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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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The EU has been silent since the outbreak, Italy and Spain are on their knees wanting help from their supposed EU partners but they have stayed silent, it's every Country for it's self atm I fear the EU is done for after this crisis this will be the straw that break's the EU.

The last line got me though:

:messenger_tears_of_joy: Laughs in British.

Er while each country has been trying to defend its own interests especially in the first days,, they still coordinated through EU. Also the ECB was the first to act for the benefit of all, injecting 750 billions € to support the economy, and announcing 120 more billions for loans to small companies hit by the crisis. And Van der Leyen has been very critical of the initial lack of cooperation and especially the mask production hoarding (which led to deals to share a bit more in the end). All of it in addition to any help that each country will devote to the crisis, for which Brussels also stated that they removed all budgetary constraint.
The main problem is there's no centralized authority for health management, it's something that each country wanted to keep under its "sovereignty", like army. And guess what, now we realize it would have been a good idea after all.
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Gold Member
A while ago, @Zefah was wondering that, if the number of infections proceeds exponentially, then why aren't we seeing similarly exponential growth in the percentage of positive cases of those being tested.

Well, we are seeing that now (though it's still 'linear growth', I guess):

I would guess that as the symptoms of covid are more known, fewer folks with allergies or runny noses are showing up to be tested. Plus testing criteria are more refined.


The joys of giving up the ability to be able to print your own money.
The sheer amount of incompetence from Italian and Spanish politicians for giving up the control of the monetary policy.
Instead having to run to aunt Merkel to beg her to print some of those deutschmarks.


Er while each country has been trying to defend its own interests especially in the first days,, they still coordinated through EU. Also the ECB was the first to act for the benefit of all, injecting 750 billions € to support the economy, and announcing 120 more billions for loans to small companies hit by the crisis. And Van der Leyen has been very critical of the initial lack of cooperation and especially the mask production hoarding (which led to deals to share a bit more in the end). All of it in addition to any help that each country will devote to the crisis, for which Brussels also stated that they removed all budgetary constraint.
The main problem is there's no centralized authority for health management, it's something that each country wanted to keep under its "sovereignty", like army. And guess what, now we realize it would have been a good idea after all.

Nobody cared about the EU for the first few weeks and only after they started to shit with bonds which basically means cull all wealthy nations of there money to transfer it over to the south with massive loans ( aka north pays for the south ) which are already bankrupt anyway and make everybody poor was never something anybody cared for in the north.

Bonds where a wet dream of brussel to push so they could bankroll the south and lock the north into EU forever because they now have massive dept and far less money to deal with. Because the south can't even pay for there own shit. Let alone the east. What's the point to sit for nothern wealthy country's in a EU that doesn't make them money? but kills there country's? fucking useless.

Why would Brussel want this? power, to keep the EU dream afloat and feed there pet company's they get rich from with massive money injections. it's there green dream 2.0.

If you think that tiny 750b is going to help anybody but those corrupt shits in brussel to feed their pet companies to make themselves ultra rich, u are just kidding yourself. South has never been able to deal with money and that's the end result of it, NL will probably dive already 200b into more dept and that's a rich country with corona virus based on 17m people, good luck with 500+m more with your 750b its nothing. Its straight up wealth transfer.

Your universal healthcare and military also has problems.

1) northern country's can pay for the southern country's and destroy their own healthcare systems while they are at it and go waaaaaay back into time which nobody in the north would ever vote for. Healthcare in the north was already hitting critical levels by itself, now imagine them bankrolling the same shit for far less wealth country's? or we also going to loan endlessly on again the same country's backs to pay for it? sounds great, aka not doable.

2) one military under one flag, which never be accepted by any country for obvious reasons such as hitler 2.0 and people do not remotely relate themselves in anyway towards the EU to make this happen. Also conflicts will rise as those shitters in brussel will exploit it the moment they can which nobody in the EU even remotely wants.. If dutch would sign for example for militairy pack under one flag, the militairy would be dead the next day because everybody would leave, now imagine other country's that are far more nationalistic.

Nobody trusts eachother even remotely enough to do this and never will. And that's good because its a very fucking bad idea to give brussel any militairy might. These loons will start to use it on everything that's against them with england probably there main target to teach them a lesson.
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The joys of giving up the ability to be able to print your own money.
The sheer amount of incompetence from Italian and Spanish politicians for giving up the control of the monetary policy.
Instead having to run to aunt Merkel to beg her to print some of those deutschmarks.

They where on borrowed time anyway in the EU. Corona virus just speeds it up. EU is probably done for after next election. If boris is smart he will start his EU 2.0 like it was before and let germany sit there with its welfare country's to deal with.


Saw this yesterday, well...they did flatten the curve.

Also, found this pretty scary, Im not sure if these are all commercial, although they could be empty, the US has the highest density of flights in the world (this is right now).


Highest density seems to be Florida, I wonder if this is still due to the spring breakers.

Where is this from? I’d like to check it out myself. Thanks.


Er while each country has been trying to defend its own interests especially in the first days,, they still coordinated through EU. Also the ECB was the first to act for the benefit of all, injecting 750 billions € to support the economy, and announcing 120 more billions for loans to small companies hit by the crisis. And Van der Leyen has been very critical of the initial lack of cooperation and especially the mask production hoarding (which led to deals to share a bit more in the end). All of it in addition to any help that each country will devote to the crisis, for which Brussels also stated that they removed all budgetary constraint.
The main problem is there's no centralized authority for health management, it's something that each country wanted to keep under its "sovereignty", like army. And guess what, now we realize it would have been a good idea after all.

Countries will always defend their own interests first, sharing a bit of PPE during a pandemic is not going to change the poor response the EU had to Covid.

The Economic fall out of Corona is going to be way worse then anything we have seen before, the financial crash in '08 will be a blip compared to what is going to happen. Every Country is going into recession and if the Euro crisis in 2010 taught us anything is that the ECB/Europe are slow and will thrust horrible austerity upon any Country that needs a bail out or a Corona bond this won't happen again, Italy is already nearly at 100% debt-GDP it's probably over it this point, and the economy will already be in recession along with Germany, France etc so any money that is thrown at the problem will be wasted because it's feeding back to Germany, by way of paying interest on these gigantic loans this is what Yanis Varoufakis (Greek finance minster) was arguing against in 2010 it'll catastrophic for Italy do that, You need to invest in your Country to spur economic growth but when any extra tax revenue you make goes back to the bank i.e Germany then it's the equivalent of having a mortgage you can't afford but the bank won't repo your house.

I doubt having a centralised EU health system would have helped. Italy exploded with cases before they were even aware of the first 100 cases, now imagine how slow the EU health authority would react, Italy probably would have gotten a bit more help in the first few days but than Spain exploded then France then Germany and so on at this point you are spreading your resources thinner and thinner it's probably for the best that the EU didn't have a centralised health system because it's only natural for Countries to go back to looking after numero uno and close their borders in a time of crisis.
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Saw this yesterday, well...they did flatten the curve.

Also, found this pretty scary, Im not sure if these are all commercial, although they could be empty, the US has the highest density of flights in the world (this is right now).


Highest density seems to be Florida, I wonder if this is still due to the spring breakers.

Hopefully most of those are cargo planes.



icu doc in nyc thinks we are dealing not with ARDS but something that more resembles high altitude pulmonary edema

I have a few doctors in my family, some working in COVID wards and I talked to them about this. They mentioned having noticed similar things, and there's also this out of Italy:

and if anyone's curious this too:

The thing is, being on a ventilator isn't actually very good for you. Normally when you breathe your chest muscles expand your lungs by pulling them, this decreases the pressure and air is "pulled" in. However, a ventilator forces air into your lungs by increasing the pressure, and in patients with respirator failure the pressure needs to be high to compensate for the poor lung function. Your alveoli don't like that, and there seems to be anecdotal evidence of patients being able to be kept off ventilators with vital signs that are much poorer than what is possible when they have regular ARDS (and also patients rapidly becoming worse after being put on ventilators).


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The problem is the USA seems number one when it comes to detecting whether people have died too.

In terms of deaths per 1m population, the US is still quite a bit below some other countries.



The EU will never have teeth as long as national identities exist. And we are seeing why it is a total failure (same reason the UN is toothless).


In terms of deaths per 1m population, the US is still quite a bit below some other countries.

I would expect that given how only the major cities in the USA are densely populated. You aren't going to get many infections in massive areas with few people. Either way, while the government seems more keen on figuring out how companies can financially benefit from the situation, rather than trying to solve it, that might well change quickly.

don't troll the info video with they got it wrong so it is worthless going forward mentality, everyone got it wrong 'Just the Flu Bro(tm)'. If Fox News posted info videos I would share them too you might not like Vox but the content is not all created by one person.

I wish some of these people would come back and say we got it wrong but nope. lol

but this is not how we learn but shutting down every source that had stupid ideas at first
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It is getting worst and worst to find food options without cooking your own stuff at home. Nothing near me is open anymore.

I've been eating spaghetti for what feels like over a month now.
Tomorrow I'm grabbing a few steaks on my run to Stop and Shop
I haven't had fast food or any restaurant food since the lockdowns started.

It impacts the feeling of freedom and quality of life for sure unless you live with an excellent cook. Ugh this is going to suck more than I thought.

I wonder how many people are still going to gain weight after all of this?

Are we going to see victory parades? CCP Virus Rememberance Days?


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't had fast food or any restaurant food since the lockdowns started.

The local restaurants have all started doing takeaways, even the places with Michelin stars. I’m lucky.

Baked a cake this afternoon and this evening I’m making a curry. Thankfully both me and my wife are pretty good in the kitchen.
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This is interesting, looks like TB vaccine could improve overall immune system and countries that use were hit less severely so far.


a - TB vaccine is obligatory
b - TB vaccine used to be obligatory
c - not obligatory

Look at Italy, which is red. BCG vaccinations have not been customary there.

Germany (blue) and the Netherlands (red), are adjoining countries whose Covid-19 death rates have been quite different. Spain (blue) and Portugal (yellow), likewise
It impacts the feeling of freedom and quality of life for sure unless you live with an excellent cook. Ugh this is going to suck more than I thought.

I wonder how many people are still going to gain weight after all of this?

Are we going to see victory parades? CCP Virus Rememberance Days?

My wife has been cooking like three meals a day.. It's been ridiculous, but good.. Definitely need some of the lean times to come to help with my waist size 😂

We've ordered delivery a couple of times but trying to do it in house as much as we can.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
edit: actually this is probably better for the other thread about the federal response.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That Japanese director who posted the situation in Nanjing last month shared an update yesterday and it looks like things are largely back to normal for them as they declare "0 infected" in the city.

Not sure why it's not on YouTube yet, but here's his video (only in Japanese).

Could be that the CCP forced him to make a nice-looking portrayal of things, but hopefully it actually does reflect the reality there.
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The weather is making it less 'desirable' to go outside which I suppose helps.
Cold and lots of snow these last 2-3 days here in Cowtown.

Snow? feel sorry for you guys out there, a nice 10 degrees here. Turning the corner on winter finally.

But if its keeping everyone inside and keeping the virus at bay all the better.

I hope that we as Quebecers can do a better job because we are really anchoring Canada down right now.



Pretty much every media outlet in United States was "Just a flu, bro" at some point, based on anecdotal observations.

Left media were "just a flu, bro" when Trump announced travel ban from China and urged citizen and perm res to come back states back in Jan.

Right media were "just a flu, bro" during late-Feb, early-March where the curve was starting to get momentum to look like an exponential curve in United States.

Yet, both of them are right now pointing at each other saying "you acted like 'just a flu, bro'! you were spreading misinformation!"

The truth is that all the media were spreading misinformation at one point. Even I need to browse bioRxiv, data.gov, Kaggle, Nature (either peer-reviewed journal or reputable data science sites) to get information that reads logical to me.

This country is seriously fucked up by these partisan shit as I think average person should not have the liability of proof-reading the information they obtain from the media outlets.


I would guess that as the symptoms of covid are more known, fewer folks with allergies or runny noses are showing up to be tested. Plus testing criteria are more refined.
Another thing that would explain it is if there is a very large backlog of tests that is only now being reported, which seems possible:

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Snow? feel sorry for you guys out there, a nice 10 degrees here. Turning the corner on winter finally.
Yeah it's a real kick to the balls, we were plus double digits about a week ago, most snow melted.. Then it shit all over us again this week.
Overall the province seems to be doing okay, but for how long before money gets real tight is going to be another question. Downtown is already a ghost town due to the oil industry, the longer people go without the harder its going to be to recover.


The USA will also get the problems under control. They are currently just a little behind. But things will get better there too.

In this context, it must also be said that in some countries more than a quarter of all known cases have already recovered. Germany, for example, currently has ~93,000 cases but also just over 26,000 recovered patients. This is not only true for Germany. However, many countries also attach less importance to accurate counting, so that these figures are usually lower.

To continue with more good news: In Austria, a milestone was reached today that the number of daily recovered cases exceeded the number of daily new infections. Austria has had declining numbers almost daily for a few days now. They were also one of the first countries to adopt more rigorous measures.

Finally, more positive news from Italy.
The number of patients hospitalized in intensive care has declined for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic in Italy

The target of bringing down the reproductive number (R0) to 1 has been reached. Now the goal is to bring it below 1. Earlier in the epidemic, it was as high as 3. This value represents the average number of people to which a single infected person will transmit the virus. An epidemic with a reproductive number below 1 will gradually disappear

An estimated 30,000 lives have been saved as an effect of the lockdown measures, according to Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)
Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


Pretty much every media outlet in United States was "Just a flu, bro" at some point, based on anecdotal observations.

Left media were "just a flu, bro" when Trump announced travel ban from China and urged citizen and perm res to come back states back in Jan.

Right media were "just a flu, bro" during late-Feb, early-March where the curve was starting to get momentum to look like an exponential curve in United States.

Yet, both of them are right now pointing at each other saying "you acted like 'just a flu, bro'! you were spreading misinformation!"

The truth is that all the media were spreading misinformation at one point. Even I need to browse bioRxiv, data.gov, Kaggle, Nature (either peer-reviewed journal or reputable data science sites) to get information that reads logical to me.

This country is seriously fucked up by these partisan shit as I think average person should not have the liability of proof-reading the information they obtain from the media outlets.

Media en the US and other cointries are just arms of other forces, its hard to find reliable sources these days...think Reuters is better than most of known media companies...
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