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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom


Reporting in.

If you want peace and quiet, there's nothing like most of the countryside in Sweden. I just returned from a weekend in the summer house.

Stockholm is nice but I wouldn't want to live there. Gothenburg maaaaybe. Norrland ftw!

Truth. Öland (east side) is where I enjoy spending my time.
I haven't been to Norrland yet but I think I would like it there.


Fan, äter du inte bajssträngen eller? Bajssträngen är ju det göttaste.

Man ska ta vara på fina grejer ;)

edit : also thanks KAOz now I have O'boy all over my keyboard.

Shit, this reminds me i'm out of Oboy since last week.

Reporting in.

If you want peace and quiet, there's nothing like most of the countryside in Sweden. I just returned from a weekend in the summer house.

Stockholm is nice but I wouldn't want to live there. Gothenburg maaaaybe. Norrland ftw!

Where are you fröm fellow norrlänning?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Pablo Escobar wishes he had something like this :



I dreamt that someone asked me where I did my service and I was embarrassed to answer that I didn't do it. Weird because I'm not ashamed of it at all :)

Well... nowadays it is strange to DO it... since its not mandatory.

I was a stridspitt
not really, just wanted to do it...


Short bus special
Weird because I'm not ashamed of it at all :)

I kind of am. Because I really wanted to do it. But due to my asthma I wasn't allowed. My doctor sent in a notice, and I got a letter back stating "You're weak you piece of shit! Don't you even dare show up for testing your physical feats. Also, this document is fully binding, and no court can rule over it. FACT!"

So, I was sad.

I was a stridspitt
not really, just wanted to do it...

A friend of mine was a real fucking soldier. He got to do exercises in urban warfare and shit. In the middle of Stockholm. At night. So badass. Also got to play loads with rocketlaunchers.

Damn, now I feel like Lill-Erik i Siste Oskulden.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I dreamt that someone asked me where I did my service and I was embarrassed to answer that I didn't do it. Weird because I'm not ashamed of it at all :)

I really wanted to do military service, I scored 9's across the board outside of one category I don't remember which. The psych-lady was absolutely ecstatic and had some big plans for me from the way she spoke of my results... though the second we reached the medical exam and they found that I'm virtually deaf in one ear they went :

"Du vet vad det här betyder va?"


"Du får inte tjänstgöra"

I was bitter for ages... still am. Fuck.


I really wanted to do military service, I scored 9's across the board outside of one category I don't remember which. The psych-lady was absolutely ecstatic and had some big plans for me from the way she spoke of my results... though the second we reached the medical exam and they found that I'm virtually deaf in one ear they went :

"Du vet vad det här betyder va?"


"Du får inte tjänstgöra"

I was bitter for ages... still am. Fuck.

Fan va surt, where you born with hearing impairment? :/


Najs, Umeå represent.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Fan va surt, where you born with hearing impairment? :/


Nah but I got very early on, first 12 months or so my parents thought it was weird that I pointed out that the left earpieces of our headphones were all broken. But hey... if I ever give up all hopes of a life and career I'll just lie to the Légion Étrangère and say I can hear well in both ears ;I


Short bus special
Goddamnit, are there no other Örebroare here? Well, except for Yoshichan. But he is too scary to meet up with.



Sweden represent! Jönköping, originally from Sundsvall reporting in!

My family is so Swedish we sent my brother to Ingvar Kamprads school in Lund!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Goddamnit, are there no other Örebroare here? Well, except for Yoshichan. But he is too scary to meet up with.


Well Karlstad is like 50 min away ;I , also yoshi is a kewl cat I stayed at his place for a couple of days and we played some games and ate kickass food.


This thread is lacking our national dish!


While the smörgåstårta (sandwich cake) was invented just in the mid 20th century it can almost be called something of a national dish today.

Most delicious thing ever.
So good, given that I don't really like mine with fish of any kind. I love some quality ham sandwich cake.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Moving to Kalmar in a couple of weeks, afraid people will make fun of my Skånish accent ;(

Send me a clip of you saying "spikskor" so I can laugh for a couple of minutes. Truly the skånish are the jesters of our age.
Swede reporting in from America. Haven't lived in Sweden since I was 5 (but visited either every year or every other year), and then I lived in Dubai until I was 18. Working on getting a university degree in the US of A right now (and hopefully get dual citizenship in the future).

So, I have the benefit of having native-level fluency in two languages, yay.

Fan, vad jag saknar kebab pizza. :(

Jag har bara varit i Jönköping och Göteborg när jag har åkt till Sverige, och det skulle vara kul att se andra delar av landet nån dag...t.ex. Stockholm. Skulle viljla bo och jobba där några år, MEN FAN VA KALLT DET ÄR.

That makes us three.
Three and a half, since my dad's from there. :p Men jag är mer en smålänning...bara utan accenten.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Goddamnit, are there no other Örebroare here? Well, except for Yoshichan. But he is too scary to meet up with.


corky, defend me over here!

edit: I'll defend myself when I'm done with work :mad:
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