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All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


I just finished watching the 10 hour movie for the game and I got to say, I feel bad for the fans of the game. I'll be honest I never liked TLOU I had no intention of buying the sequel and even i think they did Joel too bad in this game. I recognize the hard work that went into making this game, the graphics, sound design and music, and gameplay, the story however doesnt even exist in the same universe. Truth be told as a non fan I would give this game a 6 maybe 6.5.

Tbh I'm surprised by the scathing reactions I'm seeing. Even on jeuxvideo.com (the French site) where "review bombing" isn't really a thing, it's getting annihilated by early players because of the story, the characters, the AI & pacing. I say I'm "surprised" because quite frankly if a game is polished, has solid enough gameplay or something "fun" for people to do, it generally sells well & reviews well. I'm think RDR2 which I personally thought was a piece of crap with shit characters/shit plot yet user scores are generally very favorable, irrespective of a few complaints over the clunky controls.

Last of Us 2 meanwhile is causing some sort of visceral reaction. It's quite funny to see & does give me some hope because the power of the video game medium is stifled IMO when "cinematic" walking simulator gameplay & political agenda become the priority.


I can't get over "bigot sandwiches".

Think of it - someone actually wrote that scene and then it made it through a writer's room or supposedly was focus-tested. And then it made it to the storyboarding process and then finally to animation and post-production. No one prevented that scene from making it to the final cut, in an entire company of supposed professionals.

Bigot sandwiches.
So apparently some homophobic remark is simply unforgivable yet shes letting go killing dude who was father to her xD



Holy Shit... that's not real is it? If it is, that's bloody hillarious.


Some users here are gonna get triggered when reading this post, but it is true.
Most of these SJW movies you hate are written/directed by Jews.
Most companies in the US pushing for SJW agenda are run or founded by Jews.

Look it up, don't take my word for it.
I know you guys have been banned, but in case you’re lurking.....Jesus Christ, fuck off.

That people can even upvote this shit is disgusting.


Unconfirmed Member
Some users here are gonna get triggered when reading this post, but it is true.
Most of these SJW movies you hate are written/directed by Jews.
Most companies in the US pushing for SJW agenda are run or founded by Jews.

Look it up, don't take my word for it.
Herbert Moon is that you?


Gold Member
I don't think it does.

Abby and Owen are being portrayed as good guys, even among the W.L.F

Owen is a former Firefly and Abby is of course the daughter of the surgeon.

I was on the fence on Abby's back story because I thought he was just some random doctor, but as I continue to play through her story, everything becomes more clear.

Marlene is reluctant to sacrifice Ellie, but Abby's father wants to make the sacrifice to safe the world. Marlene asks him would he be willing to sacrifice Abby and he can't answer the question. Abby enters the room and tells her father she would sacrifice herself.

This is just how I feel about the story, but I can see if people don't like it.

Appreciate the perspective, I have not played the game nor do I plan to.

Its hard to imagine anyone who takes pleasure in slowly killing someone be portrayed as good guys. Nothing justifies torture.



Druckmann, you masterful troll. LMAO.

Not to mention Dina can't stop yapping about how the Jews were annihilated during WW2 during the visit to the synagogue. ;)

I'm also annoyed by the fact that you can't kill sheep or other farm/wild animals in the game. Only dogs are allowed to die.
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silent head

The virgin IGN: This game is a masterpiece.

The chad IGN japan: The Last of Us Part II tries too hard to differentiate itself from its predecessor. While astonishing cityscapes and more varied combat options are great evolutions, Part II lacks the poetic serenity that made the original road-movie-like epic such a masterpiece. On top of that, uninteresting new characters burden the story, making Ellie's journey feel conventional and not nearly as captivating as the original.
Thank you ign japan.
Well ive had about 8 hours to mull lover it and here are my thoughts

What Abby did to Joel was fucking horrible and i dont think they did a very good job or really painting the relationship between her father and the retaliation to joel for killing him
if you built up the story some more in that area i think you would sympathise with her more but instead they focused more on side cast then actually branching out that area some more
and you never really feel on her side at all no matter how many good deeds she does throughout the game

The last part of the game just dragged out and you just ended up with Ellie having 2 less fingers
i actually think if the game was set in the same time period as the first one and the game concentrated fully on Abbies side and you saw the events from the first game unfold from that side
you could of still had all the lesbo stuff in it but it would of set up a really great part 3

The game on a technical level is a fucking masterpiece but their 3rd act once again is allover the place


There are so many bizarre inconsistencies and nonsensical events that it is hard to focus on just one. But people have indeed pointed out how dumb that was.
What? I was said, that it's best story written in any medium ever! By multiple journalists. There were even some who called that thing Citizen Kane or Schindler's List of video games.


I can't get over "bigot sandwiches".

Think of it - someone actually wrote that scene and then it made it through a writer's room or supposedly was focus-tested. And then it made it to the storyboarding process and then finally to animation and post-production. No one prevented that scene from making it to the final cut, in an entire company of supposed professionals.

Bigot sandwiches.

Naughty Dog kicked out a sexist focus group tester for Uncharted 4

Uncharted 4 director Neil Druckmann spoke on how Naughty Dog incorporated diversity in their games and shared a story about a sexist focus tester who got very upset with how the female antagonist Nadine Ross was portrayed in the game.

So I don't think focus testing matters much for Sony/Naughty Dog.


Unconfirmed Member
To really make this story effective, and to make it work at all really, we needed a TLOU part 1.5 where you play as Abbey and her father for the duration, the relationship between them is explored etc. Leading up to the moment her dad is killed by Joel.

THEN have the final part of the trilogy be the confrontation between Abbeys group and Ellie and Joel.


The more i read about TLOU2, the more i love Clementine from Telltale TWD

The Walking Dead made everything right for their characters (except for that horrible Season 3 - A New Frontier).

Clem was always respected and kept in-character, most of the supporting cast gets a good treatment...

They handled Kenny so well during Season 2, which makes me wonder how in the hell did ND mess up Joel

TWD always kept a good balance between dread and happiness, so even in the worst circumstances, something hopeful would pop up


Not only on Metacritic, I never see a video game got universal hates across all 3 main three video games forum in Chinese languages across different regions regardless political spectrum.
On Taiwanese videogame forum Bahamut it got overall 4.2/10 user scores. https://acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php?s=86503
The website reviewer got accused of a Sony/ND shill got so much downvotes that they had to pull off the reviews.
The reviewer had to issue an apology to public and kind of admited he gave a positive review to "keep with good term with Sony"

On mainland China NGA videogame forum it got 1.6/10 user scores. https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=22241259
One of the popular video media share a post that called out Sony China has a history of blacklisting medias who criticize the game;(Themselves got blacklisted because they gave God of War a bad score) https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=22254025

On Hongkong protesters lihkg forum its discussion posts got overwhelmingly down-voted.https://lihkg.com/thread/2058792/page/37 They even opened another post to collect the memes to criticize the game. https://lihkg.com/thread/2070339/page/1?post=1

On Korean forum the discussions of TLOU 2 are overwhelmingly negative. Some Korean streamers just deleted the game and post it on social media.

Whoever come up this dials between Jesse and Ellie are so braindead. The writers could have literally chosen a million other responses but they had to choose this.

To really make this story effective, and to make it work at all really, we needed a TLOU part 1.5 where you play as Abbey and her father for the duration, the relationship between them is explored etc. Leading up to the moment her dad is killed by Joel.

THEN have the final part of the trilogy be the confrontation between Abbeys group and Ellie and Joel.
I agree...the chapter that you are introduced to the doc simply showed that he liked animals and had no real character building between Abbie and him
he rescued a zebra and it cuts to some half assed discussion about him realising he would have to kill Ellie to get a cure.....and they decided to put the flashback 3/4 of the way through the game after she killed joel and we had to sit through a number of bad character build ups.

Its almost like they all forgot they shot and beat to death a man because he didnt want them killing his adopted daughter.......the actual order they revealed things is incredibly fucked up and i suspect this is why it got delayed multiple times is because they kept inserting in crap to try and make the story
more coherent..which it fails.

you compare the scenes in the dinosaur muesem with Joel and Ellie to the scene at the zoo with abbie and her dad
one is relationship building.....once is literally a pony show
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Ok. Neil and ND have their 95 Metacritic score and the shitzillion dollars they're gonna make on what is gonna be one of the best selling games on the console. And while I know there's not much point in asking this since it's probably gonna be 7-10 years til Part 3, I'll ask it.

How much is this gonna hurt potential sales and hype for Part 3? I cannot possibly imagine Part 3 is going to stir up the same level of excitement and anticipation that Part 2 did. There's A LOT of angry people out there, not just here in the West but globally. I'm left wondering if while Sony, ND and Neil are celebrating the great reviews and sales figures, they're thinking longterm in the back of their head, the repercussions for all this. I mean we've seen this kind of thing before recently haven't we? The Last Jedi.

Last Jedi came out, was a critical darling, but it divided audiences and Rian (just like Neil has already done) trolled people who didn't like it on Twitter. People who didn't enjoy TLJ were mocked as a vocal minority, bigots, etc. Then TRoS came out and despite the marketing that it would be "The Grand Finale of the Sequel Trilogy and the entire Skywalker Saga!" it made $300 million less than TLJ, and it became obvious how much damage TLJ did to the brand. Will TLoU go the same route? I'm not saying Part 3 will flop in sales, but there's no way Part 2 isn't going to tarnish the brand to some degree.



It’s a classic sign of bad writing when your characters have to do something they wouldn’t ever do in order for the story to continue.

Joel gives away his identity early on to Abby’s group after decades of caution because the story needs him to do so at that point.

Owen and Abby decide to let Tommy and Ellie live for no good reason (after torturing Joel and hearing Ellie literally scream I AM GOING TO KILL YOU) because the story needs them to do so.

Naughty Dog kicked out a sexist focus group tester for Uncharted 4

So I don't think focus testing matters much for Sony/Naughty Dog.

Love it. If your focus group doesn’t tell you what you want to hear, it’s easier to get a new focus group than to rethink what you’re doing. Brilliant, Neil. Real “Brains = 100” kinda stuff.
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Will be interesting to see people like The Sark and journos defending this game when you do such vile shit like brutally murdering a pregnant woman.

That's by far the most repulsive thing I've ever seen in a video game. Can you imagine if something like this happened in Days Gone?
i actually found the best bit of character building and saddest killing was the dog ...and you actually felt sad because you realise that you killed that dog earlier as Ellie but you have to play with it and watch it do cool shit like attack people
im not sure if that was part of their plan

There is also no way to avoid killing dogs in most of the scenarios
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Ulysses 31

It’s a classic sign of bad writing when your characters have to do something they wouldn’t ever do in order for the story to continue.

Joel gives away his identity early on to Abby’s group after decades of caution because the story needs him to do so at that point.

Owen and Abby decide to let Tommy and Ellie live for no good reason (after torturing Joel and hearing Ellie literally scream I AM GOING TO KILL YOU) because the story needs them to do so.

Love it. If your focus group doesn’t tell you what you want to hear, it’s easier to get a new focus group than to rethink what youre. Brilliant, Neil. Real “Brains = 100” kinda stuff.
To be fair, it was Tommy who started talking about their identity and nearby city. The reason for sparing them is even worse when it turns out they don't want to be the bad guys who hurt innocent people because that's what makes them different. >.>
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