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Microsoft acquires Zenimax/Bethesda

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Dont know what business class you took but it actually makes more sense in the grand scheme to not release the bigger games beyond contractual obligations like TES VI/Starfield on other platforms. They wont get into your services if its not in their platform.

Huh? Starfield and the Elder Scrolls 6 is years away from coming out, so they can't use that as a selling point. By the time those games come out, the PS5 will have sold way more consoles than the new Xbox. They're really going to limit its sales by just making it an Xbox exclusive? They can't bank on future Fallout, Elder Scrolls and Starfield series games to be good, or even well received. At least if they sell it on all platforms, they have more of a chance of making a profit. That's why it makes sense to sell their biggest franchises on all the platforms.
I doubt Xbox will make these games exclusive, they will just do exactly what they did with cuphead and minecraft

But I think they will make them available day one on games pass which would still be a gut punch to sony


Dishonored? Prey? Doom? They are not only Skyrim. And I loved Skyrim.
Prey and dishonored are pretty much gone due to low sales. Doom is out of ideas.

I want nothing more than prey 2 . Prey took me back when fps were at their height with halflife sytemshcok etc.

But i am affraid it will never happen


Even if a few of MS's new IPs make it onto the PS5, Sony fans will be coughing up €80 to own a port of a game free on, and designed for, Game Pass.

Most of them will remain exclusive though, anyway.

Bro, the money isn't going into your personal pocket.

Unless.... Phil?


I mean, that's one way to tell the thread you don't understand how corporations work.

But hey, tell us more about how billion dollars deals are just hastily thrown together over a few beers.
So you think one just wakes up and says 'hey, what about spending 7.5 billions today'??

Do you really think they made it for nothing??


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Huh? Starfield and the Elder Scrolls 6 is years away from coming out, so they can't use that as a selling point. By the time those games come out, the PS5 will have sold way more consoles than the new Xbox. They're really going to limit its sales by just making it an Xbox exclusive? They can't bank on future Fallout, Elder Scrolls and Starfield series games to be good, or even well received. At least if they sell it on all platforms, they have more of a chance of making a profit. That's why it makes sense to sell their biggest franchises on all the platforms.
By that logic all XGS games(including hits like Sea of Theives, Flight Simulator and upcoming games) will sell more on PS5. Thats not how business works. They would want the Bethesda fans to switch their platform and services. Its business 101.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Eventually people gonna have to get Xbox if they want to play it on consoles. It'll take time but this will dwindle PS5 marketshare no doubt about it.

You may be right. So paying for exclusives are okay now? Because 15 years ago it was okay. 10 years ago it was okay. 5 years ago it was okay, but for some odd reason it wasn't okay earlier this year. So is it okay again?

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that, the iconic franchises are stacked on the MS side, this will be a cakewalk for next generation.

The Shooter genre side alone is just an evisceration of Sony, who doesn't have a single game let alone imagine thinking you got something that can compete with Doom, Halo, and Gears. Same could be said for RPG's(Fallout, TES, Starfield, Fabel, and Avowed) and Racing(Horizon, Motorsport) all Sony got is movie experiences. And that is before we even touch MP games which is nonexisting on Sony 1st party titles.

Xbox is curb stumping Sony next-generation and its not going to be pretty.
You're confident, how about an avatar bet then that sony outsells ms and has bettyer quality titles in the first 4 years of this generation


Not sure.

ow well 🙂 I think it’s a fantastic move and GREAT for Xbox!

I want this, give me reasons to buy a Xbox.

The next Fable, the next Obsidion project and Bethesda’s games = I’m finally convinced and will buy a Xbox down the line.
No players? Getting them offering "free" AAA games.

No devs? Well, lets see what more we have in the bank...

What a disgusting panicking measure.

Yep, one of the biggest companies in the world built up over decades just made a stupid decision because somebody on the internet said so (roll eyes)


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
You make this news today, the day before pre-orders start...so in 4 years you're NOT losing 2 /1 against PS5. If you are then you failed and this business decision was a bad one .

This one acquisition isn't going to prevent Sony from outselling MS next generation. If it's going to happen, it's going to a combination of many factors, potentially including bad decisions on Sony's side. The world is growing, Xbox can still be doing great in 4 years even if Sony are too. It's probably gonna be a closer rather than last time because MS had such an awful start back then.
For the Sony fans asking: buying new first party studios to increase your first party lineup is different than buying timed exclusivity on third party games.

How else were they expected to fight Sony on their level? Fight fire with fire.

Like bringing a knife to a gunfight


Being salty won't change the news bro. I bet you were all excited when Spider man was added to the Playstation version of Avengers. This is kind of a bigger deal. So you relax. Have some crow.

I don't really care about Spider-man. This thread is filled with diehard fans having imaginary conversations with some Sony enemy they have in mind. I do prefer PlayStation, but I'm not your enemy. Weird behaviour is weird, though.

Edit: Wait, I didn't even realize you were talking about Avengers. I super don't care about that, lol.
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He definitely needs to relax. I doubt Sony is scared of this. Microsoft has basically spent 7.5 billion on past games. Yeah, the library is impressive, but it doesn't mean jack shit if they can't produce amazing future games.

Besides, series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Starfield will obviously still come to the PS5.... it just means we won't get it free like the Xbox players will.
Satya Nadella signs the checks and Aliadere25 decides of the strategy. GAF is undefeated.
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That's why in business school and real life work at the office, some prof or manager will always bring up don't get too cocky or else you'll wake the sleeping giant.

Sony has been dicking around with time exclusives and buying studios for decades, and lately exclusive content seems to be increasing.

People don't remember that future Tomb Raider games during the 32 bit era were deals done with Eidos, and Sony ponied up and bought out Psygnosis which at the time was a multiplat studio with Saturn, PC and Amiga games. I think that's what became Studio Liverpool.

MS doesn't seem to be playing around anymore as Nadella seems to be green lighting Xbox requests for cash and hardware development and gobbling up studios like Sony was during the PS3 era.
You can see it in this community as well. There are some brand trolls around here, who are crying themselves in bed now; because A their console is just 10TF, and not even consistently, and B the only arguments they had against Microsoft gamers was the oh so "important" first party games. Guess what, they both are second place now. :pie_roffles:
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Dr Kaneda

If MS is in a healthy or even dominate position next gen then I can't see them ever releasing these games on PS5. Wouldn't make sense to give up that kind of leverage. But if they're a distant 2nd/3rd then as others have said I could see a Cuphead type situation where the games get released but only years down the line.
You can’t be this obtuse look at the studios they just brought in forget about the IPs which are all big and GOTY contenders. Those studios can now all work on new IPs and other things with Microsoft financial backing. Not to mention these are games with single player components to them something people claim they’re lacking.

Do not forget about id tech/software is included as well


So you think one just wakes up and says 'hey, what about spending 7.5 billions today'??

No, that's what you are saying, dummy. I'm saying the opposite. It's carefully considered, well planned move that went through several levels of approval and analysis across varying levels of management that was probably months in the making. That's not desperation.

That's strategy.


Changes nothing.

If MS is in a healthy or even dominate position next gen then I can't see them ever releasing these games on PS5. Wouldn't make sense to give up that kind of leverage. But if they're a distant 2nd/3rd then as others have said I could see a Cuphead type situation where the games get released but only years down the line.

Cuphead has never been a Microsoft ip, or property, neither does Below, or Ori, but at least Ori was published by Microsoft Game Studios


Gold Member
Very unexpected news. Honestly, good for both Bethesda and Microsoft. It's definitely a power play, and Bethesda has seemed a bit directionless lately so I'm hoping this offers them some more focused leadership. Could really improve the direction of their future projects. So long as everything still comes to PC like it has been for Xbox titles, I think this is fine.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Imagine this:

Sony "we have an exclusive spider-man in The Avengers game"

Microsoft : "we have exclusive elder scrolls 6 and Fallout 5".

Meanwhile pc gamers are laughing and rejoicing on all the console players saying pc has no games, while getting a big chunk of sonys games and all xbox games.
"However, Microsoft has confirmed all new Bethesda and Zenimax games will join Xbox Game Pass for console and PC. Whether they come to PlayStation 5 or not, the suggestion here is clear - these games will be included at launch on Xbox Game Pass, or will likely be $70 a pop if and when they turn up on PS5."


Can't believe some people are still dismissive of Microsoft's bold move. This is Bethesda they just bought. Owners of Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Doom and Wolfenstein. Those are some of the most beloved franchises in gaming. Even with Bethesda being idiots in recent years doesn't erase the fact that they have one hell of a portfolio of gaming IPs.

My only hope is that Bethesda finally get their act together with Microsoft overseeing them.


This one acquisition isn't going to prevent Sony from outselling MS next generation. If it's going to happen, it's going to a combination of many factors, potentially including bad decisions on Sony's side. The world is growing, Xbox can still be doing great in 4 years even if Sony are too. It's probably gonna be a closer rather than last time because MS had such an awful start back then.

yeah definitely ...last gen was a disaster for MS and all they could do is claw their way back as much as they could.....but this gen its clearly very different, I think they have made all the right moves to have a very different result this time..

I dont see them beating sony but they are well positioned to have a much more successful and close as far as sales at least as it looks now.


Goodbye Unreal Engine (and creepy Tim Sweeney).
Hello id Tech.

(Yeah, I know this will take many years, but MS needed to get away from licensing Epic's stuff.)

p.s. Please, Microsoft, don't let Bonnie Ross anywhere near your nice new game studios.
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This is the most unimpressive waste of money to me. Most of the titles I'm not interested in because their just FPS retreads one way or another. I've got Elder Scrolls on my PC and they haven't released anything single player Elder Scrolls in ages so......

It's like they bought a bunch of old IP on the pretense they'll be great in the future. If Microsoft doesn't get an exclusive Elder Scrolls out of this then Microsoft just accelerated the rate on digging their own grave.

Dr Kaneda

Cuphead has never been a Microsoft ip, or property, neither does Below, or Ori, but at least Ori was published by Microsoft Game Studios
Ah ok, so I guess they just paid for long term exclusivity then. If that's the case then I don't see Bethesda games ever releasing on PS consoles personally.
You may be right. So paying for exclusives are okay now? Because 15 years ago it was okay. 10 years ago it was okay. 5 years ago it was okay, but for some odd reason it wasn't okay earlier this year. So is it okay again?
It always been ok if you agree with it. MS isn't paying bethesda to keep dlc from going on Sony consoles for a year. They are acquiring all their studios. So exclusivity is already a given. The same way sony acquired Insomniac games and naughty dog.
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