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She cried rape, he went to prison for 6 years. She met up with him years later...

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False Report of Rape needs to be its own federal crime with fucking steep punishments.

I'm sorry, I know the defense force is going to come at me, but god damn this shit. There are a lot of victims of rape (far more than reported), and that's terribly sad. But there are a ton of women who cry rape as if they were crying wolf, and those evil bitches deserved to be punished with extreme prejudice. I've had this argument on gaf before, but a rape accusation stains a man's image and he is presumed guilty rather than innocent (look at the Duke lacross scandal).
Awful stuff, I also like how she stole 1.5 million tax dollars with no bad consciousness. I assume that money got taken out of the school budget, pleasant girl.

I'm sure the school system had some sort of legal liability coverage, but I wouldn't be shocked at all if some school employees in that district were fired over this.


The more I think about it the angrier I get.

If the money isn't taken away from the bitch at the very least, fuck the world.

Also his name will be removed from the sex offender list. Right? Such bullshit.


Probably had some kind of stipulation that she wouldn't face any consequences if she admitted it so the court could clear his name.




Tagged as I see fit
6 years in prison for a lie? I cannot wrap my head around this.

1.5 M to send an innocent man away...how empty do you have to be? Then to say I don't want to tell the truth because they'll make me give the money back? I don't understand.

Edit: I hate to say it, but shouldn't he get to sue for whatever salary he potentially could have made while he was wrongfully incarcerated + whatever on top of that for you know being prison while innocent?
1.5 million is not enough. I'd say he finds some lawyers and shoots for lost wages that he would've received for being a mediocre NFL player. Let the lieing bitch burn!


Damn he could have at least played college football if he wasn't in prison. His prime years are all gone.

His football playing days are over if he's 27 and hasn't touched a football in 10 years. So yeah, college playing days never happened.. However unlikely, potential NFL playing days never happened. He's a registered sex offender so now he has to do the process of being removed from that list. Lost 10 years of his life along with his reputation. Shitty situation for the dude, and getting that $1.5 mil settlement should be a minimum. She should also have to pay restitution to him for all those years and for potential losses that he suffered due to his incarceration.
The more I think about it the angrier I get.

If the money isn't taken away from the bitch at the very least, fuck the world.

Also his name will be removed from the sex offender list. Right? Such bullshit.
This is my main concern for the man. I was under the assumption that the sex offender title sticks no matter what, but I hope I'm really wrong.


False Report of Rape needs to be its own federal crime with fucking steep punishments.

I'm sorry, I know the defense force is going to come at me, but god damn this shit. There are a lot of victims of rape (far more than reported), and that's terribly sad. But there are a ton of women who cry rape as if they were crying wolf, and those evil bitches deserved to be punished with extreme prejudice. I've had this argument on gaf before, but a rape accusation stains a man's image and he is presumed guilty rather than innocent (look at the Duke lacross scandal).

This is a shitty thing to do to someone but lets not make it even harder for someone to admit they were raped by making it a federal crime if you 'False Report'. That would destroy years of progress.


His football playing days are over if he's 27 and hasn't touched a football in 10 years. So yeah, college playing days never happened.. However unlikely, potential NFL playing days never happened. He's a registered sex offender so now he has to do the process of being removed from that list. Lost 10 years of his life along with his reputation. Shitty situation for the dude, and getting that $1.5 mil settlement should be a minimum. She should also have to pay restitution to him for all those years and for potential losses that he suffered due to his incarceration.

No way man



America please make the legal age 16 like most of the rest of the world.

man that is tough, but I do agree what his lawyer told him, doing a he said, she said probably wouldn't help him in the end, since I believe most people would side with the female regardless of evidence.

hopefully she gets screwed over, he deserves all the money.

Yeah unless the defendant had rock solid evidence proving his innocence, he'd probably have lost the case and ended up with a far worse sentence. Shit's just crazy that simply being innocent isn't enough to keep you out of jail and your whole future could be ruined in a blink of an eye.


Hopefully he can bring a civil suit against her. She probably doesn't have a penny to her name anymore though.

Also his name will be removed from the sex offender list. Right? Such bullshit.

It likely will, but that's not going to erase his internet record.

According to that ESPN article, he's still trying to get into sports though, so at least he wouldn't have to worry about traditional employment if that works out.


This is a shitty thing to do to someone but lets not make it even harder for someone to admit they were raped by making it a federal crime if you 'False Report'. That would destroy years of progress.

How so? It's not like this bitch came to court and told everyone she lied.

Also, it should exist. Because no matter how hard it makes things, it doesn't make sense to give a free pass in situations like this, it's ridiculous, it's almost like legalizing a serious serious crime.


are they both going to be charged with statutory rape now? Because having sex with a minor is illegal in California. This would be a misdemeanor


this is why I can't be a "white knight" for rape cases. This happens far too often.

Sorry, but it's worse to be accused of this falsely than to be raped and still have your freedom.
many people would do much worse things for 1.5 mil and never bat an eye.

I honestly can't imagine many things short of murder that are worse than what she did. What she did was pure evil, one of the worst things I can imagine doing to another human being and would feel it justifiable if he wanted her dead now.


are they both going to be charged with statutory rape now? Because having sex with a minor is illegal in California. This would be a misdemeanor

I would think it wouldn't matter. His time already served for a crime he didn't commit would have more than covered a misdemeanor.


fuck that lawyer.

plead to a crime i know i didn't commit? get the fuck out.

A friend of a friend and former co-worker is serving a 25 yr sentence for kidnapping and attempted rape because he refused to plea down. The most he did was grope the woman through her clothes, though he did grab her and force her into a stairwell to do it.

False Report of Rape needs to be its own federal crime with fucking steep punishments.
If she knew she could be doing federal time, there's no way she would have admitted her lies to this man.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Good god this is so fucking rage inducing. Lock her up, have her pay him the money.
This does nothing but ruining a man's life and complicating even more all the issues of real rape victims.

How the hell can people like that sleep at night.

Devolution would slay you right now if she wasn't banned.
And for good reason.


What a shitty situation for that guy, losing 6 years of his life for doing nothing wrong. Hopefully he gets something out of this and the woman sees some jail time for lying

He'll get losing his football scholarship and being branded a sex offender with no opportunity for meaningful employment. She'll have to hand back a portion of her ill-gotten money.


Oh man my blood is boiling. Bitch is insane.
Must contain rage.

This is my main concern for the man. I was under the assumption that the sex offender title sticks no matter what, but I hope I'm really wrong.
That's what I thought too.

Hopefully he can bring a civil suit against her. She probably doesn't have a penny to her name anymore though.

It likely will, but that's not going to erase his internet record.

According to that ESPN article, he's still trying to get into sports though, so at least he wouldn't have to worry about traditional employment if that works out.
Sigh such a shame.


Yes it would, despite your ignorance on the subject.

I said it in another thread and I stick by it. Why would real victims be scared of coming forward if there isn't anything to lie about?

If you are found to have made up the crime, you should get fucked for it, period. I don't give a shit what any of you politically correct people have to say.

He got six years? Give her 12, plus giving the money that she earned to the rightful victim.


False Report of Rape needs to be its own federal crime with fucking steep punishments.


I'm pretty sure making false claims is already a crime. It's kind of dumb that his conviction has been reversed, yet she hasn't been charged yet. Fucking legal system, how does it work.
What a terrible person. I would probably be going back to prison after she met with me and came clean about being a greedy bitch.

She's probably looking for some sort of way to lift the burdon on her soul.

"Hey, I know I sent you to prison for 6 years. I just want to tell you I'm sorry, but I did it for the money. You understand right?"


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
goddamn, set this world on fire, I'm done. To know there are people like her out in this world fucks with my head too much. How you can be so goddamn evil... just purely evil and continue to live on this earth un-punished.



6 fucking years of his life, wasted in a prison cell for a crime he didn't commit.
Goddamn, what a horrible story. How could she even live with herself all those years.
In a strange turn of events, the woman who accused him a decade ago friended him on Facebook when he got out of prison. Wanetta Gibson explained she wanted to "let bygones be bygones."

If this isnt the troll of the forever, I dont know what is.
If we lived in a world where this woman would face steep penalties for this than she probably wouldn't have came forward. I don't know what to do with that information.
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