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Microsoft acquires Zenimax/Bethesda

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“I don’t even play any of those games stupid move by Microsoft ”

but on a real note, most if not all of the new games will be on pc. And there’s absolutely nothing stopping any of you from buying a Series S to play these exclusives besides your own personal bias. I sure as hell play Sony exclusives when I see one I like.

exclusivity only affects the gamers who want to be exclusive to a system.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I meant you dont have to convince everyone right away, but after the 2nd or 3d game?...I figured that would be obvious but I apologize it wasnt....and selling to a competitor isnt making MS as much money as selling into their own ecosystem.

No, of course it won't, but you're also not going to convince every single person who would have bought the game on Playstation to now buy an entirely new platform for one or two games. It's a balancing act.

Normies are going to react to this news very slowly. Many of them won't realise the implications of this for a long time.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Huge. If MS make these games Xbox console exclusive then it would be even bigger.

7.5B is a absolutely massive investment. Could absolutely see a Gamepass increase coming soon.


Hahahaha I have to laugh. Well fucking done Microsoft. This is not just a message but also a nuclear bomb. Microsoft is not messing around. And tomorrow I will buy myself the Xbox Series X. The most powerful console in the world. Gone are the days of Sony trolls telling Xbox gamers for not having enough first party games :messenger_beaming::messenger_savoring::messenger_sunglasses:
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Man this dude is losing his shit. Calm down buddy. Relax. Play the games when they come out. Have a juice box. There there.

He definitely needs to relax. I doubt Sony is scared of this. Microsoft has basically spent 7.5 billion on past games. Yeah, the library is impressive, but it doesn't mean jack shit if they can't produce amazing future games.

Besides, series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Starfield will obviously still come to the PS5.... it just means we won't get it free like the Xbox players will.


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
He's just guessing. Series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Starfield are obviously going to be sold on all the platforms. Wouldn't make much business sense otherwise. Now, the smaller Bethesda games may go Xbox exclusive, but there's no way in hell they make the bigger ones exclusive.

Besides, Hines and Howard have basically confirmed they're still going to publish their own games and make their games available for everyone. Microsoft has basically bought Bethesda for its library and for their Game Pass (meaning, it's a more compelling reason to get future Bethesda titles for free on Game Pass). PS5 and Switch players will have to fork out $70 for their future games..... Xbox players won't.
Dont know what business class you took but it actually makes more sense in the grand scheme to not release the bigger games beyond contractual obligations like TES VI/Starfield on other platforms. They wont get into your services if its not in their platform.


He's just guessing. Series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Starfield are obviously going to be sold on all the platforms. Wouldn't make much business sense otherwise. Now, the smaller Bethesda games may go Xbox exclusive, but there's no way in hell they make the bigger ones exclusive.

Besides, Hines and Howard have basically confirmed they're still going to publish their own games and make their games available for everyone. Microsoft has basically bought Bethesda for its library and for their Game Pass (meaning, it's a more compelling reason to get future Bethesda titles for free on Game Pass). PS5 and Switch players will have to fork out $70 for their future games..... Xbox players won't.
No, I'm willing to bet Starfield won't come to PS5 , nor will Fallout and Elder Scrolls and so on and so on. You don't know. I don't know. But I'm pretty sure and I'd put money on it. "Case by case" is just an out for MS.
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Have you seen What Sony first post studios made this gen compared to MS?? Lol they will be fine

avatar bet Sony kills them in sales and quality titles aka metacritic scores

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, the iconic franchises are stacked on the MS side, this will be a cakewalk for next generation.

The Shooter genre side alone is just an evisceration of Sony, who doesn't have a single game let alone imagine thinking you got something that can compete with Doom, Halo, and Gears. Same could be said for RPG's(Fallout, TES, Starfield, Fabel, and Avowed) and Racing(Horizon, Motorsport) all Sony got is movie experiences. And that is before we even touch MP games which is nonexisting on Sony 1st party titles.

Xbox is curb stumping Sony next-generation and its not going to be pretty.


No, of course it won't, but you're also not going to convince every single person who would have bought the game on Playstation to now buy an entirely new platform for one or two games. It's a balancing act.

Normies are going to react to this news very slowly. Many of them won't realise the implications of this for a long time.

Mindshare is huge...look at how many people are now saying well I guess I need to buy an xbox now too...thats why MS does something huge like this, you never have to convince everyone especially when there are people who just refuse to diversify their gaming habits...but when the conversation is no longer about how bad MS is getting crushed next gen then thats worth the price of buying an entire publisher. Fallout and ES fans will probably buy an xbox...maybe some of them wont.. doesnt matter the announcement alone has a big impact on the perception of xbox's future.
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Nope, not worried. They have 23 studios now. Plenty of talent to work on smaller GP style games while the big boys let the good stuff simmer to perfection.
It took 12 years from doom 3 to doom 2016. It's been nearly a decade since the last elder scrolls. These aren't simmering. They're charred and burned.


At least we will see quicker turnout of some titles now and hopefully less bugs. Good for Microsoft, it's a monster acquisition.


For the Sony fans asking: buying new first party studios to increase your first party lineup is different than buying timed exclusivity on third party games.

How else were they expected to fight Sony on their level? Fight fire with fire.

Here's how you get [Sony]. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That's the [console] way...


Dont know what business class you took but it actually makes more sense in the grand scheme to not release the bigger games beyond contractual obligations like TES VI/Starfield on other platforms. They wont get into your services if its not in their platform.

I always find this logic so funny, because they never make that sort of "logical thinking" for Sony 1st party titles, but only Xbox titles, because they did it with ONE(1) game in Minecraft.

Denial and delusion is their only coping mechanism now.


Gold Member
Responding to my statement that Todd's remarks don't rule out exclusivity and are more likely an echo of MS's "Play Anywhere" philosophy:

If that was the case why spend all that money to not shout from the roof tops that the games will be exclusive to the xbox ecosystem.

I think there are going to obvious advantages to the acquisition like timed / exclusive content but Microsoft isn’t going to cut off a chunk of its customers with full exclusivity.

I don't think they have to shout it from the rooftops. I think they're in charge, and they can take their time with announcements.

Consider, MS has spent the entirety of this generation getting hammered for having a weak exclusive lineup. They're getting hammered for it now as we enter the next generation. It has been hurting them for years, and it's hurting them still. It is their major shortcoming. They have hardware and value sewn up pretty well, but they have badly lacked exclusive content.

It makes no sense to me, to believe that MS will not capitalize on this by making Starfield and Elder Scrolls exclusive. They've spent far too much money to make this happen. They don't put Halo or Gears on other platforms, just because they can sell more copies.

They badly NEED exclusive content. That is what this acquisition was about. Yes, they'll honor the Deathloop and Tokyo Ghostwire contracts, because those are current and in place. Starfield would not have publishing contracts set up yet -- it's probably 2 or 3 years away still. Elder Scrolls wouldn't, either -- that may be 4 or 5 years away, who knows.

Obviously, I don't know for sure what MS will do with these franchises. Phil said it would be "case by case." To me, it would make no business sense to sacrifice exclusivity to Playstation, when that is absolutely your biggest shortcoming, relative to Playstation.

As I say, they've been getting hammered on this issue for nearly this entire generation, and they're still getting hammered on it as next gen starts. Phil and MS aren't idiots -- they hear the criticism. They know what people have been banging down the door for, for years and years. "Hey, Phil, how about some damn exclusives!" There's no way MS is going to spend billions, only to let these games remain multiplatform. Just doesn't make sense to me.
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Wow. Amazing. Well done team green. This is the power of MS. Sony could never do something this big. Will buy Xbox if they reboot Quake

Lokaum D+

the problem is this " all Sony got is movie experiences " sells a lot
Yeah, keep telling yourself that, the iconic franchises are stacked on the MS side, this will be a cakewalk for next generation.

The Shooter genre side alone is just an evisceration of Sony, who doesn't have a single game let alone imagine thinking you got something that can compete with Doom, Halo, and Gears. Same could be said for RPG's(Fallout, TES, Starfield, Fabel, and Avowed) and Racing(Horizon, Motorsport) all Sony got is movie experiences. And that is before we even touch MP games which is nonexisting on Sony 1st party titles.

Xbox is curb stumping Sony next-generation and its not going to be pretty.

The problem with this "all Sony got is movie experiences" is that sells a lot


if u really believe that MS ll stomp Sony cause Bathesda, ow boy this ll be a fun gen


Gold Member
Hahahaha I have to laugh. Well fucking done Microsoft. This is not just a message but also a nuclear bomb. Microsoft is not messing around. And tomorrow I will buy myself the Xbox Series X. The most powerful console in the world. Gone are the days of Sony trolls telling Xbox gamers for not having enough first party games :messenger_beaming::messenger_savoring::messenger_sunglasses:
That's why in business school and real life work at the office, some prof or manager will always bring up don't get too cocky or else you'll wake the sleeping giant.

Sony has been dicking around with time exclusives and buying studios for decades, and lately exclusive content seems to be increasing.

People don't remember that future Tomb Raider games during the 32 bit era were deals done with Eidos, and Sony ponied up and bought out Psygnosis which at the time was a multiplat studio with Saturn, PC and Amiga games. I think that's what became Studio Liverpool.

MS doesn't seem to be playing around anymore as Nadella seems to be green lighting Xbox requests for cash and hardware development and gobbling up studios like Sony was during the PS3 era.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Fallout 4 is on PS+ Collection. This is probably more of a Minecraft type deal. They’ll probably not make a games like the next Fallout or ES exclusive to Xbox. It wouldn’t make financial sense.

So... Exclusive Playstation games makes financial sense for Sony. But Microsoft (and pc) exclusives doesn't make sense.

Can you elobarote how you went to that conclusion?

Just curious, I needed more salt for my food so I'm asking kindly.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Mindshare is huge...look at how many people are now saying well I guess I need to buy an xbox now too...thats why MS does something huge like this, you never have to convince everyone especially when there are people who just refuse to diversify their gaming habits...but when the conversation is no longer about how bad MS is getting crushed next gen then thats worth the price of buying an entire publisher. Fallout and ES fans will probably buy an xbox...maybe some fo them wont.. doesnt matter the announcement alone has a big impact on the perception of xbox's future.

Yeah, people on gaming forums. That's not the mass market. People on NeoGAF in no way reflect reality. Like I said, plenty of people will now simply go buy an Xbox in ~4 years if TES6 is indeed exclusive, probably for something crazy cheap like $200. But if there's something like 75,000,000 PS5 owners by that point, which is a very real possibility, you risk actually making less money overall by not simply allowing all those people to buy the big game.

What $50 price drop?

There isn't one, miraculously some people here actually believed a random two line 4chan post.


I think you just dont "meditate carefully" to spend that much money if you are not panicking...

I mean, that's one way to tell the thread you don't understand how corporations work.

But hey, tell us more about how billion dollars deals are just hastily thrown together over a few beers.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
This makes me feel really good about the future of Xbox. They obviously aren't playing around anymore.


That's what you call a desperation move... They knew they were going to get destroyed this gen yet again, and the had to spend 7.5 Billion dollars to acquire fake exclusives to even have a chance at not getting decimated this gen in terms of sales.

Sad part , they're never getting that money back, especially not with a Game Pass subscription getting them a fraction of the cash they would have gotten from selling all of these games full price... Then again I don't think they care, they have alot of money and they only want to get people on board their game pass subscription in mass so they can end up jacking up the price in a couple of years since it's frankly not a sustainable system to begin with in it's current iteration. Just can't wait for PPL to all jump into the game pass thing only to slowly get tricked into paying more and more per month as years go by, and in the end pay more per year that they would have paid by simply buying the couple of games they really wanted to play.

Holy shit I’m screen capping this for posterity 😂

Edit: what made this even better is that I read your post in Marvin’s voice 😂


Really though, there’s no need to be upset.
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Yeah, people on gaming forums. That's not the mass market. People on NeoGAF in no way reflect reality. Like I said, plenty of people will now simply go buy an Xbox in ~4 years if TES6 is indeed exclusive, probably for something crazy cheap like $200. But if there's something like 75,000,000 PS5 owners by that point, which is a very real possibility, you risk actually making less money overall by not simply allowing all those people to buy the big game.

You make this news today, the day before pre-orders start...so in 4 years you're NOT losing 2 /1 against PS5. If you are then you failed and this business decision was a bad one .
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I could definitely see future entries releasing on PS5/PS6 while XBox is lead platform, has exclusive DLC (or timed), marketing rights (obviously)...


I've never been a fan of Bethesda games cause of the jank. But if MS' technical expertise can help make them solid, then hell yes I'm on board. Not that it matters since I'm on PC and would have had access to them anyway.
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