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Bungie Devs - 'It's TOO Hot. I cant work!'


Gold Member
Uhh, yes it does. Do you think last decade was unprecedentedly warm just for funsies? It's because of human impact, clearly.

Geologists and paleontologists have found that, in the last 100 million years, global temperatures have peaked twice. One spike was the Cretaceous Hot Greenhouse roughly 92 million years ago, about 25 million years before Earth’s last dinosaurs went extinct. Widespread volcanic activity may have boosted atmospheric carbon dioxide. Temperatures were so high that champsosaurs (crocodile-like reptiles) lived as far north as the Canadian Arctic, and warm-temperature forests thrived near the South Pole.

Yeah clearly Human impact, "unprecedented" decade. Go grind your imaginary axe, don't reply me anymore.


If facilities arent up to snuff and laptops dont work during the heat at home or office, then that makes sense. If the computers cant be turned on, then thats fine.

But if the laptops and PC do work, then work.

If someone at home has a working laptop but doesnt want to work because it's too hot inside and outside, then what is that person doing all week during the heat? Watching TV?
Most people in 100+ degree temps with no ac aren’t sitting around watching tv. They’re desperately looking for ways to cool down. Even schools in the south where there is ac have to close their doors when there’s sustained high temps.
Where I work it got upwards of 110 last summer...and we were masked. At least this year we don‘t have to wear masks (for now).
Same here, try molding fiberglass in a plant thats 100° inside. In front of a Machine thats producing 500° heat for 10 hours a day 5 days a week for 3 months. Washington gets a heatwave and its the end of the world. Its like they can't buy a window air conditioners or some shit.


Like your stated earlier, this isn't the 1920's. Genius
We're not privy to Bungie's conditions. If their employees were so haggard from the heat that they couldn't work at full efficiency, then I applaud management's decision to absolve them from work temporarily. What do you get from belittling others because they couldn't fulfill some untenable standard?


In Arabia we have been living in 100+ temperatures for thousands of years. and now we have ACs.

pro tip for those working from home. just nap in the afternoon and work in the evening/night. and wear light loose clothes.



Yeah clearly Human impact, "unprecedented" decade. Go grind your imaginary axe, don't reply me anymore.
Last decade was the most unprecendented decade for temperatures on RECORD. We don't have temps from millions of years ago on record. As your post indicated, they're just estimations, genius.

But do go on denying climate change. For all the good that will do you.
climate change is real and anyone who denies it is an idiot. You think coronavirus is bad? That’s nothing but a warm up for climate change. think how people have dealt with COVID but imagine it being 1000 times worse. this is just the start. the heat waves are gonna more intense and frequent.


*laughs in the arabian peninsula*

I'm really amazed by this, really. I remember the house we rented in Virginia 2 decades ago had dual system: cooling and heating. I'm not sure how are these people are bitching about such a stupid, old issue before AC's were a thing. We sometimes shut down AC's even in hot weather, although here in Salalah it never exceeds 33-35C, because it gets too cold or push the AC to something like 25-28C.
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Don’t think I could function in Florida without constant AC. Opening the front door feels like waking into sauna half the year.


In Arabia we have been living in 100+ temperatures for thousands of years. and now we have ACs.

pro tip for those working from home. just nap in the afternoon and work in the evening/night. and wear light loose clothes.
Yeah, and Arabians have higher melanin to account for the heat they've been experiencing for those thousands of years. Americans aren't Arabians.

G Boaty

I'm really amazed by this, really. I remember the house we rented in Virginia 2 decades ago had dual system: cooling and heating. I'm not sure how are these people are bitching about such a stupid, old issue before AC's were a thing. We sometimes shut down AC's even in hot weather, although here in Salalah it never exceeds 33-35C, because it gets too cold or push the AC to something like 25-28C.

Who is bitching?
Few cities.... I mean you list them with the fingers in one hand... had temps below 0 Celcius here at Winter... and yes Winter is around 10-15C that is indeed very cold for us and everybody uses cold warm clothing and sleep with several blankets.

I remember a trip to Curitiba almost 10 years ago when it had the coldest night of the decade that reached -5C... I could not even type my cellphone (I dropped my cellphone several times) on the airport to ask my friend come get me... it was crazy to the point that I believed I won't support so much cold... it was the coldest I ever faced in my life.
In Sao Paulo people dies on the streets when the temps get around 5C.

The opposite is the norm here... over 30C is the norm.... it is easy to have over 40C at Summer days and some places reaches 50C or so... it is indeed hot but it way easy to walk in the streets than 5C.
Haha Holy shit -5c and I still wear a hoodie. Half the time I'll shovel in a t shirt cause I'll sweat too much in a sweater. I usually don't bust out a winter jacket till -10... And I eat lunch outside all year long.
Canada getting hit by 49C heat at the minute. That would fucking boil me to my Viking bones. Nearly expired in Sorrento during a heatwave almost touching 40C, had to hide in a church.
It's feels like 38c here on the opposite coast of Canada and it's about 10c hotter than average.
man, they've got it rough...life is super hard nowadays, I mean look at these lazy bastards--

You know those guys got pissed at the conditions and started murdering their bosses right?
Last decade was the most unprecendented decade for temperatures on RECORD. We don't have temps from millions of years ago on record. As your post indicated, they're just estimations, genius.

But do go on denying climate change. For all the good that will do you.
The only people who deny climate change are mega corporations who cause 90% of it. They and dumb people who think those corporations have their best interest at heart.


Gold Member
It broken the record for the HOTEST DAY IN CANADA for 3 day s in a row. Not in the city, not in the year, In anywhere in Canada, Ever. Record went back to 1937 - Was beaten 3 days in a row with a max of 49.1C or 121F. This is the Great white north. Not Arizona or Cali.

It has never been this hot this long since we started recording. - This is not weather. this is new.
But records of weather across time (climate) aren't that old (what is it? 150 years?). In medieval Europe, we had periods where the average temperature was 5C more than today. The current models used to peddle climate panic aren't even capable of explaining long known climate phenomena in past centuries. Some people use these faulty models to make predictions far into the future when they can't even make sense of warmer periods in the last couple thousand years.

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Gold Member
Last decade was the most unprecendented decade for temperatures on RECORD. We don't have temps from millions of years ago on record. As your post indicated, they're just estimations, genius.

But do go on denying climate change. For all the good that will do you.
OMG what a flawless argument. Human didn't develop means to record temperatures till 19 century so I'm just gonna deny all temperature change before that. Flawless sentiment, same logic I have to deny there was not electricity on the earth at all before there are power plants.


For those who dont know. There is a heat wave going on in the U.S Pacific Northwest. Bungie has shutdown production presumably because people are still working from home, and apparently laptops are overheating.

Schreier has taken this opportunity to remind us that Climate Change is real.

I have a completely different take. Make people go back to the offices to work already. If your house doesnt have proper ventilation and your laptop is overheating then get your ass to the office and do your job.

As for Schreier, shouldn't he be looking into why 100 degree weather is preventing video game production at Bungie? Temperatures regularly exceed 100 degrees in some parts of the U.S. No one complains. Every office building in the world is equipped to handle those temperatures. Game development is already pretty unproductive with very few next gen games releasing in the next couple of years, everything getting delayed left and right, and we are going to blame it all on climate change now?

I think us millennials are unfairly blamed for a lot of things, but not working because it's too hot has to be the most snowflake thing I have ever heard. It's not like we are out there laying brick in 100 degree weather.

Sorry I had to /like with fire because...you know....climate change.


This is why I don’t understand how anyone lives and works in Las Vegas. Either way this is stupid
Its only questionably stupid hot 2 months in the year. Just like where people live where it snows and temps drop to 0 degrees or worse. Everywhere has its extremes.

We hosted several studios in the 90s making games. Notably Westwood the CnC creators HQ'd here.

G Boaty

There are 3 tweets in the OP.

- A tweet saying their office was closing for the day
- A tweet saying their laptop overheated twice
- A tweet saying other people have reported similar things

Which one provided the sensational quote OP used in the thread title? Which of those 3 tweets are "bitching"?
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Mr Moose

It's the humidity that fucks me up.
In the UK, the AC is an open window and a fan (in houses, shops/stores have AC though). I treated myself to a Duux Whisper fan to keep my balls cool during the summer.


There are 3 tweets in the OP.

- A tweet saying their office was closing for the day
- A tweet saying their laptop overheated twice
- A tweet saying other people have reported similar things

Which one provided the sensational quote OP used in the thread title? Which of those 3 tweets are "bitching"?

The Wire Laugh GIF

I think you're bitching about not seeing the bitching now. Now vanish, please.
Haha Holy shit -5c and I still wear a hoodie. Half the time I'll shovel in a t shirt cause I'll sweat too much in a sweater. I usually don't bust out a winter jacket till -10... And I eat lunch outside all year long.

It's feels like 38c here on the opposite coast of Canada and it's about 10c hotter than average.

You know those guys got pissed at the conditions and started murdering their bosses right?

The only people who deny climate change are mega corporations who cause 90% of it. They and dumb people who think those corporations have their best interest at heart.
exactly! Tech workers in the Bay Area rise up and demand humane conditions!….did I get that right??


There are 3 tweets in the OP.

- A tweet saying their office was closing for the day
because of the heat
- A tweet saying their laptop overheated twice
- A tweet saying other people have reported similar things

Which one provided the sensational quote OP used in the thread title? Which of those 3 tweets are "bitching"?
The first tweet linked the reason to the closure as the heat. Where they are located is in a record heatwave. What can one infer from supplied evidence.

Oh yea, We (Bungie) cannot operate today due to the heatwave (complaining about something out of their control), so the office is closing.

G Boaty

because of the heat

The first tweet linked the reason to the closure as the heat. Where they are located is in a record heatwave. What can one infer from supplied evidence.

Oh yea, We (Bungie) cannot operate today due to the heatwave (complaining about something out of their control), so the office is closing.

Since when is saying "Our office closed early and my laptop overheated" bitching?
exactly! Tech workers in the Bay Area rise up and demand humane conditions!….did I get that right??
They have them. They are not forced to work when it's too hot to be safe.
After enough murdering the management decided that discussing and giving reasonable working conditions was better then being beaten to death infront of their children.
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Gold Member
No one says humans are the only cause of climate change. Just that this time humans are the cause since there is literally no other reason.
Like I said, if you consider long term global climate change, decades even centuries don't matter. It's gonna be a long term monitoring. I am not oppose to scientific actions at all, in fact I am constantly exposed to topics of wind energy, elements for electric car and photovotaic effect. I just don't panic because AOC says human gonna extinct in 12 years if we don't stop global warming.

I remember when I was young every day we hear how the ozone hole in the south pole gonna doom earth, how did that end up?
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Since when is saying "Our office closed early and my laptop overheated" bitching?
I forgot. We in the civilized worlds' we have an invention called the A/C. Did my shit overheat when Las Vegas hit 116? Did I get to go home for the day when Las Vegas hit 116?

They're acting like babies because, 'Its too hot." Grow up. Shutting down a business tells me they are running their offices on the cheap, cutting corners, that they cannot keep their shit running. If a few remote employee's computers overheating cause them to shutter their doors for a day... Jesus H Christ.


We're not privy to Bungie's conditions. If their employees were so haggard from the heat that they couldn't work at full efficiency, then I applaud management's decision to absolve them from work temporarily. What do you get from belittling others because they couldn't fulfill some untenable standard?
source: bungie Poor guys. I wouldn't call my standard untenable as I don't think any person on the planet would consider these working conditions harsh.
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G Boaty

I forgot. We in the civilized worlds' we have an invention called the A/C. Did my shit overheat when Las Vegas hit 116? Did I get to go home for the day when Las Vegas hit 116?

They're acting like babies because, 'Its too hot." Grow up. Shutting down a business tells me they are running their offices on the cheap, cutting corners, that they cannot keep their shit running. If a few remote employee's computers overheating cause them to shutter their doors for a day... Jesus H Christ.
Where are they acting like babies? Again, literally all that was said was "Our office closed early because of the heat" and "My laptop overheated because of the heat". How are either of those statements "Acting like babies"?
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