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Angry Joe being accused of sexual harassment

C’mon. Dont do weird al like that. Im thinking more


I know you are said you're done, but have you seen other evidence than is in the OP because i read it all and i dont see what he has done wrong. He bought her drinks all night, and a meal, tried it on, and when she said she's not interested, he basically called her a gold digger. A douche thing to do, but he didnt touch her, he didnt rape her or anything, he didnt do anything illegal except act like a dick when drunk.

Yes, consequences might be abit to much. If he did slam her against a wall, that aint cool. He should apologise for that ofc . But as i said, ill reserve judgement after more evidence.


Gold Member
I just want to add that I think Joe is gonna be just fine. Reputation might be damaged a little bit, but it'll be an easy recovery. The vast majority of reactions I've seen toward this are on Joe's side, and at worse saying he just has shit game.


I just want to add that I think Joe is gonna be just fine. Reputation might be damaged a little bit, but it'll be an easy recovery. The vast majority of reactions I've seen toward this are on Joe's side, and at worse saying he just has shit game.
I hope so. I still feel like he doesn't deserve any "repercussions" regarding anything this woman wrote about, regardless if it's all true or not. I don't watch all his content, but I occasionally check in with him, and he honestly seems like one of the more hard working personalities on the internet. The fools at Giantbomb could learn a thing or two from him regarding work ethic.


I just want to add that I think Joe is gonna be just fine. Reputation might be damaged a little bit, but it'll be an easy recovery. The vast majority of reactions I've seen toward this are on Joe's side, and at worse saying he just has shit game.

If it turns out to be nonsense he probably comes out better even, lots of publicity.


Gold Member
I'm glad he's outright denying it and getting a lawyer involved. A line needs to be drawn in the sand between sexual harassment/assault, and a guy just trying to get some tail. Most women are mature enough to see when a guy is just really awkward and shy, and is saying stupid or creepy shit as a result of being nervous or having no game. Unfortunately there are women out there who can't tell the difference between being weird and being a predator, and years later they're crying "Yeah MeToo! I was also a victim of sexual abuse!"

If anything, women who are actual victims of sexual harassment and abuse should be the ones telling them to shut the fuck up.


It's really up to the person making a claim to provide proof of that claim. That is notoriously hard to do in he said/she said cases. It's one of the reasons that sexual assaults are hard to prove and is a big part of the motivation of movements like 'believe women'.

While I think there's a duty to listen to accusations and to seriously investigate them, I also think it's very dangerous to condemn someone when no objective evidence exists.

I simply asked why just blame someone with no proof and why not wait. And I got perma banned
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I'm sure that feminist furry advisory board twitch has now is going to give him a fair shake/s.
Resetera reopened that topic about him an hour ago and they are still handing out bans for people that suggest the possiblity that the allegations may be false.

I think It's creepy how they post your full ban reason right out there in the topic for everyone to see.
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From the evidence I've seen so far, she's full of shit. The only evidence she has is him calling her a cutie.

He may have said something offensive, but "Harassment?" is a bit of a stretch.
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Dont hit on women a anymore guys, for real. They have gotten so fucking crazy theyll think they just got assualted. If you even say hello to a woman you dont know she thinks your trying to fuck her.

2nd women today will let you know if they want you.

3rd dont hit on anyones woman of you know shes in a relationship.
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I'm sure that feminist furry advisory board twitch has now is going to give him a fair shake/s.
Resetera reopened that topic about him an hour ago and they are still handing out bans for people that suggest the possiblity that the allegations may be false.

I think It's creepy how they post your full ban reason right out there in the topic for everyone to see.
Mods on Resetera when they get threads like this just go on a power trip.



Gold Member
Here's an analogy:

Person A walks up to Person B and punches them in the face without a reason.

Would it be logical or fair to criticize Person B for failing to dodge or block the punch? No.
Except Person A was probably approaching Person B at a rather slow pace, giving weird gestures while spouting nonsensical shit. Person B should be able to say "hey you're a fuckin weirdo, fuck off away from me" and probably go someplace else.
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I read that whole thing, was waiting the entire time where he sexually assaulted or harassed her... it just seemed like an awkward encounter. Why's everything have to be some huge story and everyone outraged?

You can't run into weird/annoying people anymore without it being some huge attack on yourself. I am not a fan of Angry Joe and was excited to see him get some shit, but this is nothing...

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I'm sure that feminist furry advisory board twitch has now is going to give him a fair shake/s.
Resetera reopened that topic about him an hour ago and they are still handing out bans for people that suggest the possiblity that the allegations may be false.

I think It's creepy how they post your full ban reason right out there in the topic for everyone to see.

I learned that the hard way over a year ago. It's amazing how so many people see "accusation" and just automatically assume that it's a fact and not even thinking about the very real possibility that the woman is lying. SMH.

Joe getting a lawyer is a smart move because it's a legal matter and let the lawyers handle it.

Ivory Blood

Was there a recent sale for sexual harassment accusations?
It sure is a coordinated hit on everyone involved. Countless streamers, media personalities, writers etc.

No way they all came out with their allegations in basically one weekend - someone pulled the strings behind the curtain.

edit: Oh and good for Joe to actually stand up for himself and not bend over like Avellone and several others - he is actually fighting not only for his own wellbeing, but also all the others who could be accused of this shit by some attention seeking twitter cunt.
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hemo memo

Gold Member
I don’t like AngryJoe, his attitude this angry persona that everyone is trying to imitate for fame. But this sexual harassment thing is seriously getting out of hand that one time a serious case might occurs and people will be like “ehh ok”

Sexual harassment is a serious offense and this is getting ridiculous.


those guys are retarded beyond imagination.

Guilty until proven innocent. What a fucked up way of thinking.


The more non evidence claims that they throw at the wall the less of them that will stick. They are just watering it down for the women who truly are in bad situation s.


"So I'm telling this guy that I really enjoyed meeting him. I enthusiastically agree to come to every event and party he proposes, even to his hotel room. Not once do I tell him I'm in any way uncomfortable whatsoever. I never mention my boyfriend to him, and in fact tell him I don't have one.

During this entire ordeal, he hasn't tried to touch me whatsoever.

Ah the good old drop the accusation, then fuck off and reflect as the fires burn

Would she have done this if she knew the reaction? Or did she expect a different reaction.

She (and others) have dropped that bomb and leaves without taking any questions

The ones I have is simple, What do you want as an outcome? Do you want him punished... deplatformed?


Gold Member
Was there a recent sale for sexual harassment accusations?
I guess there was another movement wave.

It's just really fucked up. It almost feels like for every couple of unfortunately honest and true cases, there are fake ones that come with it.

I had a discussion with my girlfriend about it recently, and she made me proud as she said, "Man, shit really sucks for guys. Because in situations like this the "victim" could be completely bullshitting, there are people that just run with it and anyone against the woman's word is hateful, shitty, etc. Why can't they just own up to mistakes they make? Like a one night stand that shouldn't have happened?"

This chat came up because an old coworker of mine decided to post on Facebook and accuse another old coworker of mine of rape. When she went on to talk about how it was consensual on both sides, they had both been drinking, etc. So, it sounds like a mistake was made on both sides. You know, a fling that ends in a walk of shame as a result of too much alcohol, etc. But if two people are tipsy and openly consent, that is NOT rape.

If you say drunk consent is not consent, how can anyone tell if both parties are drunk, and consent is given on both sides?!

The dude ended up ghosting her because she wanted more than that, and he didn't. In fact, he thought it was a mistake. After a bit of time he apologized to her that it even happened (because he's not one for one night stands anyway) and they talked about it and everything was fine. That was until she randomly decided she'd go to Facebook to accuse him of rape. It's completely fucked.

Fortunately I don't think anything is going to be happening to him as the girl sounds like she needs some help. Well, and I think people just don't pay attention to her statuses. But it was the closest to home I've seen something like this happen, and it was so incredibly false. It was absolutely disgusting. She still had a ton of mutual connections and some of them were like, "Oh we hear you and believe you.", "I'm deleting him, I don't associate with rapists.", and other similar comments. His job and career could've been absolutely ruined. It's awful.

tl;dr, the world sucks, and so do people. Doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl. Becareful about who you talk to, engage with, have drinks with, etc. Because if you do something they don't like, they can turn everything against you.
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Mainstream media is scared of new media which is user driven. Things like Youtube and Twitch are direct competition, so the need to trash them and delegitimize them. More than ever the media’s legitimacy is in question, which makes them defensive, and the sycophants use this to paint “Youtubers” as all garbage or trash. As if trash people weren’t in legit media as well.


Neighbours from Hell
Would she have done this if she knew the reaction? Or did she expect a different reaction.

She (and others) have dropped that bomb and leaves without taking any questions

The ones I have is simple, What do you want as an outcome? Do you want him punished... deplatformed?
Attention. She wants the dopamine hit of being told by hundreds of people "don't worry sweetie it's ok I'm so sorry..."


I guess there was another movement wave.

It's just really fucked up. It almost feels like for every couple of unfortunately honest and true cases, there are fake ones that come with it.

I had a discussion with my girlfriend about it recently, and she made me proud as she said, "Man, shit really sucks for guys. Because in situations like this the "victim" could be completely bullshitting, there are people that just run with it and anyone against the woman's word is hateful, shitty, etc. Why can't they just own up to mistakes they make? Like a one night stand that shouldn't have happened?"

This chat came up because an old coworker of mine decided to post on Facebook and accuse another old coworker of mine of rape. When she went on to talk about how it was consensual on both sides, they had both been drinking, etc. So, it sounds like a mistake was made on both sides. You know, a fling that ends in a walk of shame as a result of too much alcohol, etc. But if two people are tipsy and openly consent, that is NOT rape.

If you say drunk consent is not consent, how can anyone tell if both parties are drunk, and consent is given on both sides?!

The dude ended up ghosting her because she wanted more than that, and he didn't. In fact, he thought it was a mistake. After a bit of time he apologized to her that it even happened (because he's not one for one night stands anyway) and they talked about it and everything was fine. That was until she randomly decided she'd go to Facebook to accuse him of rape. It's completely fucked.

Fortunately I don't think anything is going to be happening to him as the girl sounds like she needs some help. Well, and I think people just don't pay attention to her statuses. But it was the closest to home I've seen something like this happen, and it was so incredibly false. It was absolutely disgusting. She still had a ton of mutual connections and some of them were like, "Oh we hear you and believe you.", "I'm deleting him, I don't associate with rapists.", and other similar comments. His job and career could've been absolutely ruined. It's awful.

tl;dr, the world sucks, and so do people. Doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl. Becareful about who you talk to, engage with, have drinks with, etc. Because if you do something they don't like, they can turn everything against you.

Yeah there's a current "me too movement/cancellation campaign" on Twitter regarding Pro Wrestlers about shit that *mostly* happened many fucking years ago.
Did some of it happen? Probably. However, this is NOT how you go about "righting a wrong" aka posting about it on social media where the cancel mobs are just drooling to drop their "hot takes"
hoping their Tweet will go viral for a few minutes of feeling important.

Fuck them all.
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Attention. She wants the dopamine hit of being told by hundreds of people "don't worry sweetie it's ok I'm so sorry..."
Maybe but that’s an assumption. She would need to answer that.

Does anyone else realize this type of interaction is what small children do, not adults?

Why run and tell on someone for this? Why was the option to talk to the individual not worth pursuing? Adults should at least be able to confront issues and resolve them, at least attempt it.

And in cases where a crime is committed, you need to go to the police.


Maybe but that’s an assumption. She would need to answer that.

Does anyone else realize this type of interaction is what small children do, not adults?

Why run and tell on someone for this? Why was the option to talk to the individual not worth pursuing? Adults should at least be able to confront issues and resolve them, at least attempt it.

And in cases where a crime is committed, you need to go to the police.

And for this my fellow GAFFER, welcome to a gift of GOLD for one month!


Neighbours from Hell
Maybe but that’s an assumption. She would need to answer that.

Does anyone else realize this type of interaction is what small children do, not adults?

Why run and tell on someone for this? Why was the option to talk to the individual not worth pursuing? Adults should at least be able to confront issues and resolve them, at least attempt it.

And in cases where a crime is committed, you need to go to the police.
It is, but to me it makes the most logical sense. No crime was committed, she even said as much. At worst he was a bit of a douche and at best he was trying to get laid.

There is no logical other motive to write a long ass novel about this other than to grab attention. People typically go to social media for rapes and assaults because they feel no one is taking them seriously and they want to get the word out so they can get justice and help here. That doesn't apply here, so there is no other motivation I can think of logically.

Either that or simply as an act of vengeance because this person held a 2 year grudge on what they perceived was someone being a dick.
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