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I miss being blown away by new-gen graphics....


There's basically been one game shown so far developed by a AAA studio for the ground up for next gen, and that's Ratchet & Clank, and that's the one game the OP hasn't looked at, lol.

And not coincidentally, it does look truly next gen, as well. I found that SOP demo as impressive as any early PS4 demo, probably more so in fact.

As an aside, I do also find Deathloop to be a fantastic looking game, especially cos it's 60fps. I'm maybe in the minority there, though.


Its maybe one of the reason why i havent jump in yet. Nothing blew me away visualy. I mean there is some improvements, but im not seeing a PS3>PS4 leap. Oh and it also need games that will make me move for sure, and so far, nothing told me to get a current gen system for it.


I miss the early days of PS4 when they showcased Killzone Shadowfall, DriveClub, The Order 1886, Infamous Second Son, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, The Last of Us Part 2... etc.

Every time they showed something for the PS4, I was floored at how good it all looked.

Now-a-days though it's like... HEY IT LOOKS THE SAME AS A PS4 GAME BUT IT HAS 60FPS!!!! WOW 60FPS! SO NEXT GEN!

I'm so sick of it.

The last time I was blown away by something for the PS5, was when they showed off UE5. That's pretty much it. Everything else just looks like last gen stuff with some extra detail and 4K resolution.

I must confess though, I've stayed away from any videos or screenshots of Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart because I wanna go in with fresh eyes. Hopefully this is the game that really makes me think "Man, now this is what next gen can really do"

What are your thoughts? Is 60fps enough to call it "next gen" or do you really wanna see that graphical leap we've come to expect each new generation even if it has to be 30fps.

If a game looks as good as UE5 demo, I'll gladly play it at 30fps.

Have you played Demon's Souls?
Not watched, PLAYED.
I do also find Deathloop to be a fantastic looking game, especially cos it's 60fps. I'm maybe in the minority there, though.
Yeah, Deathloop looks like a PS3 game.




Gold Member
Graphics are fine and all, but I was hoping next gen would come down to advances in AI. Enemies are still too dumb.

I thought it was CPU issue, but even now there doesn't seem to be much of a change even with new hardware.



hmm i think i was being rude somewhat. so let me say it anyways, i just think that ps5/xbox sx at least puts the bar higher compared to ps4/xbone. but in the end, what you are saying is true, console specs will feel inferior sooner or later, but this time at least baseline is higher

ps4 was comparable to a 750ti/760 when pc users had access to gtx 970, right? now ps5 is comparable to 6700xt/3060/3060ti which is much better than ps4 brought to the table in 2013

of course, pc gpus move one and there will be gpus that are 3-4 times faster than ps5 in two generations later, so you get my point and i get yours

it could've been worse... :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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I miss the early days of PS4 when they showcased Killzone Shadowfall, DriveClub, The Order 1886, Infamous Second Son, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, The Last of Us Part 2... etc.

Every time they showed something for the PS4, I was floored at how good it all looked.

Now-a-days though it's like... HEY IT LOOKS THE SAME AS A PS4 GAME BUT IT HAS 60FPS!!!! WOW 60FPS! SO NEXT GEN!

I'm so sick of it.

The last time I was blown away by something for the PS5, was when they showed off UE5. That's pretty much it. Everything else just looks like last gen stuff with some extra detail and 4K resolution.

I must confess though, I've stayed away from any videos or screenshots of Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart because I wanna go in with fresh eyes. Hopefully this is the game that really makes me think "Man, now this is what next gen can really do"

What are your thoughts? Is 60fps enough to call it "next gen" or do you really wanna see that graphical leap we've come to expect each new generation even if it has to be 30fps.

If a game looks as good as UE5 demo, I'll gladly play it at 30fps.
Give it time, graphical leaps are more gradual with each gen.

I didn't get amazed at the PS4 early games (curiously less and less PS4 games ran at 60fps as the generation progressed) those games didn't look much better from the previous generation IMO, same thing with the generation before that.

People didn't call the Xbox 360 "Xbox 1.5" for nothing, initial games didn't look much different from those on the original Xbox.

Honestly though, even the UE5 demo didn't look that much different from what we already play, nothing amazes me anymore. Until VR changed that.
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I miss being blown away by games with original ideas to be honest.

So many are just blatantly ripping off one another, etc.

I mean, you could say that about previous games, sure. But these days it just seems so damn blatant rather than an influence.
It's coming my friend, E3, PS conference after that. The gen is in a transition from last gen to current gen. We haven't moved over to full next gen engines yet, we'll get a glimpse of those next month.


Early days...PS4 lol

Imagine your mind if you lived for real generational leaps

Yeah that's what I was thinking. Ps4 was definitely more impressive than ps5, but its waaaaay down the list when it comes to massive next gen leaps. The excitement was real and it would have bummed me out to know it was the best it would ever be back then.
High end VR is the only thing that rivals those 1990s omg level technological leaps.
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Gold Member
Returnal is probably the PS5 game that has impressed me the most in terms of visuals. The enemy (especially boss) designs and overall atmosphere are great. There has been a lot of talk about the resolution, but it really doesn’t matter when there is such a real sense of place and mystery built up by great design. And when there are enemies, bullets and particles flying around, it really does batter the senses - in a good way.


Last time I was blown away by a graphics leap was Battlefield 3:

I think it still looks good even compared to the most recent one. I know it looks "worse" but I just don't care anymore.

Yep playing Battlezone on PSVR was mindblowing and those are not exactly the best graphics ever.
Exactly, on a TV looks like cute indie game trying to ape the Tron artstyle, with half the screen obscured by the tank's cockpit. Enemies are tiny dots and it's a bitch to aim at them. In VR, the game is transformed: You're inside the tank and it's massive, what was a previously generic Tron artstyle comes to life when everything around you is massive relative to your real-life size. Enemies are clear to see and you're much more aware of your surroundings, and you can more easily not lose sight of them by turning your head around.

That game is an underrated gem.


Same opinion here. I have a Ps5 and until now all seems like a PC version of a Ps4 game, even Demons Souls and Resident Evil Village. Obviously that's better than PS4, but nothing screams next gen. I hope Ratchet will change that.

I need to say that 60fps is irrelevant for me as a next gen indicator because we had 60fps games since forever. A 60fps version of Devil May Cry 1 won't make the game to look like Devil May Cry 5.


Just came to echo others statements, I agree that VR is the next wow factor in gaming, and it will continue to wow as we progress each generation; until we eventually end up with completely realistic VR which is; well, the end game really. After that we'll need game artistry to wow us until humanity ends.
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Dr Bass

Lol nah, it's my GAF stalker, Darius1987. He follows my every move around here, so I dedicated my avatar to him.
Gotcha. Ok well then I guess it's safe for me to say that was probably by far the worst kids haircut I've ever seen without throwing an insult your way. I don't think I've ever even noticed this Darius fellow.
Gotcha. Ok well then I guess it's safe for me to say that was probably by far the worst kids haircut I've ever seen without throwing an insult your way. I don't think I've ever even noticed this Darius fellow.
Just look at any of my posts from the past 6 months-till a few hours ago, literally any of them. Check out the emojis, and you'll understand. He's a fucking weirdo that's attracted to me for whatever reason, and he's never seen me. But yeah that kid has some weird life choices, hopefully his hair hasn't evolved since then lol.


Yeah thinking about something like demon souls ps5 compared to the jump in something like half life alyx(in the headset) feels like stepping into the future.
I think VR might be the only leap left to get those 1990s-early 2000s wowed feeling. For me it's still going too, been playing VR for years, still blown away. But when I play ps5 it just feels like ps4 pro+. Not saying it won't improve but itll be so gradual you won't even feel it.
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King of Gaslighting
Why would games that came out at the end of a generation look markedly different than the games being produced at the start? TLOU2 literally came out the same year as the PS5 and was, by all accounts, taxing the hell out of the machine.

. . .as to not being blown away. I was blown away with RETURNAL and everything I've seen from R&C has me very excited for what people are going to be able to do with this hardware. Waiting on the next FORZA drop to see what MS has in store for their hardware and what it can do.

Dr Bass

Just look at any of my posts from the past 6 months-till a few hours ago, literally any of them. Check out the emojis, and you'll understand. He's a fucking weirdo that's attracted to me for whatever reason, and he's never seen me. But yeah that kid has some weird life choices, hopefully his hair hasn't evolved since then lol.
Why wouldn't he be attracted to you? You're Don Juan.


Graphics now are limited to the hardware available. Those with 1080p are not going to get the visual punch that a 4K monitor with HDR will ever have.
I know this is the common belief but this is incorrect. The biggest bottleneck for graphics today is NOT the HW but rather the human developers. It requires an extraordinary amount of resources and talent to harness the full grunt of the latest consoles or top end PCs. The HW that is available is capable of truly amazing things, but the people behind it writing the software have to make it shine

R&C Rift Apart is more a testimony to the talents of Insomniac (particularly their art teams) than the raw power of the PS5 (which is still not being fully harnessed in that game). The vast majority of devs simply don't have the capabilities and resources to make something like R&C or a full game version of the UE5 demo. We'll see some try, mostly coming from Sony 1st party (Microsoft first party will be developing for PC and Series S in addition to Series X, limiting themselves to the common spec among those).

In short, this generation more than any before it will separate the "men from the boys" in the development world.
Why wouldn't he be attracted to you? You're Don Juan.
He's probably more attracted to the last part of my name to be fair. To put things into perspective, if he was in a band/orchestra/choir... He's be the tambourine player, the flute player, or sing soprano... If you get what I mean...

But back to gaming before we get too off topic 😂
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hide your water-based mammals
I hate to be that person but as somebody who has been around since the inception of 3D polygon graphics I think you are missing the boat.

I bet if you talk to a lot of industry veterans, they would give you a really positive picture on what is happening because as a consumer I can easily observe the advancements and the paradigm shifts that are happening right now in terms of software and hardware advancements..

You have new rendering techniques alongside hardware based upscaling technologies as well as just a life or a new programming things that are making developers easier a lot of ways. A Sprite based Nintendo game. There is Hollywood level production happening here and it shows.

To come full circle with the point I want to make, I think you need to think about not just the amount of polygons and texture detail but just the sheer amount of it being rendered at once. If you want to talk about the diminishing returns I think you or anybody else should just step out of conversation when it comes to technical advancements because this is where we are heading. More dance environments that load faster. I think if you ask any body who plays games one of the main things they complain about is how how long it takes for you to get into a game and oftentimes loading screens in between areas and a level which has been masked in the past by clever traversal areas which give the game time to catch up.

More items on screen rendered with hardly any delay, especially on something like a PlayStation 5 which has whatever bit of technology it has to help it achieve the things that it's doing. And on PC we have a lot of those things in place or already coming to really showcase what games can really do and one of the reasons I really love it on that platform because you have not just the developers but the community which is always working on stuff to advance and test these new technologies.

To that end, I haven't been more excited for 3D and gave developments since the inception of real consumer 3D graphics with the Sega Saturn and PlayStation 1. Don't miss the boat because you want Pixar level or Star wars CG in real time. And a lot of ways what is happening is already really impressive and you should take the time to make more threads about that instead of complaining about things that aren't quite understood by the masses.


Same song and dance at the start of every generation. Isn't the jump bigger this time around going from PS4/Xbox > ps5/xseries than PS3 > PS4?

This gen hasn't even really started yet. MS and Sony will blow your socks off eventually.
There's basically been one game shown so far developed by a AAA studio for the ground up for next gen, and that's Ratchet & Clank, and that's the one game the OP hasn't looked at, lol.

And not coincidentally, it does look truly next gen, as well. I found that SOP demo as impressive as any early PS4 demo, probably more so in fact.

As an aside, I do also find Deathloop to be a fantastic looking game, especially cos it's 60fps. I'm maybe in the minority there, though.
Compared to the Unreal 5 demo no it doesn't look next gen, and that's the standard he's holding next gen games to.


Demon Souls, Returnal, Ratchet and Horizon Forbidden West have all blown my mind.

Someday I will get a PS5 (Slim/Pro bundle) to play them.
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60 fps is next gen and is worthy of your praise. May 30 fps be cast from the highest cliff to fall onto sharp rocks and brackish waters.


It makes kind of sense, mainly because there was a mid gen refresh on previous gen that made the narrowed the delta between generations. I mean, even for today standards, Xbox One X is a great machine.
BTW, Im all for better FPSs even if the cost of that is to not have a big visual jump from previous generation.
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you want to be blown away by games again? Buy a VR headset - a whole new dimension opens up in games, even very old ones.

flatgaming has nothing new under the sun. Unless you're easily amused and still expecting to games that look just like a CG with the goal always moving forward.


I feel you, but I went over this same feeling during the ps3-ps4 transition and I expected it again in an even more scale, as we can see. I’m sure in a couple of years this gen will impress us also with some unbelievable things. But yeah, we have to forget this 60fps parroting bullshit for that. Give me 30fps with mindblowing graphics any day.


You are not blown away and won’t be any time soon, because this generation will probably have the most smooth transition from the previous one. Also, be more patient,
Gen9 has just started, you will see something amazing in due course.
I only hope that 30fps will finally die because seriously, 6 months spent with PS5 and can’t go back at this stage, despite dealing with all these years!
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