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Todd Howard On Starfield, Bethesda's First New IP In 25 Years.


Given this IP has been known about for a while I was kind of amazed they just went with an official reveal trailer versus some teaser footage at the very least.


Bethesda boss Todd Howard spoke at a high level about one of the company's ambitious upcoming games which was announced at E3 2018: the sci-fi title Starfield.

Howard explained that Bethesda's goal with Starfield--which is Bethesda's first new IP in 25 years--is to have it stand apart from the wealth of science fiction stories out there in media.
Well Todd, to accomplish this, you need to start being incredibly consistent with your lore.

Lord knows hardcore fans of Fallout are sick and tired of the almost malicious retcons and lore mistakes at this point. For God sake, you put Hellfire armour in Fallout 76, an armour set created by your own team (not even Interplay) that you know was created during the events of Fallout 3.
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First new IP in 25 years to use 25 year old gamebryo engine.


That image is Fallout 4 with more than 350 active mods. Lighting mods with real-time shadows, texture overhauls, character model swaps. A LOT of the mods I use require F4SE which means no console version can exist. I also use Reshade to help my lighting look better. A lot of it uses console commands as well, like using setscale to alter the size of objects (or making Dogmeat as big as he is)

So to answer your question, on PS4, absolutely not. Unless it's been changed the PS4 version only allows mods that use stock game assets which cripples modding on the PS4 version. Last I checked the mod author of the mod I use had no plans on making it work on consoles. On Xbox the scene is a bit better but you only have access to whatever mods are on Bethesda.net which is extremely limited compared to PC.

The mod I use primarily for placement is called OCDecorator. It's a crafting bench that lets you insert anything from the game and will pump out a static version of what you inserted, making them place-able. This means NPCs won't knock them around. There are a few gun rack mods on PC, but I'm not sure about Bethesda.net.

The engine isn't the main issue behind the poor visuals or bugs, though I do agree it's time to start fresh. My worry is that even with a fresh engine the underlying problem will persist. While Rockstar has had realistic effects like clothing getting wet only where water has contacted it and a realistic drying effect, Bethesda still just makes things turn shiny when it rains. The engine could handle the effect, but the devs don't know how to do it. I've spoiler tagged my opinion as it's a wall of text but it boils down to lazy development and poor optimization from what I've seen digging through the game.

With mods Fallout 4 is one of the prettier games I'm running on my PC, and it runs pretty smoothly especially compared to the game at launch. It's mostly poor optimization and lazy programming that is to blame. The base game uses inappropriate sized texture maps for everything for example. A fork in the game uses almost the same texture memory as an entire wall section on a building. There are several mods that fix this, and the unofficial patch mod has eliminated a great deal of the game's crashes and glitches. I can replace the textures on tiny objects with appropriate sized textures which frees up memory so I can run a much better looking 4K texture on a wall with proper specular mapping. Bethesda released their own HD texture pack but it only compounded the problem as the tiny objects were running enormous textures and the specular maps were no better than the original ones.

The main issue with the engine is how it uses cells in open spaces and does a poor job occluding objects that are out of view. You can pause the game on PC with command TFC 1, and move the camera freely, but what is displayed is based around your character's position giving you a good glimpse of why the game runs so poorly with even a decent PC. Even several hundred feet away from your character the game is rendering objects too small to even see or completely blocked by other objects like buildings. Back sides of building are being rendered, fully modeled NPCs are still displayed through several buildings. This is why downtown in Fallout 4 runs like an ass sandwich. thousands of non-static tiny objects like pencils, spoons, thousands of tufts of grass, NPCs, environmental effects, and they're all still there even if the player can't see them.

The biggest issue with the engine is how it handles speed. I can build a character that can outrun the engine's ability to load in new cells and essentially break the game. Many people have made driveable cars in Fallout 4, but at a certain speed the game starts to stutter badly and going beyond that is just asking for a CTD. As such all the vehicle mods move at or close to regular player speeds.

A modder at home in his gitch got rain occlusion running on Skyrim before Bethesda had it "working" in Skyrim:SE. Even in Fallout 4 it's hit or miss from the factory. Several objects in the game needed a patch because the rain occlusion was inactive on them and the rain was coming through.

Why, Fallout 76 of course! It was the biggest project Bethesda studios has ever taken on. We had to involve our studios all over the world. It's four times the size of Fallout 4. Also we have a fully-fleshed Elder Scrolls exerience with Blades!
Nice he looks like he’s gonna suck some cock in that pic.




They have too cool trailers for their new games, seems like their game engine is okay because their trailers look too cool.


Bethesda can make some seriously good games, they just have had a bit of bad luck, that’s all.

People will shit on them for Fallout 4, a great game whose biggest fault was it wasn’t 4/NV. People will shit on them for re/releasing Skyrim 87 times, even though the games utterly incredible (though they should get flack for not fixing long standing bugs with each release. Latest being it still has broke AO making it awful). People shit on Fallout 76 for it being a buggy mess, again, that’s fine, but the actual game is a good one, just maybe not as good as it could have been.

Bethesda HAVE the talent, money and time to make great stuff. They just keep making odd choices. It only takes one good choice to break that cycle.

So... I’ll wait on starfield. I’ll wait on the new elder scrolls. But they instantly have an impossible battle, because people want something new, that isn’t different to the old. And I really don’t envy them being in that position. They are essentially damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

If you don’t agree, zoom in to 16 times the detail of my arse and kiss it. X
Someone will always make an excuse for Betheseda


Bethesda can make some seriously good games, they just have had a bit of bad luck, that’s all.

People will shit on them for Fallout 4, a great game whose biggest fault was it wasn’t 4/NV. People will shit on them for re/releasing Skyrim 87 times, even though the games utterly incredible (though they should get flack for not fixing long standing bugs with each release. Latest being it still has broke AO making it awful). People shit on Fallout 76 for it being a buggy mess, again, that’s fine, but the actual game is a good one, just maybe not as good as it could have been.

Bethesda HAVE the talent, money and time to make great stuff. They just keep making odd choices. It only takes one good choice to break that cycle.

So... I’ll wait on starfield. I’ll wait on the new elder scrolls. But they instantly have an impossible battle, because people want something new, that isn’t different to the old. And I really don’t envy them being in that position. They are essentially damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

If you don’t agree, zoom in to 16 times the detail of my arse and kiss it. X

all their games are either trash or overrated trash without a single exception.

Skyrim is the the game that came closest to being good, which is why they rerelease it over and over.

but as soon as an actually good developer gets the budget and time Bethesda has for their games and releases something similar, people will see how shit they are.

fucking hell, look at Outer Worlds, way lower budget than any Bethesda game, but better in basically every way.
better Gamedesign, better game feel, better RPG elements. it shat all over Bethesda and every single game they ever made.
made by the same studio that also made the only good Fallout game since it went 3D... granted they still had to use their dogshit engine which is why it also inherited a lot of issues, but they did the best with what they had to work with.

this might be a more extreme opinion, but Bethesda is a trash studio and they have never produced a single good product
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Sci-fi is not popular right now, they should avoid launching this for 4-5 years till it is the hot thing again.


It will have 4 times the size of Fallout 76, 16 times the details and about half as fun as Hollow Knight or BotW.
But hey, i cant wait to buy it, 5 years later on a sale, when fans have modded out the 1000´s of bugs Bethesda is to cheap to fix.
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No wonder Bethesda pushed out Fallout 76. They weren’t going to have anything for years.

Geez, what do their financials look like? I can’t imagine Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls online are bringing enough to cover the 6 or 7 development studios. I know they have Id and Arkane, but their last releases haven’t done nearly as well as the predecessors.


Well, I like most of Bethesda's games (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3). I even think that Fallout 3 is better than Fallout: New Vegas. Yeah, Fallout 4 was the weakest game by Bethesda so far (including Arena and Daggerfall) but I still had fun with it. So I'm interested in how Starfield turns out but I kinda expect Bethesda to make a big step forwards with their tech, like they did with Morrowind and Oblivion. Their development times are frustrating, though... I can understand that their projects are fucking massive but it will be more than 10 years between Skyrim and the next Elder Scrolls, that's kinda crazy for a non-dormant IP.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
It's possible that there will be like 15-20 years before there's a fucking sequel to Skyrim. We're already coming up on 10.

The Elder Scrolls might as well be a dormant or even dead franchise to me.


Sci-fi is not popular right now, they should avoid launching this for 4-5 years till it is the hot thing again.
Were the westerns popular at all when Rockstar decided to release Red Dead Redemption 2? No? Well, there's why it won't matter what are the most popular genres in gaming in 2022 because BGS titles are above that at this point.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
That's a lie, because Oblivion exists.

Everything else is bad though.
I love Oblivion too. But I like all the TES games except Online but that is because I never played it so I don't have an opinion.

I might hopefully get a Switch soon and I'll delve back into Skyrim portable if so.


The only thing that saddens me is the fact that TES6 will come out AFTER starfield. So with starfield being like 2 or 3 years away, I imagine the next TES will be like 6 - 8 years away. Damn, hurry up Todd, I do not live forever!
That makes TES6 a 2026 launch at the near end of next gen.
I can smell the remasters already. Bethesda favorite strategy.

It's possible that there will be like 15-20 years before there's a fucking sequel to Skyrim. We're already coming up on 10.

The Elder Scrolls might as well be a dormant or even dead franchise to me.
TBH with this landscape they only need to make one TES a generation like GTA. That will last them another 10 years with remasters.
I just assume they're working creating an entire new engine just for TES on which future games will be based on.


Didn't a different studio do 76?
I'm honestly baffled how this studio is financed given their none existing output.
Yeah, Fallout 76 was mainly handled by Bethesda Game Studios Austin. But towards the end, almost all of ZeniMax helped (id, Arkane, ZeniMax Online), including the "main" Bethesda Game Studio in Maryland.



Yeah, this probably means say goodbye to any chances of a 2021 release. It's depressing to think how farther away TES VI is, Jesus.

That being said, this is Pete being Pete. A few months before Fallout 4 was announced he denied the game was even in development (or did he say it wasn't going to be announced in a long time?) and then a few months later right before E3 the F4 trailer appeared.

It's probably best to just not expect a thing. At this rate we'll actually be playing Avowed and Fable first, lol.


Im getting Bioware/Anthem vibes. I cant believe in Bethesda anymore after F76.

Nah. They just announced it way too early, but that was to calm down people that thought they would only make online games from now on I bet.

Last year in a interview with IGN Todd Howard said the game had already been in development for 3,5 years. I am guessing they are dropping current gen support for this and of course covid didn't exactly help either.


all their games are either trash or overrated trash without a single exception.

Skyrim is the the game that came closest to being good, which is why they rerelease it over and over.

but as soon as an actually good developer gets the budget and time Bethesda has for their games and releases something similar, people will see how shit they are.

fucking hell, look at Outer Worlds, way lower budget than any Bethesda game, but better in basically every way.
better Gamedesign, better game feel, better RPG elements. it shat all over Bethesda and every single game they ever made.
made by the same studio that also made the only good Fallout game since it went 3D... granted they still had to use their dogshit engine which is why it also inherited a lot of issues, but they did the best with what they had to work with.

this might be a more extreme opinion, but Bethesda is a trash studio and they have never produced a single good product
I think you're opinion is just trash but ok


Bethesda can make some seriously good games, they just have had a bit of bad luck, that’s all.

People will shit on them for Fallout 4, a great game whose biggest fault was it wasn’t 4/NV. People will shit on them for re/releasing Skyrim 87 times, even though the games utterly incredible (though they should get flack for not fixing long standing bugs with each release. Latest being it still has broke AO making it awful). People shit on Fallout 76 for it being a buggy mess, again, that’s fine, but the actual game is a good one, just maybe not as good as it could have been.

Bethesda HAVE the talent, money and time to make great stuff. They just keep making odd choices. It only takes one good choice to break that cycle.

So... I’ll wait on starfield. I’ll wait on the new elder scrolls. But they instantly have an impossible battle, because people want something new, that isn’t different to the old. And I really don’t envy them being in that position. They are essentially damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

If you don’t agree, zoom in to 16 times the detail of my arse and kiss it. X

Oh look, the supposed game dev that again proves he knows jack about game dev.

Their engine achieves A, B, C and D, that's granted, but it's a 20 year old engine that has been iterated to hell and has tons of legacy stuff. They just need to get out of their ass and spend a couple of years (or 3 or 4) re-writting the engine from scratch.


Oh look, the supposed game dev that again proves he knows jack about game dev.

Their engine achieves A, B, C and D, that's granted, but it's a 20 year old engine that has been iterated to hell and has tons of legacy stuff. They just need to get out of their ass and spend a couple of years (or 3 or 4) re-writting the engine from scratch.

I'm hoping that they are. God knows how long until we see TES VI, they just can't come with this engine again. I guess they can continue to upgrade it, but how significant will the difference be? BGS truly cares a lot about MOD support, but also how their engine let's you grab a object, drop it on the floor, go all around the world doing quests, loading times, hundreds of hours later come back and stjll see that object there.

But is there no other engine that let's them do this I wonder?


I'm hoping that they are. God knows how long until we see TES VI, they just can't come with this engine again. I guess they can continue to upgrade it, but how significant will the difference be? BGS truly cares a lot about MOD support, but also how their engine let's you grab a object, drop it on the floor, go all around the world doing quests, loading times, hundreds of hours later come back and stjll see that object there.

But is there no other engine that let's them do this I wonder?

I don't there there is, but they can always write a new engine, and they should have done so a while back.

The thing is, the current engine has been iterated to hell and has had so many services added to it that it's not even an engine anymore, but an amalgamation of tons of crap that doesn't connect properly. They kinda built the foundation, the walls and the roof, and then have just been adding containers with complete disregard for the original architecture and what it was designed to achieve. Even stuff like a new lighting engine doesn't play well with the old engine.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
How long until they announce switching to Unreal 5?
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I don't there there is, but they can always write a new engine, and they should have done so a while back.

The thing is, the current engine has been iterated to hell and has had so many services added to it that it's not even an engine anymore, but an amalgamation of tons of crap that doesn't connect properly. They kinda built the foundation, the walls and the roof, and then have just been adding containers with complete disregard for the original architecture and what it was designed to achieve. Even stuff like a new lighting engine doesn't play well with the old engine.

That's not very promising then, fuck. At least the new animation system should look miles better than what we've been having for years now.
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