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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Probably, but 3M responded WH...

TLDR: 3M claimed WH is too stupid to understand how economy works in a very polite way...

That is the most generic press release ever.


Legit just watched that and time stamped it.

It's bonkers:

Things are likely to get very scary the longer we shut down society, which is why people are buying guns. That's why I bought one at least.

Other countries have been in the same sort of lockdown, and some even more strict, for longer than the U.S. without needing to bumrush gun stores and buy up everything in sight. America is one fucked up society eh.


Unconfirmed Member
What a lot of Tory-apologist wank. You don’t establish a single thing about me, but proceed to base your ad hominem reaction to yet another fabricated construction of your own creation.

I’m happy for you that you are able to avoid antagonistic, abusive, and fictitious posts when no longer restricted by the technology available, but you’ve already established your character and the content of your latest reply hardly warrants a detailed response. Yes there are millions being left to struggle with no support (the many millions renting, for a start), but you are happy to gloss over that and the disastrous decisions made by the government (decisions almost unanimously criticised by the experts Gove has had enough of) to maintain what is frankly a treasonous agenda.

And with that post you have proved you are incapable of reasoned debate and not worth the effort. Hopefully my post was useful for others at least.

PS Tory apologist - what absolute wank. I voted Labour every election til the most recent one because Labour have become extremists because of cunts like you.
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Tests are free:

And prescription drugs and urgent care are going to be costs assessed by the hospital for anyone with symptoms requiring hospitalization.

And people should not be going to their primary care physicians anyway now - social distancing, after all. Doctor's offices and hospitals are nasty places full of sick people. If you have symptoms call your health department and get tested at a drive-thru station.

All that said, the next step as people lose general health coverage without a way to pay is to expand the Medicaid income limits.
"Some Insurers Are Waiving Costs for Treatment" - still not all of them!

And it's freaking April already, a couple weeks away from the peak. The president has done an absolutely piss-poor job on this, treatment should have been free for everyone from day one. You are free to disagree, ofc.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Other countries have been in the same sort of lockdown, and some even more strict, for longer than the U.S. without needing to bumrush gun stores and buy up everything in sight. America is one fucked up society eh.

I mean, yeah. I do think the chance of looting and civil unrest is higher in the US than some countries, and people are more liable to have guns here.

I imagine we will start seeing it happen first in places like Italy, France, and Spain, though, depending on how their governments respond.

"Some Insurers Are Waiving Costs for Treatment" - still not all of them!

And it's freaking April already, a couple weeks away from the peak. The president has done an absolutely piss-poor job on this, treatment should have been free for everyone from day one. You are free to disagree, ofc.

Even if all of them did (I think most will--I just got an email from my insurance provider today saying they are waving any costs), there are still a lot of people without any insurance at all, sadly.
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Even if all of them did (I think most will--I just got an email from my insurance provider today saying they are waving any costs), there are still a lot of people without any insurance at all, sadly.
And there are about to be a lot more w/ the tens of millions losing their job, and whatnot. You can also add illegal immigrants to the list.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Saw this on twitter, this guy predicted back in Feb 28, when there were only 60 cases in US, that US was on the road of not be able to contain this virus anymore.

This guy isn't good with numbers... saying we only know about 6 coronaviruses and that 1/3 of the Earth's population is "a billion people"?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Been seeing all this news about how successful China has been with controlling covid and how they're opening the economy back up. Ive said it before but get more suss about China doing this deliberately as a strategy for world domination. It's reported they have labs in Wuhan the epicentre of the outbreak who have probably been researching this shit for years and so understand the best ways to control it. Perhaps they already do have a vaccine in case things get really out of control. They know it's highly contagious and with a mortality rate countries will worry about. They also know strict social distancing measures will be effective which they know an authoritarian regime can execute swiftly and effectively. Whilst western democratic structures would struggle with slow and uncompliant lock down measures which they know will weaken the countries economic strength because of how long they will need to switch the economy off.
Really when you look back the way they executed their lock downs was swift and organised. Almost pre-empted and planned. hey're using their strength while leveraging others weakness against themselves to win. And using the virus as the catalyst and the strength of their massive population as the suicide bomber carriers to the rest of the world. It's very covert warfare and sounds like science fiction but don't underestimate the strategic mind of the Chinese to win the global domination war. They wrote that shit Sun Tzu The Art of War.

Dude, you give them way too much credit. They are just as fucked as the rest of the world, if not more, with this virus. Sure, they are ordering people back to work, but there isn't much work to be done for a lot of them and they are sure to see huge re-flare ups of the virus throughout the country wherever they ease their lockdowns.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
If it takes a pandemic of biblical proportions and 30% of Americans losing their jobs to bring about universal health care, so be it. Bernie tried to make you take your medicine, but you didn't want it.

B-b-but how will you pay for it? The price just went up, try the GREAT DEPRESSION VOL. 2.

Do you think things would be better... like at all if this country had universal health care?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Jesus... Almost 70%. Small sample size, but it's also skewed since it's reportedly people who believed they did not have the virus at all (weren't aware of any symptoms).

Would be crazy if just about everyone who was going to get it pretty much already has it, symptoms or not.

Would you care to elaborate? Our biggest problem seems to be hospital preparedness, and I don't see how that goes up in a universal health care system (not that I'm even necessarily against having one).
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Would you care to elaborate? Our biggest problem seems to be hospital preparedness, and I don't see how that goes up in a universal health care system (not that I'm even necessarily against having one).
No, I meant just in general. That whole discussion started from the idea that maybe the US will adopt a universal health care system following the COVID-19 crisis exposing some of the absurdities like people paying tens of thousands of dollars for treatment.

Although some people not getting tested in the early days because they couldn't afford it probably did exacerbate the trajectory.
Patients in New York seem sicker than before, nurse says

Kelley Bradshaw, an intensive care unit nurse at a large New York hospital, told CNN the coronavirus patients she's seeing this week seem sicker, with more advanced symptoms.
"Compared to last week, the patients are sicker and that tends to happen with a virus that's this vicious," she said. "It starts with affecting one part of the body and then it starts to affect more and more body systems."
Bradshaw said she was seeing more cases of the virus affecting patients' kidneys and hearts.
It's not clear if the patients seem sicker because the virus is presenting itself in a different way, or if the patients are trying to wait it out at home, so they are already sicker by the time they arrive at the hospital.
"It just feels like the longer someone battles this virus and the more critically ill they become, the harder our job gets," Bradshaw said. "The days are really, really long ... The only thing we can expect is to expect the unexpected."

Los Angeles recorded 1,000 cases in 48 hours

Los Angeles County has recorded 1,000 coronavirus cases in just 48 hours, the mayor said on Friday.
"To put that in perspective, it took us 23 days to get to the first thousand cases and we've done that in just the last two [days]," Mayor Eric Garcetti said at a news conference. "So even as we slow the rate of growth, the cases are still growing, and will continue to be hundreds and hundreds, possibly in coming days, more than 1,000 a day."
Los Angeles County had a 13% increase in cases Friday -- the third day in a row of low-teens or mid-teen increases, the mayor said. This is a decrease from the previous week, when the city saw almost a 27% increase on average each day.
"A week ago, the rate of increase was about 50% more than it is right now," Garcetti said. "But on the other hand, before you start to get relaxed and say we can go outside, this is a moment to continue pressing on the accelerator."
More than 40,000 Angelenos have been tested for Covid-19, and Los Angeles has the capacity to do 3,500 tests a day in the coming week, Garcetti said.
It has been 15 days since California has been under stay-at-home orders -- and 19 days since Los Angeles started social distancing.



Sure, they are ordering people back to work, but there isn't much work to be done for a lot of them

Chinese Factory Staff Sit Around As Global Orders Dry Up
This footage shows Chinese factory workers sitting around after demand from Europe and the United States dried up amid the coronavirus pandemic.

A second video eerily shows the empty factory floor after the company went out of business just a few days later.



While there were a few trials that showed that Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin worked in a test tube and on patients with mild symptoms, a trial out of France concluded that Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin doesn't work on patients with severe Covid-19. From what I have seen, it seems to work better in the early stages of the disease. Hopefully more trials will give us more definitive results.

Hawaii activates the National Guard for coronavirus response

Hawaii has activated four units of the National Guard to assist with the state's coronavirus response, Gov. David Ige said on Friday.
“Effective immediately, there will be more than 250 men and women on state active duty," Ige said at a news conference.

Brig. Gen. Moses Kaoiwi, Jr. said the National Guard will help staff up the state’s emergency operations center and manage warehouses used to store medical and personal protective equipment.

Some members of the Guard will also assist in airport screening, to make sure those entering the state adhere to Hawaii’s mandatory 14-day quarantine for visitors.

Chinese Factory Staff Sit Around As Global Orders Dry Up
This footage shows Chinese factory workers sitting around after demand from Europe and the United States dried up amid the coronavirus pandemic.

A second video eerily shows the empty factory floor after the company went out of business just a few days later.

Maybe the best payback we can give China is to stop buying their shit. Unhappy out of work people may want regime change.


I know that there is a lot of excitement for Chloroquine, but another drug to keep an eye on is Remdesivir, which was used to treat Ebola. Trump has mentioned this drug before. There have been a lot of anecdotal cases that show it may work. In fact, UC Davis used it on a seriously ill patient and she recovered. There are plenty of trials going on now so I am hopeful they will show it crushes Covid-19.


While there were a few trials that showed that Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin worked in a test tube and on patients with mild symptoms, a trial out of France concluded that Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin doesn't work on patients with severe Covid-19. From what I have seen, it seems to work better in the early stages of the disease. Hopefully more trials will give us more definitive results.

Yeah, pretty much if you have severe symptoms, to the point where you're on a ventilator in the ICU, it's probably not going to help you much. Once the virus gets into the lungs and you develop ARDS(Acute Respiriatory Distress Syndrome) you have probably less than 50% chance you'll make it out of there alive. In order for this to be effective, treatment needs to begin within the first 5 days you have it so you don't progress to the stage where you have to be admitted.

People need to realize this is not a cure but a means to slow or stop the progression of the virus.

Kagey K

Watched the Live PD COVID special tonight and it was sobering to see how first responders are affected by this. Looking forward to the 2 hour follow up tomorrow.


Japan definitely, and they and the others have better hygiene than the west anyway when it comes to not spreading disease. Given the recent news about mere breath spreading it, masks are a lot more beneficial than China or WHO or anyone let on.

China aside, there isn't a massive conspiracy. Those countries all wear masks 24/7. They come out of the womb fucking wearing one. Masks work.

Too bad they're all sold out :-(

Just use anything you can get your hands on. Hell, wrap a scarf round your face. Anything is better than nothing.


I've read a few similar articles like this the past few days, and they are pretty sobering.

Again, it is something even us amateurs in here have been asking in the last few weeks - at some point you have to come out of your houses and live, and if a vaccine is not due any time soon, you can flatten the curve this time round, but you are going to consistently have fresh outbreaks.

Herd immunity it is then.....or a vaccine. Whatever comes first.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Went to the grocery store today.

Shelves are empty.

Got to the cashier counter with what I could get and started putting my groceries on the conveyer.

Lady in front of me with one item in a shopping cart (one pineapple) started yelling at me and making a scene, telling me to step back and that I should be ten feet away.

I ignored her and just kept putting my groceries on the conveyer. I didn't want to contribute in making a scene with a raving fucking loon.

She started yelling at the cashier about me, calling me a psychopath, etc. Cashier just told her "let it go" or was trying to shrug it off.

People are fucking insane. I expected something like this to happen. It sucks because I have to do the shopping and I'm in no mood for crazy.

Man I've just seen the worst in people mostly (and a handful of really good though) in my experience.

With 911 people were mostly cool but then that wasn't a virus.
Doctors say India must prepare for an "onslaught" as crowded slum reports first coronavirus death

One of Asia's biggest slums has confirmed its first coronavirus death, leading top Indian doctors to warn that the country must prepare to face an "onslaught" of cases.

A 56-year-old man died in the Dharavi slum, in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai, on Wednesday. He had no travel history, and died hours after testing positive for the coronavirus while being transferred to a local hospital, a Mumbai city official told CNN.

Several of the man's family members have been tested and placed under home quarantine, and the block of 300 homes and 90 shops that make up his densely packed neighborhood have been sealed off to prevent further infections.

On Thursday, a 52-year-old sweeper who works for the city's Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation in Dharavi also tested positive.

A cluster in the slum could be disastrous. Home to about 1 million people, the Dharavi slum has a population density almost 30 times greater than New York City -- about 280,000 people per square kilometer.

Doctors say the situation would be unmanageable if a sustained outbreak spread rapidly through one of India's many slums, where there is little sanitation or running water and thousands of people live cheek by jowl -- making social distancing physically and economically impossible.

More spring breakers diagnosed with coronavirus

A total of 49 of the 211 students from the University of Texas at Austin who traveled to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for spring break have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a statement from the university.
They went on the March 14-19 trip against the advice of White House officials who asked that people avoid gathering in groups of more than 10, and refrain from nonessential air travel.
Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen had a blunt message for the spring breakers.
"Quit being an a**," he told CNN affiliate KXAN. "Get over yourselves. Whether you think this is an issue or not, it is. Whether you think it could affect you or not, it does. The reality of it is, if I'm a college kid who's going to spring break in Mexico, you're affecting a lot of people. Grow up."
As some of the spring breakers took commercial flights home, public health officials said dozens of other passengers are being monitored.
The students who tested positive are in self-isolation, health officials said. The Department of State Health Services has been alerted.



Gold Member
As a Canadian I'm more annoyed with our fuckwit of a leader than Trump. If we had competent leadership in this country we wouldn't have tried to earn brownie points on the world stage by giving away medical supplies in the first place.
This is what happens when you vote in a globalist moron who is more concerned with how he LOOKS on the world stage rather than his actions.
Maybe if he wasn't such a shit bird behind Trumps back he might have had a better chance of rapport with his USA counterpart, but instead he played the teenage gossip queen and the wonders why the USA is perfectly fine giving Canada the finger.
Maybe if Canada would actually get back to building shit again we could take care of ourselves... but we don't have a hope in hell with the drama teacher at the wheel, we can't even get our own resources out of the country (oil)

Preach, I feel for our brothers and sisters in the north!


Rage Bait Youtuber

I greatly dislike Trump, but fuck anyone who is trying to play the blame game right now. We should all be rowing in the same direction. We can point fingers once we’re out of this mess.

Just wait until Pelosi's Impeachment 2.0 committee starts trying to subpoena Fauci and Birx and takes them away from working on the problem. Skeletor wants to keep this virus killing people and the economy right through November.



Some good news.

Yeah. I live in OC, and due to the large Asian population here, many people started wearing masks from very early on.

The OC health official also issued an order requiring all residents should wear masks (or equivalent that can cover your mouth and nose) in public, no matter you have symptoms or not.
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