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Is there a price gap of the launch consoles that would cause you to switch platform?


No chance. £50 is nothing when we're talking about something that's going to be played for years. No doubt it would have a huge impact for the more mainstream demographic though.
It's going to be more like $500 vs. $400, and on this forum the answer is obvious but to the average gamer yes, many people would switch if one is $500 AND ONE IS $400

It doesn't matter if it's PS5 or XB4 the people will go with the cheaper option.

If there;s a large power gap then maybe that might prevent a big gap in sales but that $500 console is still a bit to far away from most consumers wallets.

My question is since both machines are using new generation parts and not launching with outdated APUs this time, will both consoles cost $500? It seeming more and more like it.

Even with the bare minimum PC built imitating the lowest acceptable specs is nearly $700 sold at profit. I can't see us ahving $400 consoles anymore unless Sony or Microsoft want to lose money the first few years next gen. In the billions.


Not really, for me even if the competition somehow came out to be cheaper and more powerful Sony has me locked in its IP eco system. I always buy a Sony console first no matter the price because of what I consider to be way better exclusives and then eventually I get the competitors when thy get cheaper. I bought a PS3 day one and ppl complain about the price but it was advanced and well worth it for me. My phat lasted a really long time too. In hindsight I waste money I shouldn't bcus neither my son or I use our switch and I rarely play my Xbox smh.
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100$ was more than enough for people to buy X360 instead of PS3 after owning PS2, then it was again 100$ that made people jump from X360 to PS4 instead of XB1. Sure, there were many mistakes made along with those prices, or choices which caused the higher prices to begin with, but the facts are simple - people will always choose the cheapest box that will allow them to play their favourite games like CoD, BF, Assasin's Creed, Fifa, GTA and so on. Fanboys can argue as much as they want about both systems, but they're only a small percentage, if not percentile, of the entire gaming audience.


Since I have no loyalty to companies and products whatsoever, I just choose depeding on what I'm interested in (games I want to play, mostly). I've also stopped buying consoles at launch, since it is guaranteed that you get a "slim" or "pro" version after some time anyway.

If you had 6ft stick and someone tried to sell you a 3ft stick. Why would you buy it when you already have a stick that is much better!?

For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about. I have a PC that I will be able to play Halo/Forza or any other exclusive title and not only that but I will be able to get better visuals/performance than with an Xbox. That's why I will be buying a PS5. Microsoft have nothing to offer me when it comes to Xbox. Even if I couldn't play their exclusive games on PC it would still be a tough sell because the only games I care about are Halo/Forza. For Halo it's only really for the sake of nostalgia. Of those days playing Halo 3. They will need to seriously impress with Halo Infinite. As for Forza...well there are plenty of good driving games I can play.



I have owned both PS and Xbox in the past, and don't feel strongly either way. Although I fell on the Xbox side the last 2 generations, that won't stop me swapping systems again if the PS is significantly better/cheaper.

I'll always have the X for my current library.


I have the Xbox One X and PS4, but since the X feels like a waste of money now and the fact that I own a PC means I'll only worry about buying a playstation for the exclusives from now on. I've never only used a single platform and now cost matters even less since I can play all Microsoft games on my PC.
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No, I'm sticking with Playstation and PS+. To go with another brand would mean yet another "service" subscription. Yes, I know I don't HAVE to subscribe to any of them, but I consider PS+ a companion service to the Playstation and would feel compelled to do the same for any other console if I was to get one. So I'll just stick with the Playstation.


Most people probably buy there console not for first party experiences but 3rd party experiences like fifa etc.

If PS5 launches for 499 and xbox launches for 350 and the performance is equal, sony better starts dropping that price directly out of the gate.

For core gamers there isn't much reason to go xbox if you got a PC.
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Even with an X hooked up to a nice ass 65'' TV, I barely touch it. It's not mine and I never spent a dime on it, but it does allow me to get to play xbox exclusives I would have usually missed out on.

This is an entire generation where I could have very safely missed out on all of them.

Winter John

I wouldn't pay more than $300 -$350 for any console. Online paywalls, subpar frame rates, overpriced games, almost zero modding. Maybe Sony/MS will fix all that nonsense next gen but I doubt it. Why would they when their "fans" will rush to defend/handwave every shitty thing they do. So yeah, I look at consoles and I see nothing there that's worth paying more than $350 for


Unconfirmed Member
I buy every new console on launch day. Console wars and brand loyalty are alien concepts to me. Every console has and will have games I want to play, so I get every console and pick whichever is most powerful and has the most comfortable controller as my main for multiplatform games.

Price is irrelevant. I set aside money ahead of time.


Never will I ever switch to Xbox, unless Microsoft somehow buys Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Guerilla, Sucker Punch, Insomniac and Polyphony.

Edit: Or if somehow, those studios starts making shit games and Microsoft’s studios starts making amazing story driven single player experiences.
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There's not going to be another PS4 vs. OG Xbox One situation again unless one of the companies shits the bed again. At the beginning of this gen, the PS4 sold for $399 while the Xbox One launched at $499 thanks to the Kinect being mandatory. Add onto the fact that the PS4 was the more powerful console, the value proposition of the launch Xbox One was horrendous. That was a rather extreme situation and I do not expect to see any huge price gaps next gen.
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
My current expectation is that both consoles will be $500 at launch. My current plan is to purchase both PlayStation 5 and Xbox 4 at launch. If one is cheaper than the other, awesome but if that happens, I would expect the cheaper one to be weaker and I honestly don't see that happening. At most, I see a 52%-48% power difference if that. It will be minimal. In the end, the power doesn't matter, it's who uses what they have to the best of their ability that matters and in this regard, Sony easily wins.

The bigger question for me would be which console I would choose to be my primary. I have never bought a console at launch except for PS4 Pro (which doesn't really count) and would always choose my primary based on which console I bought first. This generation, it was PlayStation 4 but last generation, it was Xbox 360. It will come down to which platform gives me the most exclusives at launch and in early 2021.
Here's one thing that always bothered me:

Consoles are so damn price cheap in the US. Why don't you have more than one?
Why would you need more than one, unless you really want to play exclusives from both sides? And don't forget that many people want multiplayer, and the price of paying multiplayer subscription for TWO consoles, is not cheap. You would get access to 90% of the games on the market by buying one console, so buying the 2nd console only increase your access by 10% at best. Thus buying a 2nd console is bad value unless it is pocket change for you.

Nintendo basically convinced people to buy a Switch because of their exclusive game offerings, which is the only thing that matters for a console. Buying a 2nd console between Sony and MS just is a lot of money with not much gain.


Friends and I seem too entrenched in PlayStation now. Every single one of us has a PS4 over an Xbox one. Only one friend plays his Xbox more than his PS4 out of our group... Everyone else is either PC or PS4. So nah brother. I think I'm sticking to PC and PS5.


Nope, why would I buy nextbox when I have a capable PC? Will stick to PS5, PC, Switch.

Nah. I’ll go with Sony/Nintendo as always.

Xbox has no exclusive games that tempt me close to buying their machine. Forza looks okay, other than that there was that Remedy game that looked ok. MS really need to understand that Gears and Halo are not enough.

Nah it's enough for them, their fans aren't interested in walking sims.


Gold Member
My first credit card was at Best Buy for the PS3 and I spent close to $800 that day. I’m not going to put myself in debt over it. I’ll just save my money. It can’t be hard to save a little here and there by the time Holiday 2020 rolls around. I know which console I’m getting first.

Knowing a head of time is better than just spending the money when you don’t have it. If you know the console is going to be X amount of dollars then save some money each month. It shouldn’t be hard to do.


Gold Member
I have a PC so an Xbox Next is a non starter for me. A PS5 would have to have a quite a few great exclusives for me to pick them up on day 1. 2021 is probably when I'll seriously think about picking one up.


SonyGAF: If PS5 is the more expensive console? OF COURSE NOT. I will pay ANYTHING for a Sony console.
If Xbox is the more expensive console? Hell no. PS5 all the way
Not now. This gen and next gen will be the final rounds in this fight. Having a digital bc library is huge. Sony had a really good gen and a lot of its fans went fully digital. That's a big plus for them. It really will lock in some players into never switching.

Edit: grammar
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Why would you need more than one, unless you really want to play exclusives from both sides? And don't forget that many people want multiplayer, and the price of paying multiplayer subscription for TWO consoles, is not cheap. You would get access to 90% of the games on the market by buying one console, so buying the 2nd console only increase your access by 10% at best. Thus buying a 2nd console is bad value unless it is pocket change for you.

Nintendo basically convinced people to buy a Switch because of their exclusive game offerings, which is the only thing that matters for a console. Buying a 2nd console between Sony and MS just is a lot of money with not much gain.

Some us want to play games like Madden that haven't been on Nintendo for ages, or only sporadically get inferior ports. (Ys, WWE)
No I'm not buying console without any exclusive games just because it's 50-100$ cheaper.

But if the one I want is overpriced I'll wait till it good sale to buy it.


Price won’t mean shit to me.

I’m buying the most powerful home console of the two.

the only ripoff would be buying a switch....
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Nah. I’ll go with Sony/Nintendo as always.

Xbox has no exclusive games that tempt me close to buying their machine. Forza looks okay, other than that there was that Remedy game that looked ok. MS really need to understand that Gears and Halo are not enough.

But the literally are enough.
The only reason I bought my XO is because of Halo, just as Kingdom hearts is the only reason I have a PS4. All the other games don't really interest me at all. And I mean that for both Ms and Sony. 🤷‍♂️


Exclusives are important but not really the defining factor... they aren’t the most played games on either of the two home consoles.

I’ve never felt like I missed out on too much choosing one over the other.

like yea ... Bloodborne is my most favorite single player game since Super Metroid and I’m thrilled I got to play it. However... I would easily trade any naughty dog for gears etc...

and now MS has obsidian...


Nah. I buy consoles for games first and foremost.

If the console I'm after is too expensive at launch I'll just wait until it's cheaper and stick with what I've already got in the meantime. That's what I've always done.
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