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Polyphony update: changes, new content, apology and goodwill gesture


Maybe in your mind that’s the case, but in my mind, GT7 is all about the driving experience and not necessarily about collecting cars. I don’t think I have collected all of the cars in any GT game tbh. In fact, like I said before, my fave cars are the 80s and 90s classics that are generally peanuts to buy in the game, which I then upgrade for shits and giggles.
This. As long as there’s a healthy number of Japanese sports cars from the 80, 90s, 2000s and current I’m mostly content. GT is basically Hot Version simulator for me. All we need in Gunsai Togue and Sodegura Circuit.


Gold Member
So review bombing will work sometimes.

It works far more regularly and effectively than constructive criticism towards a title.

Which is why I roll my eyes whenever someone says "stop moaning about nothing, it's just a game" because you end up with a better game if you don't stop.

Constructive posts take alot of time and effort and therefore are easily ignored, however things like review bombing are easy, highly visible and effective because of this.

You can do both of course but the mass mob outrage has instigated far more change than a single highly voted reddit post in recent years.
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Gold Member
This. As long as there’s a healthy number of Japanese sports cars from the 80, 90s, 2000s and current I’m mostly content. GT is basically Hot Version simulator for me. All we need in Gunsai Togue and Sodegura Circuit.
Ironically, PD will likely provide free tracks and cars throughout the next few months/years, as they did with GT Sport. I’d rather the MTX be what it is now (as in I don’t have to pay anything extra unless I’m desperate to drive a McLaren, which I’m not, and even then, I can just buy it in a few months time once I have saved the credits), than have to pay for DLC packs down the line. There is more than enough easily accessible content to enjoy the game as is.


This is good, hopefully they won't try to walk it back in a few months when the game is getting less attention.
He's avoiding the main topics.

Rebalancing the other way (which I'll believe when I see it) doesn't solve the always online component and 1 million credits for day and a half without service is laughable as a good will gesture on a game that makes credits hard to earn as fuck.

And not for one second he touches on the new prices of the cars, as if the message wasn't loud enough.

I think he is trying to douse a fire while not realising the mistake of his ways and will try to flank his end goal elsewhere, either by keeping the most of the things wrong or even doubling down if he thinks people are not united enough or not paying attention.
This is good, hopefully they won't try to walk it back in a few months when the game is getting less attention.
I have a feeling that will be the case somewhat. It only looks like a 180 degree turn on paper, with their light shining on it.

There's plenty ways to do it, new cars being in the upper credit range as well, expensive bundles that makes the cars "cheaper" if you count them unit per unit but make you spend that money or credits regardless (to make you think you did a good deal, but with some cars in there you'd never buy), roulette spins unchanged, even the rebalancing I bet it won't go back to GT Sports levels, which was already tipped against the player.
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So, first they bring out a game everyone seems to be happy with.
Than they nerf the rewards for races because .... "it should be more realistic and not cool if you get cars to fast"
The community revolts.
They change it back and make it even easier to get the money for the cars ..... which is the total opposite of the reason why they wanted to make it harder.

Where is the logic in all that? Now I'm am more convinced than before that they made the first changes because they wanted to sell more ingame money through micro transactions.
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Rebalancing the other way (which I'll believe when I see it) doesn't solve the always online component

This isn't going away, it's the result of them trying to sell credits in GT6 and people glitching them for free, they need to maintain more control over the game. I can see why people are upset but it's not negotiable.


Gold Member
Where is the logic in all that? Now I'm am more convinced than before that they made the first changes because they wanted to sell more ingame money through micro transactions.

It should have been a giveaway before they back tracked in the first place.

Why would you ever increase the grind for cars in the name of "authenticity" if from the release of the title you could completely sidestep the requirement with the ability to buy credits for cash? There was a similair excuse given once by a developer with this exact same reasoning, let me see if I can pull it up.

Oh yes here it is...

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Gold Member
  • Make it so cars can be sold.
Burgess Meredith Meme GIF

But in all seriousness, good.
This isn't going away, it's the result of them trying to sell credits in GT6 and people glitching them for free, they need to maintain more control over the game. I can see why people are upset but it's not negotiable.
Well if Forza was available on PS5 they would quickly change it. So I think it's both stubbornness and lack of competition.

I think Kazunori Yamauchi approach to the community is quite old fashioned, and at this point he is not concerned with costumer satisfaction (for the average player) over money generated. He think's/considers his game a luxury product hence wants to overcharge for everything. He's not in the right seeing the game is sold for $70 and would be profitable regardless.

He fails to see that the best way to combat the things he doesn't like is not punishing people (and everyone at that) it's making a game so balanced and fair that people have no incentive to do it.

If I played GT Sports or GT7 a lot, it's obvious I would be looking for cheats and bugs that allowed me more loot in a game that is tilted against me. I would never do that in a game that I consider to be fairly balanced.

I'm sure most people are in that boat. I see nobody asking for a "easy to earn money" kind of game, just fairness.
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I don't really like this.

1 - They don't put the MTX at launch to go through the review
2 - They tried to push heavy MTX and push players to by them
3 - they revert due to the backslash.

The issue which is not solved, how do we know they won't try a little later when less people talk about GT7 and so the backslash wouldn't be that bad.
Or they would do it again but not as bad, so the people reaction will be that it might have been worst. That's actually something the politics do a lot.


Gold Member
So, first they bring out a game everyone seems to be happy with.
Than they nerf the rewards for races because .... "it should be more realistic and not cool if you get cars to fast"
The community revolts.
They change it back and make it even easier to get the money for the cars ..... which is the total opposite of the reason why they wanted to make it harder.

Where is the logic in all that? Now I'm am more convinced than before that they made the first changes because they wanted to sell more ingame money through micro transactions.

The fact that they primarily targeted events that people were using to grind credits tells you everything you need to know.


I knew this was coming after the backlash (increased payouts for all races), good to see they listening and will also allow ppl to sell cars. Also happy to see endurance races coming soon.


Gold Member
I don't really like this.

1 - They don't put the MTX at launch to go through the review
2 - They tried to push heavy MTX and push players to by them
3 - they revert due to the backslash.

Those damn blackslashes Kaz \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Unconfirmed Member
It works far more regularly and effectively than constructive criticism towards a title.

Which is why I roll my eyes whenever someone says "stop moaning about nothing, it's just a game" because you end up with a better game if you don't stop.

Constructive posts take alot of time and effort and therefore are easily ignored, however things like review bombing are easy, highly visible and effective because of this.

You can do both of course but the mass mob outrage has instigated far more change than a single highly voted reddit post in recent years.
Yeah, I agree. In some way, this hides a meta-commentary on how our society rather takes notice of outrage than well constructed constructive criticism, but if this is what it takes for companies to take notice, and if the end result is a better product, I can totally live with it.


Snake Oil Salesman
I wonder if the people who complain about MTX are multiplayer centric gamers at all.

Obviously, everyone is welcome to share their opinion but I do wonder where the majority of the anger is coming from.

I mostly play multiplayer and I never give a **** about MTX prices.


When it's warranted. People often complain about trivial crap and ends up making legitimate concerns seem less pressing.

This was, obviously, a case where the outrage was warranted.
But got given thanks to the 80% of negative reviews that came from people that have never played the game also.


Neo Member
Good changes, but these are still ultimately fixes for problems that never should have existed to begin with. They would have happily kept fleecing their customers if the backlash wasn’t so swift and severe.


Gold Member
I wonder what the race credit boosts will be. It can be anything from a bit, to back to normal (pre-patch), to even beyond the original amounts.


I wonder what the race credit boosts will be. It can be anything from a bit, to back to normal (pre-patch), to even beyond the original amounts.
The 1 lap rally race was a mistake. If you read the message from PD, it tells you whats being increased.



I fucking can't stand "free money", it was the same bullshit when I got the game and they automatically added a bunch of cars and money. How come we don't get a choice if we wanna cheat or not? fucking ridicules.
I have good news for you. The 1 million credits is not added to your game balance, its a gift ticket that needs to be redeemed from your garage. So if you feel this is a cheat to you, just dont redeem the 1M credits. It will expire after 2 months.

And with this my credit balance goes to 4 million.


Well if Forza was available on PS5 they would quickly change it. So I think it's both stubbornness and lack of competition.
No, it wouldn't. GT is the premier racing game on console, while people complain a lot about always online few will not buy the game because of it. The game also cost a lot more to make than older games, and $60-70 is worth less then what it was before. Something has to give and ultimately microtransactions are a financial requirement.
But got given thanks to the 80% of negative reviews that came from people that have never played the game also.
But, in this case, you don't need to play the game to voice your complaints. The problems stem from very aggressive microtransactions and DRM that actually made the game unplayable, even offline.

No one is complaining about the gameplay, graphics, etc as that's all top-notch.


people acting like this is a "win" and going on how about "complaining works" and "they listen!"

imagine what message you'd send if you didn't blindly pre order the game. people never learn. you think you've won but you're still being taken for a ride.


lol, they tried to pull a legendary fast one and people were defending them. Good on them for walking most of it back, but I'll wait and see now. They (Sony) have lost trust in future products because of this attempt


“Increase the payout value of limited time rewards as we develop as a live service.”

Very clearly an issue with the fundamental design and goal of this game. I hope the metacritic doesn’t let up.

This isn't going away, it's the result of them trying to sell credits in GT6 and people glitching them for free, they need to maintain more control over the game. I can see why people are upset but it's not negotiable.
It’s totally negotiable. Do it like Diablo did. Have an online save for those that want online multiplayer as a possibility and a local save for local single player and split screen. This isn’t hard or new or revolutionary.

Fox Mulder

Credits are all well and good, but more content is the key take away from this for me. Let the good times roll.

Yeah. Like the cafe is a tutorial with missions dedicated to getting a wing or wide body kit. I got all gold licenses and got a redbull X2019, a car that isn’t eligible for any race currently in the game.

Just dump over the kind of 300 races in cups that GT Sport got for all kinds of different cars. I’ll do all the endurance races and 24 hours stuff too.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Let's say I wanted to play GT7 in about 20 years time, but the servers are gone. Can I do it then, or not?
What a masterpiece.

Love the logic here. If I can't have the exact same experience in <arbitrary distant future>, then I don't want to play now.

I can imagine you walking through the arcade 20 years ago thinking "I don't want to spend a quarter now because I'm not sure these games will be here in 20 years".
No, it wouldn't. GT is the premier racing game on console, while people complain a lot about always online few will not buy the game because of it. The game also cost a lot more to make than older games, and $60-70 is worth less then what it was before. Something has to give and ultimately microtransactions are a financial requirement.
And you think for a second that, after GT Sports existing for years basically as "game as a service" while they did content on the fly... that didn't fund/pay the investment in car model development and tracks nicely upfront?

This isn't a game launching in the red and trying to recoup costs, it's a game largely made on the shoulders of it's predecessor that from certain standpoints was basically a glorified paid beta. And the "Lego's" they built be it tech and assets during it's tenure were ready in time for a numbered game, several years past. Then there's the licencing, that makes it a "theorectically expensive game" but they clearly managed to charge less for the cars on GT Sports, I doubt manufacturers increased their fee's or good guy Sony did it out of their own accord.

The game basis is great, mind you, but the whole "oh, the game was expensive to make" so everything has to be expensive is bullshit.
What a masterpiece.

Love the logic here. If I can't have the exact same experience in <arbitrary distant future>, then I don't want to play now.

I can imagine you walking through the arcade 20 years ago thinking "I don't want to spend a quarter now because I'm not sure these games will be here in 20 years".
It's an outlier thought, yes. And going on metacritic and post 0's and 1's for this game (or most games review bombed), it's an incredible amount of people focusing on the bad to make a point - a total hivemind. But it has been proven time and time again that it's the only way companies will respond to the shit they thought they could get away with so, companies are effectively training people to behave like this.

Anyway, that doesn't change the fact that the online requirement is shit or that they actually avoided huge parts of the criticism here.

I don't feel like I have to have an online connection to play a game offline that I purchased. Time and time again this problem happens, remember the Xbox always Online requirement?

Minor inconvenience most of the time, yes. But it certainly feels like the game/console/thing you bought isn't really yours, that's the same issue people have with right to repair and things that go out of their way to limit the way you use something you bought. There's something called illusion of choice, and they at least have to strive for that, that's the current status quo, everything is looming but it's not draconian, so it feels like a choice. In reality it's not, but it's easier to swallow in some cases you feel you get something out of it. In GT7's case you don't... That's the issue, you get nothing out of it.
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Good to see they were quick with a response and already implementing some positive changes. Also good to see they didn't duck and dive concerns from their core fanbase, ghost them, or come up with a bunch of excuses.

Certain other devs with live-service games out there could take a lesson to learn from here. One specific studio in particular. Hmm, whoever could that be? :pie_thinking: ...
This is good, but after that major backlash, I don’t think they had much of a choice especially if they wanted it to keep selling.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
But it certainly feels like the game/console/thing you bought isn't really yours
It never was. You have only ever bought a copy of a license to play a game albeit more often in a physical form, never the game itself. The difference in a connected world is that the license can be controlled and enforced remotely instead of trusting you with a stand alone replica of the product.
This is good, but after that major backlash, I don’t think they had much of a choice especially if they wanted it to keep selling.
I think it hit their reputation and pro-community the most, so it would be GT's prestige in the ecosystem that would be in the balance. It could possibly hurt social media coverage and total online users if there was a boycott.

But game would probably sell well still, I mean it's GT and being shit (for completely different reasons) certainly didn't hurt games like the maligned GTA Trilogy and some others. This game isn't shit and some casuals buying it won't feel like it's a glorified demo because they won't play a lot. It's the most die hard GT fan that's being inconvenienced the most here.
It never was. You have only ever bought a copy of a license to play a game albeit more often in a physical form, never the game itself. The difference in a connected world is that the license can be controlled and enforced remotely instead of trusting you with a stand alone replica of the product.
People know that, but it's quite hard to accept when the software goes further than the others in that regard with no clear advantage to you.

I am against anything that goes further than the current status quo (which I'm not a fan of, but accept). Should feel as transparent as possible, having to have an 100% always online connection is not.

They could let you play for a few hours/days between logins, for instance. Adobe does that with Creative Cloud, or I would be locked out of working the moment I didn't have an online connection or their services go down. Not having an online connection or their servers going down being things that are generally out of my control.

Similarly they could also allow a game that disconnects to function for a few hours and still save progress/results. I've seen people online complaining that they did races but because the console disconnected from the internet, they didn't count. Everything adds injury to insult here, so there's nothing positive to say for (always online).
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