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Angry Joe being accused of sexual harassment


Tired of seeing this public stuff. If your serious get a lawyer and do it right.

If buddy invites you to shower with him when your expecting to just go for dinner with friends, that's probably a great time to walk away if you don't have the courage to say something.


Unconfirmed Member
I've heard of getting too fat you cant see your penis, but not so fat your cheeks hide your ears

I'm adding that into my insult book, for future reference
That or he had minor ear surgery. No shame in that.



His jacket grew pockets :messenger_open_mouth:


REE: Did you guys read that unverified account of a woman saying AngryJoe harassed her? We should cancel him! Quick, pretend we are his fans and we unfollow him!

AJ: I didn't do anything. I have the receipts.

REE: We still don't believe you because you have a penis!

AJ: Fine, I'll get my lawyer and let's handle this in court.

REE: So you must be guilty! Defending yourself with solid proof is a sign of toxic masculinity. REEEEEEEEE!!!


Tired of seeing this public stuff. If your serious get a lawyer and do it right.

If buddy invites you to shower with him when your expecting to just go for dinner with friends, that's probably a great time to walk away if you don't have the courage to say something.

He made it extremely clear he was sexually interested in her and she continues to hide the fact that she has a boyfriend.

Joe might be a bit of an asshole in the way he handled it but so is she.


I'm no lawyer, but won't it be hard to sue her? Like doesn't he have to prove that he lost out on opportunities because of her defamation or something?

Either way, I'm sure if she gets a letter from a law office about her claims, even if they don't go anywhere, it's enough to scare her from making up bullshit for attention in the future.


I'm no lawyer, but won't it be hard to sue her? Like doesn't he have to prove that he lost out on opportunities because of her defamation or something?

Either way, I'm sure if she gets a letter from a law office about her claims, even if they don't go anywhere, it's enough to scare her from making up bullshit for attention in the future.
Without proof or proper evidence there's not really much that can be done. Because then it's all just one person's word.

aaand how do you know this?
Because her piece reads like a sexual assault or harassment accusation. It's enough for some people to read and accuse Joe without fully reading it. Reading that sounds like the accusations weren't really justified. But it's still enough to potentially damage Joe's career.
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I'm no lawyer, but won't it be hard to sue her? Like doesn't he have to prove that he lost out on opportunities because of her defamation or something?

Either way, I'm sure if she gets a letter from a law office about her claims, even if they don't go anywhere, it's enough to scare her from making up bullshit for attention in the future.

I hope in some way Joe can sue her for this. It will teach these liars about making false accusations.

Mister Wolf

Without proof or proper evidence there's not really much that can be done. Because then it's all just one person's word.

Because her piece reads like a sexual assault or harassment accusation. It's enough for some people to read and accuse Joe without fully reading it. Reading that sounds like the accusations weren't really justified. But it's still enough to potentially damage Joe's career.

On top of labeling him a sexual predator.
AngryJoe and Chris Avellone are rather well known folks involved with gaming. Whether it is directly such as Chris or indirectly such as Joe, this is still gaming related news. If you don't like it, don't click on the thread. You can also ignore it.

That would make too much sense though. Why ignore something when you can keep it bumped up?


Making such accusations carries such a heavy price regardless if true or not. People use Twitter like it's some safe space to throw people under the bus and then sit back and watch the internet mob pounce and attack without even giving it a thought.

This notion that we should believe women first without second guessing is tarnished because of women like this who use such accusations in guise of another agenda, whatever that may be.

Her story was her chance to give the most grueling retelling of her experience with Joe Vargas and even then none of it was terrible. At any point she could have simply called a cab and got the fuck out. He didnt have a gun to her head, she wasn't drugged, according to her story he made no threats towards her.

Shut the fuck up, take accountability for yourself. You had a boyfriend and went around town with a high profile youtube personality to boost your ego and now saw a chance to pounce while the cancel culture is hot and there's plenty of fucking morons who will buy your bs to make you feel vindicated.

I'm glad Joe is fighting this, as he should. I hope he has substantial evidence to put this shit to bed and give those who actually need to come forward the confidence to do so without seeing what a fucking charade it can be cause people use these accusations as a tool of destruction rather than justice.
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This is becoming an hourly thing in the past 24 hours.

I read the article, and I'm sorry, but I just want to say grow the fuck up to this person. Sounds like she was uncomfortable because he was coming on to her, and she had a boyfriend. Ooooh no, first of all, having a boyfriend doesn't mean shit, people cheat all the damn time. Or so many "strong independent" women like to proclaim they're poly because they won't be tied down to one person. Then we got people like this woman who think men everyone should know you're off limits because you have a boyfriend? What is this, middle school? If 2 people couldn't get together because one of them was already in a relationship, I would've never been born.

That's a lame sexual harassment claim. HOWEVER! That's lame and ungentlemen like of Joe. I would never push a woman to be with me. I have too much pride for that.
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Neo Member
I don’t like AngryJoe, his attitude this angry persona that everyone is trying to imitate for fame. But this sexual harassment thing is seriously getting out of hand that one time a serious case might occurs and people will be like “ehh ok”

Sexual harassment is a serious offense and this is getting ridiculous.

Bet he changes his tune if he gets accused.

Guilty until proven innocent. What a fucked up way of thinking.


I recall when Ninja mentioned not wanting to stream with female streamers and Reee jumped all over him.


All men should NEVER be alone with a female unless there's cameras around or its your wife, even then keep your hands in your pockets.


I'm no lawyer, but won't it be hard to sue her? Like doesn't he have to prove that he lost out on opportunities because of her defamation or something?

All it takes is for him to show a measurable loss in followers/subs as of the date of the accusation(s). Not to mention certain advertisers he might be signed up with
that end up dropping him over this. It hurts his reputation and wallet.
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Here's an analogy:

Person A walks up to Person B and punches them in the face without a reason.

Would it be logical or fair to criticize Person B for failing to dodge or block the punch? No.

How is this a proper analogy. Punching someone in the face is assault. It's against the law to assault anyone therefore the victim of an assault can never be criticized for failing to mitigate the assault.


WOW, look at this turd from Resetera:

That "poor woman" tried to ruins his life! WTF. She is NOT the victim, HE is.

Ffs, burn that forum to the ground pls, someone.
That's another typical reaction. "If you have proof go to the police" is a threat to them. "She is lying and I'm layering up" is a threat.

If you point out that he said the accuser was lying, then you're part of the problem and you should believe all women.

The acceptable answer to the mob is along the lines of him tweeting "I'm sorry" to a potential crazy person set to destroy him, which by the way automatically means "I'm guilty of everything you said and anything that anyone else claims".

In which case he is fucked, and gets a permanent mark of being a sexual predator (or worse), "don't buy their games or games they are involved in any capacity" warnings along with exaggerations ("he said it was all true", "many have come forward") and misinformation ("he is a rapist", "he is also a Nazi").

Whatever Avellone did in his case, it was a mistake engaging with her on twitter. It is so easy to see that considering this already happened to others in the gaming and other industries. Partners and companies rushed to cut all ties with him.

This is all happening right now in parallel to Joe's situation by the way. It's not something hypothetical or theoretical.

I hope Joe's lawyering up actually counters somewhat this insanity of throwing mud to see if it sticks on twitter.

It's also the proper process to follow. If you have been assaulted or otherwise harmed, suspecting that others were also attacked or harmed in the same way by the same perp, find a lawyer for your case, go to the police. There is a reason for due process, and that's because the other way does not fucking work and is the way of the jungle or witch hunts.


Just a little update on this issue at the start of the video:

I'm glad to see he's gonna keep working. Part of what makes this cancel culture such bull shit, is that it scares so many people from just doing their job. No one has the right to do that shit, but these people think they do.


I hope so. I still feel like he doesn't deserve any "repercussions" regarding anything this woman wrote about, regardless if it's all true or not. I don't watch all his content, but I occasionally check in with him, and he honestly seems like one of the more hard working personalities on the internet. The fools at Giantbomb could learn a thing or two from him regarding work ethic.
I loved his Ride to Hell Retribution review. His best work, imo. Also shows his stance on sexists, ironically.
Ah the good old drop the accusation, then fuck off and reflect as the fires burn

She should write a book about it.

"How I was hit on by a socially awkward nerd.

The Story of a Survivor."


I'm no lawyer, but won't it be hard to sue her? Like doesn't he have to prove that he lost out on opportunities because of her defamation or something?

Either way, I'm sure if she gets a letter from a law office about her claims, even if they don't go anywhere, it's enough to scare her from making up bullshit for attention in the future.
It wouldn't be hard to sue her (I've seen the article, and evidence are too weak). It's questionable if he is able to get any compensation if that was a false accusations.

But it will definitely be quite hard to gain back some of the goodwill loss, due to the time it requires for you to set up your proof and receipts)

I don't care about Joe, if it's real, I hope he really gets it.

But I also wouldn't want anyone to get away with making such a serious false accusations. And half of the internet is already believing her and BELIEVES that even without proof, she must be right and he is an ass.

Like I said in previous post, even if you are the one punched, robbed, assaulted etc, when it comes for you to make the accusations, you must be the one providing proof. It's like that for all crimes.


Oh, she don fucked up now

From her original post: ' I only wish I had done so sooner and apologize to anyone he may have assaulted since April 7th, 2018.'

Later 'I never said he assaulted me, I said his actions were predatory because there were.'

Ahh i see, he never assulated you, but you think he assaulted others...... any proof of that..?No.. ?

Joe, sue her!


I swear, if this somehow messes with my getting Street Fighter The Board Game because of unproven accusations... I don't know what I'd do, I guess I'd just have to deal with it.
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Story seems off, wasn't Joe going out with some Swedish chick or something back then and was featured in his Ghostbusters review. Even before that he was with someone else in that convention video when he was recording with a 3D camera. Dude always seems to have a new girlfriend every year out of left field so it's not like he would be super desperate for one person. Also who the hell is little Joe? Anybody that is a fan of Angry Joe knows it's Other Joe.

No matter how much Joe will try to defend himself he is already cancelled on the other site lol.
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