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Is Switch gaining unstoppable momentum?

It is offering a different option to Sony and Microsoft's Third Party options that appeal to a lot of different demographics.

I would say that the Portability helps as well.

I think it will continue to do well but it has to keep getting exclusives that only work well on Switch that the PS4 or XB1 cannot replicate as well.

Being non-traditional without any gimmicks has helped Nintendo.

I want some SEGA exclusive experimental titles now!
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Gold Member
Switch gaining even more momentum?


I have four friends who have only ever had PlayStations and Xboxes who have bought Switches. The main reason is that Switch concept fits adult lifestyles better than stationary consoles.


Must be a regional thing because I still haven't seen one in the wild and I take public transit daily and both my kids are school age and neither of them talk about or mention switch interest between their friends.


I still think Switch needs more games.
Nintendo only really have one platform now (3DS is pretty much over) and I thought the whole idea behind the Switch was that Nintendo didn't have to split their games between two platforms anymore and could focus on getting as many games out as possible for one single platform. I think Nintendo need to step it up and bit and start releasing more games. Where is Metroid? Where is F-Zero? Where is Star Fox? Where is Sin and Punishment? Where is Kid Ikarus? Where is Wave Race? I could go on and on.

I will definitely buy a Switch eventually but I've already played Breath of the Wild and MK8 on Wii U and I played through Mario Odyssey in a single weekend at a friends house.

The other thing with Nintendo is that you know that they are gonna release an upgraded hardware at some point so I'm waiting for that and the Switch is still too expensive.

It may become and unstoppable juggernaut eventually but right now it def isn't. Maybe once they release some more games and release the updated hardware.


I heard they're making a premium version called the Switcheroo. It goes from attack to defence. That way, the unstoppable force meets the immovable object.


It's already the next Wii, but Nintendo would wish it to be better than the Wii because the Wii was shortlived. They need games for their success to continue, so it's definitely stoppable if they aren't going to put out games.


It's a great pure gaming system. Light on the extras that you become accustomed with on the other consoles but that's not a problem for me. To many long-awaited games on my PS4 to ignore it for long though.


I think it will be like the Wii. It goes like crazy for a couple of years and then suddenly it's dead from one day to another.
Doubtful, very doubtful with how Nintendo have setup their system ethos to now be built on one system not split between two. Though in saying that, I don't think Nintendo would be unhappy for Wii numbers. 100 million plus ain't a bad thing.


It’s doing very well but you can’t take it for granted, it really depends on them and their long term plan.
I’m not big on mobile gaming , I bought it for my son but it got chipped on the outer casing and then stopped charging and working..... sending it away to get repaired or replaced on Tuesday. Very disappointed.

Can’t totally blame Nintendo.... kids!

Anyway the games seem to be coming.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I think Switch would gain far more momentum if they added some major QoL improvements to the UI and much requested features such as private messaging, account-based achievement systems, netflix, web browsers, folders, themes, etc. The games are fantastic (if a bit over priced in some aspects, looking at you ARMS), but it just needs that little bit more, IMO.


I think Switch would gain far more momentum if they added some major QoL improvements to the UI and much requested features such as private messaging, account-based achievement systems, netflix, web browsers, folders, themes, etc. The games are fantastic (if a bit over priced in some aspects, looking at you ARMS), but it just needs that little bit more, IMO.

Definitely, some better online features and a wider appeal to moderate to hardcore gamers and it would blow up. I still haven't gotten Nintendo online due to the lack of those online features and voice chat draconian bs. Had it been different I would have bought Smash in an instant and been more involved.
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Gold Member
I had all but given up on gaming. I owned a PS4 but it didn’t get as many hours as my 360, PS3, PS2, PS1, etc. Games just had not been fun and life so complicated that I didn’t have time or the desire to invest 5 hours a day in a game.

The one exception for me were always JRPGs and this last October I picked up a Switch for Xenoblade 2 after Xenoblade had become my favorite game from last gen.

From day 1 I loved the Switch and months later I now own a ton of games. Xenoblade, Octopath, Splatoon, Captain Toad, NSMBUD, SSBU, Dark Souls, DK Tropical Freeze and I plan on picking up Zelda in the next couple of weeks.

Do I wish the bezels were smaller, was powerful enough for consistent 1080p and no dropped frames? Yes. Do i wish I could use wireless Bluetooth headphones out of the box? Yes. Could the Switch screen be higher resolution? Absolutely. However, this console has made me love gaming again and as someone who travels a lot, there’s nothing like playing Xenoblade 2 in upscaled 4K at home and then taking this massive adventure on a 4 hour plane ride.

I will support the console as long as they keep pumping out great games. Luigi’s Mansion, Dragon Quest and the possibility of Pikmin 3 port and Metroid Trilogy is enough to keep me happy for a while.


One huge issue I have with the Switch is the charging port. There is near no way for me to use the stand and charge the console at the same time.
Imo it is a design flaw.


"momentum" has actually been slowing but nothing concerning or particularly bad unless you're an investor. it's year two and the first year was unexpectedly strong, inventory is filled and people who want one probably have it already. now it's about winning over that other ~50 million prospective buyers
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Switch is doing very well.
But it isn't at the level of the Wii.
Being at Wii level is the pinnacle, financially speaking.


I’ll never understand this mentality...

Do you buy a tv and only watch one specific television channel and one only?

There are TONS of companies making games for Switch. Why limit yourself to Nintendo-made only?
It's not that hard. I have a ps4 pro and a competent PC. I don't like the switch in undocked mode that much. I hate the joycons. I only play exclusives in docked mode.


No, but it's doing very well, which is nice for Nintendo following the Wii U.

If they want to keep their momentum up then they have to start acquiring or building more studios, because their output (while really good compared first-party to first-party) is just barely enough to keep the system afloat, and any delays/genre gaps can make the Switch's library feel barren to folks who aren't into, say, Mario tennis as well as Monolithsoft RPGs, or who would like to play a fast-paced traditional FPS as well as the more objective oriented Splatoon.

Great sales for a great little system, but I don't know how they'll be unstoppable if they can't cater to more people more reliably.
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Must be a regional thing because I still haven't seen one in the wild and I take public transit daily and both my kids are school age and neither of them talk about or mention switch interest between their friends.
I think its adults who grew up on the gamecube and wii that are mainly into it. I know one person with a Switch and Ive seen one out in the wild. My 9 and 12 year old have shown 0 interest in it which I found odd since they love Nintendo. The 9 year old moved on to Xbox and the 12 year old PC.

We would buy one but I refuse to pay 400 for what it is, technology wise. Their shitty online services arent even free anymore.
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I got a switch in early February, and it has dominated my playtime. I was very skeptical when the system was unveiled, but there is something magical about moving from docked to handheld and back. I didn't have a Wii U so aside from the new games, I'm enjoying the ports. Enter the gungeon and Binding of Isaac anywhere I go? Yes please! Just got the Pro Controller last week and I agree on all the praise; it's excellent.


Switch gaining even more momentum?


I have four friends who have only ever had PlayStations and Xboxes who have bought Switches. The main reason is that Switch concept fits adult lifestyles better than stationary consoles.

I disagree. The last thing I'm gonna do is bust out a Switch in front of other 30-40 year olds. There's a stereotype with a game console that isn't there with a phone or a tablet. It's not fair, but it is accurate. You bust out your phone and you're cool and normal, you bust out a game console and you're a basement dwelling dork in most peoples' eyes. At least if you're over 25 I'd argue. Up until that point, people seem to be cool with it.

EDIT: however, I will say that you are on point with the freedom aspect of it. As we get older we share screens and limited time with others (spouses and kids, for example) and many times that means getting booted off of your console. The Switch remedies that. I use my Switch in portable mode just for this reason and then it seamlessly transitions back to the big screen when it's freed up. That part of it is truly wonderful.
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Something I want to say in favor of the Switch's momentum: it has been getting a ton of games across all genres. Tons of indie stuff, in particular.

Now, I know that not everyone wants a "Indiestation" (I forget if that joke was leveled at the Vita or the PS4...) but the reality is that these smaller games and smaller genres do attract customers to a system. I imagine there are a few ten-thousand Switch owners who bought it because of Fortnite and Warframe and Minecraft and stuff like that. Not a huge system mover, but when you have a lot of games like that, it really adds up. Some friends of mine bought the Switch because of all the arcade ports and shmups. I have quite a few shmups for Switch already, and I know some folks in the shmup community who hacked their Switches and play Tate shmups on their Switch with the flipGrip and have a wonderful time with it. Earning the adoration of a bunch of disparate niche communities creates a lot of brand loyalty. We know the people who like Mario Kart are going to buy the system anyway. However, you couldn't really say that shmup fans had any special interest in the last several Nintendo platforms, but now they do. Nintendo is attracting a lot of disparate communities on the Switch. This bodes well for the system's future sales and also the eventual size of its library.

Then you add in the Nintendo stuff. I mean, the true purpose of 1st-party software is to move systems, let's be honest. Nintendo's hubris is that they focus too much on the piddly little pet projects (Pikmin, Star Fox U). The system doesn't get enough momentum and it ends up suffering. Instead, Nintendo should be pumping out high-quality entries in the stuff they know will sell (Mario Kart, Smash Bros, 2D Mario, Zelda) at the beginning of the system's life, and then riding that momentum while they make the weirder, lesser-selling stuff later.

This is exactly what they did with Switch. They pumped out a bunch of Nintendo games early on, some of them ports. The QUANTITY made up for stuff like Labo, or Kirby, or ARMS, or 1-2-Switch, or any other games that didn't set the charts on fire. But there have been enough consistent hits over the past 2 years that now the snowball is rolling and it's only a matter of how big it'll get before Nintendo does something insanely stupid. There are so many "evergreen" titles for the system already.


I wouldn't say Unstoppable, the Wii was considered to be unstoppable at one point and then in Nintendo started resting on their laurels and before you knew it their numbers dropped off a cliff...

Whereas the Wii was a casual game magnet, the switch is an indie game magnet, but is also getting a good deal more third-party releases which makes it pretty strong, but the big N needs to keep up the first party support as well if they want the Switch to continue this incredible momentum, especially after the sales disaster that was the Wii U
- 3DS being phased out making the Switch the only portable system left.
- Only place to play Nintendo games, most of which are evergreen titles.
- A main line Pokémon game is being released this year along with Animal crossing, which will pull in the 3DS customers.

I don't think this is the year the Switch loses steam.


I disagree. The last thing I'm gonna do is bust out a Switch in front of other 30-40 year olds. There's a stereotype with a game console that isn't there with a phone or a tablet. It's not fair, but it is accurate. You bust out your phone and you're cool and normal, you bust out a game console and you're a basement dwelling dork in most peoples' eyes. At least if you're over 25 I'd argue. Up until that point, people seem to be cool with it.

lol i entirely disagree w this. it sounds pretty insecure tbh. like someone who is worried about what other people thinks about their clothes, hair, etc. why do you need validation from other people? when i was a teenager i rejected this idea and now that im 37 it seems silly and an utter waste of time to even concern yourself with what other people think. life is too short. you have to have confidence in yourself otherwise you are going to let other people run your life and you will be miserable for it. like they say, live your best life.

i went to Florida last week, so i played Switch at the airport, i played it on the airplane. it was fine. nobody was glaring at me with disapproval. i looked around. some people had tablets. some people had phones. some were watching sports. some were watching news. people are constantly on their phones. it's all pretty chill, you know? so i was killing a dark fantasy demon while someone else was watching cops shoot a terrorist. everyone is into different stuff and that's fine. feels like you are projecting here a bit.
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I don’t have a problem with long play sessions on the new Nintendo 3ds xl, but the switch in portable mode cramps my hands quickly .

I’m going to buy nba 2k19 for the switch just to test if I can get my hands used to it. It’s all good I’m docked mode with the pro controller.


I don’t have a problem with long play sessions on the new Nintendo 3ds xl, but the switch in portable mode cramps my hands quickly .

I’m going to buy nba 2k19 for the switch just to test if I can get my hands used to it. It’s all good I’m docked mode with the pro controller.
I find myself like putting a pillow in my lap and resting the Switch on it while playing or some kinda setup like that. I find that supporting the weight of the system while playing it makes for a very uncomfortable experience.


Dunno, my guess it is that it will slow down.

I dont like my switch, nothing to play since xenoblade 2 so worst library in ages for my taste
Yes, the Switch is the next DS in terms of library size and market adoption.

It will easily surpass the Wii because there is no console-brand-required mechanics implied by the Switch's design. Unlike the Wii, there is no reputation (or stimga, perhaps) that all the games on the console are one particular kind of game. There's no joke about "waggle". There's no stigma about "teh casualz". Not everyone is going to appreciate the Switch, but it doesn't really have any weak spots as far as the brand and value proposition is concerned.

The DS avoided the one-trick-pony reputation and therefore sold much better and got a much broader range of games.

Surpassing 100 million units moved won't be easy


Not sure. I mean, its doing pretty well from what I see, but some of their titles are still missing.

Not like this matters. They will get a massive boost with Pokemon. No matter how crap the game looks or ends, they aways get people to play it(myself included) and thats their killer move.


lol i entirely disagree w this. it sounds pretty insecure tbh. like someone who is worried about what other people thinks about their clothes, hair, etc. why do you need validation from other people? when i was a teenager i rejected this idea and now that im 37 it seems silly and an utter waste of time to even concern yourself with what other people think. life is too short. you have to have confidence in yourself otherwise you are going to let other people run your life and you will be miserable for it. like they say, live your best life.

i went to Florida last week, so i played Switch at the airport, i played it on the airplane. it was fine. nobody was glaring at me with disapproval. i looked around. some people had tablets. some people had phones. some were watching sports. some were watching news. people are constantly on their phones. it's all pretty chill, you know? so i was killing a dark fantasy demon while someone else was watching cops shoot a terrorist. everyone is into different stuff and that's fine. feels like you are projecting here a bit.
To each his own, but you are deluding yourself if you don't think people are judging you while you play as a grown ass man on what is considered to be a child's toy. You have to be willfully ignorant to believe that people view you through the same lens when playing a Switch that they do as someone on a tablet or a phone. It's not projecting dude, it's reality. I admire your steadfast devotion to the hobby, however, and wish I didn't feel uncomfortable around my peers engaging in it in public.

One aside, I had family over a few years back, and a few people wandered up to the den upstairs and saw my Nerd Shrine -- 8 consoles at the time all hooked up with complete libraries for each of them. It was fascinating to see the difference in how even my family perceived that room. The kids thought it was the coolest fucking thing ever, while the adults got very quiet. This is family mind you, imagine what the public thinks about this shit. It's the same thing with cosplayers and people who collect action figures, there just becomes a time where an invisible line is crossed where people perceive you differently for engaging in certain hobbies. I also collect watches, knives, and guns -- no one gives off the strange looks for any of those hobbies like they do for games, even when their politics don't align with it. They see it and they disagree with the hobby itself, not my doing it at too old an age if that makes any sense. I just built a custom AR, bought a Casio Pro Trek PRG650YBE-3 and bought a SpyderCo Para Military 2 camo. Everyone's reaction to those are completely different than if they see my wall of games and systems. I think the stereotype is even more reinforced for handhelds, because those are considered even further into the toy spectrum than consoles are, because most of the people you see using handhelds have historically been younger. Like I said, I appreciate and admire your willingness to give the finger to anyone judging you, but I am not comfortable doing it. It's also a societal thing, because in Japan, tech is engrained in their culture; it's not uncommon to see senior citizens with handhelds there. Plus it's a mass transit thing; cultures where most rely on mass transit I think are much more tolerant of someone whipping out whatever while they ride the train, subway, or bus home.
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It will mostly depend on how long Nintendo keeps the system alive.

Well, look at it this way.

N3DS has been on the market for over eight years and "only" managed ~75 million hardware units sold.

Granted, PKMN, Animal Crossing and cheaper Switch Lite hardware have yet to be released, however, NSW takes far greater HD development resources than 3DS games -- and cost more.

So, bottom line, 100 million hardware unit sales is far from a given.


The nicest person on this forum
Best thing Nintendo can do is to keep releasing games for the system. How do you think 3DS able stick around so long while Vita just died off even to it was more powerful system? In my eyes what makes system great is games, this why PS2 was best system even tho it was weaker than both Xbox and gamecube.


It is funny, after the ps3, there was a real worry amongst ps staff that 4 would be their last console if they messed up according to,shuei. Same thing at nintendo after the wiiu. Both companies hit it out of the park with their next consoles. Moral: console makers do their best work when scared?

Still, 3ds>>>>>>switch because of streetpass
Ps3 fat >>>>>>>>>ps4 because of sacd and bc.
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I wouldn't say it's unstoppable but Nintendo has recovered greatly from the Wii U with the Switch and I think that's the important thing to take away from Nintendo's hybrid console. They continued to innovate with its design while still focusing on their first-party lineup and they're slowly but surely accumulating third-party support. Combining their console and handheld resources might have been the smartest decision they've made in recent years.
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We'll have to see, the potential is there but there could be a few bumps on the road. 2017 was a fantastic starting year, no doubt about that, but 2018 was mostly quiet until you finally had Smash Bros. and Pokemon at the end. The first half of 2019 wasn't much to look at either, but later this summer they'll be picking up steam with Fire Emblem, Astral Chain, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. It'll definitely help if Pokemon Sword/Shield and Link's Awakening do manage to come out in 2019 as well. A strong E3 showing will definitely help as well given last year's was just okay.


Unconfirmed Member
Portables are awesome. I don't get why people never got a Vita or the gameboy/ds line but bought the Switch. New Pokemon will easily make a spike in sales, hell I calculate 30 million new users when it launches in November. What worries me is what games will they even have after that? Metroid is stuck in dev hell and so is SMT5 and we haven't heard a thing from Bayonetta 3. Outside budged emblem and the robot game it will have to rely on ports to stay relevant.
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