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PC Gamer's list of 2012 PC titles to look forward to(RUMOR: Catherine heading to PC?)


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
I'm most looking forward to Phantasy Star Online 2, Planetside 2, Diablo 3, and Kingdoms of Amalur.


Didn't know Raccoon City was getting a PC version. Just kind of assumed it would be consoles only.

Didn't really see anything interesting outside of Tera online on that list that I wouldn't just play on PS3 instead. Diablo 3 was not on the list, which is odd. It should have been on top, but instead it only got a brief mention of "oh we already previewed that".


Here's hoping Valve gets Steam on TV for 2012. I want Steam with a controller on the couch.
As has been said before, there are a lot of games that make this list more along the lines of "Games we hope will come to PC in 2012". Among others mentioned, Fall of Cybertron doesn't have a PC version, pretty sure.


Looking forward Guild Wars 2, DOTA 2, Diablo 3, X Rebirth, but now looking at the list there are so many titles that looks interesting that i didn't know about :O
That's crazy, but I still think they'll only release 2 of the 3.. either D3 and HOTS or D3 and MoP. If SWTOR is successful, they might delay the expansion for 6 months or so to really shove a lot of content in there and make players come back.

I just find it so odd that they would make their release schedule that so they release 3 major titles in the one year. But I suppose if they space them out like you said, it's not that big of a deal.

D3 was supposed to be late 2011, they were claiming that for quite a while (almost a year iirc) but it didn't happen. We will get a better indication of when SC2 is getting close by when the beta opens up because the amount of balancing needed and therefore time to test is alot.

I think WoW is pretty much a it's own beast as far as releases go, it hits its november/december/january release every 2 years.


WTF? Mechwarrior Online? It won't have a full single player campaign focus like the previous games? 2012 ruined :(

Dynamic story that develops based on players' allegiances to major Clans and Houses, rebooting the story starting at the Clan Invasion. They have a bunch of talent from FASA on board, so it should turn out great.


Catherine on PC would be excellent; especially since I haven't gotten around to picking it up yet.

Hoping GTAV launches simultaneously with the 360 / PS3 versions..


If Dark Millennium Online is F2P, I hope they don't make it pay 2 win.

Devs are learning, slowly. We can only hope that the big F2P titles of 2012 wind up avoiding some of the ridiculous cash shop shenanigans we've seen in the past.


Looking forward to Legend of Pegasus, I need a decent space 4x game to play. Here's hoping they are able to pull it off.

Also, Elemental: Fallen Enchantress looks interesting. I'm sure Stardock will get their act together this go around, and release a good game after the debacle that was the original Elemental.
Regarding Dark Millenium Online and the business model:

"We have a lot of different models about how it can be monetized," Bilson said, noting that when the game gets closer to launch, THQ will rearrange "the content" in a way that best "represents the gamer."

"At that time," Bilson asks, "what would be the most effective?"


"I believe that the content can dictate what's worth subscription, or not. I think a lot of [the MMOs] that go 'free-to-play' go secondarily 'free-to-play.'" Recent examples of titles switching business models include a slew of titles from Smedley's own company, including DC Universe Online.

"What I'm seeing from Dark Millennium Online's development is that it's extremely premium. But, really, the whole online culture may shift and [Smedley] may be right. He may be wrong. [Dark Millennium Online] is set up for all kinds of monetization. We're going to move it into whatever makes the most sense for its launch."


I'm going to say that it's going to be a subscription based MMO to start off because THQ might be looking at it as a game that could be a big hit and possibly save them.


Nice to see the hype for PSO 2 cranking up, otherwise would love Catherine on PC, also holding out hope for Binary Domain.


Certaininly hope Catherine gets a PC release, the more exposure the better.



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I don't get the justification for putting Catherine on PC, as it seems like Atlus' biggest fanbase is on the consoles (and Japanese games in general), and the average PC gamer is likely to ignore the game, but hey.. more people need to play the gmae anyways.
I don't get the justification for putting Catherine on PC, as it seems like Atlus' biggest fanbase is on the consoles (and Japanese games in general), and the average PC gamer is likely to ignore the game, but hey.. more people need to play the gmae anyways.
I dunno. A steam sale is a powerful thing.


I dunno. A steam sale is a powerful thing.


Couple of dubious entries on this list like Devil May Cry and Lollipop Chainsaw.
Rising/Revengeance platforms aren't very clear now that Platinum came on board.

On the other hand of course there's a lot of games not on this list.

More PC ports on steam seems like a good idea to keep japanese developers in business.


hide your water-based mammals
Catherine to PC, hot damn if true!

14xOGGANSTERSSAA motherloving 32xAF DXAA FXAA DSAA AAAA and more!



Couple of dubious entries on this list like Devil May Cry and Lollipop Chainsaw.
Rising/Revengeance platforms aren't very clear now that Platinum came on board.

On the other hand of course there's a lot of games not on this list.

More PC ports on steam seems like a good idea to keep japanese developers in business.

It's actually been very clear. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is PS3/360 only. It's being made on Platinum's engine and Platinum's engine has only seen games on PS3 and 360. Metal Gear Solid: Rising was PS3/360/PC (and possibly Vita) because it was being made on Fox Engine by KojiPro. That game was cancelled.


More Japanese games on Steam or published in the US in some form for the PC would be greatly appreciated. I'd double dip on Catherine for sure.

Beyond that I'm really hoping we see a localized version of Phantasy Star Online 2.


It would be nice to see Demon/Dark Souls on PC if Catherine is coming.

This would be amazing. The PC has a huge audience who love challenging games and the fantasy genre. It seems like a no-brainer to me. All we can do is wait for the PC to become a viable platform to more publishers. Even as I type, Steam is approaching 5 million concurrent users for the first time, so I think the market is certainly there.


It's actually been very clear. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is PS3/360 only. It's being made on Platinum's engine and Platinum's engine has only seen games on PS3 and 360. Metal Gear Solid: Rising was PS3/360/PC (and possibly Vita) because it was being made on Fox Engine by KojiPro. That game was cancelled.

Oh, you're probably right, but IMO they haven't been very clear on it.

For the so-called master race it's surprising so many of you want ports from the peasants.

Troll more.


Had no idea a new King`s Bounty game was announced. Definitely one of my favorite franchises, sunk so many hours into the games.
The 1c website says spring instead of summer though, any idea which one is right?


This will be probably the best year for PC gamers in years and definitely best for hack and slash fans in history - 4 titles coming out this year from this genre! [Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, Torchlight 2, Diablo 3] and maybe even Lineage 3, but i personally doubt it.
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