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Halo Infinite delayed to 2021, Series X still launching November

Xbox Series X Launches this November with Thousands of Games Spanning Four Generations

We have plenty to keep you busy until Chief arrives: There will be thousands of games to play, spanning four generations, when Xbox Series X launches globally this November and over 100 optimized for Xbox Series X titles,

It's ok. You can buy our new system play our old games instead. That's some interesting marketing.
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I must say, if the Xbox One was Microsoft's equivalent of the Sega Saturn, the Series X is looking very much like the Dreamcast. Fantastic hardware with less games than the Dreamcast. If the gap is 3:1 or 4:1 after the first year, does microsoft just bow out?
Thanks to gamepass and xcloud they are pretty much positioned for that if push comes to shove.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Real question here is -- Does this release enough pressure on Sony for them to feel comfortable delaying the launch-release of some PS5 games, like Miles Morales? Would be sad, but I can see it happening. Afterall, if your competitor has ZERO in terms of software, what do you really need to compete?


i think its more of one thing everyone seems to have forgotten,, Cyberpunk was releasing the same week. That game was DOA no matter what you may think. It will be flavor of the week maybe but no one outside the few care.


Real question here is -- Does this release enough pressure on Sony for them to feel comfortable delaying the launch-release of some PS5 games, like Miles Morales? Would be sad, but I can see it happening. Afterall, if your competitor has ZERO in terms of software, what do you really need to compete?
You don't sub out the starters before the game starts.


Well good luck to the studio, i hope for their sakes they manage to deliver.

Serious ramifications if they don't and to be far probably if they do.



This quote needs to die. Maybe a delayed Miyamoto game is eventually good, but that doesn't hold true for the rest of the industry.

We've seen plenty of examples of games that were clearly in development hell that got delayed and still came out mediocre or worse.

Also, this quote comes from a time before patches.


Real question here is -- Does this release enough pressure on Sony for them to feel comfortable delaying the launch-release of some PS5 games, like Miles Morales? Would be sad, but I can see it happening. Afterall, if your competitor has ZERO in terms of software, what do you really need to compete?
Now would be a good time to go for the jugular.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Real question here is -- Does this release enough pressure on Sony for them to feel comfortable delaying the launch-release of some PS5 games, like Miles Morales? Would be sad, but I can see it happening. Afterall, if your competitor has ZERO in terms of software, what do you really need to compete?

I'm sure Spider-Man MM is ready for launch. They can take advantage of this delay and have the game as a major selling point.


delaying to have a chance at a better game is never a bad news imo.
but it sucks too
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Gold Member
343: ...shows Infinite
GAF: "This game absolutely needs to be delayed. Launching without RT? What are they thinking. They won't be able to fix visuals in 4 months"
343: ...delays Infinite to 2021
GAF: "What the fuck?" XsX is dead on arrival without Infinite. What are they thinking?"


Nobody is saying this. People are just commenting on the facts of the matter (how this impacts the launch lineup on the Series X/S).

But this is a good thing for Halo Infinite. At least they recognise how bad it is (even if some fans refused to), so now people can be hopeful again that it will be good.
if Microsoft doesn't fucking close 343i already after this disaster of a game I really don't know wtf they're doing.

let them ship it and close the studio, give the franchise to someone that isn't a complete failure

This won't work either. This shitshow is MS' fault for farming out their biggest i.p to a mediocre studio and trying to con the casuals with 'it's got Halo on the box cover its still the same'. Imagine Sony giving TLOU to a mediocre studio and expecting things to carry on as normal.

Added to that, the franchise is extremely tired at this point. It needs to go on prolonged hiatus.


Yikes. From my perspective, Halo: Infinite might've been the one reason (provided it was better than what they showed) to pick up a launch XsX.

Now there's..... playing the newest Assassin's Creed game in... slightly higher resolution?

For me Cyberpunk is the only big game for the end of the year.
I’ll play other games (AC, yakuza 7, Spider-Man) but they won’t be as ambitious cyberpunk.

i am glad we’ll have some series X patch for Gears 5 and forza horizon 4 and hopefully for TLOU 2 and GOT on PS5.


Nobody is saying this. People are just commenting on the facts of the matter (how this impacts the launch lineup on the Series X/S).

But this is a good thing for Halo Infinite. At least they recognise how bad it is (even if some fans refused to), so now people can be hopeful again that it will be good.
What? I just read first two pages of thread and it is full of that shit :messenger_winking:


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
343: ...shows Infinite
GAF: "This game absolutely needs to be delayed. Launching without RT? What are they thinking. They won't be able to fix visuals in 4 months"
343: ...delays Infinite to 2021
GAF: "What the fuck?" XsX is dead on arrival without Infinite. What are they thinking?"


Damned if you do damned if you dont.



It's a convenient excuse, but the reality is 343i has been exposed by the Reddit threads and other leaks exposing Halo's disastrous development. Covid-19 is just the bullshit to try to cover the cracks. They've had five years ffs.

Agree 100%. It's easy to blame a virus for the last 6 months. Sure, I can agree with that. It would make sense if the game hasn't been in dev for 5+ years.

Mr Moose

This quote needs to die. Maybe a delayed Miyamoto game is eventually good, but that doesn't hold true for the rest of the industry.

We've seen plenty of examples of games that were clearly in development hell that got delayed and still came out mediocre or worse.

Also, this quote comes from a time before patches.
I posted it as a joke but this game needed delaying.


i think its more of one thing everyone seems to have forgotten,, Cyberpunk was releasing the same week. That game was DOA no matter what you may think. It will be flavor of the week maybe but no one outside the few care.

Promoting Cyberpunk as the big game for xbox one does seem like a great idea but thinking about all the changes to marketing for the launch of the system seems like a nightmare.


Now there will be no excuses. Phil said months ago on IGN that he wasn't tying down the console launch to one game including Halo Infinite.
How fucking hard can it be to make a Halo game? Why is every mainline game a disaster behind the scenes?
Why can't they just pull a Crysis 3 and make some big-ass sandbox levels in under 24 months, throw in some enemies and call it a day?


Rodent Whores
That sucks. Hopefully the team gets it right. Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Cyberpunk 2077, this year hasn't been good for punctuality.

Would love to see PlayStation tweet something along the lines of 'Miles Morales available at launch in November with the PS5' rn, the same way Greenberg and Xbox always tweet something about Teh World's Most Powerful Console everytime some new PS5 info is put out in to the ether.
I'd like to think the social media managers at Sony are above that kind of petty crap. "World's Most Powerful Console" is also a harmless phrase and you don't need to be annoyed by it.


Microsoft said before that games are more likely going to be delayed than the actual console. I don’t do game development but I’m assuming there’s advantages in being able to walk a few steps to show colleagues a build of your game or artwork versus sending them a compiled copy or recording a high fidelity video. Developers might not have the same Productivity equipment at home as they do at work. At my company people aren’t allowed to bring their Multiple work monitors, keyboard and mice home for their laptops And people complain about it because they say it’s harder to be as productive. Developers might not be able to take home dev kits as well.

Halo isn’t the only game getting delayed this year. Both Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog delayed their game’s Essentially saying it’s harder developing during Covid.

You also don’t need to launch with a big game. People will just buy new consoles for Games like NBA or COD. Like they did for the PS4/Xbox one launch. Most console launch owners probbaly didn’t buy Killzone, knack, ryse or dead rising 3.

Halo Infinite was never a reason to buy an Xbox series x. Since it’s also an Xbox one and PC game.


I don't think the game looked nearly as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. That being said, putting it in the oven longer is gonna do more good for it than harm. It's sad that their biggest first party title is delayed, but I'm sure they'll get by with their fan base, other releases, and game pass.
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What is the problem with the main game of SX, of the biggest franchise of MS to have graphics and x360 and end up being postponed?

This is what happens when the xbox consumer is more interested in talking shit about the PS5 based on fake rumor than demanding professionalism from the company that he licks the balls

Mmmmm that true plastic toy warrior nonsense


Best move possible. I think they really didn't expect the backslash the gameplay reveal received, they thought people will be killing each other to stand in the queue for next-gen Halo, but instead they got tons of Craig memes and questions abut 343's talent.


343: ...shows Infinite
GAF: "This game absolutely needs to be delayed. Launching without RT? What are they thinking. They won't be able to fix visuals in 4 months"
343: ...delays Infinite to 2021
GAF: "What the fuck?" XsX is dead on arrival without Infinite. What are they thinking?"


Well you either get a broken game at launch or a broken launch of the new xbox. Take your pick.
Jesus wept, these consoles have become a joke. This was the only thing I was looking forward to this year after it was confirmed no ratchet or horizon at launch.

What now? Patches for a higher res Cyberpunk and Valhalla? Seriously?

I've zero interest in a shitty looking not-spiderman DLC. But I've gotta sell my ps4 PRO soon while it retains some value.

How can both companies KNOW they're going for a 2020 release and not have absolute kiloton nuke software ready to drop? How do you fuck up that badly?


Real question here is -- Does this release enough pressure on Sony for them to feel comfortable delaying the launch-release of some PS5 games, like Miles Morales? Would be sad, but I can see it happening. Afterall, if your competitor has ZERO in terms of software, what do you really need to compete?

Does Sony have anything besides MM for launch?
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