 years and doing well. I am sleeping better and get to see my wife daily and get weekends off.

I am the happiest I have been in years.


Was doing great until yesterday when I was let go from my job out of the blue. Feel completely crashed right now but trying to stay motivated to get started job hunting.
You know it has its ups and downs. There's little moments where I feel truly in touch with myself and the world and in love with life itself. And then there are others where its hard, its rough, and I'm filled with doubt. I think that can be applied to all of us. I spent a full year about a year and a half ago in a massive state of depression. Self loathing and second guessing myself at every turn. I can say I've for sure moved past that. I look back on that period now and wonder in some ways how I got through it.

So yeah, there's a lot of times I'm happy. But still plenty of times I'm sad. I don't have a single real friend anymore, I work all the time and I know I'm capable of a hell of a lot more than what I do each day. There's a lot I could give back. Whether that's in personal relationships, or maybe even to a broader scale to the world itself.

The key that I'm finding is to not dwell on the negative things in life. It sounds simple in theory right? You've heard it a million times, and so have I. "Don't be sad" or something to that extent time and again. But we all know deep down its not that easy. Or as a band I love The Wonder Years put it so perfectly

"What I learned was It’s not about forcing happiness, it’s about not letting sadness win."

So yeah, all in all I'm good. And getting better. And I hope the absolute best for all of you as well :)


Right now, going through divorce, not happy, but not unhappy either.

Lots of emotions and i dont know how to feel.

Sometimes i feel like i lost my best friend, sometimes im glad im getting rid of someone so hurtful.

tr4nce 26

Yes I am very happy.

I'm 15 months sober.

I have a place to sleep instead of sleeping in a wash or on the street homeless.

I take three showers a day instead of once a week.

I have access to food and water.

And a very pretty girl likes me and I started dating her.

I've got nothing to complain about.
This is my first post as a full member..... so yeah!

...but really. I don't know. I just got out of awful living conditions, but am now conflicted and finding myself having to re-adjust. All this change is hard, but it's for the better no doubt. My recent work evaluation made me eligible for management, but everything is all off to me. I guess time will be the only solution.
An old internet friend of mine who I used to be very good friends with cut things off with me because he found out I'm a furry.

So I went from being in a great mood to fucking devastated very fast. So decisively not happy right now man.



I've had issues with depression and anxiety since I can remember. I took my eight-year-old daughter to a birthday party today and she was so despondent and introverted. I feel guilty about her feeling the same way as I do, like it's my fault that she has my shitty genes. I wanted to go somewhere and cry.

End rant.
I'm alright.

Nobody worry 'bout me.

Why you got to gimme a fight?

Why can't you just let it be.

I have a roof over my head and food on my plate, so not being happy would be ungrateful.

However, if I may be ungrateful, I'm not happy right now. Mostly money problems, with a good chunk of dating (lackthereof and dragging far past my friends'/roommates' success with women) problems.
As someone who has gone through a lot in the past few years. (graduating super late due to mental illness, having a job that pays me very little for the work that I do, living with my parents until I can find a job that actually pays me while I work this one, not having any good fortune with the opposite sex, Trump being president, all the racism that I have to deal with on a daily basis as a black male, etc.), I was just seeing if there are others out there who are truly happy with their life. How many are you are out there?

Honestly I can't complain.

I have a career that I feel good about, gives me great benefits and wages and allows me to work from home. Our health package is amazing and I know I have it better than most.

My health is a struggle (overweight, blood pressure etc) but I'm working on it and down about 35 pounds since May, I'm motivated to keep going back to the gym

I have a supportive family, my wife and I get along well, and we juggle all the craziness that comes with having 2 kids. My wife is going back to school to help give us more financial stability and she just recently picked up a side Job writing articles for a large family blog which will bring in extra money and perks (tickets to family events etc). It's something she loves to do as well. Which makes her happy and brightens the house.

Our kids are great, my son loves to read, play video games and go to sporting events. We go to football and hockey games and play video games together. He is a big science kid and I love watching his curious mind explore and create things. He wants to be a geologist when he grows up!

My daughter is 2 and is opposite of my son, she is much more free spirit, loves to sing, dance and is a total character. While my son is a little more reserved, my daughter is more of a risk taker.

When I have free time I dedicate to helping out with a local SB nation sports blog and a sports podcast. Trying to bring the NHL and Sonics to Seattle. I fee good that I have an active hand in that.

In regards to the political climate and trump I'm actively involved in resisting against the trump administration. I feel like actually getting out there and doing something anything to prevent the disaster of trump, helps me feel good about myself and my colleagues.
Yes. My plans have changed and it's no quite where I imagined I would be. However, I'm happy with what I've accomplished so far. All my hard work and dedication are paying off, and I have a bright future ahead of me. Are there somethings I'm unhappy about? Of course, but overall I'm happy with my life.


Not sure if im in denial but quite neutral, not happy but not extremely sad

Please start playing the violin now

Im on the verge of being homeless if i cant secure employment soon

Left by my so called wife of 7 years. She took the love of my life my 6 year old daughter. Will most likely miss my daughter 1st day of school

In a new city where i hardly know anyone

Not sure how i am still sane but might lose everything soon lol, everything

So still grateful for now, but time is running out

A low paying job is still a job, theres still income

Living with parents/family, wow at least you still have family to turn to

All the best, dont give up, try to still be grateful with what you still have
As someone who has gone through a lot in the past few years. (graduating super late due to mental illness, having a job that pays me very little for the work that I do, living with my parents until I can find a job that actually pays me while I work this one, not having any good fortune with the opposite sex, Trump being president, all the racism that I have to deal with on a daily basis as a black male, etc.), I was just seeing if there are others out there who are truly happy with their life. How many are you are out there?

...did I type this?

No. No, I am not happy. You're not alone, bruh.

Trying to learn to be happy just...being.


Quite unhappy due to lack of self-actualization.

I should borrow some money from bank and then brainstorm a business plan.


I'm content, which is pretty good I suppose.

I have lots of little things that I wind myself up about and in doing so, stress myself out a lot. However, I'm in a steady (for now) job, I've got a roof over my head and I'm married to a really awesome person so I count myself luckier than some.

Those voices, though. The ones in the back of my head. I don't think I'll ever be truly happy because of them.

Especially, since my mom lost her job and now we're probably going to be homeless.

I've never tasted success or happiness in my life, my health continues to worsen, and now the world looks like it is ending while people keep saying it isn't but it is.

I've never thought the world was ending, but the way things have gone over the last few years. We won't have long to keep worrying about things which I guess is the only solace I feel besides intense anger and depression, and helplessness.

My whole life has felt like I'm on a rail, any attempts to diverge have been fruitless, pointless and comically unsuccessful.

My father is a white supremacist dickbag, my mother goes back and forth between fence sitting and being against.

I'm so goddamned sick of fascists, being poor, and the rich, and both sides though discussions.

I'm tired of fighting for a future that will never manifest.


Honestly yeah, I'm quite happy with my life! I am a little bored though. I need to figure out where to go and what to do next as I've kind of plateaued professionally.


As a perfectionist there's no such thing. Everything can always be better.


To contribute to the thread. Always.

Life's too short not to continuously look for what makes you happy. Big things, small things, nostalgic things, good friends, and whatever else you can reach.
I'm a heck of a lot better now than from my drunken days of trying to make myself jump off of rooftops to kill myself/trying to overdose on meds, and I'm not what I would consider depressed anymore. However, there are still a lot of things I am trying to work on to improve myself and really get going on my post-college adult life. Anxiety is always there in the background, mocking and tormenting me at times, but I'm trying my best to ignore it and focus on healthy ways to mitigate it such as through exercise and weight-lifting. Physical health-wise, I feel the best I have since I was diagnosed with a chronic illness almost eight years ago, so that's a real bright spot for me.
No. I'm not happy with the person I am or the career I'm in. Every day I wake up miserable and go to sleep miserable. And the worst part is I'm too much of a coward to do anything about it. I want to be happy with myself, I want to go out and find a job I'm happy with, but when it comes time to do it I always back out at the last minute and stay in my lane.

Also all I want is someone to love and someone who loves me but I don't want to put in the effort and go out and find that someone.

I'm pathetic and always will be.
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