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Winter 2012 Anime Thread of Roundcats Up in This

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Perhaps some, er, context is needed here.

Manga UK, the company behind the release of Overfiend, pulled off a move of marketing brilliance by having Overfiend shown in theatres. Once you've done that all you need to do is wait for some tabloid journalist (by which I mean, someone who writes for the largely conservative press that covers celebrity sex scandals and is read by a huge swathe of the population) to see the film, wait for them to write an article about how "this outrageous filth should be BANNED" and then wait for people to flock to the movie. Even better, politicians were calling for it to be banned in the Houses of Parliament. I mean, you can't get much better free press then that.

Of course, all this had the knock-on effect of tarnishing the image of anime in the UK, but it certainly worked well for Manga UK.

Legend of the overfiend made it on the list of top 100 best cartoons/animated films ever on channel 4.


I think it ranked around 70

also Wicked City made the list.


The Light of El Cantare
People watching motherfucking Heartcatch! now? FUCK YEAH

I'd like to convince some people to follow Smile week to week, which would either result in netting more members for Team Precure or lots of amusing posts as people burn out on the series one by one. It's win-win for me at least.
I don't think I can make a new thread yet so I thought I'd post this here. ANY help is appreciated! :D

So, I recently watched all of Golgo 13. It was my first anime not counting Akira, which I saw when I was REALLY young in the 80's. I'm looking for recommendations for the following...

1. Mature theme, action

2. An art style that looks more "human" like Golgo, I'm not big on the art style with huge eyes and stuff.

3. Modern action, if possible, with as little fantasy as possible.

Yeah, I'm picky. Sorry, lol. If you feel like recommending something even if it doesn't fit all my categories, just do so!

Black Lagoon, Monster. Other people in here would probably be better than me at recommending stuff with those requirements.



Man, the ghost-rules in this show make no sense. How the hell can she move real objects around? Araragi clearly picks up the very same bottle later, so I wonder if she works like a penguin from Penguin Drum. Anyway -

[Nisemonogatari 6]


Wow, the return of the near-mythical good episode of this show, absent since episode 3. I hope we don't have to wait another couple of episodes for them to make another good one.

I was a little bit concerned at first that this would be the usual low budget affair - they even use an extreme long shot where the camera is further from the characters than it has EVER been before.


For once this was actually a deliberate artistic choice, rather than a cost-saving measure because the rest of the episode looks really good. I mean, to the point where I feel like checking whether SHAFT were even the one's responsible for the animation. Usually there's a couple of short sequences here and there where the animation is acceptable - but this time every single scene had actual character animation throughout. That shouldn't be impressive - but for this show it is. I'd kind of forgotten how much fun it is to watch this style of direction married up to god animation, probably because it occurs so infrequently.




Of course energetic animation and pleasant art alone don't make a show worth watching, so it's a good thing that the pacing for this episode was up to scratch and the editing itself was fairly snappy. No-one particular scene lasted too long and it felt like every scene actually had reason for existing beyond mindless banter. Of course, it also helps that the majority of this episode was devoted to a glorious Senjougahara scene where SHAFT actually put their CG to good use for once.

I was a little bit concerned when I saw the snail scene at the beginning but thankfully they didn't go there again, although it actually didn't impact the plot at all. Perhaps it was just there to show that Araragi has grown as a character and feels that his molesting days are behind him?

Oh, and I enjoyed the large amount of head tilts, close ups and other visual ticks that I expect out of a SHAFT show because this time they were actually animated nicely.

Knight in the Area 6

Guess I need to watch more soccer anime, the match was intense and so gripping and the ending, should have done a double episode. Heart thing is losing its impact as each episode goes on.

The announcer dude was hilarious and Kakeru's team has such great chemistry.


I'd like to convince some people to follow Smile week to week, which would either result in netting more members for Team Precure or lots of amusing posts as people burn out on the series one by one. It's win-win for me at least.

I probably will be.


I don't think I can make a new thread yet so I thought I'd post this here. ANY help is appreciated! :D

So, I recently watched all of Golgo 13. It was my first anime not counting Akira, which I saw when I was REALLY young in the 80's. I'm looking for recommendations for the following...

1. Mature theme, action

2. An art style that looks more "human" like Golgo, I'm not big on the art style with huge eyes and stuff.

3. Modern action, if possible, with as little fantasy as possible.

Yeah, I'm picky. Sorry, lol. If you feel like recommending something even if it doesn't fit all my categories, just do so!
If we're restricted to modern action titles with a realistic art style then it seems that the obvious answer would be Black Lagoon, as that pretty much matches up with exactly what you're looking for. If you'd like a more cerebral work, then try Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.


I bought it (and Tatami Galaxy, for that matter), but given it's Beez and they've gone the way of Bandai Entertainment in the US, it doesn't really matter if it's a viable business model at this point.

Well, I think that answers that question rather succinctly.


GAF parliamentarian
Did they get removed or something? My favourites are still there.
Well, I just got hit with a site skin change and there's no more option to manage my favorites, far as I can see. Just a queue.


Am I the only one getting the new site design?


Yami to Bōshi to Hon no Tabibito 12-13

Awful, It was chore enough to sit through two episodes back to back. It's disappointing as something fun could have been made here given the infinite world setting but I assume the show was constrained by adapting the VN. I really wasn't a fan of the episode structure either. Fast world transitions via a narrator effectively saying "Enough of that, how about this?" and often breaking up the worlds in 15 minute chunks to end an episode and begin the next didn't really serve to build any dramatic tension (save for the colony ship reveal) and just made me think the show should have been shorter.


The 1.11 one.

Hmm, that's really quite poor by comparison. I can only assume the original series sold far better when it came out, even though far more people know about the franchise these days thanks to it's exposure over the last fifteen years. I can only assume rampant piracy had played it's part in lowering those sales figures as well.


Yami to Bōshi to Hon no Tabibito 12-13

Awful, It was chore enough to sit through two episodes back to back. It's disappointing as something fun could have been made here given the infinite world setting but I assume the show was constrained by adapting the VN. I really wasn't a fan of the episode structure either. Fast world transitions via a narrator effectively saying "Enough of that, how about this?" and often breaking up the worlds in 15 minute chunks to end an episode and begin the next didn't really serve to build any dramatic tension (save for the colony ship reveal) and just made me think the show should have been shorter.

It's supposed to be a chore to sit through any episode of the show. I don't think you're doing it right, perhaps you'd like to watch Ergo Proxy instead.


I like Ghost in the Shell, I've seen it in parts before. By modern, I mean set in modern-day society with as little sci-fi as possible. Ghost in the Shell has been an exception for me since I love the Neo-Tokyo setting.

Thanks for the ideas so far, I will look here for more.


I like Ghost in the Shell, I've seen it in parts before. By modern, I mean set in modern-day society with as little sci-fi as possible. Ghost in the Shell has been an exception for me since I love the Neo-Tokyo setting.

Thanks for the ideas so far, I will look here for more.

Can I also recommend these thread as I think they do a good job highlighting a wide range of excellent titles that you may wish to consume:


Of course, if you'd like any more very specific recommendations feel free to ask in this thread and I'm sure a few people will be happy to give you some recommendations.


Once you've done that all you need to do is wait for some tabloid journalist (by which I mean, someone who writes for the largely conservative press that covers celebrity sex scandals and is read by a huge swathe of the population) to see the film, wait for them to write an article about how "this outrageous filth should be BANNED" and then wait for people to flock to the movie.

What do you mean 'wait' - the way I've heard it told from the people who'd know about this kind of thing, Manga were incredibly proactive in running their own "ban this sick filth" campaign. The newspapers reaction was as more a result of Manga repeatedly informing them of it in the guise of people unwittingly subjected to it than it was the papers movie guys actually seeing it themselves.

But, hey, the fact is that people aren't really likely to buy things they've never heard of, even if the way they hear about it is under negative circumstances. It doesn't really matter that House of Five Leaves is selling for £40 or whatever, because, even buried under the piles of unsold singles, the only people who're likely to buy that kind of thing are those who're looking for it. Most of whom will probably go to Amazon or Play or somewhere were it's way cheaper. This stuff gets no exposure these days - back when the shows mentioned in those figures posted were released over here, there was plenty of the stuff on late night Channel 4/Sci-Fi Channel/Paramount/Bravo/Whatever for people to stumble upon.

Hmm, that's really quite poor by comparison. I can only assume the original series sold far better when it came out

What, over 13 dub only VHS cassettes sold at £13 a piece? I mean, I've got them, but I doubt it sold better than the movies have. Maybe over it's complete lifetime, but that's just because there's been stock of it floating around for the best part of a decade.


Level E 1

Yes... yes...

Good old Japanese comedy, where one character does something silly and the other threatens them with physical violence. Suggestions of mystery and horror. ET references. Cats. High school. Impossible physical feats.

It's strange, unexpected, and full of wildly varying tonal shifts. It's the kind of weird I need.


sealed with a kiss
Level E 1

Yes... yes...

Good old Japanese comedy, where one character does something silly and the other threatens them with physical violence. Suggestions of mystery and horror. ET references. Cats. High school. Impossible physical feats.

It's strange, unexpected, and full of wildly varying tonal shifts. It's the kind of weird I need.

Episode 3 is the best, it's all downhill from there. Still totally worth it for the
Colour Rangers
though. You should check out Azazel-san as well, it's another excellent comedy series from last year.


I like Ghost in the Shell, I've seen it in parts before. By modern, I mean set in modern-day society with as little sci-fi as possible. Ghost in the Shell has been an exception for me since I love the Neo-Tokyo setting.

Thanks for the ideas so far, I will look here for more.

Well then Black Lagoon and Michiko e Hatchin are good choices for you. If you don't mind some light sci-fi elements, Skull Man would also be a very good choice, same with the first season of Darker than Black. If you enjoyed Ghost in the Shell then I would recommend watching the excellent TV anime series.

How do you feel about sports? Hajime no Ippo is an excellent boxing anime.

If you liked Golgo, you also might enjoy Mad Bull 34. It's more of a buddy cop comedy action show, pretty manly and entertaining.


Man, the ghost-rules in this show make no sense. How the hell can she move real objects around?
Did you think she couldn't? Why? Living people can touch her (... clearly), and she bit/hit Araragi back quite a few times.
Not an issue, here, I believe, unlike that Menma thing...

(I hope some shots get fixed for the video release... the chara design often was a bit off... same thing back in episode 3, actually! huh)


Nisemonogatari 6

I'm pretty sure I heard a new piano version of Staple Stable, hopefully they'll release the Nise soundtrack sooner as opposed to later.
I can't believe the Marshmallow Justice and Futakotome singles won't be released until late April and May. How annoying...


sealed with a kiss
Nise 6

An excellent return to form after a few mediocre episodes. And Senjougaraha reasserts the fact that she is by far the best character. Hachikuji is a lot more enjoyable in Nise then in Bakemono, and Shinobu is so hnnnnnnngh. Next episode we should finally get the
fight between Karen and Ararararagi.




Did you think she couldn't? Why? Living people can touch her (... clearly), and she bit/hit Araragi back quite a few times.
Not an issue, here, I believe, unlike that Menma thing...

I was just kidding around, I don't really care about how ghost-rules work in this show, it was purely a reference to the many long discussions we had about Ano Hana.

Now that I've gone out and literally explained every facet of my joke I feel like that character in Japanese comedies who explains the joke so that the audience understands that it's supposed to be funny.


Now that I've gone out and literally explained every facet of my joke I feel like that character in Japanese comedies who explains the joke so that the audience understands that it's supposed to be funny.

Nah, for that you'd have needed to explain it IN BOLDED CAPITAL LETTERS SO IT WOULD BE ENTIRELY CLEAR THAT YOU ARE SHOUTING. I'm pretty sure that anime has taught me that things are only funny if they're shouted.
[Level E]

Episode 3 is the best, it's all downhill from there. Still totally worth it for the
Colour Rangers

I beg to differ. Episode 4 was definitely the best episode - its direction and visual stylization were a cut above everything else. And while the middle got a bit pedestrian, particularly in episodes 8-9, the episodes after that and the final arc most of all were quite good.


Nah, for that you'd have needed to explain it IN BOLDED CAPITAL LETTERS SO IT WOULD BE ENTIRELY CLEAR THAT YOU ARE SHOUTING. I'm pretty sure that anime has taught me that things are only funny if they're shouted.
Replace "funny" with "awesome", and Nobuyuki Hiyama agrees with you wholeheartedly.


The hardest part about watching -monogatari is figuring out which parts are SHAFT trolling, which parts are Nisioisin trolling, and which parts happen to be both.


What do you mean 'wait' - the way I've heard it told from the people who'd know about this kind of thing, Manga were incredibly proactive in running their own "ban this sick filth" campaign. The newspapers reaction was as more a result of Manga repeatedly informing them of it in the guise of people unwittingly subjected to it than it was the papers movie guys actually seeing it themselves.
Right - this is what I always assumed, but I don't have any sources to hand which confirm that.
This stuff gets no exposure these days - back when the shows mentioned in those figures posted were released over here, there was plenty of the stuff on late night Channel 4/Sci-Fi Channel/Paramount/Bravo/Whatever for people to stumble upon.
Right, and that's certainly how I stumbled over a few programs back when I was growing up. Anime certainly doesn't get that kind of air time anymore. However, I think anyone browsing the internet for stuff to watch is likely to 'come across' anime sooner or later, so I think it does get exposure by dint of being online.

However, there's one obvious difference here. Pre-internet days, you just had your basic range of TV channels if you were looking for entertainment. Your options were limited to, lets say 15 good channels. Therefore your chancing of finding any one particular show, lets say an anime, would be 1/15.

As soon as you have the internet, that 'channel' (say, a YouTube channel) is now 1/1,000000000000 different things you could be watching.


sealed with a kiss
[Level E]

I beg to differ. Episode 4 was definitely the best episode - its direction and visual stylization were a cut above everything else. And while the middle got a bit pedestrian, particularly in episodes 8-9, the episodes after that and the final arc most of all were quite good.

Well, the quality of the show is pretty high overall, and so it's not like the show suddenly became bad after the first arc, but
since the Prince's true character hadn't been revealed yet, episode 3 had the biggest impact on me, since I had no idea how the situation was going to be resolved. in the future episodes, such as episode 4, there wasn't quite the same mystery, since I could generally guess how they would resolve the mystery.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Mobile Suit Gundam F91:
Well, somewhere in this is a story that could've been told in 2 hours. Sadly, they tried to cram 50 episodes worth of story instead.


Level E 1
Yes... yes...

Good old Japanese comedy, where one character does something silly and the other threatens them with physical violence. Suggestions of mystery and horror. ET references. Cats. High school. Impossible physical feats.

It's strange, unexpected, and full of wildly varying tonal shifts. It's the kind of weird I need.

You're in for a fun, if slightly inconsistent, ride. Definitely one of my favourite 'comedies' of recent times, right up there with Soredemo. Both shows came out and surprised because I really wasn't looking forward to them based off their trailers and premises.


Mobile Suit Gundam F91:
Well, somewhere in this is a story that could've been told in 2 hours. Sadly, they tried to cram 50 episodes into a single 2 hour movie.

So you're saying it has Tomino pacing?

Okay, I am aware that it was supposed to be a full length TV series that got cut-down into a movie but really, I couldn't resist. It was too tempting.


Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas end


So yeah, this is was really good. I'd honestly be more hyped for an announcement of a continuation of this than the announcement of Saint Seiya Omega. Hope we don't have to wait too long.

Does the Lost Canvas OVA have an actual ending, or is it one of the anime OVAs that just stop? I'm kind of wondering if I should watch it, but I know it didn't animate all of the source material, and I don't want to watch it if there's no actual ending.


Moetsu Pirates - 06

All that documentation to become a pirate, might as well be a government official. And that's got to be the moe-est pirate raid ever.

Looks like things will heat up next week, hopefully it'll put the bodacious in Bodacious Space Pirates finally.


[Level E]

I beg to differ. Episode 4 was definitely the best episode - its direction and visual stylization were a cut above everything else. And while the middle got a bit pedestrian, particularly in episodes 8-9, the episodes after that and the final arc most of all were quite good.

Episode 4, while interesting enough were it to be on its own, was a case of complete tone whiplash when coming off of ep 1-3. I didn't care for it either when watching, tbh.
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