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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


This is my opinion:

People who think the PS3 controller is superior to the xbox 360 controller are blatant fanboys or exclusive 2D fighters. I'm a pc gamer so I have no horse in this race. (Owned all current gen consoles at one point, have since sold them all.)

I think the anime look most Eastern games employ is childish and cliche looking. I like it when it's stylized (Blue Dragon) or when it's moved beyond the mundane (Demon Souls), but for the most part it induces a gag reflex and is an instant turn off. It isn't even the cartoony aspect. I love cartoony. It's the constantly effeminate men and absolutely objectified wardrobe females traditionally get. It comes off as confused misogyny to me. Real man-child like sensibilities.
The 360 controller is the finest controller that has ever been. Its only flaw is the D-pad. Otherwise, it is perfect.

Video games are a terrible story-telling medium, and no game story will ever reach the heights of great literature or film.

Ubisoft is overall one of the best developers around.

Saint's Row 3 is way more fun on paper than in reality.

Bulletstorm was easily the best shooter of 2011.

Master Chief is a stupid and silly character (fantastic visual design, however).

Gran Turismo and its ilk are boring and sterile. They are more concerned with mimicking reality than being genuinely fun.


There is this master race and then there are the console peasants .. wait nothing controversial about it. Let me think of a new one.


Neo Member

Is this really how other people try to hold a PS3 controller? People you're supposed to use a relaxed grip, to me that pic is how your supposed to hold the 360 controller with a tightened grip. Having used both I honestly have no preference but from the looks of people don't actually know how to hold the PS3 controller properly.



That's how I hold them both, both fine for me. PS3 feels a little more natural, maybe that's just because I've used them since PS1 days.


Dual shock stick placement IS terrible.


The right analog is not as important since you generally don't need to keep your thumb on it constantly, and in genres where you do it's better off being replaced by a pointer, anyway.

I love diagrams like this. A red circle and line saying "this is right", no other info. :)

You DO hold your thumbs on both sticks constantly, since most games are 3D these days, and do the walk/camera thing. Not all games of course, but most of the big console ones.
Here's my opinion (hope no one gets ofended):
Kotor2 > Kotor1, in a gameplay sense, everything just feels more dinamic and fast, and I prefer Kotor 2's Skilll and feats.


Is this really how other people try to hold a PS3 controller? People you're supposed to use a relaxed grip
No that was semi in jest. It's even almost impossible to hold it like that without seriously straining your hand. I did want to point out with it that the 'wings' on the PS controller were designed to be gripped (as was the jaguar controller, the original xbox, dreamcast, the gamecube and a number of others). They added the thumb sticks but placed them out of the way, because they were hardly used. Now that you do use them, you have to hold the controller in a way it wasn't designed for.


Weird. I was just thinking the other day about what my ideal controller would be and it had the analog sticks and placement of the PS3 controller with the bulk of the 360 controller.

I hate that floating left analog nub on the 360 controller. It's placement makes it feel like I have less control over it and pressing L3 is more difficult than on the Dual Shock.

To each his own, I guess.
(Non?)-Controversial Opinion: Arguing over stick placement is perhaps the dumbest argument on message boards these days. It makes me wonder how these people function in their day to day life. Oh no this pen isn't ergonomically designed! Honestly, my hands just do what they are told; I don't have a problem with either controller.

Anyway a few more opinions:

The Vita could fail in its first year and I wouldn't care given it will be the best way to play digital PSP games. You shouldn't care either!

PSP's lineup in 2012 = underrated. Its not the size of the lineup that matters, its how you use it.

Dissidia (or 012) is the best game SE has released in years and I would LOVE a game with an original cast and story using that battle system. Hopefully that is in the works.

I like virtual sticks and d-pads on iOS. They aren't good for precise movements but there are many fun games that use them. Unfairly hated in my opinion.

"No WiiU port?" is going to be the most annoying question asked again and again on GAF for the next 9 months. Many threads will be derailed this way


Your middle fingers should be on the LT and RT buttons.

Only when you need to press LB and LT or RB and RT at the same time, which is rare. Outside of that it is much more comfortable to use your index fingers for the shoulder buttons and use your middle fingers to support the controller.
The Vita could fail in its first year and I wouldn't care given it will be the best way to play digital PSP games. You shouldn't care either!

While I see what you're saying, I'm worried that the much higher resolution and larger size of the Vita screen may make PSP games look poor on it. That being said, it will also produce more vibrant color and have less ghosting, so it might be a trade-off worth making.
Only when you need to press LB and LT or RB and RT at the same time, which is rare. Outside of that it is much more comfortable to use your index fingers for the shoulder buttons and use your middle fingers to support the controller.

Thats exactly how i hold my controllers... i thought everyone held them that way...

That's how I hold them both, both fine for me. PS3 feels a little more natural, maybe that's just because I've used them since PS1 days.

This. I don't see how people are holding the controllers in their hand like spekkah, small hands or not. I can use a 360 or PS3 pad comfortably but the DS3 feels more natural to use with the symmetrical stick placement.


No that was semi in jest. It's even almost impossible to hold it like that without seriously straining your hand. I did want to point out with it that the 'wings' on the PS controller were designed to be gripped (as was the jaguar controller, the original xbox, dreamcast, the gamecube and a number of others). They added the thumb sticks but placed them out of the way, because they were hardly used. Now that you do use them, you have to hold the controller in a way it wasn't designed for.

Your middle fingers should be on the LT and RT buttons.


No. They really shouldn't be. I can't even imagine having my middle and index fingers that close to each other playing for any significant amount of time.

I don't "grip" controllers when I use them. That's why your weird diagram doesn't apply to me (there is absolutely nothing unnatural about resting your thumbs on the DS thumbsticks), and that's why the 360 controller's plastic tumor on the back is highly annoying.


Because... that's not where your fingers should be. Those wings are made to grip, not to loosely rest on your fingers as with the Dualshock. Which is also why I can't operate a PS3 controller.


Your thumbs, how do the work.

I would've prefered that weird boomerang thing because at least the sticks seem to be placed further upwards.

People on a gaming forum not knowing how to hold a playstation 3 controller... I like the 360 controller more than the PS3 controller too, but that image is just ridiculous. Did you just try to come up with the most uncomfortable way to hold it?


Duke Nukem Forever is one of the best FPS of 2011 and is immensely fun.

I got the game for free on Amazon, I will say that it isn't as crappy as I thought it was gonna be, it definitely has some extremely noticeable flaws but there's some good jokes in there, probably the funniest game I've played since Floigan Bros. on the Dreamcast (not sure if this was actually funny, or if it's because I was 10 and the game aped Looney Tunes humor). I hate the two gun limit, don't like throwing the grenades with the number keys, game doesn't run as good as it should and has some texture pop in issues, but overall I think the first couple hours have been decent.

Surprised after that shit-tastic demo.


Never buying a Nintendo console again. The wii collected too much dust this gen. Plus their target demographic seems to be getting younger and younger. Probably the best move for them though, it wouldnt surprise me if they are number 1 next gen also. It's just not for me.

I also think the no used games on nextbox is a good thing.
Overall:- I think the rise of the HD era has lead to the worse games of all time in terms of gameplay as the focus for many have shifted from creating fun addictive gameplay, to having graphically superior, "immersive" interactive movies. The online services have mitigated this somewhat but it's still there. Nearly every game that is marketed on its story, outside of RPGs, which was always a genre I hated, has proven to not be even worth playing, nevermind buying.

Likewise, the inclusion of the save system and infinite continues has birthed a generation of lazy gamers who don't comprehend the concept of mastering a games mechanics and just muddle through. Give me a 4 hour game that challanges me and rewards the effort I put in than a 12 hour game i can beat largely by pressing 2 buttons over and over again. Gameplay should NEVER be sacrificed for story.

The narrative of the player, learning the challenges of the game, overcoming them and mastering the game systems is by far the most important one.

Some Video game forumites, especially here have an an bizarre sense of entitlement and also bizarre expectations and views on how other people should spend their time and money.

Corperate cheer leading for any company that you don't own shares in is bizarre and inane. It's one thing to want a company to do well, quite another to defend clear anti-consumer practises.

PC gaming is more trouble than it's worth with the graphical payoff not even worth the hassle and expense.

the genesis sonic games are so overrated by sonic fans it's become self parody. modern sonic games have had their missteps but they is fun to be had in each and every one bar 2006

fighting games will never be accessible beyond a certain point. If you haven't got into the genre by now and consider yourself an active gamer, you never will. Lowering the bar any further just makes for crappier games.

Shooters are mind-numbingly boring.

Western games feel more production-line and focus group orientated than Japanese games.

The beat-em-up genre should of never been allowed to die

Every sandbox game so far has underwhelmed in terms of potential. When done properly, it should be 4 or more separate games in one, and should be both priced and developed accordingly. shenmues aping of vitual fighters fighting system is the only thing that has come remotely close.

Smartphone gaming is mostly rubbish but dedicated handhelds should work on battery and ergonomics first rather than last.

Gimmick gamers never stick around.


People on a gaming forum not knowing how to hold a playstation 3 controller... I like the 360 controller more than the PS3 controller too, but that image is just ridiculous. Did you just try to come up with the most uncomfortable way to hold it?
No I came up with the way the controller was designed to be held, with wings for gripping, not for loosely holding. I know how you're supposed to hold it now, I just find that much less comfortable than all the other controllers (apart from retro ones such as the wii classic) that do have the analog stick on the ergonomical resting place of the thumb.

I'm not going to comment on this anymore, because I really don't think it's a) that controversial, or b) a big enough issue to derail the thread for.


Scary Euro Man
No I came up with the way the controller was designed to be held, with wings for gripping, not for loosely holding.

You have the base of the wings at or below the wrist in your drawing. This is not how any normal person holds any controller.

I'm not going to comment on this anymore, because I've already made enough of a fool of myself.

An uncontroversial typo fix.


I love diagrams like this. A red circle and line saying "this is right", no other info. :)
The red circle illustrates where the control input (whether it's a stick or a d-pad) is placed on controllers with only a single such input. It makes sense that this is the primary position.
You DO hold your thumbs on both sticks constantly, since most games are 3D these days, and do the walk/camera thing. Not all games of course, but most of the big console ones.
IMO, a well-designed 3D game doesn't require that much camera manipulation.
I cant stand HD remakes. SOTC/ICO, GOW1/2 etc - they all look like dog shit and they do nothing to fix the textures. Consequentially, all you have is an incredibly overrated game with shit controls and terrible graphics which look slightly clearer.


I find it stupid that they're calling them remakes... Halo Anniversary is what I think qualifies as a remake. Graphics, texture, sound should be brought up to todays standard, developer commentary during the game, stuff like that. Not some upscaled bullshit port :/


I just call them "ports". Calling them "remastered" doesn't make sense to me.

Speaking of, the widespread misuse of the word "retro" is pretty awful and likely not going away.


People who think the PS3 controller is superior to the xbox 360 controller are blatant fanboys or exclusive 2D fighters.
Geez, why are 2D sidescrollers or... well, almost any other kind of 2D game always ignored on this topic?

Anyways, looking in the iOS thread reminded me, and this is one that's been on my mind, but the REAL reason it'd be awful if iOS completely dominated handheld gaming is simply because of how save files are managed. REQUIRING them to be deleted once removed from the device, and only retrieving them via iCloud restores, is completely awful and has no place on a device where the only option is onboard memory with no ability to copy off. It can be annoying on carts too, at least when handled like the Vita apparently does where the option to take them off is thrown out, and it's still annoying if game/save are tied together even if copying both off is an option; why the fuck did Nintendo do this with DSiware and eShop games, despite getting it right on Wii? Still, at least with carts it's mainly an issue of lending/reselling yet you still want to keep yours, and copying off is easily solved with an extra card that's usually cheap anyway, and I have a hard time imagining ever getting 32 GB of eShop games short of Nintendo putting full 3DS games on the store. With iOS, my only choice to manage them separately is jail breaking, and having a serious push on games yet not putting SOMETHING reasonable there is ridiculous. It's why my iPod's mainly become just a music player/web browsing device and I have cold feet on playing large games, I can sacrifice 30 GB perpetually but do I really want Infinity Blade staying there and hogging a gigabyte that could go to music or something instead?


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Master System's Ghouls and Ghosts is the best version of the 4/8/16bit games for the franchise. Aye it's easier, but it's a whole lot more fun because of that.

Some nice effects for the time as well.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
I have never liked the Resident Evil Franchise, was plagued with bad controls and once those were fixed it got too action heavy for me.

I also disliked Halo 2 very much.


PC gaming is more trouble than it's worth with the graphical payoff not even worth the hassle and expense.

Normally I would vehemently disagree with you but I'm in the middle of trying to figure out what just died on my PC and it's an enormous pain in the ass.

I'll have to get back to you once my rage subsides and my PC is working again.


Back on the topic of Duke Nukem Forever, I've been playing for a bit, and I just entered the hive. So far, while I recognize that DNF isn't as well designed, I've been having more fun with it than I did with the first Half-Life.

I hear the Hive is awful, we'll see how I feel about this in a bit.
more and more PC games are being developed horribly, mods are fixing the problems instead (skyrim!)

oh and uncharted 3 feels like uncharted 2 which also feels like uncharted.. its getting old - story, someone gets captured or shot, rescued, boss battle, ruins destroyed - end
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