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Demon's Souls Deserves a Remaster (Vaatividya)



This is a cool new video from Souls-Sekiro-Bourne commentator Vaatividya taking a look back at Demon's Souls. His reasoning for asking for a remaster is simple, that so many people have yet to play it. He did a poll and found that over 60% of his followers haven't played it, which is wild, given that he pretty much exclusively covers From Software games. More and more people are getting into From games as the years go on, and this one really is too good to be overlooked.

Several years ago I purchased a used PS3 in order to play this, but nowadays you can do so on your PC through emulation. It's really quite a spectacular game, perhaps the best one they have made yet. I was surprised to see that so many elements of Dark Souls 1 and 3 as well as Bloodborne were already present in the original Souls. Right out of the gate, From Software had nearly the entire "genre" mastered.

The atmosphere in this game is quite unique. Vaati points this out in a number of ways. Magic is a bit OP but that is pretty fun and lends to some more unique playing styles. He mentions the flying mantas in the Shrine of Storms, who make the player keep their awareness on threats from the skies. Then there is World Tendency being such a crazy mechanic to throw into your first Souls game: essentially each time you die as a human, all the enemies in that level get harder. Souls was internally considered to be a failure, before bringing in Miyazaki. This failure gave him the freedom to try out many strange or noncommercial ideas. It is an example of what you can get when given the ability to try outright controversial design decisions. They ended up creating a masterwork that has resonated across the industry.

I highly agree with him, more people need to play this wonderful game. To see where it all began.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I didn't particularly like Demon's Souls when I first played it, but I'd be interested in trying a spruced up version of it to see if I feel any differently. Even back in 2009, that game felt rough. The PS3 was bad enough hardware on its own, but DeS just wasn't a very well-made game, technically.


I would only ever play a remaster if they added shortcuts to the bosses.

Having to fight my way through all those enemies to fight Penetrator over and over again is one of the most obnoxious things I've ever had to do in a video game.

Also, trying to beat that giant blind dude without that sneaky ring (nothing equipped except a weapon) was pure ass.
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It truly does need to be remastered. I'd love an online version as well as an offline option to manipulate the light/dark mechanic. That's the one aspect of the game that will forever vanish unless they decide to patch the offline mode, and it would be a shame. I still have my imported Asia-region copy. The game had such a weird allure back then. It was an import that was actually pretty easy to get your hands on, and for whatever reason its name spread like wildfire on internet forums, so a lot of people bought it and got into that version of the game before it was even officially available in the West.

I don't remember where I first heard about importing it. It was initially considered a flop by Sony (isn't that hilarious?)

Demon's Souls was first announced in early October 2008 through that week's issue of Famitsu, with the game being playable at the Tokyo Game Show (TGS) the following week. Reaction to the TGS demo was described by Kajii as "nothing short of a disaster" due to its unexpectedly challenging nature. Many people assumed the game's combat was still in development, with Kajii lamenting that the game was unsuited for a demo environment. Sony president Shuhei Yoshida was also dismissive of the game. When he play-tested it, he spent two hours playing the game and failed to get beyond the starting area. Believing it to be simply poor quality, he called it "an unbelievably bad game".
Demon's Souls released in Japan on February 5, 2009 by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan. Due to negative feedback from Sony staff and the Japanese press, Sony decided against localizing the game for Western markets, a decision Sony and Yoshida in particular later regretted. Sony did create an English text version of the game for the Asian market. This version was translated by Active Gaming Media. The Chinese language version was released on February 26.

That was my first ever purchase from play-asia (I think I bought it through them). If people ever wonder why the Souls fanbase is so pretentious and up its own ass, it is because Demon's Souls was a truly enigmatic and flawed gem. Those first months of the game -- between the Asia-region (English) release at the end of February 2009 and the official US release in October -- were magical. Pretty sure I got my copy in march or April, because I remember playing it all summer and beat it twice before it launched in the West. You couldn't just go to the wiki and min/max your character build and see where everything was located.
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It's my favorite in the Souls series and I don't want a remake or a remaster. It's perfect it the way it is, jank and all.

I would be afraid they would ruin some of the mood or something else.
I agree I wouldn't want a single thing changed!

however it would be so cool if it got re released and more people could play it. people would be loving this.
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I'll never forget famitsu's 29/40 score for demon's soul causing me to initially dismiss the game until I heard import impressions and western reviews. I never trusted that publication ever again
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Gold Member
The remastered developer has to be good enough to handle it. I also talk to Souls fans who never played it, yet know about it. How many signatures do we need to get it remade? There has to be a talented group of individuals capable of making such a game.

I had the import and those loading screens were something else. I felt like I was witnessing a Dead Sea Scroll or the Ark of the Covenant type of gaming mysticism. The best type of cryptic game development ever made. No journalist with their click bait articles, no one posting spoilers, just me and this utopia of medieval fantasy. Turn the lights on, point out the P.C views, but nothing could have topped that initial feeling of the genre.
Plug in your PS3s. We should spin up a "GAF Plays Through..." thread for Demon's Souls. I'd go through it again and post my misadventures if other GAFers also are willing to contribute to such a thread.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Demon Souls, when I first played it, was breathtaking. It felt *huge* in a way that most games didn't at the time. I felt like I was entering and exploring a massive castle, littered with stories and secrets around every corner. Dragons roamed the skies and knights guarded the grounds. Traps were common and dangerous monsters such as Phalanx kept me at bay from entering the inner recesses of the keep. It wasn't until a good 20 hours in that I learned there were other places to explore as I was so enamoured with that starting area and its following locales.

I would love for a proper remaster or even remake of Demon Souls with some QoL improvements (better balancing, better notifications of world tendency and UI elements, stronger online net code, etc).


Golden Boy
This gif is 5 years old


I played through it for the first time just before Sekiro came out. I didn't struggle on it too much after playing DS 1 and 3, bosses varied from one shot to lol flamelurker.

The game can be dark as fuck though, Needs Doom 3 flashlight mod.


Greater audience and graphical and performance update aside, Demon's Souls could benefit from a lot of tweaks and improvements. I have lots of changes I'd personally like to see, some of which might irritate purists who want nothing changed, but I feel like if you're going to go out of your way to remaster a game, you should try and fix its shortcomings, too.

But as it stands, Demon's is still my favorite, mostly because of its fantastic atmosphere. I think, out of all Souls games, it hit the sweet spot between mystical high fantasy and dreary dark fantasy the best. Tower of Latria is still the best designed area in Souls and no one will convince me otherwise.


My first souls game was Bloodborne, after that I played Dark Souls 2, 3 and Remastered. I had to borrow ps3 from a friend so I can play Demon's Soul and I didn't really like it. But if remaster comes out I will definitely give it another chance.


Demon's Souls is still the best FROM game.

Yeah sure it is sizewise and mechanically older than newer souls titles but it established literally everything people like about souls games to the point where if you keep UI the same people would have trouble figuring out which game is which at first glance.

Recently tried to play Sekiro and i noped. "This is not Souls" It is step back from souls to Ninja Gaiden.


Eh, just because something established something doesn't make it the best. You can respect what it is while still acknowledging other games did it better. The atmosphere can't be topped, otherwise, it is quite dated.


Gold Member
Is this still worth playing even with the multiplayer features turned off?

Sony killing servers for older games really fucking pisses me off. What the fuck are you doing with all that PS plus money if you can't even be bothered to leave servers up and running?


Sony is gonna use that money to blow our socks off with a BC solution and a Gamepass killer next gen....Berieve!


Nothing against the the games fans, but I hate this game. I'm reluctant to go into detail because I usually fing myself under attack or even under the ban hammer just for saying I hate it and thus wish not to waste my time.


Gold Member
Nothing against the the games fans, but I hate this game. I'm reluctant to go into detail because I usually fing myself under attack or even under the ban hammer just for saying I hate it and thus wish not to waste my time.

Why are you even here then?


I hated/loved this game for my first 3 attempts. Then I LOVED the fook out of it. You have to keep pounding away until you break her in. I can see she broke YOU instead. :(


Why are you even here then?
I hated/loved this game for my first 3 attempts. Then I LOVED the fook out of it. You have to keep pounding away until you break her in. I can see she broke YOU instead. :(

That was a test, you just failed.

That's the point I was opened for the souls fan to prove about yourselves. That community are too arrogant and immature to accept anything negative at all. Before I even explain my point, I'm already under attack. That's it's not my opinion being critsied because because I haven't even the explained that yet, it's me you're attacking. So thanks for the vindication that debating this game in a mature, constructive matter is impossible with you lot.

Now I know to not bring this up, because it clearly isn't worth the effort.

Have a pleasant day.


Gold Member
Yep, vaaty is right.

For a lot of people, demons is still the best souls out there.
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That was a test, you just failed.

That's the point I was opened for the souls fan to prove about yourselves. That community are too arrogant and immature to accept anything negative at all. Before I even explain my point, I'm already under attack. That's it's not my opinion being critsied because because I haven't even the explained that yet, it's me you're attacking. So thanks for the vindication that debating this game in a mature, constructive matter is impossible with you lot.

Now I know to not bring this up, because it clearly isn't worth the effort.

Have a pleasant day.

You got me dude. You take this all way too serious. It's just a video game. We don't care if you don't like it. This thread isn't about who likes or doesn't like the Souls games.


Some people believe it is getting the same BluePoint remake treatment that SotC got. This would be the best possible scenario.

That would be worth getting. I can already play DS at 4k 60fps, so it would have to be a substantial improvement.


Gold Member
That was a test, you just failed.

That's the point I was opened for the souls fan to prove about yourselves. That community are too arrogant and immature to accept anything negative at all. Before I even explain my point, I'm already under attack. That's it's not my opinion being critsied because because I haven't even the explained that yet, it's me you're attacking. So thanks for the vindication that debating this game in a mature, constructive matter is impossible with you lot.

Now I know to not bring this up, because it clearly isn't worth the effort.

Have a pleasant day.

What on earth were you expecting, a cuddle and a pat on the head?

You added nothing of value to the thread, there's nothing to debate or discuss with you.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Demon's is so damn good. Totally agree with what Vaati says in this vid.

The sad truth is that if you compare it to say Dark Souls 3, its by far the more mechanically interesting and inventive game of the two. The music is better, the lore is better, the npc/dialogues are more memorable, it just hangs together in a much more cohesive fashion.


What on earth were you expecting, a cuddle and a pat on the head?

You added nothing of value to the thread, there's nothing to debate or discuss with you.

What I expected was, sadly, exactly what I got. Children who can't take it when someone says they don't like thier favourite toy. I was just testing the waters to see if this forum/community was any better, but clearly not.

Winter John

Best game in the series without question. Just so much awesome in it. I find the timing of this pretty interesting. Doesn't he get early access to some stuff?

If they were actually doing a remake I guarantee EpicNameBro would have made a 12 hour video about it


Only if it has a Very Easy mode!

First time I played Demon's Souls I went to The Internet to ask for help.
"Git Gud" was what they said to me.
Let me tell you, I cried for a week after that.

Me? Casual? ME!? HOW DARE YOU!
Don't these STUPID NERDS realize that I won the "Participant" trophy at school sports day back in '99!?!

They told me to get good and I cried and cried. I just like the world and the story! Damn selfish Gamers.
Jim Sterling wore make up and did a super funny accent when talked about this and I clapped and laughed when I saw that!
LOL so true! Gamers are the WORST TRASH.

Just give us OPTIONS you guys. Is that too much to ask?
I don't think my self-esteem can handle another FROM game without difficulty options.

PS. It's just a stupid TOY anyway so I don't care. Stupid arrogant childish nerds and their stupid videogame toys. I just want the story YOU SELFISH FUCKS!

PPS. Kotaku, Polygon, PC Gamer, etc plz no plagiarize.


Gold Member
What I expected was, sadly, exactly what I got. Children who can't take it when someone says they don't like thier favourite toy. I was just testing the waters to see if this forum/community was any better, but clearly not.

If you actually read the thread you'd realise I've not even played demon's souls before. But keep crying if it makes you feel better.

Like I said your post added nothing of value to the thread. If you've already established you "hate" the game then why waste your energy coming into a thread which is discussing the possibility of a remaster? Stop attention seeking and do something more positive with your free time.

As an example, S Saruhashi above actually took the time to articulate what his personal gripes are with the game and while I wholeheartedly disagree with a number of points I don't have any issue with it because he took the time to substantiate his points.
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That's the point I was opened for the souls fan to prove about yourselves. That community are too arrogant and immature to accept anything negative at all. Before I even explain my point, I'm already under attack. That's it's not my opinion being critsied because because I haven't even the explained that yet
several other people here have said they have problems with the game, or straight up don't like it, without accusing an entire community of being "too arrogant and immature" and calling people children. like LOL you haven't even posted anything about the game, just pre-emptively shitting other people. you are gaslighting. if you want to talk about the game, go ahead. nobody's stopping you.
Nothing against the the games fans, but I hate this game. I'm reluctant to go into detail because I usually fing myself under attack or even under the ban hammer just for saying I hate it and thus wish not to waste my time.
As long as you don't attack fellow GAFers or make baseless smears against a particular fanbase, you're not going to get banned. I'm pretty certain there are no "protected" games on GAF (anymore lol).

But like you already said "nothing against the games fans", so feel free to speak your mind. The series has a lot of flaws, no doubt.
Demon's is so damn good. Totally agree with what Vaati says in this vid.

The sad truth is that if you compare it to say Dark Souls 3, its by far the more mechanically interesting and inventive game of the two. The music is better, the lore is better, the npc/dialogues are more memorable, it just hangs together in a much more cohesive fashion.
Dark Souls 3 is a greatest-hits victory lap of Demon's, Dark Souls 1 and 2, and just a dash of Bloodborne. It doesn't make it a bad game, but Dark Souls 3 is the least interesting game if you've played all the others. I think the lack of inventiveness is the biggest sore spot in an otherwise exceptional game.


As long as you don't attack fellow GAFers or make baseless smears against a particular fanbase, you're not going to get banned. I'm pretty certain there are no "protected" games on GAF (anymore lol).

But like you already said "nothing against the games fans", so feel free to speak your mind. The series has a lot of flaws, no doubt.

I appreciate that, I truly do and thank you, but it's already clear that some people on here are gonna make that more hassle than it's worth.


While I agree it does deserve and need a remaster I suspect it may never happen due to either licensing or even Dark Souls. We all know that Demon's Souls 2 is Dark Souls but what we don't know is what may have been agreed to in regards to Dark Souls. It is possible that when Dark Souls was created there could have been something in place to prevent sequels or anything else under the Demon's Souls name (this is all speculation of course). It is also possible that due to licensing and Sony Online Entertainment and whatever else has any right to the game may be preventing this from happening.

I only think this because this is a highly sought after remaster and to not do it just does not seem to make sense. I really hope I am wrong and they do make a remaster but I suspect RPCS3 is the best we are going to get.
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