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REMEMBER the dArk knight rises UnmaRked spOileR threAd | You only legend once

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Thinking more on the ending.

Alfred was broken up because he really thought Bruce was dead. Sometime later Bruce gets in touch with him to stay with him Europe.

I don't think the meeting was coincedental. Unless Bruce and Selina tracked down Alfred and came to him.

The autopilot thing went totally over my head, but it makes sense now.
Isnt all this, really obvious?

I mean you are not the only person who is unclear on the ending and I felt it was explained in a quite straight forward way. And then we have people criticizing it for being too obvious.
I really thought the movie would end when Alfred looked up and nods, then straight into the credits. I think I would've preferred it that way...

But I guess that would've pissed off a load of idiots like inception. So what does it mean? is he alive? PLEASE EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TO ME! Derp

problem too is Batman is loved by all ages and since they want to sell a couple million toys you cant have kids heroes dying in their own movie unfortunately


The only things I really rolled my eyes at were when JGL came to Wayne Manor and was like, yeah Bruce, I know you're Batman. And then at the climax with the dialogue that was exchanged between Bats, Cats and Gordon.

Other than that I had a pretty good time. Bane could have been more of a force, and he certainly was made to look weak during the plot turn, but it could have been worse.

I can't wait to watch it at home on BD.


yea stilll loved the JGL rise ending too.

Yeah that was the nuts! I couldn't remember the order the scenes was in.

Did anyone else stay till the end of the credits? :) 6 people stayed till the end, and we all had a good laugh when there was nothing, we'd all been fed false info
Isnt all this, really obvious?

I mean you are not the only person who is unclear on the ending and I felt it was explained in a quite straight forward way. And then we have people criticizing it for being too obvious.

People being confused about the ending must have been high. Me and my wife both thought Nolan was really really leading the audience step by step. I wished it had just shown Alfred nodding and that had been it. Seeing people be confused makes me realize how insanely obvious directors have to be about everything and subtlety is impossible.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
and come on, Fucking Batarangs make a reappearance!


I assume that Bruce used the one working bridge to cross back into Gotham. Of course he wouldn't just walk on the road, so I assume he stealth across along the cables at the top of the bridge, or somehow along the bottom of it. Had to be up there to spray on a flamable batman symbol ;)


They could at least take a line to explain something like that then. They were pretty blatent with things like Ra's being a hallucination and actually flashing to Gordon putting a coat on little Bruce's shoulders. They smacked you right in the face with that stuff, but for some reason they leave out any explanation of how Wayne got half way around the world. It just shows how unbalanced the writing was.

Actually, did they ever explain how the aircraft survived the explosion?


I mean yeah, I get him retiring. Other peoplehave worn the cowl over the years. But its so far out of character for Wayne to completely leave Gotham behind and hand all his responsibility to someone who has none of his training. It took him years to train to be Batman and he's leaving it up to some random cop.

In the last movie he was even telling people to stop trying to be the Batman. How are the guys running around in hockey gear with shotguns any better then putting a cop in his suit with no training. Its just careless, he's setting up JGL to fail. Doesn't seem like something Wayne would do.

Who said Robin had to suit up that week? He could train for a few years and come back. Hell he could probably ask Bruce to train him.


Good movie. 7/10. BB was better though. BB > TDK > TKDR

I fucking LOVED IT. Let's get this out of the way straight away - in some ways this is the very worst entry in the series, and in some ways its the very best entry in the series. It is BY FAR (like much, MUCH more than even BB) the most comic book-y of the films.

As such, it carries a whole host of contrivances and holes in the plot and the film's internal logic that trump anything seen in either BB or TDK. Big time. I suspect this is a movie that will have its nits picked to an extent that would make the nitpicking done on TDK seem tame. Also, time and distance are played extremely fast and loose with, and as such, I would probably would say its the messiest movie of the three, from an editing and plotting perspective. Some of the characters, Bane and Miranda Tate chief among them, were not nearly as well developed as Rhas was in BB or The Joker or Harvey were in TDK. Fabulously acted, but both felt as though they needed some more meat on their bones. The action wasn't bad at all, and most of it was clearly shot, but as usual it lacked that stylistic and editing prowess that Nolan's action always does. So yeah, TDKR has its problems.

Thankfully, it's also FUCKING AWESOME. Bruce's arc, which has always been the heart of the franchise for me (and his backseat role in TDK is one of the reasons I am down on that film), gets the treatment and the screentime it deserved, and Nolan pulled it off brilliantly. Like, fucking amazingly. I had the biggest smile on my face during the final scenes. The heart and emotional undercurrent that drove BB has returned here in droves, and Bale really gets to shine. It really felt like the ending to an epic trilogy, and it really went out with a bang. The final few minutes were just perfect. I suspect there will be some controversy arise out of some of the final events, but I felt there were all thematically justified and struck just the right note for me. I was 100% completely satisfied with the journey of Bruce Wayne.

There is a whole host of fanservice in this movie, but you know what? That shit fucking worked for me. TDK and especially BB have heaps of references to them, both overt and subtle, and I ate that shit right up. The cast was great as usual, with the real standouts aside from Bale this time being Michael Caine and Anne Hathaway. Caine just fucking slays me when he gets on with the emotional stuff, and Anne absolutely owned her role and definitely came to play. So many great scenes that I know I've likely forgotten half of them already, yet some of them are instantly unforgettable to me.

A bold, unconventional, out there conclusion to a flawed, but very special trilogy for me. It's Chris Nolan being Chris Nolan, and all the good and the bad that comes with it, and he nailed this one for me. A script with issues triumphed over by a movie with character arcs and emotional beats that resonate.
But then people would just be like "man we didn't need to have that explained, we're not idiots". Filmmakers just can't win no matter what.
I don't know about that. I'd like to see Batman be, you know, Batman. Use whatever resources he has to do something other people can't do. Especially when a huge plot point is how beaten and broken he is.

At least be consistant. If you're going to show a flashback of something literally said 5 seconds before I think you should explain an amazing feat like getting half way around the world in a few days when you aren't supposed to have anything left to your name. I mean he just shows back up in Gotham and no one is like "Holy shit what happened to you?"


Bruce himself was the 'clean slate'. Not some piece of hardware or software.

Bruce helped her escape and start fresh, as the final scene clearly shows.
Then what does he hand over to her? It seems as if it is a real thing that they have utilized. I understand that Bruce has "disappeared" in the past (having now officially been declared dEad twice in the Nolan-verse), but he clearly gives her some sort of device that is implied to be the Clean Slate. Unless that is some horribly overdone symbolic shit.


Who said Robin had to suit up that week. He could train for a few years and come back. Hell he could probably ask Bruce to train him.

He's going to ask Bruce in Italy to train him?

I actually expected Bruce to be waiting for Robin in the cave when we first saw him going there. But then he's randomly in Italy.


Yeah that was the nuts! I couldn't remember the order the scenes was in.

Did anyone else stay till the end of the credits? :) 6 people stayed till the end, and we all had a good laugh when there was nothing, we'd all been fed false info

I always stay to the end to enjoy some music at least.

But this was a finale. What would an extra scene accomplish?

I don't think doing an extra scene in the credits is Nolan's style.

When are the rumors going to start that Levitt is going to come back in the 2015 reboot?


Beat EviLore at pool.
Thought about how they could do a sequel. Have Bruce see a news report about Gotham. Being in bad shape again and Robin isn't doing such a great job. Bruce comes back trains him. Make the bad guy Hugo Strange it could be awesome.


Then what does he hand over to her? It seems as if it is a real thing that they have utilized. I understand that Bruce has "disappeared" in the past (having now officially been declared dad twice in the Nolan-verse), but he clearly gives her some sort of device that is implied to be the Clean Slate. Unless that is some horribly overdone symbolic shit.

that chip was just a show to convince her. the device never existed.

bruce helped her disappear. and that is that.
if i was to guess, id say the chip had instructions on how to find him after his 'death'
I can most of what he says since there's usually no music and his accent isn't thick.

I can't figure out if I'm losing hearing, the music is too loud, or bad editing for other shit tho.
There were definitely some scenes where the music completely overpowered the dialogue. It was very annoying.


My guess;

BB 9.5/10 >> TDK 7/10
Good movie. 7/10. BB was better though. BB > TDK > TKDR
No sequels please.

Also I loathed the Robin reference. I thought Nolan said he would never do that crap. A lot of the fanservice just felt superfluous and dragged the movie down. I could have done without the entire Scarecrow scene.


Just got out of the movie. Overall, I'm very happy with it. I've got a few nitpiks here and there, but they don't hold or diminsh the movie overall.

Quick question; did Bane sound weird to anyone else the beginning of the movie? I thought the theater sound was messed up or something - It sounded much better later on. Then again, I watched the IMAX prologue a bunch of times, so I was probably getting used to the new voice.
I fucking LOVED IT. Let's get this out of the way straight away - in some ways this is the very worst entry in the series, and in some ways its the very best entry in the series. It is BY FAR (like much, MUCH more than even BB) the most comic book-y of the films.

As such, it carries a whole host of contrivances and holes in the plot and the film's internal logic that trump anything seen in either BB or TDK. Big time. I suspect this is a movie that will have its nits picked to an extent that would make the nitpicking done on TDK seem tame. Also, time and distance are played extremely fast and loose with, and as such, I would probably would say its the messiest movie of the three, from an editing and plotting perspective. Some of the characters, Bane and Miranda Tate chief among them, were not nearly as well developed as Rhas was in BB or The Joker or Harvey were in TDK. Fabulously acted, but both felt as though they needed some more meat on their bones. The action wasn't bad at all, and most of it was clearly shot, but as usual it lacked that stylistic and editing prowess that Nolan's action always does. So yeah, TDKR has its problems.

Thankfully, it's also FUCKING AWESOME. Bruce's arc, which has always been the heart of the franchise for me (and his backseat role in TDK is one of the reasons I am down on that film), gets the treatment and the screentime it deserved, and Nolan pulled it off brilliantly. Like, fucking amazingly. I had the biggest smile on my face during the final scenes. The heart and emotional undercurrent that drove BB has returned here in droves, and Bale really gets to shine. It really felt like the ending to an epic trilogy, and it really went out with a bang. The final few minutes were just perfect. I suspect there will be some controversy arise out of some of the final events, but I felt there were all thematically justified and struck just the right note for me. I was 100% completely satisfied with the journey of Bruce Wayne.

There is a whole host of fanservice in this movie, but you know what? That shit fucking worked for me. TDK and especially BB have heaps of references to them, both overt and subtle, and I ate that shit right up. The cast was great as usual, with the real standouts aside from Bale this time being Michael Caine and Anne Hathaway. Caine just fucking slays me when he gets on with the emotional stuff, and Anne absolutely owned her role and definitely came to play. So many great scenes that I know I've likely forgotten half of them already, yet some of them are instantly unforgettable to me.

A bold, unconventional, out there conclusion to a flawed, but very special trilogy for me. It's Chris Nolan being Chris Nolan, and all the good and the bad that comes with it, and he nailed this one for me. A script with issues triumphed over by a movie with character arcs and emotional beats that resonate.

What was your reaction when R'as appeared?


No sequels please.

Also I loathed the Robin reference. I thought Nolan said he would never do that crap. A lot of the fanservice just felt superfluous and dragged the movie down. I could have done without the entire Scarecrow scene.

I loved the Scarecrow scene. It actually was just Crane with no tricks and Murphy is such an amazing actor its great to see him no matter how small the part.


Solo, what did you think of Robin?

I thought it was a fun tease for a movie that will never actually happen.

I am downright SHOCKED though at how much of the very earliest of speculation and JOKES actually turned out true :lol

- Miranda being Talia Al Ghul
- JGL being Robin

First thing that was speculated and the first joke that caught on, and both end up being true :lol :lol :lol


People being confused about the ending must have been high. Me and my wife both thought Nolan was really really leading the audience step by step. I wished it had just shown Alfred nodding and that had been it.

They wanted to get Kyle in there—otherwise, I completely agree, and still would have preferred it.
Zen_Arcade said:
They could at least take a line to explain something like that then. They were pretty blatent with things like Ra's being a hallucination and actually flashing to Gordon putting a coat on little Bruce's shoulders. They smacked you right in the face with that stuff, but for some reason they leave out any explanation of how Wayne got half way around the world. It just shows how unbalanced the writing was.

Could have been left on the editing room floor to save time


He's going to ask Bruce in Italy to train him?

I actually expected Bruce to be waiting for Robin in the cave when we first saw him going there. But then he's randomly in Italy.

Bruce almost certainly left a way for Robin to contact him and probably meet him.
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