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EA staff threaten walkout over lack of statements during Pride Month (Up: cancelled as EA confirm they wont change logo for pride)


I woke up on June 1st not realizing the date. As soon as I looked at Facebook on my phone it was like all companies turned into this:



Gold Member
Let them walk. They aren’t entitled to their employer giving statements for or against anything.
But, but, but how I will be able to go to work in a company that expect ONLY work from me, and not personal statements on everything?


Serious question....what injustices do the LBTG community still face in this day and age in terms of rights? At least in the West. I know there are bigots who will always hate that community and try to do hateful things, but you're not going to change their minds. What/where is the current oppression?
It's astroturfed nonsense facilitated by those who benefit from a society that is in a perpetual state of animosity over the most trivial things so as to divert their attention from actual important issues.

The Soros-Jugend and Alphabet People(tm) have been brainwashed into believing they are "fighting the good fight" when there's literally nothing to be fought for as their "message" is being parroted on the daily by every major corporate entity, government and media outlet around the world. If anything they've now become the majority but won't rest until any and all people adhere to their beliefs (religion) and they will pursue any means necessary until they've reached that goal (such as censorship, cancelling, etc).

But anyway back to you, Dave!
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I have always and will always wish them the best, but the amount of fucking complaining is endless.

It's no longer about pride It's all entitlement now.
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Gold Member
They should have just sent out a tweet, no point in creating drama with your employees over this.

EA already has a bad rep as it is
Or here's an idea. For political issues, how about video game companies and their employees send zero tweets.

I just checked my company's linkedin profile. No mention of Pride Month and the same logo as always. Our website is the same too. And we make consumer goods everyone uses.
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Gold Member
Yes all i want is my employer to show my sexual preference in their company logo.
For most people, they dont care or want it that way.

But some people take that sex/gender identity selling anything from video games to mosquito repellant to air filters as exceptional employee and consumer respect and recognition.
I can't say pretty much anything I believe in at work without being fired . . . they think they can force a company's hand to change a logo for what they believe in. Must be nice! Going back to not being able to voice any opinions now.


The whole SJW agenda is like Nazi Germany in the 30's, just without the violence (so far).
Instead of trying to bring the masses around slowly, its you WILL like this, you WILL do this, you WILL think this, You WILL conform to out beliefs, 'or else' (being cancelled, being classed a bigot, etc).

Its the reason why i think the whole SJW agenda will do more harm than good in the long run. Its only a matter of time until the masses get fed up with all this constant bullshit from clown world, and press back.


As far as I have ever seen, it has always been the latter. Even during the '00s when not nearly as many were out of the closet, it was always incredibly obvious when PRIDE had an event happening on campus or somewhere in town. Why? Because no one else ever had "creative license" to walk through public ass naked sucking dildos and working them presumably up their asses and stuff while winking and blowing kisses at people of all ages who were unfortunate enough to be around that night. I really have no idea or concept of what the f--k their events actually were about, and they would even go out of their way to leave the so-called "multi-purpose room" (basically the 'party' room where concerts and shows were hosted) and walk throughout the rest of the Union building seeking other students out... just to show off their queerness and make passes at anyone they could make eye contact with.

Yeah, I found it disturbing. Being hit on by a dude in ass-less chaps inside the computing lab while trying to do homework probably has compounded my dislike for PRIDE. I could just forget about it, but that really grinded my gears because fuck off I'm doing homework in a lab not at a bar...
There was no pride parades when I grew up, came when I was already in the 30s. But I’m not in the US. Kids called each other gay and stuff like that, to tease or joke, but I saw no real aggression. Maybe it existed in the bigger cities I don’t know.

Anyhow I have a close friend who’s gay and have no issues with any of that, but I do think it’s odd to openly chant about your sexual preference in a parade, or even just talking about it with strangers on a board. Maybe I’m a dinosaur but this is personal things imo.

I understand the LGBT community’s struggle to be accepted but I’m not sure it’s the right way to scream from the roof tops and go parading. I find it odd tbh.

I mean imagine if your straight female coworker or boss or sister or neighbour or aunt or your kids teacher or whatever would walk around with a shirt saying they like to take it in the ass. Too much info perhaps? 🫣


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I blame social media. Everybody feels so entitled now as a result. Small groups are very loud and those small groups have a large following on places like Twitter.

I think of social media never happened we wouldn't have this woke craziness. Well, it would probably still happen but it wouldn't be as extreme as it is nowadays.

The Alien


What say you GAF? Personally, I find it sad that we live in a world like this.
Sad that a company won't pander for a month out of the year when they pander for the other 11 months?....or that bunch of crybaby employees for a company threaten to walkout of their place of employment over perceived lack of pandering?

Regardless, yes. A very sad time to be alive. If yiu are under the age of 35, I feel sorry for your current and for your future.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
All those times EA got grilled worst company. Hell, maybe the whole time it were the regular employees pissing on things, not upper management .
I remember reading about the who Star Wars Battlefront 2 lootbox fiasco and one of the reporters said that the whole lootbox economy in the MP was DICE's idea, not EA's. The devs designed the progression to be tailored around microtransactions and RNG, and it was EA's upper echelon that had to step in after the outrage to completely remove lootboxes from the game.

Jason's Anthem expose was even more glaring. It took them 5 years just to get the fake E3 2017 vertical slice made. EA let them prototype for 5 years. Who does that? Not the worst company in the world who hates their devs. Then bioware lied to them and made them think it was a real game even though they had stiched together a fake demo. They literally had to start from scratch in June 2017 for a November 2019 release lying to both EA and their userbase about the game's progress. The reason why Anthem didnt have an end game is not because EA only gave them 7 years to make the game, it's because bioware literally didnt know they were making a GaaS game.


I might actually buy Madden this year and I don't even like sports games, but I'm glad they had the balls to stand up to the nonsense.


I might actually buy Madden this year and I don't even like sports games, but I'm glad they had the balls to stand up to the nonsense.
They will back down though i'm sure, unfortunately.
Funny thing is dont these loons realize that these huge companies dont give a shit about 'their cause', and its just pandering?.


Gold Member
I might actually buy Madden this year and I don't even like sports games, but I'm glad they had the balls to stand up to the nonsense.
It seems to be a chain of tech companies putting in more corporate policies this year as they right the ship of pandering and politics.

Just like when they all leaned left, they all follow each other. Now if some are leaning right to even it out, more might do the same.

In just a handful of months, you got big tech companies like Apple, Google ad Tesla getting employees to go back to the office, Netflix telling workers quit if you dont like it, and EA not conforming to sex politics.

Like a new corporate world lately.


It seems to be a chain of tech companies putting in more corporate policies this year as they right the ship of pandering and politics.

Just like when they all leaned left, they all follow each other. Now if some are leaning right to even it out, more might do the same.

In just a handful of months, you got big tech companies like Apple, Google ad Tesla getting employees to go back to the office, Netflix telling workers quit if you dont like it, and EA not conforming to sex politics.

Like a new corporate world lately.
Which is good thing. This woke shit needs to stop. It's harming the US economy when companies have to lose millions of dollars on hiring unqualified turds just because they feel entitled


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I blame social media. Everybody feels so entitled now as a result. Small groups are very loud and those small groups have a large following on places like Twitter.

I think of social media never happened we wouldn't have this woke craziness. Well, it would probably still happen but it wouldn't be as extreme as it is nowadays.

Social media has allowed every fringe group to punch far above their weight. There have always been isolated nutcases strewn throughout the country and these individuals could always be easily ignored (and secretly laughed at), but thanks to Facebook, Tumbler, Twitter, etc they now band together and present themselves as a movement. When these easily offended nutjobs find offense in something or other, their angry sputterings spread quickly on sympathetic progressive sites (who do everything for the clicks). A few tweets by a handful of blue haired idiots are presented as a tsunami of popular indignation and usually companies give in immediately in order to avoid a PR disaster. So now we have massive multi billion dollar companies bending the knee to fringe groups of progressive radicals while the huge majority of the population are now seens as archaic degenerates whose ideas, morals and politics can easily be ignored because the future is WOKE.


I have a feeling 90% of the people responding here didn't read the article.

Makes sense they wanted more than just a logo change.
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I think there should be an experiment whereby all these people leave the major companies they are leeching off and we set up a new company where they can all work together.

Watch how they produce absolutely fuck all.
They can work on half life 3 since it’s never going to come out anyway.


Gold Member
Feel free to call me if your life is in danger, I'll be happy to help. But I'm sorry I don't give a flying fuck about your sexuality. Shoo.
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