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EA staff threaten walkout over lack of statements during Pride Month (Up: cancelled as EA confirm they wont change logo for pride)


They wouldn’t walk out over the 2 Battlefronts loot box P2W stuff, they wouldn’t walk out over the Battlefield 2042 scam, they wouldn’t walk out over little kiddies becoming hooked on gambling due to FUT.

But they will threaten a walk out over a rainbow logo.

Shit company. Shitty nobhead staff.
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I think there should be an experiment whereby all these people leave the major companies they are leeching off and we set up a new company where they can all work together.

Watch how they produce absolutely fuck all.
I think Rockstar tried such an experiment when they hired Grove Street Games to make the GTA trilogy remaster.

I think the game received a 50 something MC score.
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The entirety of EA's staff could walk over this stupid issue and I wouldn't care. They are easily the worst big western studio. For all of Activision and Ubisoft's faults, at least they occasionally make games that aren't terrible.

Pride month could also go away forever. It's just an excuse for corporations to virtue signal with dumb rainbow shit for a month.


Gold Member
A walkout? Aren’t they all still working from home lol. Are they going to close their laptop with an air of smugness and superiority with no one around? Stunning and brave.


Wasnt it pride like 2 months ago or something?…..

Shame these self righteous fucks walkout over lack of statements but they are totally fine with all the other injustices happening around the world. China, Iran, all sorts. Wanna be “woke” then you gotta do more bitches.

And then when you call them out on it they say why should they care, or them caring doesnt make a difference to these people suffering. Stfu and put the same energy for dying and starving people as you do for LGBTQ etc. They can get married, they are free, they can adopt kids when plenty straight couples are desperate for the same.

Now lets concentrate on causes that actually need voices


Gold Member
Note to EA execs and their level headed employees,

Hold firm.

Dont let the manchildren you hire take over the company. Do what every company (including yours) has done in the past. Ignore intercompany political issues. Just be neutral. Once you get political it becomes a sliding scope of idiocy.

Tell those weirdos to keep their politics at home. Just as nobody wants bosses to nag them to do work during off hours, tell those assholes dont bring your home life to work during company hours. And if not, fire them.
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Besides, what do these people actually want? Do they want society to accept the LGBT community for who they are as their equals, or should we constantly point out, in every corner of society, how they are different from the rest of us?
They think they’ll achieve the first thing by doing the second thing. I don’t know if it’s working, I see a ton more people irritated over LGBT people now than 30-40 years ago.


Gold Member
"My employers made no statements about how proud I should be about my sexuality.
I should walk out of my job."

Imagine straight people doing the same just for kicks.:messenger_tears_of_joy:

Keep hiring philologically unstable people just to meet quotas, it`s working out great.
Maybe that is what it will take for people to realise how stupid this nonsense is.


Gold Member
I've decided to walk out of GAF because it didn't change its logo to a pride one for June.

I'm not joking, I'm typing this outside on my phone.
I let my gold expire due to no rainbow GAF logo, that will sure show them!

I'm just super poor this month, got royally screwed, but I'll be gold again next month. :)


I used to think organised religion was bad......but this pride stuff is something else.
You never experienced Jihad or The Inquisition I take it..? The woke mob is bad, but a mob and/or institution backed by a totalitarian state is still worse. I figure it was hyperbole from your part


uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
Actually seen A lot of companies havnt changed their logos this year maybe it’s because so many people called them out last year when they wouldn’t change their logo on china/Middle East social media pages


Authorized Fister
While I am a leftist and a European which apparently makes me view corporations quite... bad contrary to the average American, this is pure lunacy, people here struggle to get the bare minimum in terms of wages, work hours, and work places yet there are people that have time to whine and protest about things like that, I guess it's so damned important to brag about what we do in our bedrooms nowadays.

And, mind you, I heavily support LGBTQ when they fight against discrimination and for their rights.

A reminder who to stand for. I'm seeing such a backlash to pride this year from gay guys. It used to be the gay pride. Not I'm proud to wear purple hair.

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I hope this not appropriate, but why do vegans vegetarians atheists and the lgbtq+ communities feel that they have to be glorified on everything and they have to jam their ideologies down everyone’s throat.
Did you just compared us gays to vegans? I feel nothing!

We the gays ( not the vegans ) do not need to be glorified, we aren’t making ticktocks or YouTube video showing off the wonders of being gay and why you should do it for your health!

Ok I’m leaving the thread!


If they have the courage to say idiot things like that then I presume they're confident they can find another job once they get kicked for that retarded attitude. Let them walk away then.


Change logo to rainbow in an empty display of support: "No, don't do that, we see right through it"
Don't change logo to rainbow in an empty display of support: "FUCK THIS SHIT I'M FUCKING LEAVING"

Seems like an empty threat from the get-go to me.

Basis is a single message on company Slack, no attribution is made as to who posted the message or the level of support co-signed or indicated for a proposed walkout. Given the number of sites and the non-unionization of this multinational... suggesting that a "company wide" walkout was on the cards seems errr... optimistic to say the least!

Not to mention the fact that what is being proposed here is a withdrawal of labour, not over pay or working practices, but over making/not making certain political statements! Which is utterly crazy.

I've decided to walk out of GAF because it didn't change its logo to a pride one for June.

I'm not joking, I'm typing this outside on my phone.

They wouldn’t walk out over the 2 Battlefronts loot box P2W stuff, they wouldn’t walk out over the Battlefield 2042 scam, they wouldn’t walk out over little kiddies becoming hooked on gambling due to FUT.

But they will threaten a walk out over a rainbow logo.

Shit company. Shitty nobhead staff.

I don’t need a rainbow logo to show the company that they care… because I know they don’t care either way!!!

It’s just a way to sell us stuff!

Anyway happy pride month to me!!!
I am not surprised neoGAF does not read news articles. of course as 90% of thread arguments is based on that.

If we see the company rainbow-wash their logo without making any substantive statement in support of trans people being abused nationwide in the US and elsewhere, especially after stating that the company doesn't want to make any statement not supported by the diverse viewpoints of our 13,000 employees, we collectively walk out on Friday, June 3rd," the message read.

So they are also not interested in changing logos as it is empty gesture. They were demanding for more action as EA management committed to the fact in 2021 based on the blog that EA posted.

and they guys laughing because they think the employees were bluffing when they pulled away from walkout, you missed the majority of the article where EA management commented that they are planning few things for the subject. They employees had no problem with rainbow logo and shit.

"As most of you know, when June 1 arrives, many companies lean into the Pride celebration -- oftentimes with limited effort beyond rainbow washing their social account profiles," the email said. "As we head into the month, we want to ensure our efforts to celebrate pride are meaningful."

It also contained guidance on what EA leaders, studios and franchises can do to support Pride externally.

The guidelines, seen by GamesIndustry.biz state that messages and graphics shared online "may not be political in nature," and asks for proposed copy/graphics to be submitted to EA's corporation communications team for review before they are shared.

It says EA "strongly recommends activities that go beyond verbalising support for Pride," which includes sharing in-game activities pertaining to the cause, and pointing players towards resources to learn about Pride. Employees are also encouraged to share other efforts EA has made historically to support Pride.

In an FAQ further down, the email gives EA employees and brand social channels permission to tweet and retweet social posts in support of LGBTQIA+ and trans rights, "providing it is authentic to your community and the brand."


Gold Member
A reminder who to stand for. I'm seeing such a backlash to pride this year from gay gays. It used to be the gay pride. Not I'm proud to wear purple hair.

Easy reason.

Because whether gay people like it or not, they are lumped into the whole giant acronym. So whatever distinct events there might be for one of the letters, now becomes a free for all for the entire 10 letter acronym to join in.

As a straight guy, I dont care as I'll let them battle it out. But for anyone who distinctly wants dedicated acknowledgements for their own identity, you better get on the train and fight for your own isolated letter or else the entire group of you are now one combined force. Power in numbers. So the combined group is a lot more impressive to go up against straight people which is probably like 90% of the population.


Gold Member
Since when are American executives starting to grow balls again? I'm beginning to like EA, help.
Oddly it's been lately.

For all the tech companies bending over for years, out of nowhere Google and Apple are telling coworkers to come back to the office, Musk is telling them all no remote work unless approved, Netflix telling their workers if you dont like it here with the content released quit the company. EA (Mr. Battlefield V Wokeism) going against supporting Pride. Who knew.

I got to say I am quite surprised and amazed at the same time. Not sure why but 2022 is swinging the pendulum back to normalcy. And it's like a lot of the big ones are following each other's actions cracking down on lenient policies.
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Authorized Fister
Oddly it's been lately.

For all the tech companies bending over for years, out of nowhere Google and Apple are telling coworkers to come back to the office, Musk is telling them all no remote work unless approved, Netflix telling their workers if you dont like it here with the content released quit the company. EA (Mr. Battlefield V Wokeism) going against supporting Pride. Who knew.

I got to say I am quite surprised and amazed at the same time. Not sure why but 2022 is swinging the pendulum back to normalcy. And it's like a lot of the big ones are following each other's actions cracking down on lenient policies.
They just need to fire all the DEI commies next.
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